Chapter 548
After Gui Wujiu jumped in, he immediately felt that there was a closed door between the heaven and the earth, and the passages of internal and external air mechanisms were locked tightly. It would be difficult to escape unless he defeated the people in the formation.

It can be vaguely seen that the opponent's formation is quite tight.

On the left hand side of Gui Wujiu, there is a prismatic shadow, like a star.It is three or four miles apart from top to bottom, left to right, and on the four corners of the prism, seven people are occupied according to the positions of the seven stars.

There are twenty-eight people in total, forming a whole.

The right-hand side is like a mirror image, and it is also a formation of twenty-eight people.A total of fifty-six people from left and right approached in a pincer shape, firmly blocking Gui Wujiu in the middle.

If the left and right sides are compared to the huge mouth of a crocodile, then there are five people at the critical point of the mouthpiece.

Four of them set up a small "square formation", which is well-organized and guarded, and the four elephants rotate in rotation, forming a seamless body.

The merits of these four people are about the same as Liu Ze and other four people.With the support of formations, even with Gui Wugui's cultivation base, it is not easy to win with three moves and two moves.

In the very center of the arch surrounded by four people, there is a person standing in Yuan Tingyue, whose merit is three points higher than the four people.

Gui Wugui recognized at a glance that this was Kong Tan, the direct descendant of the peacock clan who teamed up with Liu Ze and other four people that day but suffered a tragic defeat.

In this group, although Kong Tanxiu is the highest.But he is a guest after all, and he also shoulders the key responsibility of suppressing the finale and guaranteeing the hub, so he does not move lightly.It is Kong You who directs and manipulates the overall situation in front of him.

Kong You saw that Gui Wugui entered the battle, and immediately said loudly: "Activate!"

The fifty-six monks on the left and right sides of the "Eight Directions Transformation Diagram" raised their hands and beat the treasures in their hands.

The objects used by everyone are similar, they look about the size of peanuts and mung beans, but they look like "hidden weapons" in worldly martial arts, not exotic treasures used as weapons.

Gui Wugui smiled slightly, he naturally recognized this thing.

These "projectiles" and other things are called "flame beads". They are the feathers that have faded from the peacocks, or those of inferior quality are unbearable to be refined into magic weapons. The killing tool.Speaking of it, it is about as effective as the high-quality talismans in the Nine Sects Sequence.

The value of such treasures is naturally not as good as serious weapons; but because they can only be used once, as consumables, they are also treasured and valued by the peacock clan.

After all, the raw materials of "flame beads" are much rarer than talisman paper.

The reason why this object is called "flame pearl" is not that all the magic powers of fire attribute are sealed in it; it means that it is like a flame, with only a momentary light; when the brilliance is burned out, it will turn into ashes.

This kind of treasure is originally the hole card in actual combat, and it is not worthwhile to use it at the field hunting meeting.But in the face of this unprecedented enemy "Kong Ming", there is a way to fight each other from a distance, so it is natural to use such means to fight against the enemy.What's more, with fifty-six people, as long as everyone uses one bead, the momentum will be quite terrifying.

Gui Wugui confronted each other with a backhand.Tens of feet of "Dayuan Thunder Talisman" and "Nine Soldiers Thunder Talisman" were thrown out in one breath.

These things are becoming more and more powerful as his skills and opponents become stronger, so there are not many occasions where he can use them.There are a lot left, which were originally hidden in the Nawu ring, but they are too idle to moldy.

Why should he be afraid if the opponent wants to start with a war of attrition?
After a few breaths, the "flame bead" and the talisman collided with each other.But I saw thunder and lightning, the earth trembled and the mountains shook;The breath is even more blinking and fluttering.The scene in front of me may not be enough in terms of intensity, but in terms of the size of the diffuse area and the majesty of the atmosphere, it has reached an extremely high level in an instant.

Seeing Gui Wugui, Kong You calmed down and didn't care about throwing foreign objects around.It is expected that with Kong Ming's status, such a level of consumption will not be placed on him.

Seeing how he used so many magic weapons in one go, it is not impossible that even if his wealth is better than the sum of fifty or sixty people present.

As soon as he raised his hand, Kong You shouted loudly again: "Weapon!"

All the cultivators on the "Picture of Eight Directions Caused by Turning" made orders, and all kinds of magic weapons, such as knives, swords, spears, halberds, etc., which were shining brightly and breathtakingly, all rushed towards Gui Wugui.

Although the magic weapon can't form a loud explosion like the flame bead talisman, it is different from a dead thing after all, it is a thing controlled by the spiritual consciousness and transported by the heart.In terms of power, it is far superior to the previous methods such as "flame beads".

But Gui Wugui just waits and sees, and knows that what most people use is still the second-hand and third-hand magic weapons hidden in their bodies, and they are not good things that they rely on for their lives.

This generation is still in the process of probing and consuming, so naturally he will not go all out.

Gui Wujiu raised his hand, a heavy turbid breath like firewood smoke was blown out from his sleeve, and he rolled it left and right, like a swimming dragon, he wiped away all the treasures that came at him.After being washed by the smoke from his sleeves, the dozens of magic weapons immediately dimmed a bit, as if a living person had aged hundreds of years in an instant, and their spiritual power had also been greatly reduced.

Afterwards, these treasures hit a light curtain around Gui Wujiu's body, the power had already been reduced, or they were corrupted, or fell, or wobbled, and returned to the same way.

The combination of the magical power of "Yinfeng Eroded Object" and "Frontless Arrow" constitutes a defense, and it is naturally easy to resist further temptations.

However, Gui Wugui naturally refused to blindly defend.Outnumbered and outnumbered, it is crucial to take the lead.

With a pinch of the sword formula on the finger, thousands of sword lights flowed like snowflakes, attacking the five people including Kong Tan and Kong You on the left and right sides of the "Bafang Yinzhuan Tu".

Over the past period of time, through tens of thousands of confrontations with monster monks, Gui Wugui felt that this was born out of the "Yuanguang Manifestation Technique" and now belongs to the "Phantom Sword" in the "Dust Sword", which is very suitable. practical.

This supernatural power used to be his main method when walking in the barren sea; later, as the opponent's skill level improved, this method gradually took a back seat.However, after fighting many monster cultivators, Gui Wujiu found that compared with human cultivators, demon cultivators are stronger in nature, but slightly inferior.Therefore, this method of using ingenuity to win power has a greater scope for use.

After seeing Gui Wugui's counterattack, Kong You didn't panic, showing contempt on his face, and kept passing orders in his mouth.

Immediately, Gui Wugui found that his thousands of sword lights, no matter whether they were real or not, felt a solid defense when he shot down on the "Eight Directions of Causes"; Only a thick turtle shell.

Gui Wugui sneered, "Xiao Ran Yiyi" and "Mountain and River Wanli" soared into the sky.

Not only these two swords, but also the other five swords obtained from the auction were also born together, striking towards the "Bafang Yin Zhuan Tu"!
Seeing the seven swords coming out together, the faces of all the cultivators in the "Eight Directions Transformation Map" changed.

In this picture, the method of evenly mixing the breath and balancing the defense is called "Huncheng Dunjia", and it really resisted the baptism of sword light that was blameless like a storm.

But now the Seven Swords entity that Gui Wugui used clearly possesses the highest quality among the "Ancient Artifacts".

Under the same realm, no matter what kind of defensive secret technique, you can't be beaten passively, and you can't bear the heavy blow of a secret treasure of this level.Blindly defending, even if you can resist for a while, the defense will eventually be broken.

All cultivators exchanged glances with each other, took out their favorite magic weapons one after another, melted into the aura circulation of "Huncheng Dunjia", and resisted the attack of the Seven Swords of Gui Wugui.

But the faces of all the cultivators immediately became ugly.

Because the two supernatural powers before and after "Kong Ming" are not just as simple as "addition"!
Once these seven swords are put into it, it is not just that there are seven more swords among thousands of sword lights.The sword brilliance that was originally like clear water all traced a specific shape and turned into one of the seven swords.

All of a sudden, hundreds of thousands of "real" flying swords appeared in the sky, flying back and forth like raindrops.

All the cultivators in the "Picture of Eight Directions Causes of Turning" tried their best to wait and see, but they couldn't distinguish the reality of the sword light.In desperation, they had no choice but to use their magic weapons to resist one by one.

At this point in the fight, the situation took a turn for the worse in about twenty or thirty breaths of time.

These fifty-six monks can be regarded as the most outstanding generation in the Peacock Clan.The magic weapon used is also of very good quality; when colliding with the other five swords of the seven swords used by Gui Wujiu, they can evenly fight.

It's just that only the two swords "Little Ran Yiyi" and "Mountain and River Wanli" are of the highest quality among ancient artifacts, surpassing the treasures held by all cultivators.

Every time it collided with these two swords, the treasures held by the cultivators were slightly damaged.

If this goes on like this, in less than a quarter of an hour, the eating fellows of the fifty-six monks in the picture will be smashed to pieces by Gui Wugui.

Kong Yu's expression froze, he turned around and said, "Brother Kong Xing, you use the 'Tsinghua Mace', and I use the 'Tianyuan Hammer' to intercept Kong Ming's two sharp weapons."

Kong Xing was about to promise, but Kong You stretched out his hand and said, "Wait a minute."

Both Kong Yu and Kong Xing were startled.But the four of them had agreed in advance that this battle would be at the mercy of Kong You.So they all stopped.

Kong Tan frowned, and said, "Brother Kong You, I'm afraid your battle strategy is a bit off."

Originally, Kong Tan didn't want to meddle in Kong You's arrangement.But at this point in the battle, Kong Tan really couldn't agree with Kong You's arrangement.

It is true that without the treasure of "Bafang Yinzhuan Tu", the dozens of people may not be willing to work together to fight against Kong Ming.

With this formation diagram, it is possible to avoid the worries of all cultivators being defeated individually; but as a whole, the formation diagram is not very flexible after all.

According to Kong Tan's opinion, he, Kong You and the other five should enter the battle first, and wait for a stalemate to form, and all the cultivators on the "Bafang Yinzhuan Tu" will work together to exert their combat power to the greatest extent.But now Kong You made this formation as the main force to meet the enemy, and the five of him waited and waited.Because the formation is too cumbersome, it is very easy to be restrained by Kong Ming with a wonderful method; and the five people just watched from the sidelines, doing nothing.There is a suspicion of reversed primary and secondary.

Now that the battle situation is unfavorable, it confirms Kong Tan's judgment.

Hearing Kong Tan's doubts, Kong You's self-confidence remained undiminished, and he smiled lightly: "Brother Kong Tan thought that Kong You used the power of the formation to test consumption first? Nope. The key to victory is at this moment."

Seeing that Kong You had already planned everything, Kong Tan was surprised and said, "I don't know what else Brother Kong You can do?"

Kong You said earnestly: "Brother Kong Tan is behind. The four of us join forces to protect Brother Kong Tan."

There was a slight surprise in Kong Tan's eyes, and he said thoughtfully: "You are going to use this heavy method to lure the snake out of its hole and break its wings..."

Kong Tan nodded, showing approval on his face, and immediately gave a wink. Kong Yu, Kong Yu, and Kong Xing looked around for luck. .

Kong Tan nodded deeply and said, "Okay."

But seeing Kong Tan sitting down, the five-color brilliance bloomed in the palm of his hand, and immediately separated and reunited. After dozens of changes and twists, it condensed into a shallow waterfall.

After luck for a while, when the time came, Kong Tan opened his eyes, the eyes filled with light.With a backhand, a phantom of a peacock spreading its tail manifested.

In the image of the peacock spreading its tail, the waterfall quickly merged with it, washed repeatedly, and the light suddenly rose sharply, condensing into white flares, like the sun in the sky.

On the other side, Gui Wujiu pulled himself together and manipulated the seven swords and the magical power of the "Phantom Sword".

He knew in his heart that in another quarter of an hour, all the magic weapons on the "Bafang Yin Zhuan Tu" would be completely destroyed by himself.At that time, these dozens of people will no longer pose any threat to him.

But at this moment, Jing's dazzling light shines.

Gui Wujiu's heart suddenly went blank, he only felt that the connection between "Xiao Ran Yiyi" and other seven swords, and his mind was suddenly weakened by most of it.

(End of this chapter)

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