Chapter 563
If what the Patriarch of the Peacock said is true, avoiding the lotus of the Three Tribulations and the sacred objects of the Zangxiang sect is not a disaster but a blessing, and it will be of great benefit to the long-term path of returning to blame.

But every step in the practice is down-to-earth and step-by-step.If you don't rely on the rare treasures such as the two great medicines and the three-kalpa lotus, how can you get close to the opportunity to achieve enlightenment?
Gui Wugui saw the bald young man clapping his hands and looking at himself with a smile, obviously waiting for himself to ask a question.

After thinking about it, he said: "If you don't want to make up for your spiritual root qualifications, I would like to ask the seniors to point out how to go forward."

The bald-headed middle-aged man laughed and said, "What else? Naturally, I have tried my best to search for rare medicines, spiritual weapons and other treasures, which directly speed up the speed of cultivation. Don't you have two kinds of strange treasures on your body now, which can be effective? "

According to the Peacock Patriarch, it is naturally the two treasures of Yuan Yujing Dendrobium and Yingyue Liantai.

That's exactly what Gui Wugui thought.It's just that he originally thought that directly replenishing the spiritual roots was a permanent solution, and speeding up cultivation through various means was a temporary solution.But now it seems that the status of these two methods has been reversed.Accelerating cultivation is the fundamental method; replenishing spiritual roots is, on the contrary, an expedient measure with no way out in the end.

While speaking, the bald-headed middle-aged man stretched out his hand again, as if his palm turned into a phantom, reaching into a star to touch it.After a while, he said calmly: "If you talk about the method of medicine to make up for it, you have already got it nine out of ten. Especially the most effective spiritual thing in the Ziwei Great World, you have already got it. Except for this thing, No matter how you search for side branches, the results will be slim.”

After thinking for a while with his eyes closed, the bald-headed middle-aged man said again: "If you talk about the properties of the medicine you have taken in the past, there is no intersection. Rough calculations, you can get together a hundred and forty-five kinds. But these one hundred and forty-five This kind of elixir can only increase your cultivation speed by more than [-]% in total."

"The trouble is yet to come. These one hundred and forty-five kinds of elixir have their own conflicting and flawed properties. If you want to maximize your strengths and avoid your weaknesses, the method of taking them must be coordinated and arranged, which is extremely complicated. There are even many opportunities to increase or decrease the properties of medicines. It has to be deduced at any time, and there is no definite rule. Just think, if the daily time is not enough for cultivation, if more than half an hour is wasted on how to take medicine, it can be said to be half the effort and useless."

Gui Wugui nodded slowly when he heard the words. He heard what the Peacock Patriarch said, but he didn't feel any depression in his heart.

From a negative point of view, this destroys Gui Wujiu's hope in the effect of medicine stones; but from another perspective, after Gui Wujiu looks for all kinds of opportunities, he can completely abandon it without any effort. .It is equivalent to clipping out an extremely broad wrong selection.

The bald middle-aged man saw that Gui Wugui was concentrating and didn't show the slightest sign of frustration, he laughed and said: "I originally wanted to suppress first and then raise, but I didn't expect you to be able to hold your breath."

He changed the subject and said: "It is of course useless if it is based on medicine, but there is still a lot to do when it comes to rare and foreign things."

"Everything that happens in the Wraith Realm cannot escape Lao Tzu's eyes and ears. One of the treasures you have seen has a lot to do with your practice. Let's take a guess, what kind of treasure is it?"

With a thought in his mind, Gui Wujiu recalled everyone he had seen since entering the Wraith Realm.

Whether it is one's own opponent or a participant who happened to be on the sidelines, all of them flowed in the mind.

There are more than tens of thousands of magic weapons used by these people.But there are not many who can leave a deep impression on Gui Wugui.Comparing back and forth, it seems that I haven't found anything that is beneficial to my practice.

The bald-headed middle-aged man shook his head and said, "Can't guess? That's right. No matter how talented you are, you can't transform out of thin air what you don't have in your knowledge."

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand again, probed into a very distant star, searched for a while, and retrieved something.

Gui Wugui wrinkled his nose.

This object is about three or four feet high, slightly less wide, and seems to be a huge stone.

The surface of this boulder was even thickly covered with a layer of half black and half blue silt, exuding a very pungent smell, as if it was a stone pulled out of a latrine.

The bald-headed middle-aged man laughed, and said: "Hiding in the mud for millions of years, it is useless at all. How about a meteor flying across, emitting a short-lived brilliance?"

It was not seen that he had used any supernatural powers, and the boulder suddenly floated up lightly, and the soil on the stone kept peeling off and falling off.After a while, the true colors of the object were revealed.

This boulder is not spherical, but square and round, like a huge skull.As the object kept flipping and drifting, a hole was revealed in one of them, revealing that the object was actually a hollow body, just like a huge container.

Gui Wugui's eyelids twitched and he remembered something.The "bowl" in which the double-faced man trapped himself and nearly caused his field hunting meeting to fail seemed somewhat similar to this one.

After about a quarter of an hour, this "huge rock" finally took on a new look. Looking closely at its surface material, the thickness and thickness are alternate, like stone and iron, and it is indeed a foreign object that has never been seen before.

Looking inside from the small hole, it was blurry and strange, as if the space inside was distorted by a strange force.

Until this time, Gui Wujiu finally saw the Peacock Patriarch perform his supernatural powers.

A golden character appeared in the palm of the bald middle-aged man. The strokes of this character were twisted and twisted, and the strokes were complicated. It is not a character commonly used by human civilization today.Then he slapped his backhand, reflecting the word on the surface of the "big rock", and it sank.

Afterwards, great changes have taken place in both the nature and weather of this boulder.It seems that it has changed from a mountain bead to a magic weapon refined by manpower.

Immediately, the boulder shrunk tens of millions of times, only about the size of an incense burner, and slowly drifted into Gui Wugui's side.

Gui Wujiu stretched out his hand to take it, and felt that although the object was weightless, it could hardly be perceived by touch; but in the divine mind, he could "see" that the clear air was sharp and sharp, and its existence was not empty.

Not only that, but the formula on how to control this treasure also naturally appeared in Gui Wugui's heart.

Gui Wujiu weighed it up twice, and felt even more miraculous.Asked tentatively: "The function of this thing is opposite to the effect of the strange treasure I saw that day?"

The bald middle-aged man nodded and said approvingly: "You really thought of it."

Gui Wugui stared.

The "bowl" rare treasure of the double-faced man is known as "the endlessness of the Jiazi in the mountains, and the eight-thousand journey through the pot with one howl". It is a day in the bowl and a year in the ground; One hundred and sixty times.

Most of the treasures given to him by the Patriarch Peacock are also based on time, but their purpose is just the opposite. The speed of time in this stone is slower than that in the outside world.

The bald-headed middle-aged man stared at the object and took another look, as if admiring his own masterpiece.He sighed and said, "It's a pity. For you, this thing can only be used as a temporary aid."

"This thing can only be used once every hundred years, and each time lasts for thirty-six days. Practicing in it for thirty-six days is like cultivating outside for thirty-six years."

Gui Wujiu's heart moved, with this thing, if he waited, he would have an extra thirty-six years for every hundred years.

Although the effect is opposite, but the double-faced man's alms bowl is equivalent to one hour, and what I have obtained is more than one month equal to thirty-six years. In terms of effect, my own is much better.

The bald-headed middle-aged man said slowly: "Actually, the 'Niyuxuan Stone' I found for you is not of high quality, but it can be used as an emergency. In the world of Ziwei, there is another large The 'Niyu Profound Stone', which has been multiplied hundreds of times, is much more effective than this one. Once entering the retreat, you can practice for three years."

Three years in the outside world, within this stone is [-] years.

This thing appeared in the world, and Gui Wugui's ultimate reliance on solving the problems of cultivating Taoism finally came to light.

However, Gui Wugui was still extremely sober.He could see that the Patriarch Peacock really wanted to support him.But he only took this smaller piece of 'Niyuxuan Stone', of course it was not without reason.

Thinking of this, Gui Wujiu said bluntly: "It is extremely difficult to find the larger and stronger 'Niyu Xuanshi'."

The bald-headed middle-aged man shook his head repeatedly when he heard the words, and said: "It's not difficult to find. You will naturally know the whereabouts of this stone within a hundred years at the most. Let me be a secret; It’s very difficult. It will depend on your luck.”

Gui Wujiu thought for a while, and said: "This 'Niyuxuan Stone' is very valuable. If Gui Wujiu uses this to pass a short-cut next day, he will return this treasure to the Peacock Clan and pass it on to future generations."

Hearing these words, the bald-headed middle-aged man burst out laughing, the sound seemed to penetrate this strange area, shaking the stars in the sky to sway slightly.

After a long time, he stopped laughing and said loudly: "That's not necessary. At this moment, this thing is indeed a treasure for you; but for others, even for other people with insufficient qualifications, it is a treasure. None of them are of any use. I, the Peacock Clan, don’t collect junk, so I’m taking this thing for a common use?”

"Yes. Maybe there is one use. If you really have a great success in the future, use your name to enshrine this thing as a vase for people to see. It will be its greatest use."

Seeing Gui Wujiu was speechless, the bald middle-aged man smiled subtly again, and said meaningfully: "This thing is called 'Niyu Xuanyang Stone', and the piece that trapped you in the Wraith Realm for January, It's called 'Niyu Xuanyin Stone'."

"Under the premise that the scale is roughly the same, the value of [-] 'Niyu Xuanyang Stone' is not as good as one 'Niyu Xuanyin Stone'. Why do you think?"

Gui Wugui just felt confused and couldn't understand.

The bald middle-aged man glared at Gui Wujiu, and said slowly: "Because within the 'Niyu Xuanshi', all the passage of time, the rise and fall of vitality, are just like the outside world, completely real."

Gui Wugui heard the words, his heart was shocked, and he instantly understood what the Patriarch Peacock said.

In this way, from a fundamental point of view, the "Niyu Xuanyang Stone" actually does not have any effect on speeding up cultivation; because within the space created by this stone, the consumption of lifespan is real.

If someone can't break through within a thousand years of life, then he has cultivated in the "Niyu Xuanyang Stone" for three years, which is equivalent to spending more than a thousand years of life, and he will naturally die at the end of his life.

For those who lack qualifications and cannot break through the realm in their lifetime, obtaining the "Niyu Xuanyang Stone" is actually of no use at all.

The "Niyu Xuanyin Stone" is different.If there is a boulder that is so powerful that there is no time limit for its use, anyone who encounters a great opportunity that can only be matured after thousands or tens of thousands of years, or a layout plan that can only be formed after tens of thousands of years, and his own lifespan is not enough, he can hide in it. Among this stone, relying on its magical effect of "one day in the stone, one year in the world", if you travel through time and space, you will catch a great opportunity that you had no intersection with yourself.

Only imputation is a special case.

Now there is no suspense for him to break through the Nascent Soul.Ordinary Nascent Soul monks can enjoy a lifespan of [-] years; and Gui Wugui's deep foundation is so thick that it is unparalleled in ancient times, even if he stays in the Nascent Soul Realm, he will not have any problems living for [-] years.If he fights steadily, he may break through step by step according to the path of the "Three Realms of Heaven and Man" of the local human civilization.No matter how low his spiritual root aptitude is, three thousand years to break through the realm and transform into a god is actually enough.

It is only because of the special promotion method of the Nine Sects, and it coincides with the [-]-year karmic meeting, that we have to force ourselves to break through the short-cut realm for [-] years, so the method of "Niyu Xuanyang Stone" overdrawing the lifespan becomes feasible. .

Gui Wugui pondered for a long time, and finally said: "The Holy Patriarch knows the way I want to go?"

The bald middle-aged man smiled and said nothing, just waved his hand.In front of Gui Wugui, Jing'er created a picture scroll.

An empty, transparent, mysterious and clear star map.

In this picture scroll, the stars in the center are extremely brilliant, dense and deep, and there are two red giant stars that are very eye-catching; but at a glance, the most eye-catching thing is this picture scroll In the southeast corner of the , there are nine stars.

Although these nine stars are exquisite and exquisite, they are not superior in terms of size; but their brilliance is extremely prominent, shining a dazzling light that far surpasses the rest of the stars.The difference between light and dark is like clouds and mud.

(End of this chapter)

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