Chapter 362
The person outside the mountain gate is none other than Ding Hang, who hadn't seen each other for a long time.

With a movement of the Gui Wugui talisman, a portal was formed, and he said loudly, "Friend Daoist Ding, please come in."

I don't know if the disciples of the lower generation are aware of the change of reality in Tianxuan Shangzhen Cave Mansion.It's too troublesome, and it's better to transform the cave into its real form.

Ding Hang entered through the light and saw the inner wall of the cave, which seemed to be real, and he really didn't make a fuss.However, his eyes quickly fell on the hanging nine-piece necklace-like pearl, with admiration and envy on his face.

Although the Yunzhong School has escaped from the world for a long time, the rules in the school are very strict.

Like the bright pearls used by ordinary disciples for lighting, each has its own system and cannot be surpassed.If it is a disciple of Jindan Realm, only four beads are allowed.If these nine beads are smelted into a string, it will be the true style of Tianxuan.

It seems that Gui Wugui not only won the Chiang Rai Cave Mansion, but also the rest of the treatment, all are determined according to Tianxuan Shangzhen.

Ding Hang was dreaming, suddenly Gui Wujiu looked directly at himself, there seemed to be a smile on his face, his heart skipped a beat, he came back to his senses, quickly took two steps forward, and said with a deep bow: "I have seen you, fellow Taoist."

Gui Wugui said: "What is the purpose of this trip, Fellow Daoist Ding?"

At this time, Ding Hang's clothes and hair ornaments had obviously been cleaned up, and they looked much neater and cleaner. He said: "By the order of Ying Shui Shangzhen, I will bring some foreign objects of cultivation for Gui Dao friends."

Ying Shui Shangzhen is obviously the old farmer's dharma name.

Immediately afterwards, the brilliance in Ding Hang's storage ring flashed, and several large and small boxes of foreign objects fell.

The most important thing is [-] boxes of "Five Star Sand", which is an essential resource for Taoism cultivation in the aboriginal civilization, and it is [-]% similar to the Five Elements Essence Jade in the Jiuzong area.

In other words, the two are originally the same thing, but they are geographically separated and have different endowments, so each has its own local characteristics, showing one or two differences.

Gui Wugui opened a box to look, but saw that the contents were actually as fine as dust, especially finer than the Five Elements Jade.It's a bit of a grievance to call it "sand".

Ding Hang's eyes hooked up, and when he saw the contents in the box, there was a touch of envy in his eyes.

Such slender star sand, comparable to fine dust, can only be obtained by high-level monks above the separation and reunion state.The "star sand" that seems to be used by ordinary golden pills and Yuanying monks is actually cast into blocks.Among low-ranking monks, they rarely call it by the scientific name of "five-star sand", and nine out of ten call it the common name: spirit stone.

Except for the five-star sand, the rest of the treasures were taken out one by one, including all kinds of magic treasures, array diagrams, precious medicines, and even the list of disciples of this sect.
In a blink of an eye, the last wooden box was opened.

When the box was opened, Gui Wujiu suddenly felt a strong vitality overflowing from it.

In the secret room in the southwest, a light shadow flickered, it was Huang Caiwei who used the method of earth escape, turned into a phantom and moved to the front, her pretty face blushed, showing her longing and eagerness.

Huang Caiwei was playing with Huang Xiyin.At this moment when she left suddenly, Huang Xiyin looked around for some reason, thumping her calves, and staggeringly followed her all the way.

Gui Wugui had a little sense of Qi identification, recalling the records in the "Xian Dian" that Da Chang had seen, compared the two, and knew the root of it, he couldn't help being surprised.

What floated on the top of the wooden box was a box of "Essence of Benyuan Wutu" which was extremely effective for the grass and tree spirits. Not much.

Gui Wugui smiled and said, "Since it's prepared for you, take it."

With gratitude in Huang Caiwei's eyes, she thanked her and happily took it away with the box.

Under this wooden box, there are many puppets with strange shapes.Gui Wugui grabbed the top one, which seemed to be a frog.It's just that the knife work is still rough, and only a few strokes are used to outline the shape.

Turned upside down, there is a mechanism hidden in the frog's abdomen.Pull it hard, and a small hole appears.

Ding Hang hurriedly said: "Store it with five-star sand to see its beauty."

Gui Wugui said and injected a pinch of star sand about the size of a little finger.

I saw that the frog suddenly turned green, and even felt a little slippery in his hand.Gui Wujiu was astonished, he didn't expect it to be so lifelike.

The frog made a sudden kick and jumped forward.

Huang Caiwei sent Tu Dunfa to rush here, and now she left in a hurry.Huang Xiyin was young, so she rushed over with great difficulty, stopped to rest for a while, and then turned around.

It never occurred to him that the frog landed precisely on top of Huang Xiyin's head in a single leap, whether it was a coincidence or a hidden mechanism.

Huang Xiyin was startled, and slapped her backhand with her tender white hand.Touching the greasy "frog" body, the little arm bounced away like an electric shock. It seemed to be taken aback, and it froze for a few breaths, and cried out with a "wow".

At this time, the frog jumped forward, and suddenly said: "Coward, crybaby."

"Coward, crybaby. Coward, crybaby."

And so on and on.

Although Huang Xiyin didn't understand what it meant, but the frog was facing her with a mocking look on his face, just like a real person, but she could feel it.

Immediately, he stopped crying, pouted his mouth, and stretched out his feet to step on the frog.

But the frog was nimble, and with a flick of its hind foot, it flew three feet away, avoiding it far away.

One person, one frog, so chasing endlessly.

Gui Wugui looked into the basket again, and realized something.It turned out that these many small objects were all toys for Huang Xiyin.But such an exquisite and wonderful puppet must be the work of a certain great supernatural being who is proficient in this way.Its value is probably not under that box of "Essence of Benyuan Wutu".

Even Huang Caiwei and Huang Xiyin did not lack the things they used, and their sincerity can be seen from this.

Leaving a foreign object behind, Ding Hang did not leave.

Gui Wujiu had a vague idea in his mind, but he still asked: "What else is there for Fellow Daoist Ding?"

Ding Hang looked up, and said cautiously: "From today on, Ding is the follower of Fellow Daoist."

"The hill on the southeast corner of Qinglai Peak is called Fangcun Mountain, and it is where Ding's cave is located. In the card talisman Guidaoyou, there is a way to awaken the prohibition of the four auxiliary mountains."

Earlier, the old farmer ordered him to meet him at Fangcun Mountain, but Ding Hang hurried over without thinking about it.

Only then did I realize that Fangcun Mountain is one of the four auxiliary mountains of Qinglai Peak.Except for Yingshui Peak, the old farmer's cave, the other eleven "Yuhuan Hearts", together with the auxiliary mountain, have been desolate for a long time.

Only then did Ding Hang feel uneasy, not knowing the meaning of sending him here.

Not long after, a decree came to teach him to be a follower without blame.

In terms of merit and potential of both parties, Ding Hang was very willing.It's just that when the edict was opened, a prohibition immediately entered Ding Hang's mind: once he had the idea of ​​revealing the true origin of blameless, he would be wiped out.

At the same time, he warned that from now on, Gui Wujiu's identity is the first descendant cultivated secretly by the Yunzhong School.

This is the reason why Ding Hang seems depressed.

It is conceivable that from today onwards, Ding Hang's contact with his disciples will gradually decrease, and he has to be a marginal figure "beyond the world".

Gui Wugui smiled and said: "After today, if there is anything that needs to be troubled by Fellow Daoist Ding, Gui will thank you in advance."

Seeing that there is no lack of etiquette in Gui Wugui, Ding Hang was a little excited. With this person's qualifications, if he is not a narrow-minded person, he will probably treat his subordinates well.This also has some benefits.

After serious consideration, he added a few words to show his loyalty.Seeing no blame and no other explanation, he took his leave and left.

One day of practice in the cave.

The next day it was bright, Gui Wujiu got up, left the cave and fled far away.Of course, the clothes on his body have become the regular clothes of the true disciples of the Yunzhong School.

Exit the second layer of the forbidden formation of the Twelve Peaks in the heart of Yuhuan, a ring about thirty or forty miles wide, divided into two parts, east and west.The mountains stretching in the east are the residences of monks in the "Three Realms of Heaven and Human Response" such as Huashen, Buxu, and Lihe in the door; while the half ring in the west is the main function of the door, the settlement of the eight halls and twelve dojos .

The previous big competitions in the sect were held in the Tianjun Dojo among the Twelve Dojos.

Since it coincided with the great competition in the sect, it was an opportunity for Gui Wujiu to show up in the Yunzhong faction.It doesn't matter the competition of Golden Core Realm, Gui Wugui's intention is to examine how far the disciples of the Yuanying, who are the direct descendants of the Yinzong, can achieve.

Juntian Dojo is the largest among the eight halls and twelve dojos in the west half ring. Its shape can be regarded as the "partition" of this half ring, accounting for one-sixth of the entire west half ring. Thirty-six miles.

If this is not the case, it will not be able to bear the grand gathering of monks from all over the world.

At this moment, inside and outside the Tianjun Daoist Hall, three thousand banners formed a hidden formation, listing nine formation gates; there were also [-] archways standing up and down at random, each archway turned into nine palaces, and each deacon and Taoist priest greeted and saw them off. Going, busy.

And around the archway, all kinds of flying boats, flying lugs, flying cars, monsters on mounts, and complicated or simple, extravagant or simple, large or small magic weapons, rushing up and down, so dazzling.

But even the highest-flying artifacts, none of them passed the archway at the top.

This archway is unique and out of the ordinary.

Gui Wugui can see clearly that in the Nine Palaces, each seat can accommodate hundreds of people.Then each archway can accommodate [-] people.

Together with more than a hundred archways, they can accommodate tens of millions of people.

But those lower three- and four-story archways looked bustling and full of people. If you look carefully, they are at most one-tenth full.

Even so, it is quite astonishing that a family that ranks low in the hidden sect has millions of disciples.

Gui Wugui didn't want to make trouble, restrained his breath, wandered around the hundred and eight archways of Tianjun Daoist Temple, appreciating and lingering.

At this time, there happened to be a snake that was more than ten feet long and short, passing by Gui Wujiu.

There are two people standing on Jiaoshang, the one in front of him is a tall young man in green shirt with a face like a crown of jade.This person is wearing the robes of a true disciple of Yunzhong, his face is plain, and he stands with his hands behind his back, which is not a sight to behold.

The one supporting his shoulders was a plump and slim girl with bright eyes and white teeth.This girl doesn't wear makeup, but she is a beauty that I still feel pity for.It's just that the woman frowned slightly, and her lips moved, as if she was whispering something.

It's nothing to blame, Dan's strength is concentrated, and everything is heard in his ears.

It turned out that this young man's surname was Jin, he was a first-level disciple of Jindan, and he belonged to the group of true disciples.

The true disciples of the Yunzhong Sect are not like the Yueheng Sect, there are hundreds of generations and nearly a thousand disciples.Instead, for each reconstruction, the number of people is limited to twelve.For example, the Golden Core Realm is divided into three levels, and there are currently thirty-six people in the True Inheritance of the Golden Core Realm.

Not only that, in recent years, in order to select excellent talents, the rules of the school have become more and more stringent.

Like other sects, as long as there is no fault in the true disciples and they pass the examination, except for extremely special circumstances, it is probably impossible for them to leave without reason.But the Yunzhong faction is different. The twelve true disciples of the same realm will inevitably be ranked in the winner and loser. Even if everyone makes progress, the two who rank last in the big competition will also be punished and rewarded.

If it ranks in the bottom two for two consecutive years, it will directly cut off the position of true biography.

This young man surnamed Jin won the ninth place in the last big competition, which is already an extremely dangerous result.But this time, the two people who were originally ranked at the bottom just got an unexpected opportunity and determined to make a comeback.

This is extremely bad news for the young man surnamed Jin.

Gui Wugui listened to it and smiled slightly.He went around and watched many disciples, only to feel that everyone in the sect was working hard, which was quite different from what he imagined.

After thinking about it, I realized that it was because my vision was too high.

From Gui Wujiu's point of view, the Yinzong was suppressed by the holy religion, and its sphere of influence had to be reduced to a very small area, and its influence in the entire human civilization was even close to zero. It should be very aggrieved.

But for the vast majority of monks, being able to join a sect with eight classics is already a distant dream.

Even if it is the holy religion, if it is not possible to directly enter the ancestral Taoist sect, otherwise, for those with great ambitions, it is far better to directly join a hidden sect than to join the Xuanzong sect below.After all, there is still a glimmer of possibility to achieve Tianxuan Shangzhen and Human Tribulation Daoist.

Therefore, everyone here is working hard, especially during this big competition, it is even more high-spirited.

Gui Wugui feels a little bit of vitality, and feels a little bit excited in his heart.Looking back, above the [-] archways, the middle one of the twelve archways on the second floor still has a good location.

In fact, the sparsely populated archway on the top floor has a better view.But Gui Wugui Ya didn't want to show off first, let's talk about it after all the contests are over.So the sixth archway on the second floor was selected.

Turning the light to go straight into it, most of the good positions are occupied by others.

Looking back, there are still two better positions in the first row for the [-]-person space in the middle of the third row.So he turned around quickly, took the seat in an instant, and sat down gracefully.

This one is indeed very good, looking up, outside the gates of the nine formations in front, there are a total of [-] fighting platforms sitting in the capture the flag formation, and you can see everything at a glance.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from my ear: "Brother Jin, there is a good seat here. Today is the 'small election' for the outer disciples, and the brother is here to recharge his batteries. When he leaves in person two days later, It’s also good for keeping your spirits up.”

Gui Wujiu looked up, it turned out to be a deacon Taoist with long beard, nodding and bowing, couldn't help smiling.

Coincidentally, the two he was ingratiating were exactly the true disciple named Jin and his partner who passed by Gui Wujiu's side earlier.

The young man surnamed Jin looked up, with a displeased expression on his face.Frowning, he said, "Wu Mangda. You are too ignorant. Do you want me to stand, or Su'er to stand?"

The steward named Wu Mangda froze when he heard this, and turned around to look.There were originally two seats, but one was taken away in an instant.

The person occupying the position is also wearing the robes of the true disciples, and his face is extremely handsome, but Wu Mangda, who is good at drilling, keeps in mind the appearance and description of the dignitaries in the sect, and at this moment he believes that the Jindan and Yuan in the sect Among the seventy-two true disciples in the Second Infant Realm, there is no such person.

Just now, he saw that Jin Yuanquan, who is a true disciple, randomly found a corner and sat down, and he felt flattered in his heart, and quickly invited the two of them over.

But it's really unlucky to kill such a blind stunned young man.If one didn't handle it well, he would flatter him on the horse's leg, which would have offended Jin Yuanquan for no reason.

Wu Mangda's expression immediately turned sinister, revealing a bit of ferocity, and he said harshly to Gui Wujiu: "Anyone who secretly wears the clothes of a true disciple will be punished with three hundred back fights and face the wall for three years. If you don't want my master to go to the Zhengming Hall to report it, Just hurry up and obediently roll aside, roll as far as you can!"

Gui Wugui frowned, he already knew the origin of this matter.The two young men surnamed Jin did not offend themselves, even though their status is high, there is no reason for them to show embarrassment to others for no reason because of the villain's instigation.

As for this little person who always knows how to exploit, even if he punishes him, he will lose his identity for nothing.

Feeling moved in his heart, Gui Wujiu stretched out his hand and pointed upwards, and asked: "What is the purpose of the archway at the top?"

Wu Mangda was taken aback, not expecting such an inexplicable remark from this person.Immediately blurted out: "Are you out of your mind? You don't even know the real residence of the eight Clutches who are criticizing the Grand Competition?"

Gui Wujiu shook his head secretly, he originally wanted to keep a low profile and didn't want to make too much publicity.I don't want you not to look for things, but things will come to you.

Gui Wugui immediately stood up.

Wu Mangda thought it was Gui Wugui's timidity and gave up his seat, so he quickly put on a smile and called Jin Yuanquan and his female companion to sit down.

Looking back, seeing Gui Wugui got up, but did not leave immediately.He was about to threaten again, but Gui Wujiu raised his arms and laughed loudly: "I am a celestial being, how can I go down to the mortal world!"

Gui Wugui shook his body, immediately soared to the sky, rolled a very violent Dansha, and fled straight to the highest archway!
The majestic danqi overflowed, causing Wu Mangda to throw a somersault, and gnawed on the railing beside him.Even Jin Yuanquan's body shook violently, almost falling to the ground.

Seeing Gui Wujiu's reckless behavior, Wu Mangda's face was startled, and even the anger in his mouth completely dissipated. He stumbled and stumbled with his usual sharp mouth, and stretched out his hand and said to himself: "You... this is... lost... Lost your mind and went crazy! But let's see how the superiors punish you! Be careful and lose your life!"

In the archway, above the main seat.As soon as someone waved his hand, he really wanted to make a move.

At this time, Gui Wujiu raised his sleeve, and a treasure that looked like a seal flashed coldly, shining brightly.

The person who was about to make a move in the original seat was obviously stunned.

But he saw him hastily stepped forward two steps, his voice could be heard faintly: "Fellow Taoist, please sit up."

(End of this chapter)

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