Chapter 730
Seeing that he was as expected, Gui Wugui immediately smiled and waved his hands in greeting, asking Ran Yi to talk in the hall.

After the guests and hosts were seated, Ran Yizhi said slowly: "Your words are true?"

Gui Wujiu smiled nonchalantly, and said frankly: "I'm not going to lie to fellow Daoist Ran. The followers who are traveling with a certain person may have doubts. Is it possible that Shangxuan Palace has its own strategy of advancing and retreating, so it deliberately treats us slowly. No. If you are willing to wait, you can send an old and sophisticated elder at will to take over the matter of welcoming the guests, so why bother Fellow Daoist Ran?"

After a slight pause, Gui Wugui continued leisurely: "You Daoist Ran's talents are extraordinary, and you must be trusted by your master. In fact, he is not a person who is well-versed in human feelings. It is obviously difficult for a fellow Taoist to take on the task of welcoming him. In the final analysis, it is just to use the king's eyesight to measure the depth."

Ran Yizhi was a little dazed when he heard the words, his eyes were enlightened and he settled down, with the meaning of "becoming a confidant".

Seeing that the time had come, Gui Wugui continued, "Forgive me for being presumptuous. If there are any changes in your sect, you might as well discuss it together. Maybe Gui can help one or two, but I don't know."

Ran Yizhi thought for a long time silently, and finally said: "Master once ordered it down, not to mention it to outsiders. It's just that at this moment, I feel that there seems to be a wonderful fate here, so I can't miss it. Then I have to take a risk, maybe fellow Taoist You are the master's step to break the obsession and solve the mystery."

Gui Wujiu nodded slightly in his heart, ordered to serve tea, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Ran. You made the right choice."

Ran Yizhi collected himself, and said slowly: "This matter is a long story."

"The ultimate purpose of cracking the twelve great medicines is obvious. Naturally, it is for the purpose of mixing the universe and unifying martial arts. Master knows this, so he will not have illusions in his heart, and lose the opportunity by sitting on the sidelines of success or failure."

Gui Wugui nodded slightly.

"It's just that according to common sense, the longevity of Baili Kaiji is very long. Since there is a heaven-defying means to replace the secret medicine, just hide your strength and bide your time and wait for the opportunity. When there are more than one Sunyao Martial Lord's descendants in his door, Jiuzhong The natural power of the mountain is enough to subdue Yu Zong. Since he did not choose to do so, he is confident that he will have a showdown at the moment, and he has a full chance of winning. Therefore, the so-called fight for the clan is not the key; the real key is to be decided by one person."

"If one person is invincible, the situation will be successful; if one person loses, it will be a waste of money."

Gui Wugui said: "This statement is very true."

This is the essence of the problem. If Baili Kaiji is not invincible in this world, then all his schemes and intentions will naturally disappear.

Ran Yizhi continued: "That's why, the master decided to hold the cardinal, and see a rivalry with that Baili Kaiji."

Gui Wugui's heart sank slightly.

Could it be that Jiang Minyi lost the battle and was defeated by Baili Kaiji?
Ran Yizhi observed his words and expressions, slowly shook his head and said: "The act of weighing the superior and inferior did not succeed due to an accident; the so-called side-effects also lie in this."

"The fairy capital of Jiuchong Mountain is more extensive than the rest of the sects. It is also very lively, like the capital of ordinary people. It is rumored that Baili Kaiji often hides his aura, changes his identity, and hangs around wine shops, bookstores, theaters, Inside the store, the merits of self-cultivation are hidden. Therefore, the master also concealed the practice, and traveled around the Jiuchong Mountain Immortal Capital 'Zhangdu County' in hiding, intending to find out the details of Baili Kaiji."

Ran Yizhi took a sip of tea, and said: "I just waited for seven days in a row, but I didn't wait until Baili Kaiji went on a trip. I accidentally passed a boat in the lake and listened to a female singing: "A beauty snaps her fingers, the moon mirrors the water, and you can't return." Yesterday...'. The teacher's complexion changed slightly, as if he had doubts; then he fell silent."

"At that time, a certain attendant was at the side. Seeing that the situation was different, he went up to greet him. The master only whispered a few times: "The flower in the mirror of the water is not the same as yesterday... The flower in the mirror of the water is not the same as yesterday..." Then he led the Ran left lightly."

Gui Wugui immediately caught another inconspicuous detail.

Even going deep into the enemy's camp to find an enemy of the same level to challenge, Palace Master Hengxiao ordered Ran Yizhi to accompany him.From this, it can be seen that she is confident in her own way; in addition, maybe Ran Yi is to her, just like Zhong Ye is to herself, and has some unique effects.

Ran Yizhi said again: "After returning to the sect, the master said that his mood was dusty, and there was a little disharmony; he put away foreign affairs and retreated for a while."

Gui Wugui said quietly: "Shuiyuejinghua, it's not the same as yesterday... I don't know how Fellow Daoist Ran thinks about these eight words?"

Ran Yizhi said sternly: "The singing girl is obviously just a mortal, without a trace of cultivation. As for the lyrics, it's just sad for the spring and autumn, lamenting that the youth is fleeting, and today's is not the same. This person's normal feelings seem to be unknown. What a new idea. Master's Taoism is unfathomable, and the injury here is really incomprehensible."

Gui Wujiu thought for a while, and said: "If Fellow Daoist Ran can trust me, maybe Gui can resolve this obstacle for Master."

Ran Yizhi bowed his head and groaned softly, finally nodded slowly.


Three days later.

The atmosphere of Shangxuan Palace is outstanding, even higher than Chenhaizong.

The place where the treasures of the Chenhai Zongku are stored changes in size and transfers naturally. It has the beauty of the "mustard seeds of the universe" in the small world, but it does not have the disadvantage of being separated from the inside and outside of the small world. It is extremely appreciated by Wugui.

And Shangxuan Palace, the fairy capital standing on an isolated island, is obviously better than Dust Sea Sect.There are as many as twenty-eight such strange spaces, whether large or small.If the hidden space is magnified in the same proportion, in fact, the connotation of this island is far wider than that of a region.

What Gui Wujiu just entered was an old half-locked courtyard; but after entering, the field of vision gradually narrowed, and it was a stretch of dirt hills.

The mountain is not steep and there are no trees.Asakusa is lush, the height stops above the knees.

The scene in front of you is unobstructed.There is a thatched hut on the mountain, and dozens of haystacks, one person up and down.In front of the hut, there was a person standing vaguely.Although he is standing alone, it seems that he is not at the peak if he lacks air; the place he is standing on is just an inconspicuous small mound.But the atmosphere of the sky, the mountains and rivers, is finally red and hard to grab, and it remains alone.

In terms of the pureness of the wonderful rhyme, it is far better than Yizhuo Wujun.

When Gui Wugui came closer, the man turned around and whispered, "Your envoy is finally here."

Gui Wujiu looked up, and Palace Master Hengxiao also responded with an easy-going smile.

Wrapped in plain clothes, she wore a bright yellow brocade garment next to her body.The look is as good as before, it is the old acquaintance.

As for the extraordinary appearance and demeanor, of course there is no need to say much; but Gui Wugui has long been familiar with it, so naturally he will not be shocked by it.

Taking a brief look at its weather, Gui Wugui secretly praises it in his heart.

In martial arts, it is not easy for women to learn the way, and it is inevitable to correct too much.As the story spread, the master of Hengxiao Palace was even more "notorious".Not to mention, Jiang Minyi has a brave and lonely side in her own nature.Therefore, no blame has already been prepared——

The person you meet today is very likely to be domineering and unreasonable, so you must be cautious.

I never thought that this thought would come to nothing.The person in front of him has an extremely gentle demeanor, and when meeting him for the first time, he feels as if he is a friendly neighbor.In an instant, Gui Wujiu was somewhat suspicious of the authenticity of the "Yan Chengyu's story" that shocked the whole world.

Palace Master Hengxiao seemed to see through Gui Wujiu's intentions, smiled lightly, and said, "I met you for the first time after being famous for a long time. Is it different from what you imagined?"

Gui Wugui nodded frankly.

Palace Master Hengxiao laughed and said: "It seems that my Palace Master has gained a notorious reputation for what happened back then."

He also said sternly: "The moistness of the spring rain and the fierceness of the autumn wind do not contradict each other, but they differ from person to person. If a fellow Taoist speaks rudely like Yan Chengyu, my palace master will not be merciful; no matter what your status is, It will only be dealt with as usual."

Gui Wugui said in his heart, "That may not be the case."But obviously Jiang Minyi's memory has not been recovered, and his current cultivation level is much higher than his own, so he will naturally not be in trouble.So they fell silent.

According to Palace Master Hengxiao's thinking, her words seemed abrupt, but in fact, she concealed a very powerful way of measuring people's hearts.If the other party repeatedly apologizes and pleads guilty in fear, it means that their intentions are not pure.But at this time, seeing Gui Gui Wu Gui as if he had never heard of it, he couldn't help being a little surprised.

Looking carefully at Gui Wujiu again, the Master of Hengxiao Palace showed a slightly surprised look, and said: "It's come to this point... After the Taoist breaks through, the Taoism may not be inferior to me. It seems that the Chenhai Sect has come to form an alliance. It also showed his trump card and sincerity. It is no wonder that even though my palace lord has made a clear order, Yizhi still made an exception to recommend and lead fellow Taoists here."

Gui Wujiu was about to say a few words of thanks, but Palace Master Hengxiao suddenly said again: "That's not right. With Yizhi's cultivation, he can't see through the details of fellow daoists. He is...don't be too serious about fellow daoists."

Gui Wujiu said in surprise: "Gui came to see the Palace Master...Didn't Fellow Daoist Ran inform you in advance?"

Palace Master Hengxiao smiled and shook his head.

No blame, then I changed my mind.

How important is it for Riyao Martial Lord to retreat and cultivate his mind?He estimated that Ran Yi's roots were extraordinary, so he showed his sincerity with insight.If you can make an exception and report once, it will be considered a success.Unexpectedly, he could not ask his teacher, but directly made the decision to attract himself.It can be seen that this person has the ability to secretly observe the mystery and distinguish between good and bad, and has obtained the extra promise of Palace Master Hengxiao.

Palace Master Hengxiao stood up and paced back and forth, his eyes flashed, and he suddenly said: "Yes. Xu Shiyi thought that Taoist friends are people who will help my Palace Master's Taoism."

After a moment of silence, Palace Master Hengxiao continued: "Since that's the case. Think about the details of why this Palace Master retreated, Yizhi has told you."

Gui Wugui nodded yes.

Palace Master Hengxiao bowed his head and thought for a long time.

In the final analysis, Gui Wugui has not broken the barrier yet, so it is unbelievable to say that it can benefit her in cultivating her mind.But out of trust in her disciples, she finally said: "Follow me."

He didn't go too far, Gui Wujiu walked forward slowly, and walked twenty or thirty feet - behind the pile of haystacks.

What I saw before my eyes was unexpected.

It turned out that behind every haystack, there was a portrait hanging.Although the clothes are different and the ages are slightly different, it can be clearly seen that the portraits painted are all one person.

Lifelike, each wonderful, worthy of a bit of mind-blowing image extracted from the world of mortals.

The Master of Hengxiao Palace said slowly: "I have a secret art. Since I entered Taoism, I have made thirty-six self-portraits according to my experience. The day when the thirty-six paintings are completed, it means that the mind and energy are at their peak. Time. Since the achievement of the Sun Yao Wujun Realm, it is only the last one. But since I heard the eight words "mirror flowers, water moon, no return to yesterday", and then returning to the old works, there seems to be an inexplicable separation in my mind , no matter how hard it is to put pen to paper.”

Gui Wugui's mind moved slightly, becoming more and more determined.Suddenly he cupped his hands and said, "Don't be presumptuous, I would like to beg for pen and ink."

(End of this chapter)

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