Chapter 573
After obtaining the spiritual material "Two Phases and Four Seasons Beads" for refining "Anti-Swallowing Twin Beads", he stayed in the Peacock Clan for another day, and said goodbye gracefully.

The peacock family relies on the big mulberry tree as its foundation, and the eighty-one "big realms" manifested by its fruits correspond to ninety-nine, and the invisible cloud towers in each city can connect to the nine realms.

And between the nine giant cities, and between the eighty-one small realms, there are teleportation arrays connected, such that the latitude and longitude intertwined, forming an isolated structure.

Gui Wugui returned to the residence of "Changle Realm" first, and tidied up temporarily.Immediately, he escaped into the giant city of the seven-color peacock clan, and teleported to Cyanwood City from the teleportation array here.

When he reappeared from the secret place of "Shadow Valley" in Qingmu City, Gui Wujiu had already changed his appearance.

At this time, his appearance looked ordinary, and his facial features seemed to be well-rounded, but he couldn't match him with handsomeness anyway.Mouth, eyes, nose and facial features, there is always a trace of flaws.

Because now, among the "Two Mirrors of Yin and Yang", who are not to be blamed, there are more Kong Quan, a fortune teller, the Kongjie Demon King who is proficient in refining weapons, and three other Peacock tribesmen.

The current appearance is a mixture of two unsatisfactory appearances that are rare in the peacock clan-Kong Quan and Kong Jie, plus an unknown but very handsome person.

The mix of length and length really made up a fairly moderate appearance, and no one would take a second look when walking on the road.

The teleportation array between the Peacock Clan and Jianzhangmen began in a land called "Juze".And from "Juze" to Qingmu City, there are still seven days' journey.

It's nothing to blame, passing through the gate of Qingmu City.

At this time, "Meng Dong Field Hunting" has passed for nearly a year, but the number of people coming and going at the main gate of Qingmu City is only slightly lower than the two days before the field hunting meeting, when the number of people was the most dense.Gui Wujiu made a rough count, and it was easy to tell that there were at least twenty demon cultivator races coming and going here.

This shows that this place is far more than the gathering of the Peacock Clan and the surrounding nine Clans.

After thinking about it for a while, Gui Wugui came to the conclusion that such a prosperous scene had a lot to do with the heroic declaration made at the Nine Wings Hall auction back then.

For Gui Wugui, who still has more than three hundred and ninety years left to fight for his way, two hundred and seventy-six years is indeed quite a long time; but for the monster clan with a long lifespan, especially those who In the eyes of the Xiaozu, who are still in a state of ignorance, the "Calamity of Premises" is almost imminent in two hundred and seventy-six years.

In order to win a chance in the big gathering two hundred and seventy-six years later, the monster races from far and near started to make arrangements early.

Just after Gui Wujiu walked out of the gate of Qingmu City, he suddenly felt a little disharmony.

It seems that there is some kind of shadow over my heart, and what my spiritual sense feels is all a blur.He took the opportunity to observe again, making sure that no one was staring at him.

It would be unbelievable if anyone dared to play tricks under the eyes of the Peacock Clan.

Gui Wujiu refused to force it, thought for a while, then turned around and returned to Qingmu City, found a secluded place, and left behind a slip of lost items.

After re-exiting the city, Gui Wujiu had already used a magic weapon silently.The faces of the people who come and go under observation also have a different charm.

After re-exiting the main entrance, after walking for a while, a crisp voice came to my ears:

"Dare to ask this fellow Taoist, how many spirit stones do you need to rent a temporary cave in Qingmu City for a year?"

The person who spoke was a demon cultivator whose cultivation base was only in the early stage of Yuanying, and his skills were not considered pure. He stood two or three miles away from the gate of Qingmu City, and from time to time intercepted people coming and going to the city, and stepped forward to ask questions.

This demon cultivator has a green face and a thin face, and a slightly tattered robe on his body has been dyed from white to slightly gray, which matches his below-level skills.

Those who were entangled by him were also somewhat impatient.If you have a good temper, just say a few words and get rid of it; when you meet someone with a temper, you will cast a blank eye, ignore it and leave.

After all, for someone who cares about the cost of renting a cave, how poor is he?When meeting such a person, I really don't even have the time to talk to him.

"Fellow Taoist, please stay."

This sentence was said to Gui Wugui.

At this time, this person is still sixty or seventy feet away from Gui Wujiu, but he has a blazing smile on his face, as if a glacier is thawing, with an irresistible magic power, he walks towards him.

Gui Wugui also gave him a kind smile.

However, Gui Wugui's action did not match the smile on his face, but was unusually decisive, resolute!

With the next breath, in Wu Jiu's palm, "Zheng Er in the Cloud" immediately appeared, and a mellow clear light rippled from the seal;

In the next breath, Gui Wugui's figure disappeared from the gate of Qingmu City;

In the next breath, a terrifying force rippled outside the walls of Qingmu City. The grass, trees, people, and five elements in the center of it seemed to be in a blur; Not at all.Even at the outermost edge of this mighty force, it seems that the breath is rolling like the wind, which is not much different from the summer heat wave; but if any Nascent Soul cultivator is caught by the air wave, a large area of ​​his body will be blown off immediately. Flesh, no matter how difficult it is to repair completely.

After a full quarter of an hour, Gui Wujiu stood on the wall of Qingmu City, admiring his masterpiece.

A huge pit with a diameter of two to three thousand feet, the deepest part is about a hundred feet, and gradually narrows from the center to the edge, as if a huge bowl cover was excavated above the ground.

The wound of this huge pit is very smooth, it really seems to be carefully carved.

As for the people who come and go around, those who are lucky enough to survive, they have cultivated themselves after all, so they will not scream like a woman.I have already fled and fled, and I don't know where to end.

"Fellow Daoist Gui is using the method bestowed by Shangzhen in the door? Is it too hasty?"

Beside Gui Wugui, stood a middle-aged man in a black cloak.Although he restrained his aura, the slightly mysterious form of the five-color primordial light on his body still revealed that he was an existence in the realm of the demon king.

This person's name is Conti, and he was sent by the Peacock Clan to secretly protect the innocent.

Gui Wugui bid farewell and left, but compared with when he came, his status had changed too much; even though the seven-day journey was not under the control of the Peacock Clan, out of prudent considerations, the Kongwu Clan Chief still secretly sent someone to follow and protect him.

However, the Peacock Clan did not say that Gui Wugui was innocent, they were afraid that they would hurt his face by sending someone to escort him.

Conti took the order of the patriarch and hung in the distance for more than ten miles, following with his spiritual consciousness.

But just now secretly followed Kong Ti obviously did not find any abnormalities, Gui Wugui resorted to such drastic means.

After repeated weighing, Conte decided to show up and show his identity.

"His cultivation seems to be only three inches; but in Gui's eyes, the value is three feet." Gui Wugui replied.

The Demon King Kongti was startled, and immediately realized that what Gui Wugui was talking about was the rare treasure "Candle Smart Eyes".

"It's that simple?" Conti the demon king asked in surprise.

Gui Wujiu turned around slightly, and said seriously: "Of course not."

"There is another important reason - Gui has just had a bad feeling in his heart."

Seeing that Gui Wugui gave such a reason in a serious manner, the demon king Conti said "Hey", but he didn't know how to speak.

Gui Wugui said calmly: "His combat power is higher than mine, so Gui still needs to compete with him and try the method of defeating the strong with the weak? Naturally, we should eliminate him with the most concise and thorough method. "

The demon king Kongti thought thoughtfully, and said: "You Daoist Gui doesn't seem to be a descendant of a great sect, but rather a person who has been wandering for a long time and has been fighting for a long time."

However, he was still somewhat unconvinced.

The Konti demon king is based in the giant city to which the six-color peacock clan belongs, not in the eighty-one world of Dasangmu, and he did not see the remains of the holy ancestor's writing that day.As a party with a higher cultivation level, naturally, he would not have any awe of Gui Wugui.He was summoned by the head of the Kongwu clan yesterday, and he solemnly explained such a task, but he didn't really take it too seriously.

In Conti's view, the life-saving means bestowed by Tianxuan Shangzhen in the door, so that he can kill people indiscriminately based on the feeling in his heart, really makes him disagree.

Conti Demon King also has means.

He cultivated a divine light of the sect called "Shadow Screening Light". After covering a small area, he was good at restoring the original; within twelve hours, there was no hiding place for the people, events and things he experienced.

At this time, the aura of the secret technique that Gui Wugui used gradually dissipated, and it was just right for him to use this technique.

With a wave of his arm, clear light flowed, and the center of the huge pit seemed to flow backwards in time.The foundation, the figure, all the fragments of existence are reassembled.

The figure of that young man, as if he had come to life, was facing the innocent with a smile on his face.Everything hidden on his body was also seen in detail, and it fell into the eyes of the demon king Conti.

Conti Demon King suddenly changed his expression.

Because he saw that there was something mixed in the young man's gray clothes.

This thing is half like a space cuff, half like an ordinary bag.The things hidden in it are clearly visible and available at any time; but they are covered by the wonderful power of space.Even with his high level of cultivation, he can only detect something wrong unless he concentrates his mind on it.If it is just a general sense of consciousness, it will be difficult to find him out.

It is a treasure similar to the "Flame Bead" of the Peacock Clan, and it is very likely to be more powerful; there are more than [-] pieces in total.

Needless to say, this thing is not hidden in the ordinary Nawu ring or Qiankun sleeve, but is carefully arranged in this wonderful sleeve, just to be able to detonate all of them in an instant, and to avoid being attacked by others. Knowledge probing.

This young monk turned out to be a dead man who was determined to "exchange his life for his life".

Gui Wugui didn't care about these treasures like "flame beads".He has full confidence in his sense of Dao fate.

What he noticed was that this young man also hid a magic weapon similar to the "candle clever eye" in his sleeve.

This is also the reason why this person is sure to lock the target.

The "yin and yang double mirror" is so magical that even the demon king of the peacock clan was deceived if he didn't pay attention. It was unexpected that there would be such a flaw.

At this time, the demon king Kongti really admired Gui Wujiu, and said sincerely: "Kong will first protect fellow Taoist Gui and return to Jianzhangmen. After meeting with the patriarch, we will conduct a thorough investigation."

Gui Wugui said indifferently: "No need. Gui knows who did it."

(End of this chapter)

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