Nothing is to blame

Chapter 703 Three Rendezvous 3 Obscurity

Chapter 703
After weighing the pros and cons, Gui Wujiu temporarily allowed Jin Zhihe to go to Xiandu at an opportunity.

The aftermath of the pacification of the various factions was also quickly arranged.Zhuang Yan's wife, Luo Shi, is indeed a beautiful woman.Gui Wugui's third disciple, Xi Jian, fell in love with him at first sight.After Gui Wugui's approval, he was brought into the court as a concubine.

In fact, Elders Deng and Chang were also interested in this woman; but Xi Jian was the first to get there, and there was nothing they could do.

After two months, Gui Wujiu received Jin Zhi and Talisman, packed up his luggage, and officially traveled to the sea of ​​dust.

The originally set time was half a year later.Now the sudden advance is because the situation has changed again.

In the beginning, the "Wanbi Banquet" was only for Gui Wugui to clean up the dust, but three things came together, confused into one.

Which three things?
The "Wanbi Banquet" to celebrate Jinning Dao's return to Dust Sea Sect;
The "Jixian Banquet" where rewards are offered, gathered and collected from dozens of other bright moon realm masters;
Inspire the morale of the people, purge the forces, and award the "teacher banquet" with rewards.

In the final analysis, it still falls on the situation where the bulk dispute is further intensified.

As time goes by, Jiuchongshan breaks the rules and creates secret medicines, intensifies conflicts with Nandouzong, Chenhaizong, and Xingmen, and the three-party battle has gradually spread to all walks of life; Everyone was shocked, deeply feeling that the stable order in the world dominated by the twelve giant sects was already on the verge of collapse.

But this matter has not been fully digested, the second earthquake will come as promised.

In just a short period of time, Jiuchongshan Baili Kaiji released the word - the sect's newly acquired medicine "Wuqu San", which can replace the secret medicine "Bayang Pearl" with nine functions.

The Bayang Pearl is exclusive to Yuxuzong among the twelve secret medicines.

It is absolutely unbelievable to say that within a year, Jiuchongshan has made such a breakthrough in the method of refining secret medicine; it is more likely that Jiuchongshan has advanced simultaneously and has already achieved something.Release news in stages with reservations, and try to see how flexible it is.After fighting against Nan Douzong and other three families, he felt that the opponent was quite insignificant, so he boldly opened his hands and feet with confidence.

With such a situation, Yu Xuzong couldn't sit idly by.

Almost within ten days, Yuxuzong joined forces with Nandouzong, Chenhaizong, and Xingmen to form an alliance.

But the Shuangji Temple, another giant overseas sect, did not know what kind of promise Jiuchongshan had made, but it firmly stood on that side.

Six of the twelve giant sects have already entered the battlefield, splitting and confronting each other.

However, today's situation is considered favorable for Chen Haizong and the other three families.

There is no other reason.Although the two sides each added an ally, the weight was decidedly different.Sang Yunruo, the suzerain of the Yuxu Sect, is a Riyao Martial Lord, but there is no such person sitting in the Shuangji Hall.Originally, the reason why he was constrained everywhere was because Nandou Sect's suzerain, Qin Wencheng, seemed to be a bit inferior to Jiuchong Mountain Baili Kaiji, so he was firmly grasped by the other party.The Star Gate and the Chenhai Sect are at most just wings.

Now that Qin Wencheng and Sang Yunruo are working together, they will no longer be afraid of Baili Kaiji; the situation will naturally improve greatly.

The two sides decided to solve the problem once and for all.

Nan Douzong and Yuxuzong each set up a formation map, led by the three Riyao Martial Lords, to decide the outcome.

And the Xingmen and Chenhaizong families faced off in the Shuangji Hall, and they each challenged each other with bright moon realm cultivators to compete.

It is heard that the Shuangji Hall has issued an edict to summon all the top figures from all the sects and famous sects under the control of this sect.Even though the Dust Sea Sect had two against one, they did not dare to ignore it.After thinking about it, I had to follow suit.

This is the origin of the combination of "Wanbi Banquet", "Jixian Banquet" and "Xingshi Banquet".

A few days later, the teleportation array crossed the pit.

Gui Wugui looked around.The exit at the other end of the teleportation array is three minutes quieter than the valley on Jinning Road——

The turbid waves are surging, stretching as far as the eye can see.

It turned out that this place was the same as the entrance, and it was originally in the shape of a low-lying valley.However, the climate here is humid and rainy. Whenever the rainy season comes, the teleportation formation will be completely submerged, as if the formation was originally set up at the bottom of the lake.

It's just such a situation, but no one has tried to use the magical means of changing the sea to drain the lake.

The reason is that the pit teleportation array also needs to be set according to local conditions, and it cannot be placed arbitrarily.And the location of this teleportation array is only a hundred miles away from the town houses.There seems to be nothing wrong with naturally setting up an obstacle to isolate.

Just at this time, the distant light is looming, the air is flying into an array, and the clear water is on the bright moon.

Gui Wujiu's heart moved, if it was someone from Chenhai Sect to welcome them, it would be really difficult for them to go so far to welcome them.It must be known that the place where the teleportation array is located is already part of the territory directly under the jurisdiction of Chen Haizong.However, there is still a considerable distance from the main city of Xiandu.

But if it weren't for the monks of the Chenhai Sect, how could the first-class forces of the "renowned sect" be able to come up with seven bright moon-level cultivators?

The next moment, Gui Wujiu noticed that the situation was slightly different.

These six people were already within mile of their body, but their escape speed did not decrease at all.

Its body suddenly spread out and arched into a semicircle.

The five stood still.

Be the first to strike hard.shot!
Although it wasn't a sneak attack, it was decisive enough and had a sense of coercion that exceeded the psychological expectations of others.

Gui Wugui smiled lightly in his heart.In martial arts, this is indeed the most familiar way of greeting.

No more hesitation, a punch in return.

As for the rest of the people who were watching from the sidelines, Quan pretended not to see them, and he was not afraid of their flanking attacks.

The person who attacked head-on had really done a great job.As soon as a punch was released, the wind and clouds moved.Although there is no sign of thunder and fire fighting, it brings with it an extremely strong and ear-piercing sound of wind, as if a strong wind passes through a cave, changing repeatedly between screaming and buzzing.If a person with a little poor performance stands within ten miles, but this rumbling sound can shake the seven orifices to bleed to death.

The aerodynamics are regular and the whole body is refined.The spirit and form are in harmony, showing the muddy in the quiet.

In the Mingyue Realm, this person is an absolute leader; even if he is not as good as Zuo Xiangming and Jin Zhihe, he is not far behind him; he is far from being able to compare with Chen Dehai and his like.

The other five people's eyes were wide open, their faces were mixed with joy and anger, as if they wanted to see how Gui Wugui would solve this pose.

The answer is revealed.

But seeing the two forces intersect, the person in the lead, who looked like a mountain, was leaning forward.But suddenly it folded against the wind, and suddenly flew upside down three or four miles away!
All five were shocked.

Gui Wugui's punch was nothing special, apart from faint sparks and ripples on the punch, there was no other sign.Did not expect its power to be so amazing.

The person who tried to make a move has already reached a very deep level of skill, and even though his fist seems to be light and sharp, hollow and straight, it actually hides a brilliant skill of keeping the clumsy.Even if he meets a strong opponent with better performance, he will not be defeated quickly.

The current situation can only explain one thing——

The foundation of power without blame, there are too many to win!

The five of them immediately worked together.

The skill of any one of these five people is slightly inferior to that of the previous one; but with the joint efforts of the five people, the combat power is naturally far superior.

Don't blame the tricks, and deal with them calmly.

After the momentum suddenly grew, clouds gradually formed in the sky, covering them back and forth.There were bursts of thunder, appearing and disappearing from time to time.From the eyes of the monks below the moon level, it seems that there are dots of light and shadows, and the water is sparkling. It is absolutely unexpected that there are six people in total, and they are in the high-speed movement of fists to flesh.

After a quarter of an hour.

"Stay on!"

With a shout, the five immediately jumped out of the battle circle, turned back and retreated into the distance.

The person who spoke was the one who was the first to make a move but was repelled by Gui Wugui.At this time, he had already returned, and he watched the battle for a long time before calling for a stop.

Gui Wugui lightly smiled and said, "Do you have anything to say?"

The moment the six people appeared, he also wondered if this was Jin Zhihe's trick.Use the method of falsehood and reality to dispel your defenses, and then invite you into the urn again.But after a little deliberation, Gui Wugui rejected this idea.

Because as the battle between the previous sects gradually became public, Gui Wujiu was unintentionally praised by Chen Haizong.

The "Wanbi Banquet", "Jixian Banquet" and "Xingshi Banquet" are three meetings. The "Wanbi Banquet" for oneself is still the finishing touch, and the weight is particularly important.

From the standpoint of the Chenhai Sect, Gui Wujiu had no choice but to make up the fierce fight between Gui Wujiu and the master of Liumu Island as the aftermath of the last dispute between the two sects.From such a crude point of view, it seems that our side lost first and then won last time; Jin Ning and others were ceded first, and then returned to Gui Wugui.In the end, Chen Haizong didn't lose anything.

Waiting for Ruogui Wugui to become a hero of Dust Sea Sect by mistake.

This is also unavoidable.If it is not so whitewashed, the momentum will be depressed.

So even if there is any intrigue, it is an afterthought.Now that the second battle with Jiuchongshan is imminent, as the party in charge of power, Gui Wugui does not believe that it can give birth to the idea of ​​assassinating him.

The man stood before Gui Wugui, revealing a handsome and fair face, but it was a very rare image of a white-faced scholar in martial arts.

This person looked at Gui Wugui with both admiration and fear.After pondering for a long time, he said loudly: "I am Lu Yuanzheng, the elder of Chenhai Sect."

He also said: "With six enemies and one, we will use Le Siyuan as a rule, and try your method."

Gui Wujiu's heart moved, this person called Le Siyuan by his first name, obviously he had expressed his position.If he was on Jin Zhihe's side, the person in front of him would be "take the bait".

But right now Gui Wugui remained calm and said calmly, "How is it high or low?"

Lu Yuanzheng shook his head, as if he couldn't believe it.Slowly said: "Le Siyuan has one against six, even if he can win, he has to attack quickly and defeat each of them. After a long delay, he will definitely lose. If you dare to fight calmly like your Excellency, his momentum will not decline... ...Lv has never heard of it."

Gui Wujiu nodded secretly in his heart, it was because he was trying to operate the talisman of his own destiny to have this effect.

Lu Yuanzheng regained his composure and regained his composure.Yan said: "Thousands of words, if I say them all at this time, it will be too shallow. Lu can only tell fellow Taoists——any promises made by Le Siyuan and you are untrustworthy. Most of their plans are teaching Fellow Daoist died in the battle with the Shuangji Hall."

"Only by cooperating with Lu Mou and others, and putting all our efforts into it, can we be on the right path to enlightenment. At that time, Lu Mou and others will serve as the masters of Taoist friends, and enjoy a faction. Wouldn't it be beautiful?"

After saying that, he walked away.

(End of this chapter)

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