Chapter 526
What I saw on the high platform were two spirit beads the size of longan, one blue and one purple.Although it is one treasure, its shape is divided into two things.Just comparing the two beads carefully, the color of the blue beads is clearer and brighter, and the patterns are fully visible; although the color of the purple beads is darker, it seems to have been covered with a layer of mist, and it seems to be stained with some kind of dirt, the color is not very clear.

Only after careful identification can we see that there seems to be a wonderful connection between the two beads, like invisible lines implicating each other.

According to the demonstration in the water mirror, put the cyan spirit beads together in the palm of your hand, and use the formula.In an instant, the sky and the earth spun, and a wide space several miles appeared in front of him, just like a small world.And the person who practices the law is standing in this small world at this moment.

There are spiritual ideas in the small world, even if a monk escapes into it to practice, it can last for a long time.

In this small world, there really stands a nine-story tower, surrounded by wonderful ideas and gathering spiritual energy.It can be used as a monk's residence.

This is a magic weapon of space.

If this treasure only stops here, then it is just as valuable as Gaoliu's "Mustard Space" screen where Lingshi is stored, but the screen lacks decorations and the atmosphere is a little inferior.How can it attract the attention of all the cultivators in the palace?
Looking closely at the space where the pagoda is located, there is an object in the open space in front of the pagoda, which is the purple bead among the two pearls.What's amazing is that in this space, the purple beads that were originally blurry and dim are extremely bright and dazzling, as if the delicate parts of the meridians of the leaf buds are also clearly displayed.

However, the blue pearl, which seemed to be the main body of the magic weapon, is not in this space; presumably it is left in the outside world.

However, when the figure who escaped into the realm held the purple bead and recited the formula again, a wonderful thing happened.The purple bead seemed to have a pulling force, and it slowly floated up in the air. After climbing to a height of Zhang Xu, it actually "dragged" the green bead out and brought it into this space!
Two round beads connected by breath appeared in the small world at the same time.

In other words, as a treasure of space, it hides the treasure itself in the small world through a wonderful method.

In this way, when the treasure master hides in this space, this person disappears out of thin air, and no trace of his existence can be found outside.

If Gao Liu had stored the spirit stone in such a space back then, no matter how hard he searched, he would not be able to find it.

Only those who have dabbled in the supernatural powers of space, such as Tianxuan Shangzhen and the first-class figures of the demon king, or the treasures related to the supernatural powers of space, such as celestial sacrificial utensils and permanent utensils, can discover the abnormalities in space.Only by striking twelve special "points" that are distorted in the surrounding space with force can this space be broken.

In addition, there is another disadvantage.

If the treasure owner has been hiding in the "mustard space" for more than nine months, he must come out and make a decision: either accept the treasure, or move it to another location.Otherwise, this space will merge with the whole world and gradually become a fixed space gap, which can no longer be controlled by the twin beads.

However, this shortcoming is nothing compared to the value of this treasure.

Those who have mastered this treasure, as long as they don't encounter the existence of Tianxuan Shangzhen and Demon King level, will have an unsolvable escape route.

If the details of this thing are not discovered by others, then this person possesses a kind of ability, which can disappear out of thin air under the eyes of everyone, and no trace of it can be caught again.This method is far more brilliant than the leap and escape of "Picking up the Lost Letters".

A person with such an extraordinary status as Gui Wujiu naturally has a lot of life-saving secret treasures hidden in his body.In the secondary seal of "Yun Zhong Zheng Er" alone, there are four spells left by Tianxuan Shangzhen.

However, such means are so powerful that they can be launched but not received. They are usually only used as a deterrent and should not be used lightly.How can it compare to the magical effect of "swallowing twin beads" with unlimited uses?
For Gui Wugui, there is one more powerful thing about this treasure.

If this treasure is obtained by teaching others, although life is safe, but if the opponent knows the details of this treasure and besieges him on the spot, since he belongs to two worlds, then both sides can only waste their patience and compete with foreign aid.Although I can't catch you, but you are trapped in the small world, and you can't escape easily.

However, Gui Wugui can sneak away more than ten thousand miles away through the pre-distributed "recovery letter", and then hide in the small world, but the two can form an excellent cooperation.

"Three billion."

The first bidder and Gui Wujiu are right in front of him, and it is the "No. [-]" private room adjacent to him.

As soon as this number came out, there were bursts of slight noises in the hall.The guest in the No. [-] private room sold the price at the original "Zhu Ling Qiao Mu" price.

Even if no one bids, the value of this item has already tied the record of "Candle Smart Eye".

But the vast majority of people in the palace believed that the price of this item would never stop there.

Sure enough, the price increase came faster than expected.But within five or six breaths, a clear voice came from the No. [-] private room: "[-] billion."

The next bidding came even faster, but the voice on the [-]th just finished, and the response from the private room on the [-]th followed: "[-] billion."

After a series of three bids, the hall fell silent for a while.

If the current bidding situation is caught in a tug-of-war, then the final transaction price will be unexpectedly high; those who are really interested in this thing will judge in their hearts, intending to find out the psychological bottom line of most people and come up with a pinch. The price of the lifeline.

A quarter of an hour later, private room No. [-] bid: "[-] billion."

When bidding for the first treasure, the "Miandi Grass Sac", all the guests with the lower serial numbers in the private room sold.But for the "Swallowing Twin Beads" in front of him, all the private rooms within one hundred numbers bid each other's price.

Gui Wujiu knew very well that most of the private rooms in the top ranking were existences with higher backgrounds and talents.In the local civilization where a hundred schools of thought contend, the more powerful the family is, the more attentive the descendants of the family will be when they go out to make friends and dabble in a hundred schools of thought.

In particular, the space secrets and transmission channels operated by the Yaozu are very large.Before the Yinzong joined the world, except for the yin and yang caves of the holy ancestral court, the rest of the humane monks were traveling around the world, which was far from being comparable to the monster race.

Therefore, those who value the "anti-swallowing twin beads" are all descendants of the rich and wealthy.

Gui Wugui suddenly had an idea that the seats in the Nine Wings Hall Auction House are the best seats for himself and the neighbor No. [-], which is the center of the first row.

I don't know what is the identity of the No. [-] guest who was the first to ask for [-] billion yuan?

Just when Gui Wujiu came up with this idea, it seemed that "No. [-]" wanted to respond, so he bid: "[-] billion."

After experiencing too many surprises, many bidders became reserved so as not to lose their identity.So when the quotation of [-] billion just came out, it didn't cause too much splash.

But [-] billion is still too shocking, it immediately caused a commotion!

It should be known that body and function are different, no matter how precious this thing is, it is only in the category of "use" and does not involve the root of the path.Since ancient times, the transaction value of this type of treasure has not exceeded one-tenth of the constant treasure at most, which makes sense.

On the high platform, Kong Ying's complexion softened, and there was a faint red light, which could be seen to be very satisfied.

Asking him to preside over today's auction is actually a care given to him by the clan.Leaving aside a few treasures related to Shangjing, all proceeds from the auction will go to the clan.But he can get [-]% of the proceeds from the auction of other lesser treasures.

If the price of those treasures is around five to ten billion, each piece of Kongying can get a share of five to one billion.This is also the benefit of the peacock clan in disguise for the next demon king in the clan.With a higher level of cultivation and a change in scale and weather, it is natural to have some savings.

However, if the Peacock Clan noticed this treasure in advance, they would either exclude the "Reverse Swallowing Twin Beads" from the list; or they would slightly reduce the proportion of Kong Ying's profit.

"Two hundred billion."

Just when Kong Ying was enjoying herself, a bigger surprise hit her head on!The entire Nine Wings Hall was like a pot of boiling water, with exclamations, applause, and noises one after another, no longer caring about being reserved.

Half a piece of constant equipment!

Kong Ying took a closer look and found that the bid came from the No. [-] private room.

After a while, the noisy sound subsided slightly.A clear voice came from room [-]: "Kong Ying. If this fellow Taoist from room [-] bids [-] billion or [-] billion, then I really have to wonder if this is someone from your clan." Special arrangement? You peacocks are really good at controlling people's hearts and finding out the bottom price."

"However, this fellow Taoist offered [-] billion yuan, but I believe that you are really determined to win. The 'reverse swallowing twin beads' is yours."

Kong Ying looked around the scene, and sure enough, all the private rooms were quiet, and there were no bidders.

Gui Wugui's asking price of [-] billion yuan was indeed accurate and ruthless, hitting the vital point at once.Destined to receive the final result.

Because, the estimated value of a high-quality "constant instrument" is about [-] billion spirit stones.Gui Wugui's bid of [-] billion was setting an irrelevant treasure at half of the value of the permanent device.

If someone wants to bid again, it will be a step closer to Hengqi.If the price is gradually approaching the price of the constant device, buy a "external use" treasure that has nothing to do with the body.No matter how miraculous the treasure is, the bidder has to bear tremendous pressure.

It's a different matter if you carry a treasury with you as if you were innocent.But even so, this unreasonable bid will definitely expose his real wealth.In the event of his identity being revealed, no one would dare to take lightly the pressure of revealing his wealth.

The bottom line in the heart of this mysterious guest in the No. [-] private room is also approaching [-] billion!
But now, Gui Wujiu was the first to offer this price, after weighing it up, he chose to give up.

This is also the reason why this person admired the blameless bid.

Seeing that there was no one bidding any more, Gui Wugui put the Nawujie pouch storing the spirit stones into the sand table and allowed it to sink.

After a while, two round beads were placed in the jade disc and gradually emerged from the sand table.Gui Wugui stretched out his hand to take it, and stretched out his hand to caress it, feeling very happy in his heart.


(End of this chapter)

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