Chapter 578
The two young women, one behind the other, looked left and right, looking at the blossoming floating peaks far and near, with different expressions.

The woman in front of her was dressed in a golden core cultivation base and a plain robe, and her demeanor was more dignified and decent. It seemed that the grand scene of Ye Ye in her eyes was not so eye-catching to her.

But the woman in the green dress behind her was looking around with curiosity in her eyes all the time.

These two women are Kong Ling from the Peacock Clan, and the woman from the Xiongwei Clan.

After experiencing the assassination incident when Gui Wugui returned to the sect, this time the Peacock Clan sent a team to escort Kong Ling and Kong Ling to Jianzhang Gate.

What Kong Ling didn't know was that she took the initiative to ask the patriarch of her clan to join Wu Jiu's sect. Although she disrupted the original arrangement of her clan, once she put forward several reasons, she immediately filled in the patriarch Kong Wu. In his heart, the importance he attached to her continued unabated.Today, Kong Ling is already a very important son in the situation planned by Kong Wu, even surpassing many demon kings in the clan.

It's not like Kong Wu didn't have the intention of dispatching his clansmen to put his inferiority status on Gui Wugui's side.But after careful calculation, he found it difficult to implement and find a suitable candidate.

Because even if there is a belief in the words "obedience and obedience" of the ancestors of the peacock clan, it would be somewhat inappropriate to send the top-ranked blood of the clan to be a servant.However, if the people sent are not enough and have insufficient potential, they will not be able to show their sincerity.However, Kong Ling's talent is excellent, and his reputation has not been obvious, but he is an excellent chess piece that was unexpected.

After entering the "Kaiyuan Realm", although Kong Ling's face was flat, he was always commenting on the scenery in the Kaiyuan Realm.

Before leaving, she also did a lot of homework on the regulation of Yinzong.

As soon as he entered the Kaiyuan Realm, although the peaks in this realm are connected and floating in the sky, although the scene is not bad, it is quite insignificant compared with the nine giant cities and eighty-one great realms of the Peacock Clan.

But he fled to the inner room for a while, and when he saw the mountains of the real residence on the inner Tianxuan and counted them carefully, Kong Ling's expression changed slightly.The existence of the Demon King Realm of the Peacock Clan is obviously at a disadvantage compared to the number of Tianxuan Shangzhen of the Yinzong.

When she saw the lake in the middle of the world above the beam of light hanging in the sky, and the legendary place where the Daoist priest was robbed, she felt even more awe.Among the peacock tribe, there is no such person sitting in the town.

Because of the longevity of the Peacock Clan, it is naturally far superior to the Human Dao Sect in terms of rich background and deep methods.But when it comes to the most fundamental number of upper-level monks, they are at a disadvantage.

This is not the most important thing - because the hidden sect alliance is not the real root of imputation.In the big world, there are at least ten or twenty major forces that can compete with the Peacock Clan and the Yinzong Alliance.And what is the existence of the nine sects that claim to be hidden in the dark and can compete with the entire cultivation world?
When they were thinking wildly, the two of them, one in front and one behind, had already arrived at the periphery of the beam of light.In the beam of light, apart from the connection of the bottom four peaks, there are three other peaks lined up one after the other, like a tower. The tallest one is more than a hundred miles higher than the surrounding Tianxuan Shangzhen Cave Mansion, like the center of a world. .

When Kong Ling and Ling entered the boundary, Jianzhangmen didn't send anyone to guide them, they only said that Guiwujiu's cave was in the "middle of the boundary".But there are three cave houses in a row, but the two daughters can't help but hesitate a little.

After thinking for a while, Kong Ling still made up his mind, took the hand of the woman from the Xiongwei clan, and fled to the highest cave.

Sure enough, when the two of them approached the beam of light for more than ten feet, a passage opened in the middle, leading far into the cave.

Seeing that his guess was correct, Kong Ling's eyebrows were filled with joy.

The main gates are connected, and Gui Wugui greeted them as early as possible.

Kong Ling and the woman from the Xiongwei family went up to pay their respects.

Huang Caiwei was already overjoyed to see her fellow clan at the side, but she had to wait for Gui Wugui's orders, and dared not act presumptuously.

Gui Wujiu said to the woman from the Xiongwei clan: "You should also have a name. Your sister from the same clan is surnamed Huang, named Caiwei; you have the same surname as hers, named Yuwei."

"Huang Yuwei" got her name, thanked her quickly, and timidly stepped aside.

Gui Wujiu pointed to Kong Ling again, and after telling her name, he said to Huang Xiyin, "From now on, I will call her Auntie."

Huang Xiyin opened her big eyes and looked at it for a while, then only let out a soft "oh".

Kong Ling was also a little surprised at this little baby, especially when he observed carefully, he realized that as a human cultivator, she had not yet reached the age of Taoism, but she was already at the foundation-building stage, and he was even more surprised.Hearing Huang Caiwei take the initiative to whisper something in her ear, she realized that this was Gui Wugui's apprentice, and felt even more incredible, so she gave Huang Xiyin a pleasant smile.

Gui Wugui saw that Huang Caiwei and Huang Yuwei seemed to have a lot to say, and he didn't want to detain them here, so he just ordered: "Caiwei, when you meet sisters of the same clan, you must have a lot to say. You will put the guards in the big formation Hand it over to Kong Ling. From now on, all the gates of the Dongfu will be handed over to Kong Ling for safekeeping. You retreat first, and treat your sisters of the same clan well."

Seeing that Gui Wugui was considerate and considerate, Huang Caiwei quickly agreed happily.

Two newcomers came to the mansion, and Huang Xiyin was not very enthusiastic at first.Gui Wugui taught her to call Kong Ling Auntie, but she just lazily agreed.

Hearing Gui Wujiu's instructions to Huang Xiyin at this time, his eyes rolled, and he seemed to regain his energy, and hurriedly ran to Kong Ling, seemingly ignorant of his identity, and called out sweetly: "Aunt Kong Ling. "

When Kong Ling saw the little baby suddenly making out with him, he was also happy in his heart. He quickly opened his arms, picked her up, and turned her around gently.

Gui Wugui didn't know what she was thinking, so he immediately shouted: "I spared you last time, don't take chances. If you do it again, be careful."

Then he said to Kong Ling: "Without my permission, you can't let her go out at will. If she tells me to take out the formation talisman to enter the cave, no matter whether she succeeds or not, you don't have to tell me. First hit [-] boards. If you cover up, you are guilty of the same crime as her." .”

Huang Xiyin's little face was full of frustration, at this moment she made a face with her back to Gui Wujiu, and muttered for a while, not knowing what to say.

Kong Ling is also a person with a delicate mind, and seeing Gui Wujiu's affection for Huang Xiyin, he just smiled and said, "I would like to obey my brother's order."


Suddenly, half a year has passed.

During this period of time, Gui Wujiu and Kong Ling gradually used the method of connecting minds given by the patriarch of Kongwu, and when they were done, they really felt that they had a completely reliable right-hand man.This feeling has not existed for a long time since Huanghai Dugu Xinling assisted him.

At the same time, the method for the two to maintain a close relationship is much looser than the forbidden secret method of controlling the soul. Such harsh methods are really not suitable for the future demon king.

On this day, the little blacksmith suddenly came out without making a sound.

Seeing the young blacksmith's joyful and high-spirited expression, Gui Wugui smiled and said: "Realist Xuanji probably has full confidence in the refining of the 'Reverse Swallowing Twin Beads'."

Because there is only one "two-phase four-sequence pearl" refining material for this treasure, to be on the safe side, Gui Wugui asked the little blacksmith to read carefully the refining secret given by the demon king Kong Jie until he was [-]% satisfied. When you are sure, let go of refining.

The little blacksmith said: "Don't worry. No matter how long it takes, in short, when you reach the Nascent Soul Realm, this orb must have been refined successfully."

Seeing that the little blacksmith had guessed his intentions, Gui Wugui couldn't help smiling.

After obtaining the "Niyu Xuanshi" again, Gui Wujiu already had an idea - at the beginning of the competition with Ruan Wenqin, he would also advance to the Nascent Soul Realm.

After obtaining the "Qingmiao Xuanlu", Gui Wujiu reckoned that the time for him to advance to the Nascent Soul Realm had been shortened to about fifty or sixty years.

Participating in Meng Dong's field hunting for the past two years, his own cultivation has not been delayed; not only has it not been delayed, but because of winning the Yingyue Lotus Terrace, the actual progress has improved by a year and a half faster than before.

With the addition of the additional thirty-six years granted by the "Niyu Xuanshi", the actual training time before the decisive battle is actually almost the same.

Adding the years that have passed, Gui Wugui entered the secret realm to cultivate for one year, which is equivalent to forty years of cultivation.And there are still eight years after coming out, don't forget these eight years, but half of the gain can be generated through the "Moon Reflection Lotus Terrace".The sum of before and after is equivalent to fifty-two years of hard work.

Although it seems that it is still relatively urgent, but Gui Wugui feels that he can already rush forward!
There is only one thing, after entering the "Niyu Profound Stone", if one year is not used up, once it is released in advance, it will take a hundred years for this thing to be effective.Therefore, Gui Wugui had to arrange everything properly so that he could practice with peace of mind.

What's more, Xiyin and him have just been separated for nearly two years, and Gui Wujiu decided to stay with her for a few more days; and Kong Ling also needs to be taken care of by himself, so it has been delayed for nine months.

Now, the time has come.

Gui Wugui explained to Kong Ling what he might encounter in detail, and finally inspected the homework of Nanmen Qian, Beimen Yunzheng, Yun Guihai and others, as well as the little blacksmith's experience in refining the "anti-swallowing twin beads" Prepare, after making sure everything is safe.Finally, three forbidden formations were set up in the deepest part of the cave, and the "Niyu Profound Stone" was soon to be placed here. After chanting the mantra, he walked in slowly...

(End of this chapter)

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