Chapter 569
The day of the feast.

The place where this banquet is held is just one step further behind the seemingly majestic hall of "Changle Realm".

It turns out that if you magnify the field of vision dozens or hundreds of times and view it from a height, the so-called "main hall" here is rather the "main entrance".Although the palace is complicated and connected inside and outside, it is only used as a portal after all.The side halls on the two wings are connected from one room to another, and finally form a huge circle, revealing that it is called a palace, but it is actually a city wall.

Surrounded by the "city wall", there are a total of [-] extremely different plants, about thirty or forty feet high.It looks as slender as a bamboo, but a huge purple flower blooms at each of the tops.

From the center of the [-] flowers, invisible fresh air continuously gushes up, and finally condenses into a cloud that looks like nothing.Where the clouds support, a sky garden is carefully built.

Among them, the scenery changes endlessly at any time. It can be said that it can be said to be omnipresent regardless of one's imagination.

If this is not the case, they will not be able to bear the heavy responsibility of the Peacock Clan to welcome the distinguished guests.

On a slowly rotating nine-leaf lotus, Gui Wujiu and Kong Wu, the patriarch of the peacock clan, sat opposite each other, and they both talked softly.

At this time, the banquet has not officially started yet, the reason why Kong Wu came early was to greet Gui Wujiu for a while, in order to complete the etiquette, he had to leave early.

The guests attending this meeting are all of the same generation as Gui Wugui.If Kong Wu participated in the regular meeting, it would not be beautiful.

Although Gui Wujiu didn't think much of it, in the eyes of the Peacock Clan, the patriarch of the clan had a lot of prestige, and he couldn't let go no matter what.

At the same time, Kong Wu also explained two things to Gui Wujiu.

First, the matter of going to Shu Yinzong has been done, please feel free to blame me.

Second, hand over to Gui Wugui the four keys to start the array.The Peacock Clan's four secret treasures of Heaven, Earth, Xuan and Huang are divided into four realms.If there is nothing to blame, just go get it yourself, don't bother asking others.

Thanks to Kong Wu for his kindness, he calmly accepted the four locks and keys.He opened his mouth and said: "Gui has something to ask, if there is something impolite, fellow Taoist, don't take offense."

Kong Wu's eyes were slightly fixed, and he said solemnly: "Fellow Taoist, please speak frankly."

Gui Wujiu thought for a while, and said calmly: "Although Gui's current cultivation is still relatively low, he has seen more than one high-level power. Regarding the subtle changes in each level, and the harmony between heaven and earth, There are also two or three points of superficial understanding. If Gui Mou is not mistaken, although the Taoist friends are more refined, they are still in the same realm as the vast majority of demon kings."

This matter was blameless and I thought about it afterwards, but I felt that it was quite important.

For example, in the background of the Yinzong, there are four people who rob Taoist priests to sit in the town; and the ancestral court of the holy religion, including the two great masters Xiandao and Yingyuan, has six people who have reached the pinnacle of the road.

As one of the eight largest monster clans in the Ziwei Great World, the peacock clan's top combat power is a matter worth exploring.

Kong Wu closed his eyes slightly, weighed it carefully for a while, and seemed to be thinking carefully.

Finally, Kong Wu considered the words "obedience and obedience" said by the Patriarch Peacock, and he opened his lips and said: "It is reasonable to say that this matter is the foundation of a clan and should not be easily publicized. But since you and I have formed an alliance, both sides Supporting the bottom is also the right thing to do."

"Fellow Daoist is not mistaken, Kong Wu has indeed not been able to break through that barrier; but when life and death are at stake, there are triple means among our clan."

The root of the peacock clan is a large mulberry tree, which bears [-] large fruits, and is managed into [-] small realms that are vast and magnificent, each with its own usefulness.But besides the eighty-one large fruits, this tree has many more small fruits.Picking a fruit with great magic power, and throwing it out through the "fourfold gate" magical power by the great supernatural powers of the clan, it will be the prestige of the collision of the two worlds, which can be said to destroy the world and destroy the world, enough to withstand the blow of a human robbery Taoist.

In addition, under the altar of the peacock clan, there is still a senior demon ancestor sleeping deeply.

The demon king broke through the Dao realm and became the demon ancestor.Like a human cultivator, the hope of ascending to the upper realm is still very slim.

If there are any demon ancestors, they are all hidden deep in the ground, waiting for a good relationship to ascend to heaven; but the vast majority of them have finally passed away.

The resident demon ancestor of the Peacock clan has been in a deep sleep for more than [-] years, and the hope of breaking through the realm and ascending is also not high.But once there is trouble in the clan, he can be awakened as one of the last reliance of the clan.

The third major heritage of the peacock family is the treasure inherited from the ancient times, three pieces of peacock feather coats with nine feathers.

After wearing this robe, the cultivation base of the original demon king realm can display the strength equivalent to that of the demon ancestor.However, if anyone wears these three peacock feather coats for one day, it will consume a thousand years of life.Therefore, it is determined not to use it lightly until the critical moment of the survival of the family.

For such a secret, Kong Wu dared to tell it frankly, and felt very sincere if he was innocent, so he solemnly thanked him immediately.

Weighing in mind, if compared with the Yinzong alliance, the four members of the Yinzong rob the Taoist priest to live in the world, and the victory is long-lasting; while the hole cards of the Peacock Clan are all extraordinary means, which is the advantage of the Yinzong; but when it comes to temporary Explosive power, on the contrary, is better than that of the Peacock Clan.

After asking, the time has come.Kong Wu also said goodbye first.

The banquet is divided into two rooms, inside and outside, and the curtain is rolled up, separated by a pool with a width of more than ten feet and surrounded by springs.

On the spring, there are thirty-six dancers with superb appearance and graceful figure, wearing light clothes and wearing pendants; their feet are on the clear waves, as light as a leaf in the palm of their hands, and they are as light as flying.

Gui Wugui took a closer look and recognized that although these thirty-six dancers looked very similar in temperament, eighteen of them came from eighteen different aquarium species; the other eighteen came from eighteen different species. Different spirits.Thirty-six kinds of goblins with different attributes have been trained so that their temperaments are so unified, so natural that even if they are innocent, they can't help but admire secretly.

There are thirty guests in total.It's all due to the direct descendants of the peacock clan who met once at the "Meng Dong Field Hunting" meeting.In fact, there are thousands of people who have seen at the Gui Wu Jiu Field Hunting Fair, but the vast majority of them are too shallow to be qualified to participate in today's meeting.

Headed by Kong Jiao, there are many Kong Tan, Kong Xia and others who have fought against Gui Wujiu.But at this time, these people looked respectful and came to toast one by one.

Today's gathering also meant to wipe out past obsessions and hostility.As guests of the Peacock Clan, they naturally don't want to leave any pimples in their relationship with Gui Wugui.

And the few people in the inner seats are the ones who claim to have some kind of fate with Gui Wujiu.

There are seven people in the inner seats.

Kong Quan, who visited in advance the day before yesterday and revealed the "one-eyed" face; Kong Xuan, the first heir of the peacock clan; One by one, Kong Ling, who has a discerning eye and knows the pearl, made hundreds of billions of snacks by betting on Gui Wugui in Baguio Hall's betting game, and Kong Mo, who came with Kong Ling's handkerchief.The last person is another member of the peacock clan who benefited from the "rise and fall" method passed down by Jianzhangmen, named Kongci.

However, the atmosphere in the temple seemed a bit strange.

Those Kong Tan, Kong Xia and others who had fought against Gui Wujiu at the field hunting meeting were extremely frank and sincere, their actions were graceful and their words were very appropriate.It seems that they have made up their minds to reconcile with Gui Wugui by taking advantage of the fate of "not knowing each other without fighting".

The person in the inner seat, logically speaking, has a deeper fate with Gui Wugui.

It's just that among the seats in the six directions at this time, except for Kong Xuan who is heartless and still carefree.On the contrary, Kong Quan, who seemed extremely reserved and timid, was the most relaxed.The rest of the people were vaguely cautious, so the banquet was not so lively.

Even Kongde, who is very upright and always behaves calmly and freely, seems to be much less talkative after exchanging polite greetings with Gui Wujiu.Just looking at his appearance, he couldn't tell at all that since the ancestor of the peacock manifested his mana, as Gui Wujiu's first contribution to Meng Dong's field hunting, he had awarded ten times more rewards yesterday.

The reason is that in the eyes of Kong Tan, Kong Xia and others, although Gui Wugui is a once-in-a-thousand-year foreign champion, he needs to work hard to make friends; but it will not cause distance, fear, and humbleness. .

However, the distinguished guests near the table were all waiting in the "rear hall" in the north of the besieged city the day before yesterday; they witnessed the tricks of the Peacock Patriarch and the words "obey what you say".

In the minds of this generation, the image of Gui Wugui is completely different.

Except for Kong Quan, after being enlightened by Gui Wugui, he was able to let go of his hands and feet.

After drinking for three rounds, Gui Wugui felt that since the banquet had changed, it was just as bad.

Although Kong Xuan is the most relaxed, she can't control the communication between guests and hosts, and the ability to exchange pleasantries.At this time, he tasted five or six kinds of delicacies on his own, as if he was enjoying it.

At this moment, there was a "Ouch" first; then there was a burst of "plop" and "plop", mixed with many people whispering in low voices.This banquet, which was originally tepid, suddenly went wrong.

It turned out that on the dance floor, a young woman with crystal-clear jade skin and a very beautiful appearance suddenly slipped, stepped on the air, and fell from the water.Among the other thirty-five people who were close by, their rhythm was disrupted by her, and they all stopped dancing.

All of these dancers who were born in the monster race were hard-working.On the important occasion of welcoming the distinguished guests today, apart from mistakes, the relationship is not small.

It would be fine if it could be uncovered lightly, but to put it more seriously, the entire Peacock Clan will be shamed by this.

There was a flash of people outside the hall, and a woman dressed as an actress and about [-] years old ran in three steps in two steps, and hurried in to plead guilty in panic.

Gui Wugui waved his hand, indicating that it's okay.

After the actor confessed his crime, he couldn't help saying that he wanted to lock up the woman who had gone wrong.

Seeing this, Gui Wugui stopped and said loudly: "Slow down. Let her come forward."

At the banquet just now, Gui Wugui vaguely felt that there was a woman on the dance floor who peeked over from time to time, as if she was very curious about him.

Gui Wugui responded with a smile, which caused her to accidentally slip.

When the dancing girl knelt close to him, Gui Wujiu inspected it carefully, observed the root of its aura, thoughtfully said: "Is it possible that someone from your clan made a contract with someone, and you can feel it?"

The young woman showed gratitude, seized the opportunity to save herself, and said repeatedly: "What the honored guest said is very true. It is because of a vague feeling in my heart that I accidentally distracted myself."

Gui Wugui smiled, and said: "There is a fellow of your clan in my cave. Usually everything is fine, but he is always lonely. I feel that there is no reliable ethnic neighbor by my side. Would you like to come back with me and make love with her?" a partner?"

The young Orange showed surprise, but he didn't dare to answer.

Gui Wugui only looked at Kong Xuan.

Kong Xuan rolled her eyes and said, "It's just a monster, so it's nothing. After the meeting, call the psychic who taught the singing and dancing, and make a contract for you."


(End of this chapter)

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