Chapter 384 Interpreting Dao News Top Ten Secret Places
The place where Yingshui Shangzhen entertained him this time was no longer the vegetable field on the back slope of the auxiliary mountain, but in the cave mansion behind Yingshui Terrace.

Once Gui Wujiu entered the room, he was not surprised when he saw the scene in front of him.

Ying Shuishangzhen is still dressed as a simple old farmer, but his cave is resplendent and resplendent, just like an emperor's palace.

Gold pillars and jade couches, pearl curtains, light gauze partitions, and layers of purple wood.

Not only that, every three feet, there are four men, four women and eight waiters standing aside with their heads bowed, not giving orders, like clay sculptures and wood carvings, motionless.

Gui Wujiu has seen a lot of grand and magnificent places in various ashrams, but Gui Wujiu has never seen such a delicate and exquisite residence for cultivators.

At this moment, Yingshui is really sitting on a jade couch that is about Zhang long.In the middle of the jade couch is a delicate square table with low legs, which seems to be made of wrought copper.The seat on the opposite side was vacant, which was reserved for Gui Wugui.

The scene of the old farmer sitting on the jade couch is almost the same as that of the beggar entering the palace.

Ying Shui really smiled and said, "Please sit down."

Seemingly seeing the surprise on Gui Wujiu's face, the old farmer sighed, "Correcting the mistakes is just a last resort. Fellow Daoist sees something fresh, so there is nothing wrong with it."

Although Ying Shuishangzhen said this to Gui Wujiu on the surface, he didn't expect Gui Wujiu to understand it, and it was a kind of "self-talk" after all.

But Gui Wujiu frowned slightly, and guessed roughly what Ying Shuishangzhen meant by that.

The two sit down as guests and hosts.

Ying Shuishang really stretched out his finger and pointed to Yuzhan in front of Gui Wujiu, and said, "You might as well give it a try, fellow Taoist Gui."

Gui Wugui heard the words and lifted the white porcelain cover of the jade cup, and a dense mist wrapped in a delicate fragrance radiated out.The water in the cup is very clear, but the bottom of the cup is clearly visible, with five or six small black flowers blooming and swaying gently.

Gui Wugui held up the porcelain cup and took a sip.

This water is extremely smooth and thick, no less thick than honey, but refreshing and pleasant, it is better than spring water. The fragrance penetrates deeply into it, and after drinking it three times, the aftertaste is especially strong.

The old farmer smiled and said: "It's not all old people's treats. Being able to drink this tea is also a credit to fellow Taoists."

Gui Wujiu's heart moved, he said in surprise, "Is it... the stone that was planted that day?"

Ying Shui really smiled and nodded.

Gui Wugui smiled and said: "Even if Gui has contributed a little bit, but if Chongtai won this time, I think I wouldn't be able to drink this tea."

Ying Shuishang really chuckled, and said: "If so, even if the old man is willing to invite you, I'm afraid fellow Taoists won't have the heart to drink it."

The two understood each other and smiled at each other.

After each drank three cups, Yingshui Shangzhen said: "The invitation today is to tell friends. The opening of the 'Quan Daohui' is already done. The three of Zhenwuzong are really quick to make a move. In the name of Zhenwuzong, open the It will be another Dao interpretation conference in the past [-] years."

Gui Wugui nodded and said: "This favor, Gui has written it down."

Ying Shui Shangzhen said again: "However, although the 'Quan Daohui' can only be opened by the three Tianxuan Shangzhen, the specific date is still somewhat particular. It is necessary to choose the most suitable five major ley lines within a year. It cannot be done today. In this way, the loss of the power of the veins can be minimized."

"So the official opening date of the 'Quan Dao Hui' will be after March."

Even with Ying Shuishang's real eyesight, he didn't see through Gui Wugui's lead over Fan Yixing, Yan Hanzhang, etc. In fact, the gap is not that big.At this moment, he is extremely confident in Gui Wujiu's victory in the "Quan Daohui", and he doesn't care too much about matters here.

Gui Wugui remained calm and nodded.

This time interval was actually just what he wanted.If the gap is too long, it will delay your own practice; but if it is too tight, there will be insufficient time to polish the alchemy baby's skills.

Ying Shuishangzhen raised the copper pot on the case, filled another cup of hot water for himself and Gui Wujiu, raised his cup and took a sip, and said: "News from Qing Weizong and Lingbao Sect. The two supernatural powers of "Great Qing Spirit Shuttle" will be delivered in a few days. It is just that you need to choose an auspicious day, and you must first inform the ancestor priest."

Gui Wugui smiled and said: "Then I would like to thank the two sects for their kindness."

The local civilization behaves completely differently from the Nine Schools. Although "Great Canon" and "Zhengjing" are the most important, they are related to Taoism and law, and they have no immediate results, so it is not impossible to donate them; on the contrary, the six "Guides" that are related to the actual combat power of the sect in the past tens of thousands of years are strictly controlled.

However, Qing Weizong didn't mention the fact that Yun Guihai joined the sect, it seems that it was intentional to form a tacit understanding.

After all, if the transfer to the court is successful, it can be regarded as a relationship; at this moment, it seems that it is easier to do something, but it is inferior.

Ying Shuishang Zhenben has conveyed several news, and Gui Wugui is about to say goodbye and leave.But after more than ten days of absorbing the exercises of eleven families in the cave, Gui Wujiu really has a lot of doubts in his mind at this moment.

If you want to be able to get the answer, it is only here.

Taking another sip of mellow fragrant tea, Gui Wujiu said straight to the point: "There are still a few things that I need to trouble Fellow Daoist."

To blame, it is "several pieces" rather than "one piece".Ying Shuishang was also a bit surprised, wondering if it was a problem during the ten days of retreat, and immediately said: "Fellow Daoist, it doesn't matter if you speak bluntly."

Gui Wugui said: "The first thing is, can we reach a deal with Wang Xiangzong and Shangluo School to obtain the other six classics?"

Ying Shui really frowned, the condition of being blameless is really too much.

After thinking about it for a while, he said with a smile: "In addition to the two volumes of "Great Canon" and "Zhengjing" that I obtained earlier. Fellow Daoist, this is going to uproot the two classics and eight volumes. The two families will go out. Even though fellow daoists are amazing, I am afraid that these two families will just politely refuse."

Gui Wugui pondered and said: "Two conditions. First, to bluntly say that the two cultivation methods are beneficial to Gui's path. If he is willing to help, he owes the two sects a favor; second, Gui is not in vain. Let’s exchange it with the eight classics of Yunzhongpai.”

Yingshui really heard the words and remained silent.

Gui Wujiu raised his lips and said with a smile: "The two sixteen classics are of great use to Gui Wujiu, but they are not entirely for a certain person."

"If the Yunzhong sect's true biography and Wuwang Xiangzong's classics are allowed, after a few generations, the foundation of the Yunzhong's true biography will surely be greatly improved."

Ying Shuishang really put down the teacup in his hand, and said in surprise: "Fellow Daoist, are you serious?"

Gui Wugui smiled and said, "There is absolutely no falsehood."

"Not only that, but if you get something from Gui Xing Xiang Wang Xiangzong's exercises, you can write it in a book and hand it over to the Yunzhong Sect for safekeeping."

Ying Shuishang really thought for a moment, and said decisively: "Forget it. Then try to negotiate with the two sects according to the two conditions proposed by Fellow Daoist Gui."

"Fellow Daoist, if you have any other requests, you might as well tell them together."

Gui Wujiu nodded slightly, and asked again: "The source of the Yunzhong School's name is known to someone. I just don't know if the school has changed its name midway?"

Ying Shuishang is really an extremely sensitive person, and immediately said: "Fellow Daoist, I actually want to ask, did the Yunzhong faction establish their foundation here first, or did the purple mist secret realm come first?"

Gui Wugui said: "That's exactly what I mean."

Ying Shuishang really stretched out his palm.A jade slip appeared in the palm.

Then he said slowly: "The history of this sect, as well as all kinds of knowledge and knowledge in the purple mist secret realm, are all in it."

Gui Wugui took the thank you and said, "There is one last question."

"The place where Dao Zunjing is so powerful, has experienced the mystery of exchanging the heaven and the earth, and I am afraid that the Dao rhyme left behind is not trivial. If such relics are left in the eyes of the disciples, I am afraid that they will be of infinite use, and they will be used for hundreds of thousands of years. It’s also rare to dissipate. It’s just that during the period when Gui entered the Yunzhong Sect, he didn’t hear any rumors about this place.”

Ying Shuishang was really stunned, he didn't expect Gui Wujiu to raise such a question.Said: "The questions asked by fellow Taoists are not recorded in the book, they are only passed down from generation to generation among monks in the Profound Sky Realm."

Ying Shui Shangzhen said: "In human civilization, there are actually ten secret places. What the fellow Taoist asked happened to be the first of the ten secret places."

Gui Wugui said: "I would like to hear the details."

Ying Shuishang really drank a cup of tea and said: "The way people cultivate is divided into five schools: Immortal Way, Shinto Way, Wudao Way, Martial Way Way, and Yin-Yang Way. Each family has two secret places, one Yin and one Yang."

"The so-called 'Ten Secret Places' are not just ten places, nor are there ten categories. More precisely, there are five categories of Yangmysterious places; but there are five independent locations of Yinmysterious places."

"The secret yang of the immortal way is the so-called 'land of enlightenment', which is the place where the Taoists of the past dynasties ascended. The 'secret yang places' of the four schools of Shinto, witchcraft, martial arts, and yin and yang are called the land of Fengchan respectively. , the sealing place, the absolute battle place, the meditation place."

"The old man's knowledge is shallow. Among the five yang secret places, apart from the 'land of enlightenment', he only knows the foundation of the so-called 'land of Fengchan'. Among the twenty-eight worlds, the first dynasty established in each world is different. , on behalf of the whole Jietian, enshrining Zen in Shenting. It is also deeply involved in Shendao Dharma. The other three places, the "Battlefield" and other three places, are He Xuanao, and the old man is not very clear."

"As for the 'secret place', I only know two places. The secret place of immortality is where the ancestral court of the Holy Cult is located; and the secret place of witchcraft is a hidden place called 'Spirit Mountain'."

Gui Wugui pondered and said: "Top ten secret places. Presumably, the vast majority of Tianxuan Shangzhen also only know about the places where they become enlightened, the places where Zen is enshrined, the ancestral court of the holy religion, and the spiritual mountain of witchcraft."

"It's just that the Dao Zun's great power in human robbery should come from the hidden sect of the holy religion with a complete inheritance. It stands to reason that the so-called 'land of enlightenment' should be in their respective sects."

Ying Shuishang really shook his head and said: "No. Perhaps for fellow Taoists, it is of great benefit to use the enlightened place to observe the secret law; but for the vast majority of disciples, entering this place will take away their minds. Once they see it, It is rare to make progress in merit. Therefore, when Dao Zun Jie of the past generations reached the ascension, they always found a secret place that no one knew about hundreds of millions of miles away."

"Besides, there are authenticity and falsehood of the 'land of enlightenment'. There are only two places where the 'land of true enlightenment' that has truly successfully ascended has been spread in the entire humane civilization."


(End of this chapter)

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