Chapter 720
The Twelve Battles are over, Gui Wujiu has collected the remaining twelve paths of energy of the Martial Soul and condensed them into one.

The last air movement is evenly balanced, as if a pot of clear water that has been steaming in a heat wave has finally boiled, and the sound of the big sound is low.

The more amazing change is that although the martial soul qi accumulated in the dantian can be blamed for nothing, it is separated by a layer, as if holding a rope in the hand, by which it can be dragged and manipulated. foreign object.It's just that as the number of twelve qi mechanisms is sufficient, this kind of "separation" flavor suddenly disappeared.

Gui Wujiu felt a sense of intimacy suddenly in his heart, as if these twelve qi mechanisms were no different from the Nascent Soul's mana that he refined in his own body.

The difference between "China" and "outside" is eliminated in one step;
Condensed into a phenomenon, Wuhun is formed.

As for what kind of martial spirit he was born with, Gui Wujiu immediately had an idea in his mind.

Gui Wugui is a person who doesn't stick to the law. Since he stepped on the road, he has made a new step with the purpose of "the heaven and the man establish the root of the earth".Even though he is involved in martial arts now, it is not easy to have the original intention.According to the intention at this time, he should not be bound by any previous precedents, let his imagination run wild, and become a martial spirit that has never been seen before.

What's more, after he stepped into the martial arts domain, by chance, he nominally belonged to the "Youxu" lineage.The Martial Soul of this lineage is not limited to Yinglin Maoyukun's genus, and seeks changes by itself.

But when Dang Gui Wu Jiu had this thought, images appeared in his mind.

A beautiful figure in white clothes, heroic and valiant, coming and going like the wind.

Jiang Minyi.

From worshiping the mountains and clouds, fighting hard, to leaving a mark; in the end, the heart arouses a sign, and stepping into the secret place to find each other.One picture after another flows in Gui Wugui's heart.

Why do you have this thought?

Could it be to remind myself to condense the martial soul and become the elephant of the white tiger?

Gui Wugui sank his heart and pondered carefully, but after a few breaths of effort, he has vaguely grasped the clue.

I can get the opportunity in martial arts, and Jiang Minyi is the one who guides the way. She is destined to have a share in the "truth and illusion".

What's more special is that Gui Wugui is an acquired martial artist after all, and he is not the holder of the purest twelve inner and outer martial arts dragon charms.Therefore, one drink and one peck, there is a difference between the end and the beginning of fate, and you can't take everything without blame.

If it is said that chance in martial arts is a crown hidden in the void.As for Gui Wujiu, it is surprising that if you pick it up according to the circumstances, you can take away the most valuable pearl on the crown; and the crown itself should belong to a more pure martial arts practitioner.

Therefore, if Gui Wujiu's martial soul really came out of nowhere, it has nothing to do with Jiang Minyi's martial soul and does not form any connection.Then the opportunity of "truth and illusion" will also be incomplete.

Then use numerology, astrology, Kanli, water and fire.The difference between yin and yang, compared with Jiang Minyi's white tiger martial soul, it is obvious what kind of martial soul he should achieve.

The twelve qi are scattered and circulated, and successively condensed into the shapes of deer antlers, camel head, snake body, shrimp eyes, elephant ears, mirage abdomen, carp scales, tiger feet, and eagle claws. The three changes of reality and illusion are finally reproduced on the back The pattern shows the true shape.At the moment of achievement, the air around is slightly hidden, the wind and cloud are entangled, the phenomenon of water and fire changing, has been hidden in it.

Qinglong Wuhun.

I don't know if it's a coincidence or a hidden mystery, but in the Martial Domain, he has never seen a single person who uses a dragon as a martial soul.

Gui Wugui smiled slightly.Although he couldn't see it with his own eyes, he could clearly sense the image of the martial spirit behind him, every stroke.

But after the Qi machine recovered slightly, Gui Wujiu immediately noticed two things were wrong.

First of all, he used the opportunity of heaven to achieve the acquired martial soul, which logically should be an extremely important evolution of chance in martial arts.However, the phenomena of heaven and earth at this time do not seem to have a corresponding level of vision to match it.

Second, although this newly "accomplished" Qinglong Wuhun is full of vitality, it has completely turned into Gui Wujiu's own property; but Gui Wujiu can't understand the magical function of this Wujiu at this time.

Using the method of inner contemplation to take a closer look——

It turned out that this green dragon martial spirit is good in everything, but it has only a pair of dragon eyes, but only one white eye, no brilliance.

It can be deduced that only when the last step of "finishing the finishing touch" is completed, Gui Wujiu can be regarded as a real Qinglong Wuhun.

But, how to proceed with this step?

"Fellow Daoist, please."

These four clear words interrupted Gui Wugui's thoughts.

Looking up, it turned out that after the Fourth World War, the man in silver armor was already standing in front of him.

It seems that Gui Wujiu planned the evolution and condensed the martial soul for a very long time, but in fact, his mind was up and down, and his achievements were all in the space of thirty-six breaths.

Gui Wugui retracted the qi machine, and said calmly: "Very good."

Perhaps a battle that is evenly matched and as comfortable as you want is the final "finishing touch".

The man in the silver armor was not talking nonsense, he raised his hand and raised his fist, and struck suddenly!
This attack was not a tentative opening statement, it was a lukewarm attack; once it was shot, it would be earth-shattering!
It was an extremely clever method for these few people to use their full strength to strike out with a single blow, and the clear sound came from far and near; but with this strike of the silver armored man, any inch of space within a radius of a hundred miles can be heard. At the same time, there was a dense and piercing buzzing sound.

This is no longer stirring up the lake with wooden sticks, but reaching all directions, while tightly controlling all existence within a hundred miles.

Gui Wugui frowned suddenly.

He could see more clearly, as the man in silver armor punched, there seemed to be infinitely dense gas rolling in all directions, and the power of this man's fist could be poured into any corner of it, and one blow was hidden among thousands of blows. Among them, Pei Ran is hard to resist.

During the journey, Gui Wujiu pondered over the fighting moves in martial arts, and once imagined similar changes.I just felt that the variables were too precise and difficult to control, so I finally gave up.

And the Shining Armor did it.

What's even more inconceivable is that the strike of the silver armored man seemed to be just a casual blow, without using all his strength.

With Le Siyuan's high level of practice, if he were to fight against the Yinjia man in another place at this time, he might be defeated by him in one move-even though the real gap between the two sides is far from being so large; The means used can be called extraordinary methods.

At the critical moment, with Gui Wugui's astute mind and ingenious destiny, he finally found the exact landing point of the blow the moment his fist reached his body.Putting all his strength into his body, and using his talisman to control his fortune, he finally reached the limit of "strengthening perfection" inconceivably, and confronted him head-on.

Then, Gui Wujiu's body swayed, seemingly slowly but quickly, retreating steadily, drifting twenty or thirty miles away.

This blow also tested that, in terms of physical strength, the strength of the silver-armored man was actually above blameless.

At this time, Gui Wugui's retreat like a superficial touch of water is not his original intention, but a method of unloading force according to the guidance of the magic weapon of fate, and the domestic and foreign agitation, keeping the truth is not bad.If you don't have the control power of the natal magic weapon, if you meet a blow that your own strength is obviously better than your own, even if you block it, the disharmony in your body will not be able to be dispelled for a while, and it will be chased by the second and third blows. Quick defeat.

Although Gui Wugui is at a disadvantage, his heart is not disturbed.

However, he also temporarily withdraws from the joy of achieving the acquired martial soul, and devotes all his mind to the battle in front of him.

This battle was very different from Gui Wugui's imagination.

In martial arts, it is all about going all out.If it is not clear that there is a huge gap in the strength of the enemy and ourselves, or out of a cautious and decisive heart, there is absolutely no reason to hold back easily.What's more, Gui Wugui's self-confidence, based on his own level of Taoism, shouldn't exist someone who "works far better than himself".

Furthermore, if the silver-armored man really did far better than himself, why should he avoid blame?And why send out twelve people in a row to use a method similar to the "Soul Sacrifice", just to slightly weaken one's own strength?

Numerous signs and facts showed that the Shining Armor was not sure of defeating himself before.

Gui Wugui's thoughts are clear, and all this is sorted out in an instant.At the same time, his mind was locked and occupied, and he did not relax in the slightest.

The man in silver armor slowly leaned forward, a hundred feet away.

He gained the upper hand with one blow, so it stands to reason that he should take advantage of the victory and pursue the attack.If [-]% of the force is insufficient, use [-]% of the force; if [-]% of the force is insufficient, use [-]% of the force.But the strange thing is that the man in silver armor seems to be very hesitant at this time, standing a hundred feet away hesitantly, observing Gui Wugui's every move.

No blame to judge his mind, he seems to be guessing whether he was injured.

With this thought clear, Gui Wugui immediately shook his true strength, regained his strength, and then smiled at the silver armored man.

As expected, the body of the silver armor trembled, and his pupils shrank suddenly.Then, he raised his right palm high, as if he was going to strike again; then it slowly fell down again.

Gui Wugui had a guess in his mind.

Could it be that there is a limit on the number of times the Shining Armored Man's terrifying attack method can be used?

That's why he strives to complete all his efforts in one battle, and at the expense of the lives of the elders of the Shuangji Palace, he must also ensure that his combat power is slightly suppressed and reduced to a certain state?For the combat power below a certain benchmark, the one strike he has with a limited number of uses can ensure success?

In this way, it makes sense that this person was obviously superior to Le Siyuan in combat strength before, but he refused to make a move, and instead used words to persuade him to retreat.He could indeed defeat Le Siyuan easily; but this person was unwilling to use this opportunity on Le Siyuan.

In Immortal Dao, it is not uncommon to have magical channeling techniques with a limited number of uses.Among other things, Gui Wu Blame's Kongyun Nianjian, a unique skill in the box, is an example.But in martial arts, which emphasizes "truth and simplicity", such a method is unheard of.

Perhaps, this is not some Taoist technique, but some kind of unexpected chance.

(End of this chapter)

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