Nothing is to blame

Chapter 375 1st Battle

Chapter 375
Now that Fan Yixing had made an attack, the other [-] or so true disciples all retreated far away in unison.

Although Fan Yixing made a hasty move, the rigor of each move is the instinct carved by hundreds of years of cultivation, and it has not been weakened in the slightest.

The supernatural powers and spells he used are somewhat in line with his own sinister temperament.

But I saw Fan Yixing going up and down, left and back, and his long sleeves were waving endlessly.Streams of black smoke came out of his sleeves, instantly permeated so wide that it was about to engulf Gui Wugui.

The black smoke looks like fog from a distance, and looks like sand up close. It moves up and down and rushes towards things.But the sharpness in it is like a silver steel whip hidden in the soft and ever-changing water.

Looking at its formulas, using the house, walking and storing, the rigidity and softness are three-dimensional, and it has indeed reached a very deep state.

Including Fan Yixing's fellow disciples Zhong Ying and Lu Zuishan, they were worried at the beginning that he would fight out of anger, that he would be impetuous and unable to exert his full strength.But now it seems that Fan Yixing's supernatural power, the thick mana, the essence of change, and the ingenuity of maneuvering are really amazing.

Everyone judged in their hearts that the profound skills embodied in this supernatural power method are definitely beyond their own ability.It is already commendable to be able to survive three or five moves against oneself.

This cloud of smoke permeated the sky, forming a huge net invisible, and it was extremely difficult to escape.

The authentic biographies of the onlookers, exchanging positions in their own places, think that it is extremely difficult to decipher.So his eyes were focused, and he had to see how Gui Wugui would deal with it.

Gui Wugui seemed to be running away at a slow pace, but he just evaded the edge of the smoke.It seemed like a flaw left by the black smoke.

It looks easy, but in fact it is difficult to understand.

Fan Yixing's expression remained unchanged.Raising his hand, half of the smoke condensed suddenly, turning into nine eerie round stones, wrapped in an extremely sharp sound of piercing the air, and swiftly struck Gui Wugui.

Gui Wujiu smiled slightly, a trace of confusion flashed between his five fingers, he stretched out his hand to slap, and he was actually facing the nine boulders head-on.

Fan Yixing sneered in his heart, and confronted head-on with the alchemy power of the Jindan state. Even if Dao Zun controlled it himself, he couldn't even think of getting it right in the hands of a monk in the late Yuanying stage.

It is unwise to Gui Wugui to meet the enemy like this.

But what happened next was obviously beyond Fan Yixing's imagination.Suddenly there was a heavy "balloon" in Gui Wujiu's hand, he leaned sideways on a boulder and lightly pressed it, and it bounced lightly.

In this way, Gui Wujiu easily got rid of Fan Yixing's first attack.Its method, its meaning, lift the weight as if it were light, and it is indescribable.

Fan Yixing's face changed, he knew what it meant.

Immediately forcibly calmed down, took a deep breath, and didn't hold back.However, as Fan Yixing waved his arms, the black smoke either filled a piece, or condensed into balls of different sizes, and the shape changed between offense and defense.

At the extreme point, all the black smoke condensed into one, turned into a three-foot-long boulder and slammed it down.The speed is no less than ordinary magic weapons such as awls, nails, and needles. Coupled with the huge body, the pressure caused is unparalleled.

At this moment, Fan Yixing's supernatural power and secret technique was finally revealed.

The black "smoke" is clearly extremely fine sand.Its luck makes it as desired, and there are almost no shortcomings in the change of offense and defense.

More than that, the black sand can clearly be cut at will and divided into two parts.One of them retains the form of "shawu", while the other part can be condensed into "round stones" of the same size and varying numbers.

In the most extreme state, all the fine sand can be completely collected, making a one-shot blow.

However, it is extremely easy to dodge this seemingly ingenious supernatural power that combines rigidity and softness, point and surface, strength and ingenuity. Just relying on the tiny brilliance that manifests at any time in the palm, one twist, one lean, one touch, one touch If it falls, it will be easily avoided.

No one noticed that Fan Yixing's face suddenly became a little dazed at this moment.

His great supernatural power is the unique knowledge of the Qing Wei Sect, and it is called the "Rock and Mote Method".

Although the method of cultivation has only two steps, it is extremely difficult and harsh.

The first step in practicing this method is to refine a piece of "Wufang Xianrui Copper Pills" that took a lot of material resources to refine into hundreds of thousands of fine sands.The fine sand, the more uniform the better, it is best that one hundred and eight thousand grains are exactly equal.If there is a difference in severity, the power will be greatly reduced, and various loopholes will be formed.

The second step is the "reverse luck method" of the first step, which is to condense the one hundred and eight thousand fine sand grains and turn them into a stone again.

However, this stone is no longer "Wufang Xianrui Copper Ball", but a strange treasure called "Chengjin Ruyi Stone".

In fact, the seniors in the sect said that there is still a third step in the "rock dust method".It's just that this step is almost the absolute purpose of Taoism, and the first two steps must be impeccable before the method can be manifested in the mind.

However, Qing Weizong did not leave clear evidence to prove that this "third step" must have been completed by someone.

There is a record in the door. It turns out that the Weizong of Qing Dynasty had a shadow stone, which recorded the image of a senior who had reached this realm before ancient times.

It's just that more than [-] years ago, the Qing Weizong Jupai migrated to Dongsheng Secret Realm, but the Photo Shadow Stone was lost.

When Fan Yixing was cultivating this supernatural power in the Golden Core Realm, he also had the intention of trying his best to break through the third realm.

However, even if he practiced the second level until it was pure and perfect, the grains stopped evenly, and there was almost no flaw in his supernatural powers, and the mental induction of the third level did not appear.

Fan Yixing put the matter aside.Selfishly conjecture, this is mostly the ancients spreading rumors, or just talking about it.

But in today's battle with Gui Wujiu, the opponent's power is about [-]-[-]% stronger than his own, but between the changes, his so-called supernatural powers and secrets are full of flaws, unusable.

It was because of this seed of doubt that the germination was confirmed, and Gui Wugui's words were more lethal to Fan Yixing than anyone else!
In Fan Yixing's heart at this moment, countless evil thoughts came and went:

Gui Wugui is really four levels higher than himself?

Does the "Rock Mote Method" have a third step?
I haven't cultivated to perfection, is it because I really haven't mastered the first two steps?
What are you talking about reaching the peak, not afraid of floating clouds, in the end, you are still a frog in the bottom of the well!

However, he already has a relatively high degree of confidence in hitting the Profound Sky Realm, which is recognized by the great experts in the sect... Could it be that the aptitude enough to hit the Profound Sky Realm is still so insignificant?
What is so wonderful above the Profound Sky Realm?

Now every time Fan Yixing makes a move, he almost relies on instinct.He didn't notice at all that Gui Wugui's dodge implied the foreshadowing of a counterattack.

After a while, as the sword lights in Gui Wujiu's palm flowed and penetrated inside and out, Fan Yixing's "Rock and Mote Method" gradually appeared to be full of mistakes, like thousands of ant nests growing on the dam, and the defeat only happened overnight. between.

Suddenly, Lu Zuishan shouted: "Brother Fan, be careful..." His voice was quite hurried.

Fan Yixing came to his senses, but it was too late.

As soon as he lowered his head, he realized that while the light and shadow were changing, Gui Wujiu had already slipped close to him without knowing why, and the tip of a broad-bladed giant sword was pointed directly at his throat.

Fan Yixing was like in a dream, but the three words "I lost" seemed to be stuck in his throat, and he couldn't say it no matter what.

Gui Wujiu's clear voice came from next to his ear: "Fan Daoyou's supernatural power is very good."

"It's just that the infinite sand mist and the equal condensed circle are far from the limit of this magical power."

"If Gui's guess is correct, the next level of this supernatural power should be the change of infinite dust from the heart, which can cover the invisible like light smoke, and can form any shape change, but it doesn't have to be limited to a spherical shape. Just, to do At this point, every grain of star sand must be equally divided, without any flaws. Presumably Fan Daoyou has not reached the purest state at the foundation stage of supernatural powers, so he missed the last change."

Fan Yixing's heart was shaken, and among those who were with Qing Weizong, counting the elder who was watching from afar, there was no second person who knew the "Rock and Mote Method".

Did you see it in less than a quarter of an hour of actual combat?

In the world, is there really such a person?
Gui Wugui's expression was very sincere, and he said: "Gui has something to ask."

Fan Yixing looked as sullen as a puppet, and said two words numbly: "Say it."

Gui Wugui smiled and said: "I have already intensively practiced mathematics, so I have already made a decision in my heart. I dabbled in thousands of classics, just for the sake of dialectics, and no longer practice new magical powers. However, Fan Daoyou's magical powers are extremely powerful. It is in line with the tenet of the great way of returning to the flow and endless changes, and it is very consistent with the meaning of Guimou's divine way."

"I'm determined to exchange five real sacrificial utensils for this supernatural cultivation method, how about it?"

"If you can refine this supernatural power, even if it's not enough to use it to attack a difficult situation, it's very flexible to use it as a small supernatural power next to you in your spare time."

These words pierced Fan Yixing's chest like an iron awl, making him unstoppable in pain.Suddenly, Fan Yixing raised his head to the sky and screamed wildly, a mouthful of blood spurted out, his face was as pale as paper, and he fell to the ground trembling and limp.

Zhong Ying and Lu Zushan rushed forward to help Fan Yixing up.

Gui Wujiu shook his head, presumably Fan Yixing suffered less setbacks, so his Dao Xin's tenacity was slightly weaker.

Gui Wugui said loudly: "Which one will end up second?"

As Gui Wugui's gaze turned, he scanned the past one by one.All the true masters hurriedly lowered their heads, not daring to meet his eyes.

Although Fan Yixing was defeated, he was not a person who gained fame, and the magical power of the "Rock and Mote Method" was extremely amazing, and it was definitely not invincible to any of them.

Gui Wujiu's eyes fell on Yan Hanzhang of the Shangluo faction, and he said with a half-smile: "You Daoist Yan, don't you plan to make a move?"

Yan Hanzhang's expression changed, and finally, he seemed a little frustrated and said with a wry smile: "No need."

But with this question and answer, Yan Hanzhang's breath suddenly increased by [-] to [-]%.Not only is his profound skill not inferior to Fan Yixing's, but his vivacious and subtle nature is also enough to keep pace with Fan Yixing.

Except for Fan Yixing himself who was still in a trance, the rest of the true sects looked at each other in blank dismay, unable to hide their shock.

Unexpectedly, there is such a number one person hidden in this group of people.

Thinking back again, Gui Wujiu said earlier that Fan Yixing was ranked third among the crowd, obviously he had seen through Yan Hanzhang's details at that time.

Yan Hanzhang explained sincerely: "Yan's practice is called 'Civil and Military Nine Changes', and it is the most important way to relax. In the past few days, it happened to be in a state of restraint and deep hiding, and it didn't mean that he had any other thoughts. "

Gui Wujiu secretly smirked in his heart, he could only hear half of what he said.If he hadn't been seen through by himself, who would dare to say that Yan Hanzhang didn't take the opportunity to take advantage of an unexpected idea?

But he said calmly, "Yan Daoyou is serious."

Slightly pull up the escape light by tens of feet, condescending.Gui Wugui shouted again: "Which one will end up second?"

There was no one calling three times, and there was no sound.

Gui Wugui looked up to the sky and let out a long roar.As soon as he waved his hand, dozens of foreign objects seemed to slip into Gui Wujiu's hands from the top of Jigu Peak.When everyone took a closer look, they found eleven letterheads, each with a Photo Stone attached to each letterhead.

Gui Wugui tossed his hand, and eleven letter papers scattered out.He didn't throw himself at anyone nearby, but flew far away to the eleven Clutch Masters who accompanied him.

But I heard Gui Wujiu's powerful and clear voice floating in the air: "The four hundred hidden sects were chased by the Qianyuan and Shangqing sects, and escaped from the world in the wilderness. Wouldn't it shame the ancestors of the past generations and the ancient Taoists? Seniors of all schools Xi Zhi: Gui Wuzu set up a game in this universe. The day of victory is the dawn of dawn, and the time when rivers and mountains are restored."

"If everyone's blood is still cold, please open the door of convenience!"

(End of this chapter)

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