Nothing is to blame

Chapter 701 Cutting Weeds and Eliminating Misguided Ways 2 points

Chapter 701

Tens of miles away from the Danxin School's mountain gate, one can see gloomy clouds and mist, covered by the sky, drowsy, and it looks like a storm is coming.

Hidden in the clouds and mists, one could vaguely see more than a hundred tall towers forming horns, surrounding the Danxin Sect mountain gate.

Among them, in the south direction, there is a thirty-two-story tower, which is obviously the hub of the trapped formation.

The top floor of the tower is decorated with hundreds of lights, which are as bright as day.The characters in the hall are well-defined.

Gui Wujiu, his five disciples, and the elders were on the third level of bronze steps, waiting intently.At a glance, there is nothing but the case in front of Gui Wujiu, a scroll, and a three-foot-high red hourglass connected to the array map.Under the bronze steps, more than a thousand people stood with their hands behind their backs in black, lined up vertically and horizontally, showing a majestic and heroic atmosphere.

Gui Wugui closed his eyes and sat upright without saying a word.Deng Guangyi and other elders stared at the red hourglass with burning eyes.

The moment the fine sand fell, Deng Guangyi immediately said: "Sect Master, there is another quarter of an hour, and the time is right. The subordinates request to be dispatched."

Gui Wujiu opened his eyes and said lightly: "Yes."

After pondering for a while, he ordered again: "Be careful."

Beside Deng Guangyi, Chang Jingming took a step forward, and said with a smile: "The first two formations were all broken by the real head of the sect, and the subordinates did not make an inch of effort, so I really feel uneasy. Today's formation also relies on the palm of the hand. The merit of door calculation is the first. If you can't even do this to clean up the mess, Chang will have no face to serve under his command."

Gui Wugui smiled and said: "Junior Brother Chang is serious. If that's the case, let's go to battle."

Deng Guangyi and Chang Jingming followed orders.

More than ten elders and more than a thousand strong disciples under his command escaped from the palace in an orderly manner.

To clean up the mess and completely wipe out the battle between the three factions, today has come to an end.

Although Chen Dehai, Fang Changweng and other pillars were killed in battle, causing the hearts of the three factions to fluctuate; but those three factions would not flee in panic because of this.In his opinion, only the Great Formation of the Mountain Gate can be relied upon, which is the most unfavorable, and it is nothing more than closing the mountain for hundreds of years to temporarily avoid the sharp edge.It was precisely because of his thoughts that Gui Wujiu was given the opportunity to wipe them out one by one.

Pingbutang and the other two factions, the finale formations belong to the branch of "Different Illusionary Formation" in martial arts. They are famous for their divergent paths and ever-changing changes, but they can trap the enemy but hardly hurt them.Examining the Nine Schools of Taoism, it is more similar to the "Number of Extremes Array", but the subtlety is slightly less subtle.

But this kind of formation is like paper to Gui Wujiu, and it does not pose any obstacles.Relying on his ingenious sense of Dao fate, Gui Wugui took the opportunity to sneak into the formation and beheaded the two factions of New Moon Realm and Flower Moon Realm elders in one fell swoop.The rest of the low-level cultivators had no choice but to surrender.

The Daoist array of the Danxin Sect is a little special. It absorbs the power of the mountains and rivers, changes with time, and its killing methods are quite amazing.In the Martial Domain, it already belongs to the very high-rank Dao Guardian Formation.If it hadn't been arranged by a person with extremely high morals and deeds, a little carelessness would completely collapse the entire mountain gate of the Danxin School.

Compared with the formation system of the Nine Schools of Taoism, it may be similar to the "Beginless Formation", but it is not possible to break the formation simply by relying on the superiority of the Taoism.

However, there is still a slight gap between it and the real "Beginless Formation".

Gui Wugui waited and watched for several months before discovering the clues.Every thousand days, this formation will usher in a "reorganization" to correct the formation and strive for subtlety and accuracy, which lasts about a quarter of an hour.At this time, this is the time when the guard faction's strength is at its weakest.Relying on the means of breaking the formation prepared in advance by the Yundong sect, it should be able to defeat it in one fell swoop.

After more than a hundred breaths, a sound was heard in the hall.

Then the sound of thunder, the sound of collapse, the sound of bells and drums, and the sound of shouting, one after another, reflecting each other from far and near.

Gui Wugui still watched the picture scroll quietly; Zhong Ye was by his side.

Pei Rong, Gan Nan, and Xi Jian all looked solemn.

Zhen Rui's nature is the most quiet and timid, but at this time the chaotic voices outside seemed to stir up a ripple in her chest.After all, as a person with far superior aptitude, after honing his sword for a long time, he always has the urge to try it out.At this time, she looked left and right with a pair of wonderful eyes, as if she couldn't restrain the ups and downs in her chest.

And His Highness's twenty-four palace guards, no matter how noisy the outside room is, they are as motionless as a bronze statue.

After a full two hours, the shouting gradually subsided, which seemed to indicate that the torrential rain and frenzy had passed, the general situation was settled, and the clouds gathered and the rain rested.

After another quarter of an hour, Deng Guangyi escaped into the palace, walking like a dragon and a tiger, and every step was like a breeze.This is a sign after a hearty fight in martial arts, it is very difficult to control oneself.

The blood on Deng Guangyi's body seemed to have not dissipated, so he quickly saluted Gui Wugui and said in a loud voice: "It's a good luck to report to the head of the sect. Half of the members of the Danxin faction were killed and half were captured. As for those women with low meritorious deeds , has been arrested and distributed by Elder Chang."

Speaking of this, Deng Guangyi tentatively asked: "If there is someone with a good appearance, will you be sent up, please let the head take a look first?"

Under normal circumstances, Deng Guangyi shouldn't have asked this question.Because it is a matter of course for the head to choose first.It's just that after Gui Wujiu returned to the mountain gate, besides being arranged by Lou Jing, who chose thirty women as concubines, he passed orders, so don't bother with such things in the future.

Secretly inquiring for news, it seems that there is no blame and they only treat the thirty beautiful women as servants, and they don't favor any of them too much.

Sure enough, Gui Wujiu replied: "No need. You should reward your merits and distribute them yourself."

Deng Guangyi couldn't help showing joy on his face, and thanked him repeatedly.

Since the head doesn't want to take it, he is the top priority.It is expected that he is the one with the best appearance and bones.

After Deng Guangyi asked for instructions, he did not retreat.Gui Wugui asked: "Could it be that Elder Deng has something else to report?"

Deng Guangyi hesitated for a moment, and said: "If you catch a person, you should be dealt with according to the law. It's just that I heard that the master praised this person for being extraordinary, so I will save my life for the time being. I will wait for the real master to deal with it." After speaking, he clapped his hands.The two halls outside the hall were attached to one person, so they went to the front of the hall and knelt down.

This person was covered in blood and scars, one foot was already lame, his right arm was broken, his Qi and blood were decayed and dark, it was Zhuang Yan, the chief disciple of Qiu Hongting.

Gui Wujiu nodded secretly, he did say Zhuang Yan's extraordinary aptitude, but Deng Guangyi could hear it in his heart.Then he asked: "Which rank is this person among the three accusations?"

Deng Guangyi clasped his fists and said, "Beyond the three notices, we'll wait."

In martial arts, there is a rule commonly known as "three accusations" when two factions conquer each other.

Before the war, before the swords were raised, at this time, the enemy was advised to abandon the dark and turn to the bright as soon as possible, which was called "the first report".At this time, those who defect to me will pardon their crimes and bring them under our command.

When fighting, surrender on the spot.This is called "re-report".Such people should use secret techniques to seal their cultivation bases, and undergo hard labor. After they sincerely repent, they will be reorganized.

The outcome is set, and it is difficult to fly with wings.If you surrender at this time, it is called "Three Reports".In fact, it was too late to surrender at this time, and it was inevitable that his cultivation base would be abolished, and he would have a knife in his mouth and crotch, and be made a slave.It's just a fluke to be able to linger on and stay alive.

As for the last one, he swore to the death and tried his best to capture him.There is only one method of execution, and that is to chop the owl's head into meat sauce and use it as fertilizer for livestock and plants.

Zhuang Yan's situation is just like this.

Gui Wugui pondered for a while, and said: "Gui made an exception. Although the 'three accusations' have passed at this time, if you join my Yundong faction, you will be exonerated. How about it?"

As soon as the words fell, the eldest disciple Pei Rong hurriedly came out and said: "Men teacher, forgive me. Forgive me for speaking bluntly, this... seems a bit inappropriate."

Gui Wugui raised his head slightly, and said, "Talk about it."

Pei Rong said sternly: "Anyone who has gone through the 'three accusations' and does not surrender is a hopeless and stubborn person. There is no reason to forgive easily. It is the utmost benevolence to grant grace outside the law and reduce the sentence to a lower level. If you are completely exonerated, I am afraid that people will not accept it."

Zhen Rui twitched her lips and retorted: "Master Lian has some qualifications for this person, so I can give you extra kindness. If you lift his tongue up and down his body, his cultivation will be abolished. Even if he has a life, what's the point?" use?"

Your Highness, Zhuang Yan straightened up suddenly, and said with a weary voice: "There is no need to say too much. I just want to die quickly."

Gui Wugui groaned silently.

In fact, Gui Wugui has entered the Tao so far, although his thoughts are delicate and subtle.But when it is time to kill and make a decision, he is never soft.Where is the loss of human life?Naturally, he would not hesitate for the so-called "love talent".

It's just that he has a little sign now.For a person like Zhuang Yan who has some cause and effect in the "between reality and illusion", how to deal with it, whether it is left or right, will be a big obstacle.

It seems that it is impossible to judge whether it is good or bad for a while.

Zhong Ye suddenly took a step forward, and said firmly, "Since that's the case, he should fulfill his wish."

Gui Wujiu took a deep look at the five disciples, and felt certain in his heart.Turning to Zhuang Yan, he said, "Do you have any last words to say?"

Zhuang Yan closed his eyes and thought about it for a while, then suddenly said: "My wife Luo Fu, I guess she was captured by your subordinates. She is also a person with a beautiful heart, a clear heart, and a good understanding. She has always been in my heart. If I only serve her with skin A mediocre person, I feel aggrieved. If it belongs to you, or your disciples Pei, Gan, and Xi, who are interested in it, you might as well take him as a concubine."

Deng Guangyi took a peek at Gui Wujiu's expression, and said, "This subordinate immediately sent a message to Elder Chang."

If it is in the immortal way, or even in the mortal world.Before a person is about to be executed, entrusting his wife to his enemy as a concubine is simply absurd.But in martial arts, the vast majority of women are vassals and goods, and it is only natural for them to be circulated as spoils of war after their husbands are defeated.

Therefore, Zhuang Yan's confession sounded very normal to everyone in the hall, but they felt that he was affectionate and righteous.

Gui Wujiu stretched out his hand, flipped his palm and slapped it, smashing Zhuang Yan's skull.

At the moment when Zhuang Yan was executed, Gui Wujiu's heart felt hot, as if he felt a strange weak force exerted on his body, and he was one step closer to the realm of Riyao Martial Lord.

Gui Wugui suddenly realized in his heart.Here, people with unique fates like Xi Jian, Zhen Rui, Zhong Ye, and Zhuang Yan are either the help of their own enlightenment, or they can be removed and turned into my merits. Apart from this, there is no third rule. There is a way to go.

At this moment, a person guarding the hall outside the hall suddenly entered the hall and said loudly: "Sect Master, there is a person outside the door who is called the envoy of the Chenhai Sect."

(End of this chapter)

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