Chapter 540
Wraith Realm, the third dimension.

A burly black-robed monk, dragging a tiger-head hook upside down, flew away slowly.

His robe turned black, so he was naturally a cultivator of the lineage of "Struggling Talisman".It's just that the height of his flying escape is only about two or three feet, his body is crooked, roughly leaning forward, he seems to be similar to a monk who has just entered the first stage of Qi training.

Looking at this person's face again, the left half is blue, and the right half is white, as if he is a "double-faced person".However, it can be seen that this person's skin is not intentionally pretentious and smeared; it is because of his unique skin color, which is what he looks like in the first place.

This person dragged his weapon forward slowly, not just indulging in likes and dislikes, and acting independently.It was because the target he was looking for was not far ahead.

After flying away for a while, the double-faced man stopped abruptly.

It is clearly visible in the eyes, within a few miles, mana surges and manifests all phenomena, and the airflow rises and falls in circles, and it is better than a knife to cut on the face.A black-robed monk was fighting with fifteen or six tall and burly black bears.

The black bear raised its hands and feet, and the magic power it raised was no less than that of a late Nascent Soul cultivator.

Not only that, the bear spirits transformed by these resentful spirits looked like a wolf with a wolfish body and a fat head and brain; in fact, their movements were extremely agile and flexible, and their strength was no less than that of a real bear spirit.

With one leap and one leap, he pounced back and forth, using his magic power to attack from a distance and fight close to the body, it was like the shells fired by a stone cannon, colliding wantonly and being unstoppable.

With the combat power of the "five beasts" in the third layer, anyone who can defeat ten with one is the true leader among the monster clans.

But the young man in black robe who was fighting with him moved like quicksilver, rising like thunder, tossing and turning in the siege of more than ten black bears, unrestrained and calm.

The rules of the Wraith Realm are for people to hunt Wraiths, not for Wraiths to hunt people.

With this young man's cultivation base, if he was besieged by a fur monster, how difficult would it be to escape?If this young man can't beat more than ten black bears, what's the value of this fight?
So, obvious.It wasn't that this person was besieged by black bears, but that he took the initiative to find this group of resentful spirits in order to turn them into martial arts and collect them into his pocket.The defense that comes at hand in front of him is just a game.

The young man glanced at it, and found that there was another "talent contender" approaching, seeming to be eyeing him.

Although he didn't look nervous on his face, he still put away his playfulness after all.Raising his hand, a sapphire folding fan appeared in his palm.Between opening and closing, there are two masters and three slaves, and five beams of brilliance are scattered like silk.

The five rays of light are like needles, thorns, swords, and ropes.With the young man's fingers shaking for more than ten times, he killed the black bear spirit on the fifteenth floor.

These methods are undoubtedly the direct monks of the Peacock Clan.

The peacock clan has five great primordial lights, although each has its own emphasis.But most of them pay attention to the sixteen characters of "indifferent like water, gentle like a stream; condensed like a mirror, dense into a cloud", pursuing a pure state that is unsatisfactory between movement and stillness.

Only in this way, after becoming the demon king, can the great god's passage technique that is related to fate be condensed to feed back the practice and maintain the foundation.

But the young man's skill is to condense the five primordial lights into an existence as thin as silk, not seeking the wholeness of the atmosphere, but seeking to be mysterious and difficult to guard against in actual combat.

Seeing this, the double-faced man couldn't help clapping his hands to show his praise.

The young man had finished killing the black bear and turned around.Although he feels that the double-faced man is extraordinary, and his skills are very good; but since he is free from the danger of being attacked, he will not take any opponent in his heart.

The double-faced man said, "Good method."

"I heard that among the top-ranked direct disciples of the Nascent Soul Realm of the Peacock Clan, there are three people who chose to take the road of 'struggling for talismans' at this field hunting meeting. They are named Kong Tan, Kong Dan, and Kong Xia."

"Before I went to the meeting, I was bored, so I took a look at the betting list of Baguio Hall. Kong Tan, Kong Dan, and Kong Xia are the No. [-], No. [-], and No. [-] favorites respectively."

"I don't know if you are Kong Tan, Kong Dan, or Kong Xia?"

The words of the double-faced man are tantamount to blatantly admitting that he is a monk of a different race.

The young man blinked his eyelids and said casually, "What do you think?"

The double-faced man laughed and said, "I guess you are Kong Tan."

The young man narrowed his eyes and said, "How can you see that?"

The double-faced man said calmly: "If the odds of the betting game at the Noble Baguio Hall can truly reflect the ranking of your true strength, then the probability of you being Kong Tan is probably higher."

"We belong to the Xuangu clan, so there is always a difference in background. If you were to do similar multiple-choice questions among the Phoenix clan and the Red Charm clan, then most likely I would guess that you are the ninth one."

After staring at the young man's face for a while, the double-faced man smiled calmly and said, "I guessed right."

The words of the double-faced man are not only a recognition of the strength of the person in front of him, but also a derogation of the background of the peacock clan.The implication is nothing more than that, with the powerful strength that the young man has just shown, it is unlikely that he will only be ranked ninth in the family.

Kong Tan didn't ask about the details of the double-faced man, so he didn't expect to reveal it either.He just said: "It's war or peace, please draw your own way."

Kong Tan is also a very arrogant figure in the clan.If he came across a "struggling talisman" monk at random, no matter whether he was from the peacock clan or not, he would have stepped forward indiscriminately.

It's just that the aura of the double-faced man in front of him was so strange that Kong Tan felt dazed and uncertain.Out of caution, he spoke with a three-point politeness.

The double-faced man suddenly laughed, stretched his long sleeves with his backhand, and fifteen or six magic weapons came out in a row, circling and swimming around his body, like stars surrounding the moon.

Kong Tan's complexion changed, and the more than ten treasures were all full of precious light, as brilliant as the clouds, reflecting each other's brilliance, bright and then melting.They are all treasures that can be called the best among ancient utensils, and there is not a single thing that is just a fake.

With such quality treasures, I can only get five or six of them.

The double-faced man smiled jokingly, his left hand holding the hook still stood still, and his right palm was pushed one by one, his movements were slow, like a strong bow accumulating strength.

Immediately, a pure, heavy, and turbid air suddenly appeared in the long sleeves, like throwing wet firewood into a raging fire; when it was rolled by the wind, it rushed towards Kong Tan.

This is obviously a supernatural spell of the double-faced man.As for the dozen or so magic weapons, they still swam around extremely quietly, not disturbing any of them.

This hand is full of intimidation.

The double-faced man made it clear that he wanted to stretch Kong Tan's weight.

These more than ten heavy treasures did not move, and both sides fought hard with their own skills.If Kong Tan used magic treasures, the ancient artifacts he displayed would not be all decorations.

Kong Tan snorted and chose to accept the move.The palm is raised, as if holding something empty, as if sinking or floating.Immediately, bits of brilliance flooded out, condensing into a sharp silk thread.

Not to mention using magic weapons to fight against each other, most of them will suffer losses.Judging from the magical powers used by the double-faced man, the turbid air, which is like mud, is being restrained by his own method of "refining light like a beam".

Kong Tan was not dissatisfied as the two sides gambled and fought with supernatural powers.

In the blink of an eye, the bundle of silk threads collided with a mass of turbidity like water slurry.It was as if a silver needle had been pierced into the cotton wool, without causing any waves.

Kong Tan's face changed slightly.

He clearly felt that his silk thread encountered extremely strong resistance, and Xuanguang's body was being consumed rapidly, and it would take about ten breaths before it would be completely consumed by the cloud of turbid air.

Of course, the piercing and sprinting power of my own Xuanguang is also impressive.In an instant, it broke through the tens of thousands of obstacles of that ball of "cotton wool", and went deeper step by step.

It was only then that Kong Tan realized that the double-faced man had deliberately used a spell that was "suitable" for fighting with his own magical power of "refining light like a beam". .

Kong Tan felt very clearly in his heart, and the mysterious light he emitted was getting closer and closer to breaking through the fog; however, the consumption speed of this mysterious light itself was also extremely astonishing.

Comparing the two, it seems that the latter can't stand it first.

Thinking of this, Kong Tan's heart sank.

The seemingly long see-saw is actually only a short span of ten breaths.

Finally, when Kong Tan felt that he was only one step away from breaking through the barrier, the mysterious light he radiated was like a candle in the wind, and finally turned into a spark, until he watched it completely extinguished.

The double-faced man shook his head and said, "Friend Daoist Kong, it's a pity. Ninety-ninety people can travel a hundred miles. It's only one tenth of the last, and I can let you go."

Kong Tan had a gloomy face, but he didn't say anything.

Although the words of the double-faced man were arrogant, Kong Tan knew that it was difficult to refute.Because everyone knows that the Peacock Clan's Mystical Light and Five Refining Techniques are the means to suppress the bottom of the box; in terms of the purity of skills, there is no other means that can surpass it.

But the supernatural power of the double-faced man, which is like clouds, gas and sand, may not be his most profound supernatural power.Thinking about it, it would be very difficult for someone to refine their supernatural powers into such an unappealable appearance.

Therefore, my own mysterious light piercing the fog and penetrating [-]% of the turbid air does not mean that there is only a tenth of the gap between myself and the double-faced man.

This person's strength is really too strong!

It's really hard to imagine that this time Meng Dong's hunting, there will be a monk from a different race who is equivalent to the first descendant of the rich clan, sneaking in.

But now, if the two-faced people insist on fighting, Kong Tan will have to fight one.

The double-faced man chuckled, and said, "Fellow Taoist Kong Tan, the martial arts accumulated on your body, I'm not welcome."

Kong Tan was full of vigor and climbed to the top in an instant.

But at this moment, a distant voice sounded beside Kong Tan's ear: "Fellow Taoist Kong Tan, this man is formidable, and I will help you."

Kong Tan looked up and saw another black-robed man three or four miles away, rushing forward.

This person is wearing a bamboo hat, but his appearance is very strange, he is not familiar with Kong Tan; but his skills are not weak, even if he is inferior to himself, but it is enough to intervene in the battle between himself and the double-faced person.

Could it be that this person knows that the strength of two-faced people cannot be defeated by one person, and has long been waiting for an opportunity to join forces to fight against the enemy?

Although Kong Tan was arrogant, he was not a pedantic person.Immediately nodded slowly to the person who came, and said: "If fellow Taoists are really willing to join forces, after this battle, Kong Tan will never be thrown into trouble."

The double-faced man was not surprised by the person who came, and frowned, "Here you come? Why are you alone? After sneaking around for several days, picking up a good opportunity to make a move, but discounting it instead? It's probably not true that you are acting like this." A member of the peacock clan."

The black-robed man wearing a bamboo hat smiled lightly, and said: "Isn't it good to know each other, fellow Taoist? With your domineering behavior and such hypocrisy, it is really a shame."

The double-faced man frowned, and pondered: "Friend Wen?"

The person wearing the bamboo hat chuckled, and said, "Your Daoist Wen's attire...has indeed changed a lot. If it is someone else, you won't be able to recognize it no matter what. But no matter how good you are at changing, Daoist Wen is just a mere One scale, one foot, eight inches and six points. How can it be denied if the proof is undeniable?"

The double-faced man regained his mana and shouted: "I don't know what nonsense you are talking about. With two against one, you think too much of yourself. Call all three of your accomplices out!"

As soon as the voice fell, he immediately started.The two sharp knives divided the two who attacked Kong Tan.

(End of this chapter)

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