Chapter 722
With a low groan, the green dragon roared to the sky.

When the phantom suddenly swelled up, it stretched its body, and Gui Wugui's body stood inside the dragon's head, holding the center and guarding against the outside.

However, Gui Wujiu didn't feel the slightest burden in handling such a gigantic Martial Spirit, instead, he was light and open-minded, and his whole body was comfortable.

The energy mechanism of this body is as if it exists continuously; the roots and bones of this body are exquisitely carved; the meridians of this body extend in all directions.Only the slight itching came from the back, which was smooth and smooth.The image of the martial soul in the dantian and the shape of the martial soul on the back are indistinguishable from each other, and they are incomparably clear, allowing a unique internal force that is invisible, invisible, invisible, and invisible to flow through the body. Fill your body, and then reflect the four directions.

In this process of internal and external connection, precisely because Gui Wu Jiu's body has reached the extreme of external training in martial arts, all the astringency no longer exists, and the essence of the martial soul itself is fully displayed outside.

Seeing this magnificent vision, Gui Wugui couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

The majestic power contained in the image of the green dragon martial soul, the majestic and tall image, is even beyond his own imagination.It's like a lonely tourist who has never been free, and one day he suddenly pulls out a bank note worth tens of thousands of taels from his sleeve.

Sensing with heart again, Gui Wugui's spirit lifted.Only then did I understand the essence of the so-called "martial spirit" and its lofty and superb meaning.

Generally speaking, in Gui Wujiu's mind, the function of "Martial Soul" is roughly similar to that of Jindan and Nascent Soul in Immortal Dao, but there are differences between the inside and the outside.

The reason why martial arts monks are able to strike with all their strength in a single blow, and to combine their energy and spirit into one, without losing the word "full strength", is the guidance of the Wuhun Xuanxiang.On the contrary, a golden elixir in the upper abdomen of Immortal Dao pays more attention to the long-lasting energy, the ever-changing changes, and the unpredictable ghosts and gods.

In other words, the focus of martial arts is on "limits"; while the transformation of the alchemy in immortality focuses more on "efficiency".

If it weren't for the collapse of the martial field, assuming that the two competed under fair conditions, Gui Wugui would still think that: if there is a short-handed battle, the martial arts will prevail;

Deduction of the battle situation, after all, is a martial arts method, which is easier to target.

Except for the fundamental magical function of Wuhun, the rest of the teachings are inseparable from strange techniques, just like Chen Haizong and Shuangjidian used the "Wuhun Sacrifice Method".However, there are at most a dozen of these secret and unique methods, which are far from comparable to the evolution of supernatural powers in the immortal sect.

Today, I just broke through the clouds and mist to see the blue sky——

It turns out that the secret is hidden here!

Among the mysteries, there is one thing that can be compared with it.

Gui Wugui casually browsed half of the ancient books of the first sect, and once discovered a kind of elixir from the celestial family, called "Yunxiang Pill".

This elixir is used for the cultivation seeds that have not entered the Tao for a long time, and its value is very high.Taking one pill can save you from all kinds of difficulties and disasters within a hundred years. It is a rare way to cleanse the dust and the heart in the local immortal way.

But there is one thing: Those who are eligible to take this pill must be the first-grade seeds of cultivation and those with excellent roots.


If this elixir is for people with insufficient qualifications, then the effect of this elixir, once the medicinal power is reduced, it can be used first to cleanse the roots and veins, clear the blood vessels and strengthen the bones.

As a result, the value of this treasure pill is only similar to the efficacy of the last-class pill "Thick Blood Washing Marrow Pill" on the Rotten Street.

The use of Wuhun is similar to that of "Yunxiang Pill".

For martial arts monks who have not reached the limit of their foundations and can't do their best with every move, Wuhun really plays the role of unblocking obstacles and helping you do your best.

It's a pity, in fact, this is not the real value of the martial soul, but it is equivalent to using "Yunxiang Pill" as "Thick Blood Washing Marrow Pill".

Only when the human root and bone itself has reached the pinnacle, the inside and outside are clear, and the Wuhun Xuanxiang is reflected, without any hindrance, this thing can exert its true value.

Unobstructed cause and effect is only a momentary matter.

After a short breath, the silver armor man's attack was already close.

Like a black snake, more than a dozen qi machines lock their positions and coincide with the formation.At the same time, the boulders transformed from the mountains stretching for hundreds of miles are bombarded violently like meteors flying across!Because the Yinjia people have reached the state of "natural flow", even though they control foreign objects, the destructive power contained in them will not decrease at all.

Roughly estimated, it has already reached more than three or four times the ultimate combat power of a single player in the Mingyue Realm.

It's just that when these meteor-like broken rocks hit the shadow of the Qinglong Wuhun, what they presented was "melt when touched".

The mountain stone melted away, as if it never existed; the shape of the green dragon also disappeared simultaneously, turning into a shallow phantom.

However, as long as there is a slight gap, the phantom of the green dragon that was just neutralized and damaged was immediately completed and reappeared.The whole process is tantamount to fishing for a moon in water.

The unique supernatural use of the Qinglong Wuhun coincides with the oriental Jiayi wood, and the focus is on the word "vitality".

A little essence can manifest thousands of manifestations; a little spare power can change infinitely.As long as this martial spirit cannot be completely eliminated in an instant, this thing will be inexhaustible and inexhaustible.The top defensive supernatural powers among the countless immortal sects can only be considered on the same level at best, and it is absolutely difficult to go one step further.

Gui Wugui sighed in his heart.

For millions of years, how many people have been able to truly see the use of martial souls?
Not to mention the distance between Yinjiaren, Le Siyuan and others, even Jiang Minyi, who had been estimated by Gui Wujiu, was still a short distance from the "Consummation Realm" by analogy with the Immortal Gate.

Qu Gao and few, the skill of slaying dragons, is also called "martial spirit".

But when you really reach this pinnacle, you can affirm that the subtlety of martial arts is not inferior to immortals and demons.

Gui Wujiu secretly speculates that in martial arts, the giants who open up new sources of energy may not be inferior to the two ways of immortals and demons.It’s just that unlike immortals and demons who both pay attention to crossing people and setting up methods, those great figures in martial arts who have pioneered skills pay attention to inner refinement and crossing themselves, which are pure and unique; even their teaching of Dharma is accidental, so their fundamental I don't mind if the song is high and few, and the threshold is too high.

There is no need to say more about the victory of this battle.

Although the silver-armored man's ability is strong at this moment, it is not strong enough to defeat the martial soul in one fell swoop; the mountains for hundreds of miles are deformed and dense like star rain, but they are not endless after all.

There is no end to the limit, and there will be an end to nature.

Dozens of breaths later, when the mountain changes, the "natural flow" deduces the appearance of foreign objects is completely exhausted, and the innocent Qinglong Wuhun also replenishes simultaneously, as if it has always been perfect and flawless, and has not suffered a small loss.

Gui Wugui calculated in his mind that if he wanted to uproot the vitality of the Qinglong Wuhun, he would need at least [-] times his own fighting power, which was naturally far beyond the reach of the Yin-armored man.

After the silver-armored man had used his supernatural powers, although his face could not be seen, the confusion in his eyes was clearly discernible.

At his level, he has not yet been able to see the mystery of the ultimate martial arts.So the man in silver armor felt lost at the moment, because he was shocked by the "use of martial art" of the martial soul, how could he have such a heaven-defying means?
Take a step forward without blame.

The Shining Armor remained motionless.

Just when Gui Wujiu was about to make a move to test him, there was a slight change before his eyes.

I saw that the body of the silver armor man seemed to tremble slightly, and at the same time, a very fine smoke was exhaled from his mouth and nose.A moment later, a burst of exotic fragrance rushed straight to Wu Jiu's forehead, and immediately dissipated without a trace.

It was that familiar taste.

Looking up, the "image" of the Shining Armor man suddenly changed and became much clearer.

Originally, Gui Wugui always felt vague and unclear when measuring the aura of the Shining Armored Man, and it was difficult to accurately determine its superiority.But in his mind, he could vaguely grasp the "answer", as if he was still slightly better than him.

Gui Wujiu originally thought that it was because he was not much different from Yinjia Ren's morality, although he beat him, he didn't win by much.

But now it seems that the result is absurd.As the strange smell dissipated, the mist on the silver-armored man immediately dissipated, revealing that - his cultivation was only on par with Le Siyuan, and even if he surpassed him, it was extremely limited.The gap between Gui Wugui and Gui Wugui is far greater than expected.

Gui Wujiu's eyes condensed slightly, he received the image of the Qinglong Wuhun, and his energy merged.

At this moment, the outcome has been decided, and he has no intention of playing tricks with the opponent.If you don't admit defeat, you can only knock him down with one blow.

Sure enough, the man in silver armor also woke up from the shock and confusion, and said slowly: "Although fellow Taoist is not a direct descendant of the two sects, he must not be born as a casual cultivator."

He smiled without saying a word.

The silver-armored man seemed to be unsure. After staring at Gui Wugui for a few breaths, he suddenly said loudly: "No matter who the Taoist friend is. I have something to say, please listen to the Taoist friend. If the Taoist friend can withdraw and leave, or turn the enemy into a Friends, if this battle between you and me is considered a draw, wouldn’t everyone be happy? If you agree, you will be rewarded with this secret technique that you just used.”

Gui Wugui smiled dumbly and shook his head slightly.

It is really hard for him to make such a whimsical attempt to persuade the enemy to turn against him before the battle.

What's more, when they fought just now, it was clear who was superior.It's too cheap to make a deal with a means that you can't do anything about yourself.

The silver-armored man seemed to be completely innocent, shook his head again and again, and said, "Fellow Daoist, I'm thinking about it. I got this technique from Jiuchong Mountain. The original intention is not for the merits of fighting, but for the superiority in cultivating the Tao and breaking through the realm." The door of kindness. It is prepared for people like you and me who put their hearts on the upper realm."

The Shining Armor spoke in detail.

It turns out that the way to achieve the upper realm, the twelve great medicines, has always been taken back and forth, and worked hard in two parts.

Within the two periods, three years of recuperation are required.Therefore, although the combat power in the stage of breaking the boundary is far superior to that in the limit of the bright moon stage, usually no one takes risks with their own way.This is also what Le Siyuan and Long Fangyun can't figure out.

However, the Yinjia man obtained a formula, which concealed the skill of "taking medicine three times".Before taking the medicine twice, take another big medicine, three for odd and even.In this way, the grasp of the breakthrough entrance can be increased by at least [-] to [-] percent; after the achievement of the Riyao Martial Lord, the foundation of Taoism will be much more solid. Once the breakthrough is made, one will have the skill equivalent to two or three thousand years of enlightenment.

At the same time, after taking the medicine for the first time, he also has the combat power similar to the "breakthrough stage", and there is no risk.

There is only one thing, if the shot exceeds the necessary limit, then the accumulated medicinal power will be exhausted, and the unique effect of this technique to increase the grasp of breakthroughs and consolidate the foundation will no longer exist.Afterwards, the journey to breaking through the border is equivalent to that of a person who is accustomed to taking double drugs to break through the border.

Combined with the changes in the appearance of the Yinjia man, Gui Wujiu knew it in his heart.

The Shining Armor originally wanted to have the best of both worlds, not only to get the benefits of "taking the medicine for the third time", but also to use the increased combat power in a limited way, so as to defeat the enemy in one fell swoop.That's why he attaches great importance to shots with limited opportunities; that's why he threatens Le Siyuan without fighting.

Gui Wugui thought for a while, then nodded slightly.

After revealing all the secrets, the Shining Armor held his breath and concentrated, waiting for the answer of the innocent.Seeing that Gui Wugui nodded at this time, he couldn't help but feel happy.

However, the next moment, the smile behind his mask immediately froze.

For hundreds of miles, there are continuous clear whistles; one light and one dark, the mountains and rivers tremble slightly.

Gui Wujiu suddenly punched with all his strength, with stars and flames, he went straight to the middle door, aiming at the image first.

The silver-armored man lost his mind for a moment, and the opportunity was lost.If you want to dodge, it's too late.

Then I saw from a distance, after a fierce collision, a figure fell down in the air!
(End of this chapter)

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