Chapter 377

One after another, there are already fifteen or sixteen true biographers who have fought against Gui Wujiu.

The supernatural power system that these fifteen or six hidden sect masters rely on to live and survive has very different styles.

There are methods that are more subtle in change than the two supernatural powers of "Rock Motes" and "Great Qing Lingshuo", and there are also those who are obsessed with the power of one blow and are more extreme than "Nine Sounds of Thunder".But more magical powers are nothing more than making a balance between power and change, and walking out a path that is most suitable for you.

Of course, this is the theory of seeing through the vanity and looking at the top of the house without blame.In the eyes of those with insufficient skills, these divine channeling techniques are extremely dazzling and changeable, but their advantages and disadvantages are unclear.

But no matter what kind of novel method, Gui Wujiu couldn't handle it for half a moment, so he was defeated.

The winner who simply relies on subtle changes has almost no pressure to fight back against Gui Wujiu, and seems to be completely dragged into an unprecedented field and quickly suppressed.

It seems that a wall that was thought to be airtight suddenly turned out to be a fishing net full of loopholes.When he was splashed with clear water, he was immediately infiltrated with nowhere to hide.After a moment of embarrassment, he surrendered the initiative.

And those who win by force, in the gap between turning and changing, Gui Wugui can always accurately find the best time to make a move, and when the opponent's supernatural power is about to be completed, hit the middle and strangle him.

"In terms of meritorious deeds, Fan Daoyou surpassed me by a big realm; but in terms of meritorious deeds, I surpassed Fan Daoyou by four realms..."

With the battle situation in front of us as proof, this sentence echoed endlessly in the hearts of the eleven elders of the separation and reunion realm, and a few true disciples who were on the sidelines with strong understanding.

At first, I thought it was nothing more than blameless words to boost momentum and destroy Fan Yixing's Dao Xin.But now it seems that there is no deep meaning in it.

The blameless cultivation technique has indeed reached an extremely wonderful and unprecedented state.All his meritorious deeds, from strength to subtlety, are integrated into a whole, turning into a flawless, transparent and changing extreme.

In other words, Gui Wugui's supernatural powers seem to be able to be integrated into an "entity" with clear boundaries; while those who are his opponents, their supernatural powers can also be simplified into an "entity".

As long as your "entity" can't surpass it, then no matter what your fighting style is or how wonderful your magical powers are, you will be able to find the most correct coping strategy and defeat you as if you are under water.

Fang Qingkui and Liao Yi's emotions were ups and downs, and they seemed to be able to understand Gui Wujiu's confidence in making this eight-character bet.

At this moment, several true disciples invited to fight one by one, but the result was all doomed, nothing more than a word of "defeat".

Even, due to the gradual diminution of hope, the speed of defeat is getting faster and faster.

After a while, a long-browed young man in a gray robe staggered and fell aside.

Tianliangzong, sheep tongue base.

With Tianliang Zong Yang Tongji's defeat, there is only one person who did not end: Dongmen Zhi, the true biography of Zhenwu Zong.

Gui Wugui turned around and locked his position.Facing Dongmen Zhi with a slight smile, he waited with his hands behind his back.

The brilliance in Dongmen's burning eyes flickered, as if something was on his mind.Immediately, he took a step forward, but his steps were surprisingly slow.

The twenty or so true disciples surrounded Gui Wu Jiu in a fan shape.It stands to reason that the distance is only a few miles, and they can be reached in two steps.But Dongmen Zhi swayed slowly, taking half a cup of tea time.

Gong Shang of the Cangwu sect murmured softly: "Everyone is defeated, without exception. Even if you lose face, you are not bad. This is the true inheritance of the true martial arts sect, but it is exhausting."

Dongmen Zhi finally stood in front of Gui Wugui, and slowly cupped his hands, uttering every word, as if stuttering.Said: "Return to Taoist friends, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm going to Zhenwuzong..."

Gui Wugui smiled playfully, and suddenly started it first.He didn't let Dongmen Zhijiang finish his greetings.

The sword light shines like a shooting star all the way, and stabs directly at the center of Zhimei at the east gate.

Dongmen Zhi Shi Shi Ran's attitude disappeared instantly, and his body immediately froze.He didn't even make any resistance, just stood there as if accepting his fate.

But in his arms, feet, chest and abdomen, a burst of purple light suddenly burst out, turning into a small and messy mist, rolling endlessly.

A moment later, Jianguang floated between his eyebrows, like a small firefly.

Dongmen Zhi let out a long sigh and said, "I lost." There seemed to be a bit of frustration in his voice.

This competition can be described as mysterious and mysterious, and the other true biography cannot understand it.Finally, I couldn't help but communicate with each other and exchange ideas.But under the discussion, it is still inexplicable.

If it wasn't for the burst of purple light, these people would have thought that Dongmen Zhi was a self-defeating and sensationalist; but now it seems that he did use some extraordinary means secretly, but he still didn't escape the judgment of blame.

Dongmenzhi's person, although his skill is not the highest among the more than twenty true biographers, his eyesight is top-notch.If it wasn't for the fact that his foundation was slightly damaged when he entered the Tao, his potential was not inferior to that of Yan Hanzhang and Fan Yixing.

He is one of the few people who sees something mysterious.Gui Wugui's cultivation base has reached a wonderful state of gathering and returning to one.With one's own magical powers, entering the fight openly and aboveboard, there is no chance of winning.

The true biographies of most of the factions in the field whose merits are similar to their own have already been verified.

If you use all subtle changes, it will be a dead end, but if you want to crush with deep mana, the gap between shots will naturally be caught and broken in one fell swoop.

And Dongmenzhi has a supernatural power called "Xinchao". This supernatural power is the same as the "Nine Sounds of Thunder" by Fan Yixing Shawu Guiyuan of Qing Weizong and Sijiu of Daningzong. .

But what is even better than "Nine Sounds of Thunder" is that the supernatural power of "Heart Tide" is extremely insidious. As long as the person who activates it faces the opponent within a certain distance, the process of this technique's secret activation to the apex is completed silently. I can't feel the change of air mechanism at all.

Even from the looks of it, the caster can perform simple actions such as flying away and uttering words.

All supernatural powers with all their strength will inevitably have a preparation from low to high, from accumulation to explosion.The more refined the practice, the shorter this process will naturally be, but no matter who it is or how powerful it is, this "gap" will not disappear out of thin air.

This is the constraint of Taoism.

Gui Wugui defeated five or six true masters of similar tactics, including Si Jiu, all by seizing this "gap" of performance.

But from another point of view, if the general trend has been achieved, once the advantage of mana that is several times stronger is realized, no matter how subtle the mana is, it will be impossible to recover.

If he had been deceived by deceit during the preparation stage of this supernatural power, then he would have an opportunity to take advantage of.

However, he still failed.

At this time, Dongmen Zhi had a clear understanding: the consummation of Gui Wugui is not only the consummation of mana, supernatural power, and adaptability.Even eyesight and telepathy are perfect!


Thinking of this, Dongmen Zhi couldn't help asking: "Dare to ask, how did Fellow Daoist Gui see it? Did you see it directly, or did you sense the mystery on a whim?"

Gui Wugui thought for a while, and said truthfully: "It's both."

Seeing that Dongmen Zhi was very disappointed, Gui Wugui smiled and said, "You don't have to be discouraged, fellow Daoist Dongmen. Very few people can see through your supernatural power. If your skills are pure and only slightly better than yours, it will be difficult to see through the mystery of."

"As a major disciple, although the supernatural powers he has cultivated are various, their foundations are relatively stable, and their skills and combat power are also generally stable. The space for winning by surprise is very narrow, and the weak can defeat the strong. It is a very small number of cases. The supernatural power of Dongmen Daoist has the potential to overcome the above, even though it is a trick, it is already extremely rare."

When Dongmen Zhi heard the words, his depression was relieved a little, and his mind gradually became relieved.

Fang Qingkui glanced at Liao Yi, and sighed, "I never thought that the noble sect would have such a method."

The Elder Lihe of the Daning Sect said: "Dongmen Zhi of your faction also contributed a lot. The value of this last fight is no less than the first fight between Gui Wujiu and Fan Yixing. Taking this as proof, Presumably, none of the cases would object to the opening of the 'Quan Dao Hui'. Even the eight characters, each faction will seriously consider its feasibility."

The supernatural power of "heart wave" can be regarded as a rather unpopular test.After passing this hurdle, Gui Wugui's status in the hearts of all the elders in the separation and reunion realm has been elevated invisibly.

This competition is over, and everyone's true biography is over.Although it stands to reason that there should be a competition for Jindan disciples.But everyone knows that this year's Chongtai Conference has already become a stage for Gui Wugui alone.

Besides, all the elders in the Leaving and Healing Realm are thinking about something bigger than the sky, so they have no intention of staying longer.

Fang Qingkui and Liao Yi looked at each other, and the rest of the elders also stepped forward, saying: "Fellow Daoist's proposal, after returning to the sect, I will definitely convey it to Shangzhen as soon as possible."

Liao Yi was not far behind, and said: "There are five Shangzhen in my Zhenwu sect. Once Shangzhen agrees to the matter of Quan Daohui, can I directly propose it in the name of Zhenwuzong? Or will the noble sect speak? "

Gui Wugui said: "Elder Lao Liao is here."

After Liao Yi's death, several people secretly slandered in their hearts that this old man actually made a plan for Tianxuan Shangzhen in advance in order to get closer.If it fails at that time, it depends on how you end up.

But having said that, among the other three sects, there are more than three sects with great abilities in the Profound Sky Realm, the Xuanhu Sect, the Qingwei Sect, and the elders of Shangluo Sect, all scrambling to make the same promise.

Fang Ming, the elder of the Lingbao Sect, also wanted to intervene.It's just that there are only two Shangzhen in their sect, even if they join hands with Yunzhong Pai Ying Shui Shangzhen, they can make up the number of three.But compared to those four sects, it was a bit more cumbersome, so they couldn't open their mouths.

Suddenly, Elder Fang Ming had a flash of inspiration, stepped forward to salute Gui Wugui, and said with a smile: "After the old man returns to the sect, he must ask Shangzhen as soon as possible, whether he can give the 'Great Qing Lingshuo' as a gift. In the hands of fellow Taoists, it will definitely shine. As for the five real sacrificial vessels, there is no need to mention the five pieces of true sacrificial vessels.”

No matter what his intentions are, he will thank you with a smile.

After a while of pleasantries, each family left one after another.It's just that Qing Weizong and his party walked at the end intentionally or unintentionally, and unconsciously opened a distance of more than ten miles from the other ten sects.

Another half moment passed.

Gui Wugui chuckled, and said leisurely: "Come out. Everyone else is gone."

(End of this chapter)

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