Chapter 529
The two guards were stunned at first, and then remembered the appearance of this "Kong Ming", and showed envious expressions in unison.

The people of the peacock clan originally had ancient scripts that evolved from totems.It's just that as the exchanges with other races deepened, their own language was gradually abandoned, and they switched to the common language in the monastic world that originated from the ancient scriptures, and their surname was also Kong.

As for the name, those who are noble, have high potential, and can enter the twelve genus supernatural powers branch temples are named with single characters; while clansmen with lower backgrounds and potentials are named with double characters.

The name is a single character, and with the scale of the nine major bloodlines of the Peacock family, the repetition of names is inevitable.

There is an unwritten rule among the peacock clan.For the big ancestors who have left a strong and famous reputation in the clan, they often avoid the name when naming them.This is not only out of respect, but also to prevent one's luck from being suppressed by the powerful will of the seniors.

However, if the latecomer can break through this shackle after inheriting the name of the predecessor, it means that this person's aptitude and fate are extraordinary;

It's just that after the peacock clan gave birth to an heir, not many parents dared to take this risk.

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, there was a powerful man named "Kong Ming" in the Peacock Clan. He went against the normal state of the monster monks who were only proficient in the supernatural powers of their own blood. Supernatural powers.In one fell swoop, he became one of the best existences in the Demon King Realm at that time.

In addition, this person is proficient in formation techniques.To this day, the large guard array used to protect the eight secret places in the clan is made by this powerful man named Kong Ming who adapts to local conditions and masterfully accomplishes it.The formation strategy, collectively known as the "Eight Formation Diagram", is a secret treasure among the peacock clan.

The finale of this auction——"Five Directions to the East" is exactly the deduction and imitation of one of the formations.

And the "Kong Ming" with the same name in front of him used the name of his ancestors, but his aura is strong and his charm is exquisite.

After recording the name, "Kong Ming" nodded to the two guards and the Kong staff, and walked to the center of Yangcheng alone.

This "Kong Ming" is naturally the incarnation of blameless.

His current face is slightly different from the face that was merged with Kong De and Kong Yan in Banshizong, and Kong Ying, who presided over the auction belt, was added; the silhouettes of the three merged into one.

Yangcheng is an ancient town style, with vertical and horizontal streets and agglomerations forming a thoroughfare.Along the main road like a chessboard, it is made of bricks and tiles, showing the image of ink and wash, black and white.The courtyards and residences hidden in the depths are made of thatch, there are bamboo nests, there are cave dwellings, and there are pits and basements.There are all kinds of dwellings.

Above every house, there is a hint of fresh air suspended.This is because there is no one in the room, the breath is calm and naturally condensed.If there are people living in it, the air channels will change, and the clear air on the roof will disappear automatically.

Guests who come to Yangcheng can choose a courtyard at will, stay temporarily, and wait for the start of the field hunting meeting.On the several vertical and horizontal streets that can be regarded as main roads, there are also restaurants, teahouses, and various shops, dotted with each other, and outline a wonderful mortal atmosphere.

Not only the peacock clan, but also many powerful big races, there is no lack of this kind of ancient land that looks like a mortal town.Even the fundamental land of the clan was built according to this example.

Before the Primordial Era, the Yaozu relied on their natal supernatural powers and innate laws to be born into Taoism, grow up and cultivate, and naturally rule over this world.But the years are lingering, and humanity is flourishing.The seemingly weak and powerless human race purified and refined the Qi-refining method, and went further and further, and finally was able to carve out a piece of pure land from the rule of demons, until the land was sealed off, and they stood on their own feet.

The people of insight among the Yaozu were also deeply shocked.I feel that although my own talent is strong, my future education is far behind.So I want to learn from the method of the prosperity of humanity.

However, the Humane Dao Sect at that time was far from being the same as today's holy religion ancestral family and the Yin Sect.The places where he preaches and preaches are all hidden in the deep mountains.Those with great cultivation, apart from being born on a regular basis, looking for postgraduates, and enlightening fate, ordinary people can't easily see it.

These monster races can't see the righteous master, and they can't learn the law, but they have borrowed many buildings, characters, literature, art, and ordinances from the secular human civilization, and imitated them as usual.

Many of these existences, which are like ordinary towns, were established at that time and have been passed down to this day.

Gui Wujiu looked around the city, there are six out of ten houses with clean roofs.It can be seen that there are many vacant residences, and there is no rush.Looking from east to west, my heart moved, and then I quickened my pace.

The rest of the buildings in this small city are very simple, just like the market town of ordinary people.Only a huge round altar was built in the center of the city, about [-] to [-] feet high. I don't know what its purpose is.Gui Wugui became interested and immediately decided to go and watch it.

After a while, Gui Wugui arrived here.However, the two red copper nailed gates were completely opened, and there was no one guarding them.There is a large empty area in the middle, and a dozen people are allowed to walk back and forth, which seems extremely sparse.

More eye-catching, it can be seen that there is a huge "chessboard" hanging on the wall in the middle of the hall.

Gui Wugui walked closer, only to find that this thing is much denser than the "chessboard".The chessboard has nineteen vertical and horizontal lines; while the four-square boulder in front of it has three hundred and sixty-one vertical and horizontal lines, forming [-] spaces.

There seemed to be a lot of text filled in each blank, all of which started with names, followed by a long string of numbers.After watching carefully for a while, it seems that the text in the blank space is changing from time to time.

Beside the boulder, there is a tall and thin young man, whose clothes are similar to those of the two guards outside the stone gate. He seems to be a deacon in charge of managing this place.

Gui Wujiu's heart moved, he asked: "I don't know what is the use of this stone in front of me?"

The tall and thin deacon was surprised and said: "This is the source of the projection of the 'Baguio Tianzhu', where the list of participating monks is located. Why, isn't this fellow Taoist here to place a bet?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a young man in fine clothes came beside Gui Wujiu, staring at the boulder for a while and searching for it; suddenly he showed joy, checked his name again, took out an object ring from his sleeve, and threw it on the boulder for a space superior.

It's also amazing.This seemingly ordinary boulder, at the moment when the Nawu Ring came into contact with it, there seemed to be a slight spatial fluctuation, which immediately engulfed the Nawu Ring.

The young man in fancy clothes seemed to have expected it long ago, and he was no stranger to it.

Gui Wujiu's sharp eyes saw what he had thrown into the grid, and it read: Kong Ying, nine days at two o'clock.There are still nine squares the size of a fingernail under it.

It turned out that the names of all those who participated in Meng Dong's Field Hunting Meeting would be recorded in this giant stone.In order to prevent confusion with the same name, after the name, the time when I entered Yangcheng was attached to distinguish it.

As for the purpose of doing this, it is interesting to say that it is not a serious purpose, but to add a game closely related to "Meng Dong Field Hunting" for the members of the Peacock Clan.

There is a pillar in the main city of the Peacock Clan's nine veins, which is the "Biyao Tianzhu" with nine sons in one.The text recorded on the pillar is exactly the content and content transmitted from the huge stone in front of me.

The "Biyao Hall" to which the "Baguio Tianzhu" belongs is, to put it bluntly, equivalent to a casino, and it is used by the Peacock tribe to bet on the final ranking of the monks participating in the field hunting meeting.

Gui Wugui was stunned upon hearing this.Suddenly his heart skipped a beat, and he seemed to feel that there seemed to be some kind of figure tens of millions of miles away, vaguely connected with him.


On a majestic and quaint street, there were two young women walking slowly, arm in arm.

These two women are both at the Golden Core realm. The one on the left is wearing a green dress, with gold dots on her forehead, her eyes are extremely agile, and she has a round face, which looks naive and cheerful; while the one on the right One was wearing a plain skirt, with a slender face and a slightly straight nose.Although there is no extra decoration, it has an extraordinary bearing, pure and elegant.

Although the women of the peacock clan are all outstanding in appearance, there is no one in a million whose appearance and temperament can be compared with the two in front of them.

The two women turned a blind eye to the eyes cast on the street intentionally or unintentionally, and walked on their own.Especially this plain skirt woman with a clear demeanor, even frowned slightly, showing a hint of sadness.

At this moment, the woman in the green skirt was startled for a moment, and immediately took out something from her sleeve to look at it.Shu Er showed joy and said, "Sister Ling. Your 'Sixiang Shuttle' has been found."

The woman in the plain skirt shook the beast and said, "Sister Mo. Sister Mo has already put down that treasure. After the elder re-appraised it, the quality of the thing was much higher than expected. The final transaction price was not the [-] billion yuan that was originally expected. , but around [-] billion! If it was the original price, my sister would be able to make it together with all her savings. But if it is the sky-high price of [-] billion, how can I get it?"

The woman in the green skirt stared wide-eyed, her ruddy cheeks bulged slightly, and said: "This is a confidential matter, so I'm sorry my sister can't tell. Sister, come with me!"

Then he pulled the woman in the plain skirt, half flying away, half running.

These two fairy-like beauties ran wildly on the street regardless of their image, and immediately attracted more people's attention. Many people even secretly took out treasures such as shadow stones to preserve their images.

Finally, the two ran to the side of a golden palace, under a very majestic jade pillar.The woman in the green skirt blinked her eyes and whispered, "Sister Ling, how much savings can you come up with?"

The woman in the plain skirt hesitated for a moment, and said: "Except for the assets that are difficult to sell for a while, what you can get now is about [-] million spirit stones."

The girl in the green dress lifted her spirits and said, "Good sister. Your aptitude is higher than mine. I helped you a lot this time. When you become prosperous in the future, don't forget my little sister."

The woman in plain skirt wondered: "What do you mean by this little sister?"

The woman in the green skirt didn't answer, she searched the stele from top to bottom, and finally found the word "Kong Ming" at a place more than three feet above the ground, she was overjoyed.

Turning around, he said, "My sister will take out all the [-] million savings on her body."

The woman in plain skirt wondered: "Sister wants to..."

The girl in the green dress was radiant in her eyes, and said in a low voice: "Just buy him to be the top three in the field hunting fair! Buy it now, at least [-] times the profit. Sister, you know, you will be a rich man in a short time."

The woman in plain skirt asked in surprise, "Sister Mo...where did you get the news from?"

The girl in the green skirt said in a low voice: "Sister, don't ask. I can only tell you that this man named Kong Ming is very powerful! If you buy him, you will be the number one. My sister dare not say death; but if you buy him the top three, Kong Mo is confident." You are [-]% sure of success. If you lose money at that time, the younger sister will return the capital to you."


(End of this chapter)

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