Chapter 726
Dust Sea Sect.

At this time, it was already half a month after the battle was settled and Gui Wugui and his group returned to the sect.

Gui Wugui escaped from the light and walked slowly.

After crossing twelve peaks in a row, what you see head-on is a canyon that is cut in half and presents the shape of a "line of sky".In the middle, the clouds are stretching, like a fog or a mirror, the light and shadow are blurred, and it is impossible to distinguish things.If you want to step in one step, you are afraid that you will fall into some extremely powerful magic circle.

After watching for a while, Gui Wujiu stepped into it.The moment he took a step, a slender jade talisman in his right hand suddenly gave off a faint brilliance mixed with blue and purple.

After passing through this "line of sky", the scene in front of him suddenly changed, and it suddenly became a very wide lake, and various fishes could be vaguely seen swimming across it, so uneasy.

Gui Wugui nodded secretly.

In the Martial Domain, no matter the name of Taoism, it is expensive and simple, not as dense and rich as the Immortal Dao.But what he saw in front of him was the only stunning ingenuity that could overwhelm Xianmen.

This is the secret treasury base of Chen Haizong.

The place here looks like a wilderness and flat lake, with slight twists and turns, but in fact it is still within the fairy capital, not far behind the main hall of Chenhai Sect.

And it is completely different from the secret realm and small realm hidden deep in the treasury in the fairy gate. A quarter of an hour ago, Gui Wujiu actually just stepped into a garden.After opening the door, you can see vegetation, rockery, and piles of rubble at a glance, with a radius of only two or three miles.

But when Gui Gui Wu Jiu steps in step by step, these rockery rockeries will become bigger and wider invisibly and without trace, until they stretch to dozens of peaks, presenting the landscape when they just entered the boundary.In the whole process, it is extremely smooth and natural, and the inside and outside are connected as a whole, and it never gives people a sense of alienation when they suddenly enter a certain "small world".

At the edge of the lake, there is a stone tablet with a height of three feet.Among them, there are hidden and detailed characters, which are deep and far away.

It stands to reason that the words that can be accommodated in this square inch of land are bound to be limited.But when Danggui Wujiu held the jade talisman as a pen and slid it lightly on the stone tablet, the writing on the tablet was also very clear and mellow scrolling through, changing magically.

Suddenly, Gui Wujiu tapped the tip of the pen and nailed it firmly.

After three to five breaths, there was a clear "plop" in the lake, and a two-foot-long golden carp suddenly jumped out of the water, straightened up, and immediately turned into a two- to three-foot-long parchment scroll.

Gui Wujiu smiled slightly, the unique method of hiding treasures and obtaining treasures here is not ingenious.

After randomly unfolding a futon, Gui Wujiu sat cross-legged here, unfolded the leather scroll, and immersed himself in it.

In fact, in terms of quality, this chapter skin scroll is far from the best treasure in the treasury.

While Gui Wujiu was reading the classics carefully, under the lake, a very huge black shadow could be vaguely seen looming.Or, in the silence, suddenly a series of water sprays in the lake shoot up into the sky, about several feet high, showing the appearance of a long whale absorbing water.

Just like Stargate has "Nine Treasures" such as "Five Star Map", the value is the most important.The Dust Sea Sect also has eight secret treasures of the highest value. In the lake, they manifested into huge whales and sharks.

The grade is equal to the size of the shape, which is clear at a glance and is the most intuitive.

It's a pity that Gui Wugui is not interested in those secret treasures.What he pays attention to are all the secret books and exercises of Chenhai Sect that are closely related to martial soul and upper realm.

Excellent secret code, at a glance.

It can be seen that this matter is cautious and cautious.

In the battle half a month ago, Gui Wugui broke the secret, and finally decided to release Wei Zong and others. Strategic choices accounted for at least one-third of the reason.

If according to Gui Wujiu's behavior style before, Gui Wujiu guessed that Wei Zong used "meaning beyond words" to get away with it, then he could do so——

Calmly, push the boat along the way.

Then secretly contacted Jiang Minyi to break through the maze, and finally made a trick.

Such a strategy is extremely compact and aggressive.

But now, when the mystery is revealed face to face, the subsequent development will be completely different.

Gui Wugui is extremely accurate in judging people. It is expected that with Wei Zong's size and strength, although he has encountered an extremely embarrassing predicament, he is determined not to hide it.After he was released, the leak of secrets would definitely be reported to Jiuchong Mountain Baili Kaiji.At that time, Baili Kaiji will know that his secrets have been vented, and he will probably postpone the plot against the master of Hengxiao Palace, and then make a detour, and Xu Tu will advance slowly.

Of course, just in case, Gui Wujiu will still make a trip within half a year to inform the news.

This move is a way of breaking up and delaying the chess game, not the usual style of Gui Wugui.

The reason why he acted like this was because his determination to be innocent was extremely clear——

We must go through the secret books of various giant sects as much as possible and understand the mysteries of shortcuts as much as possible; wake up Jiang Minyi Suhui and get the opinion of her "experienced person" in this world, and only then will we start to break through without blame process.

The previous promotions in the immortal way are of course perfect; but that's because each step should be implemented clearly, and success or failure depends entirely on the strength of the foundation.But in martial arts, Gui Wugui still can't do this.

If the process of breaking through the realm is not successful, it will be difficult to take all the real opportunities in this "real illusion".

Time flies, and suddenly seventeen days have passed.

During these seventeen days, Gui Wujiu carefully read eleven kinds of secret techniques related to "External Use of Martial Soul", among which the essence is not under the "Sacrifice of Martial Soul".

At the same time, there is no doubt that there is no doubt that there are six secret methods of breaking the realm and taking medicine hidden by Chen Haizong.

In addition, there are as many as [-] or [-] kinds of records that are known as "talks from experience", and none of them have been missed.

This experience, of course, greatly broadened Gui Wujiu's horizons, allowing him to see the whole situation from a high-level view, but there are also limitations, and the fundamentals of the problem have not changed.

Before forming the alchemy, Gui Wugui, a spiritual cultivator, already knew what it was like to experience "alchemy";

Before conceiving the baby, Gui Wugui, who was a Golden Core cultivator, already knew everything about the transformation of the Golden Core.

But now, although Gui Wujiu's experience and knowledge have greatly increased, he has never reached this subtle state of "mastering the mountains and rivers".This also strengthened the determination to return to no blame and be prepared for any danger, first communicate with Jiang Minyi in depth, and then make a breakthrough.

On this day, Gui Wujiu tapped the jade hairpin lightly, and the light and shadow floated on the stone tablet.It can be roughly seen that there are only six or seven types of treasures that have not yet been refined, and they must be completed according to the agreed schedule.

But at this moment, the amulet in the palm of the hand suddenly glowed with azure blue brilliance, and immediately condensed into two words:
reply ASAP.

Looking at it without blame, thinking about it in my heart.

I had previously made an appointment with Long Fangyun and others, so the so-called celebration banquet was temporarily avoided; the trip to Shangxuan Palace without blame was scheduled for one month later.

During this month, two things must be done:
First, the seals, deeds and documents of Chen Haizong and Xingmen must be completed for Gui Wugui;

Second, Gui Wujiu attaches great importance to Zhen Rui and Zhong Ye's two disciples, and what they undertake and do is closely related to Gui Wujiu's opportunity to get it.Therefore, Gui Wujiu has already made a plan to bring the two disciples and accompany them to the Shangxuan Palace.

Gui Wugui spent this month wandering in the treasure mountain of Dust Sea Sect.

Since there is an agreement, there must be a reason for waiting to call halfway.

Without any further delay, Gui Wujiu took out the seven secret tomes that he hadn't seen before, turned around and left immediately.

It stands to reason that the treasures here can be taken at will without blame, and belong to him personally.But Gui Wugui didn't want to break the Chenhai Sect's inheritance, so he chose to save money on the spot, and he was happy to be quiet.Since time was short, he simply took it away.If the time is right, just send a rubbing copy of the copy and send it back.

After leaving the garden gate, there was a servant waiting here.

Following the guidance of this person, after more than a hundred breaths, Gui Wujiu came to a secret tome called "Tongji Palace".As soon as he landed, the emissary withdrew tactfully.

There are only two people in the hall:

Long Fangyun, Le Siyuan,

Looking up, Gui Wugui couldn't help being startled.

With the profound realm of Gui Wugui's insight into people's hearts and unhindered circulation, before he stepped forward, he expected how warmly Long and Le would greet each other, and even roughly how they would talk.But what he saw was completely different from what he had imagined.

Long Fangyun really stepped forward enthusiastically, but his steps were very hasty, and he seemed a little restless and lost his ground.

Although Le Siyuan's city government is more restrained, but on the surface it is also obscure.

It is really rare to see two people at the level of mind and nature cultivation.

After the two people saw the ceremony, Gui Wugui smiled and said, "I don't know the head of the dragon, why are you troubled by Le Daoyou?"

Long Fangyun heard the words, but heaved a heavy sigh, and said disappointedly: "Unexpectedly... the news just came yesterday... the other half of this competition... Nandouzong Youqin Sect Master and Yuxu Sect Sect Master Sang joined forces , still lost to Baili Kaiji, defeated."

ps: I had a sleepless night yesterday.The morning can only be used to catch up on sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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