Nothing is to blame

Chapter 369 The Named Cloud

Chapter 369 The Named Cloud

After this big competition of the Yunzhong faction, the faction was boiling, and the aftermath continued for a long time.

What everyone was talking about was the uninvited guests of the final competition, and at the end of the competition, Gao Lan, Wuju, and Meng Yu jointly issued an imperial edict issued by the three separate and united monks.

The imperial edict says: The last person to appear on the scene is named Gui Wujiu, who was discovered by Yingshui Shangzhen when he was wandering around a hundred years ago, and was taught by Shangzhen himself for more than a hundred years.The kung fu learned by Gui Wujiu is the secret technique left by the last person of our school hundreds of thousands of years ago.

The most shocking thing is: this person is blameless, his cultivation base is still in the Golden Core Realm, and he has not yet broken through the Nascent Soul Realm!

If nearly a million people hadn't seen it with their own eyes, this news is really appalling. Anyone who hears it will probably just take it as lies and jokes.

The low-level sects may not be sure about the level of the top monks in each realm.However, as Dazong with complete first-class inheritance of Daozong and Yinzong, his disciples have a clear ruler in their hearts.

In the late stage of Jindan, if he can fight undefeatedly with the monks in the early stage of Yuanying, he can already be said to have a bright future. In the future, he will have a place in the three realms of heaven and man. Which of the borders.

To achieve this step, one must at least have the cultivation base of "Chongying Realm". Among the Yunzhong School of this generation, only Xin Menglong and Zhuang Zhongshu have reached this realm.

If he can go one step further and compete inextricably with the monks in the early stage of Yuanying, then he can be regarded as a peerless talent that emerges once in thousands of years, and is qualified to attack the real existence on Tianxuan.

This kind of person, the Yunzhong School has not appeared in fifteen or six thousand years.

It is worth noting that the so-called Nascent Soul cultivators here are the most common Nascent Soul cultivators, and they are definitely not the first-class true disciples in the sect.

Jindan disciples invited the true biography of the Nascent Soul in Doumen to enumerate the vast ancient books of the entire human civilization for millions of years, and it seems that only a few times were recorded in the book.

A sword to force back the first and second true biography of the late Yuanying period...

In the history of the major hermit sects, and even the Qianyuan and Shangqing sects.Including Renjie Taoist, no one can do it.

Even if it's a trick, it won't work!
The Yunzhong faction is about to usher in a tripod-carrying figure from the ZTE sect, and the next one will rob the Taoist priest?
Two days later, Chiang Rai Terrace.

The main hall of Taiqian Mountain in Chiang Rai, which was stacked and stacked with layers of palaces, finally came in handy.Gui Wugui had already asked Ding Hang to clean up the place in advance, and each chose a hall for Wu Guangting and Xie Tuiqian to live in.

In the middle of the mountain in front of the main hall, no blame is the best strategy, and the "Red Dust and Darkness Formation" is set up, combined with the tempering of thunder and fire, it is the most secure.

It is not only to prevent others from peeping, but also to create an absolutely undisturbed fighting place.

At this moment, within a looming mist, magical powers flowed, and sword qi crisscrossed.The whole space flickered, and the color changed drastically.It seems to be repeatedly washed away by spells, and it seems to scatter rainbows as dyes, smearing willfully in the space of dozens of miles.

Xie Tuiqian stood thousands of feet away, quietly watching Gui Wugui and Wu Guangting fight, a hint of envy flashed in his eyes.

His tactics were too extreme after all.

There are roughly two ways of thinking about Xie Tuiqian's fighting method.Among them, there is a heavy method involved in the "harmful truth formula", which does not focus on responding to the enemy, but focuses on the conception before the battle.

Once this kind of fighting method loses the effect of surprise, its power will naturally be greatly reduced.

And another way of fighting is to take advantage of the speed of escape and the determination of one's heart to resort to the method of putting all one's eggs in one basket and dying with the enemy.

However, this method of warfare is of course very effective when fighting against others, but it is not to blame when encountering it, but it is restrained.

Gui Wujiu was not at all moved by his fierce and unrestrained tactics, attacking against attacking, fast against fast.It's a pity that the result of every fight is that Gui Wugui is on the front line.

In terms of mana, Xie Tuiqian is naturally much stronger.But Gui Wugui's supernatural swordsmanship does not blindly pursue great power.That sword light is enough to kill himself, and it doesn't make any sense to divide the mana into strong and weak.

As for the style of play that sees tricks and tricks, but thank you for pushing the director.

So yesterday he and Gui Wujiu fought for half an hour, then retreated to the side.Wu Guangting is obviously more competent in this infinitely adaptable fighting method.

In the fight.

Gui Wujiu secretly praised Wu Guangting in his heart, Wu Guangting has a very high understanding and changes extremely fast.He is extremely skilled in the use of soldiers, and he is worthy of being the number one figure in the Yunzhong School's Nascent Soul Realm for a long time.

Wu Guangting, however, had a solemn expression, and he played out one after another supernatural powers, without any stinginess in mana.

After several fights with Gui Wujiu, Wu Guangting keenly realized that if he wanted to win, he had to maximize his own advantages of profound mana, so as to have a chance.

With the consent of the blameless, the magic weapon can be used.Wu Guangting decided to use the "thousand-foot micro-wave" supernatural power to advance and suppress, supplemented by the other two supernatural powers with a smaller range but stronger single-point power, and in addition to three swift and irrespective of nails and needles. A combat strategy in which odd and positive uses are complementary, containment and assault complement each other.

This is also the best strategy he thinks he has found.To meet the enemy in this way, there may be some hope of victory.

But once they started fighting, they realized that they still underestimated the strangeness of Gui Wugui's swordsmanship.

Due to the blameless sword intent, attacking the gap and attacking the weak seems to be following the law of heaven, without any hesitation or misjudgment at all. The seemingly surging offensive of his own has lasted for less than half a moment, and he was at a loss and had to switch from offense to defense.

The subsequent deterioration of the situation can be described as a sharp turn, and defeat is just a snap of the fingers.

At the end of the competition, Gui Wujiu, Wu Guangting fell to Duanguang, and got together with Xie Tuanqian.

Seeing that Xie Tuiqian seemed unhappy, Gui Wugui said with a smile: "Although the time you two practiced with Guimou is different, the contribution is generally the same. You don't have to worry about it, fellow Taoist Xie."

This statement is not false.

In the competition with Wu Guangting, he was fully familiar with the fighting style of the Nascent Soul cultivator; however, in the battle with Xie Tuiqian, he could clearly feel where the outstanding late Nascent Soul cultivator here is, where the limit of his ability is when he adopts extreme fighting style.

This will also be a valuable asset for Gui Wugui to fight against other Nascent Soul cultivators in the future.

Xie Tuiqian cheered up a little upon hearing this.

However, Gui Wugui said sternly: "As far as the sharpness of mind is concerned, Fellow Daoist Xie is aggressive, so he is naturally more suitable to be the first true disciple; but purely in terms of fighting methods, Fellow Daoist Xie is more mature."

"If there is no wonder, there will be no uprightness, and if there is no wonder, there will be peril."

"If you don't have an invincible method of correcting the army, and blindly take risks, it will not last long."

Xie Tuiqian was startled, and lowered his head to think carefully about the words of no blame.

Xie Tuiqian would definitely scoff if someone else taught him the art of war.But what he said was blameless, but Xie Tuiqian dared not take it seriously.

Gui Wujiu walked a few steps forward alone, facing the Sifeng Prime Minister in front of him, the quiet scenery of misty clouds and flying birds, he seemed to stop to enjoy, but also seemed to be thinking about something.

Wu Guangting followed, and tried to ask: "I don't know what you are worried about. If it is within Wu's ability, maybe you can do something for you."

Wu Guangting.Xie Tuiqian originally wanted to respect Gui Wu Jiu as a "teacher uncle", but Gui Wu Jiu refused.

According to the meaning of returning no blame, everyone discusses their own opinions, and it is enough for fellow Taoists to match each other.

Gui Wujiu turned his head to look at Wu Guangting, and said with a smile: "Gui is worried about something, in fact, fellow Wu Daoist is helping."

"Without it, I just feel a little bit emotional, and I still need to become stronger."

Wu Guangting was dumbfounded when he heard the words, and he thought Gui Wugui's current cultivation was unprecedented in the same realm, unheard of.

This must be an innocent joke, right?
But Wu Guangting didn't know that what Gui Wugui said was sincere.

Fighting against Wu Guangting and Xie Tuiqian for a day, Gui Wujiu is not satisfied with his current combat power.

Xie Tuiqian's tactics are special, so it's fine.If Wu Guangting went all out to display his supernatural powers, Gui Wujiu would need at least half a cup of tea to win the battle.

too long!
Regardless of the difference between Jindan Realm and Nascent Soul Realm, just compare the cycle and ranking of talents.Considering the Taoist sects, the hidden sects and the nine great superior sects as equal, Wu Guangting and Xie Tuiqian are at most equivalent to talents born once in a hundred years in the history of this sect. There is still a certain gap between debates.

Even if Xuanyuan Huai and himself are not counted, the first-rate geniuses born in the Nine Schools, such as Lin Shuangshuang, Mu Yunli and others, defeating opponents of Xiao and Zhang's level is just a matter of effort.

From this, Gui Wugui firmly believes that the top geniuses in the ancestral Taoist sect and the major hermit sects must have the ability to defeat Wu Guangting and Xie Tuiqian with one move!
There may not be too many such characters, but they definitely exist!
From this point of view, if I want to truly realize those eight characters, I still need to continue to work hard.Especially the method of "Hidden baby in the alchemy" taught by Miao Guanzhi needs to speed up the progress of cultivation.

Wu Guangting said with emotion: "In any case, this time the 'Chongtai Association' has Gui Taoist friends, and the first name is already in the bag of my Yunzhong Sect."

"I really want to see what kind of expression the Nascent Soul True Inheritance of the other eleven hidden sects will have when they are defeated by Gui Daoyou. If you defeat the Nascent Soul with the Golden Elixir, if you do the same thing afterwards, you can still take it." The most top disciples of this faction did not go to battle' as an excuse, it must not be convincing."

Gui Wujiu's heart skipped a beat when he heard the words, he turned his head to look at Wu Guangting, thought for a moment, and said: "You two, please go your own way first. Gui must go out for something."

Yan Bi drove to Dunguang and went to Yingshuitai.

Wu Guangting's words reminded him.

The journey of twenty or thirty miles is just around the corner.Ying Shuishangzhen is still dressed as an old farmer, working hard on the sloped field where he and Gui Wugui met that day.

When Gui Wujiu arrived, the old farmer was carrying two baskets on his shoulders.The baskets are filled with dark gray fine soil, which seems to be some kind of fertilizer.

At this moment, in the few acres of fields, the new seedlings broke through the ground, tender and gratifying.

It turned out that the large and small rocks that he and the old farmer and Gui Wujiu had planted a few days earlier were actually the seeds of some special plant.Now there is a two-inch-high eight-petal black flower growing on the vegetable field, which looks full of vitality.

The two baskets of black soil picked here and there seemed to be the fertilizer for these few acres of small flowers.

Ying Shuishangzhen held a scorched yellow broken ladle, scooped up the floating soil, shook it twice, and then sprinkled it evenly.Asked: "Fellow Daoist's appearance in my Yunzhong Sect was a great success. To be honest, until you fight two truths with one sword, the eight words that the old man said to you will not be considered a real big stone."

"Is there anything else I need the old man to help with?"

Gui Wujiu smiled lightly and said, "Of course it's for the 'Chongtai Association'."

The old farmer straightened his hunched body, and said in surprise: "The old man has passed on the details of the Chongtai Association to the Taoist residence the day before yesterday. I don't know if you have any doubts?"

Gui Wugui said: "How do you write the text of the invitations of the various factions?"

The old farmer nodded and said: "So that's the matter. Don't worry, fellow Taoist, the letter specifically stated that this generation I have sent an incomparable talent in the cloud. The most outstanding disciples in the field come here. Once you lose, don't say that you are unpredictable."

Gui Wugui shook his head and said, "It's not enough."

The Yunzhong faction has not yet mentioned the plan of uniting with the major hermit sects to send a letter to the holy religion.Ying Shuishangzhen's judgment on this matter is consistent with that of no blame.This plan is too appalling, if it makes a mess first, if the rest of the cases are treated as jokes and not taken seriously, then it is not beautiful.

It's better to wait for Gui Wugui to really fight against the other hidden sects and speak with strength.At that time, when the prestige is established, spread this shocking plan throughout the Yinzong.

But with that said, one thing is worth noting.

In the "Chongtai Association", which is held once every hundred years, the top true disciples of each sect, some of them are arrogant and out of the ordinary, they don't necessarily take it to heart, and it is common to refuse to come.

Especially the top talents who come out once in tens of millions of years have the capital not to take this hundred-year meeting in their eyes.

In order to be absolutely convincing in the first battle of the Chongtai Society, and in the view that there is no blame, if the elites of the Twelve Hidden Sects did not come out, it would not be considered a success!

Ying Shuishang really smiled and said: "I know the meaning of fellow Taoists. It's just that as a giant sect that has been passed down for hundreds of thousands of years, there is always some courtesy in dealing with each other. You can't be like the sour scholars in the market, and the shrews scolding the street." generally."

"Could it be that the letter said, I'm going to send you Wugui's peerless talents, and you and the rest are all chickens and dogs, vulnerable to a single blow?"

"I'm afraid even if you say something like this, it may not necessarily work."

Gui Wugui sneered, I didn't expect Ying Shuishang to tell such a cold joke when he was really old.

Gui Wujiu said with a smile: "The local chicken and dog will be spared. But on the way here, Gui Wujiu happened to think of an idea."

The old farmer said with a smile: "Ask Gao Ming."

Gui Wugui said: "Looking closely at the jade slips presented by fellow Taoists yesterday, it is said that the twelve hermit sects participating in the 'Chongtai Association' each kept a jade pillar connected with the same energy, thinking that the winner of the Chongtai Association would keep name, is it not?"

The old farmer twisted his beard and said: "That's true. The name of this pillar is 'Chongtai Shengdou Bang'. No matter which one of the Twelve Hidden Sects will stand it in a conspicuous place of the sect. Fellow Taoists participated in the Dabi the day before yesterday, and then Forty-five miles away, you can see this pillar."

"After each big competition, the host of that session will record the names and sects of the disciples of Jindan and Nascent Soul Realm who won the current Fa Conference on it. The 'Chongtai Sheng' established by the remaining eleven sects Dou Bang' will also update the name at the same time."

Gui Wujiu said solemnly: "There is something I need to trouble Fellow Daoist with."

The old farmer wondered, "What's the matter?"

Gui Wugui smiled and said: "According to the jade slips, 'Chongtai Shengdou Bang' can only be engraved on it by a faction in charge. Therefore, I have to work for fellow Taoists."

"Fellow Daoists, please engrave the five characters 'No Blame in the Clouds' on the winner's title of this year's 'Chongtai Victory List'. This skill is better than a thousand words in a letter."

(End of this chapter)

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