Chapter 734
Live in seclusion.

The bank of the clear pool in the garden was originally a flat land.In the past two days, a pavilion of twenty feet square and three or four feet high has been erected.

At this time, [-] young women, each in graceful posture, are flying geese on the left and right of the stage, dancing lightly with fans in their hands, and the changes are endless.

This dance is different from ordinary singing and dancing.All the participating dancers have astral cultivation, not to mention, as each person's footwork changes back and forth, the overall perception, color depth and brightness will also be adjusted accordingly, which coincides with the truth.Therefore, watching this dancer, those who are superficial can taste its sensuality, and those who are deep can discern its mystery. It can be said that each has its own place.

Under the stage and above the long seats, there are jade tables and rattan couches.Elder Liu sat on it, full of interest.

His state of mind also experienced a turning point.

When he first visited the mountain gate of Shangxuan Palace, he was extremely concerned about the affairs of the gate, and discussed with Gui Wujiu over and over again.But Gui Wugui always looks like the old god is there, as if everything is under control.

After discussing with Ran Yizhi that day, Gui Wujiu asked the Master of Hengxiao Palace to invite him not long after.

Elder Liu was very happy at first, but after waiting for half a month, there was no news of Gui Wugui.It can't help but make him a little bit disheartened.

It was only then that I remembered that when they left the sect, Long Fangyun and Le Siyuan seemed to be afraid that Elder Liu would rely on his seniority and honor, and gave them thousands of warnings, and everything should be blameless.Several things came together in one place, and Elder Liu's mind suddenly became cold.So I am happy to sing and dance, and live happily.

Today, Elder Liu was looking at the place where an attendant suddenly came up and whispered something.

Elder Liu was startled, and immediately got up to greet him.

Before he had gone far, he was still separated from the door of the second hall. Before he saw him, he heard his voice first: "It seems that he has disturbed your envoy's elegant mood."

Ran Yizhi is here.

However, it was not Ran Yi who came to visit.Behind him were thirty or forty powerful warriors, each carrying a golden beam as thick as an arm, and two purple wooden square boxes.

Elder Liu was taken aback when he saw it, and said dumbly, "What do you mean, Fellow Daoist Ran?"

Ran Yizhi didn't answer, just took out two things from his sleeve.

A yellow talisman book about a foot wide, and a letter paper the size of a palm and as thin as a cicada's wing.

Elder Liu reached out to take it, and opened it hastily.But under this look, his face froze immediately, as if he couldn't believe it.

It turned out that this was actually a letter of alliance, saying that Shangxuan Palace and the four sects are in the same spirit and help each other.No matter which family is in trouble for Baili Kaiji in Jiuchong Mountain, Shangxuan Palace will not sit idly by.

This is a huge promise.

This trip was originally intended to remind the Master of Hengxiao Palace, and to hide his intention of showing goodwill.If you successfully sell this favor, you will have some way to make in-depth contact or even form an alliance in the future.Unexpectedly, I didn't make any effort, but I succeeded in one step and got strong support.Suddenly, Elder Liu felt dizzy.

It immediately occurred to me that this was probably the result of Gui Wugui's half a month of operation.Considering this, I couldn't help feeling ashamed in my heart.

Then hurriedly opened another letterhead, it was not something else, but a gift slip from Shangxuan Palace.Looking at its famous products, it seems that it is produced by various famous families under the rule, and each chooses a kind of gathering.Leaving aside the high or low value, the category and format of the gift alone shows the sincerity of the gift.

Ran Yizhi said with a smile: "The alliance between the sects is a major event. It must be sealed by two sects before it can be considered. This is just the format of the document drafted by this sect. If there is any discretion between the words, you can do it after your sect agrees. Make it clear, let’s discuss it together.”

When Elder Liu heard the words, he immediately lowered his head and took a closer look, from beginning to end.

At first glance, it really made him feel a little weird.Pointing at the end of the scroll, he asked doubtfully, "Shangxuan Palace... has formed an alliance with Xingmen... Dust Sea Sect, Nandou Sect, and Yuxu Sect treat them equally... What is the meaning of this?"

Gui Wugui, Elder Liu and his party, although they are the four envoys of the joint envoys, but there is no doubt that the chariot was sent to the sea of ​​dust.Why do you read the alliance letter, it seems that the Star Gate is the rightful master, and the Dust Sea Sect and other three families are counted as participating?

Ran Yizhi let out a long laugh, patted Elder Liu on the shoulder, and said seriously: "Smart people don't slander. Your official envoy, that fellow Taoist Gui Wugui took advantage of the opportunity of the Star Gate, right? The position of chief elder of the star gate. The reason why my teacher is willing to resolutely enter the game is also based on the future potential of this fellow Taoist. Therefore, the star gate is naturally the main one to conclude an alliance letter and speak on an equal footing."

Elder Liu froze, and immediately said: "This matter, Liu, should be reported to the sect as soon as possible."

If it is just to deliver news, it can be done by relying on the "Book of Birds and Emerald Leaves".But as far as Elder Liu's duties were concerned, it was a complete success, and it was time to return.

After thinking for a while, Elder Liu tentatively said, "Then it's back to fellow Taoist..."

Ran Yizhi nodded lightly, and said casually: "Fellow Daoist Gui and his disciples will temporarily stay in this sect for a few days, a few months at a short time, and two or three years at a long time. Your envoy can return first."

Elder Liu nodded and said yes, he actually guessed the arrangement.

After a little concentration, Elder Liu suddenly noticed that Ran Yizhi seemed to be very happy and urgent, as if he had something on his mind.

At first, Elder Liu thought that it was Ran Yizhi who was pretending to be hospitable.At this time, if you experience it carefully, you will immediately know what is wrong.Ran Yizhi was indeed in a lively state of mind, as if he was running at a high speed, as if he was rushing to the market, anxiously waiting for something important to start.

So after a little thanking, Elder Liu clasped his fists and said: "Liu will be in Qichen in a few days. If Fellow Daoist Ran has other matters, please feel free to do so."

Ran Yizhi smiled as if he was relieved, as if he was deeply afraid that Elder Liu would drag him to chat about some household matters, he immediately said: "Your Majesty's kung fu of observing words and expressions is really good, and Ran has something important to do. After the covenant here is finalized, I am eager to return The two fellow Taoists, Fellow Daoist Zhen Rui and Fellow Daoist Zhong Ye, met once, so I borrowed it, borrowed it."

As soon as he finished speaking, he bowed roughly to Elder Liu, and went straight to the back garden.

Elder Liu couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

But when Ran Yizhi turned around, his footsteps became more brisk, and there was a faint brilliance on his face.

The reason why he looks so hard to hold on to himself is not without reason.Gui Wugui and Jiang Minyi made a decision by coincidence after fully supporting the situation of both parties——

Ran Yizhi is the third person who has obtained the inheritance of "Natural Magic Treasure" in martial arts.

The so-called meeting with Zhen Rui and Zhong Ye naturally means that they have gained the desire to exchange this method.


Gui Wugui fled and landed on the top of a lonely mountain.

This is the largest of the twenty-eight recessed secret realms in Xiandu on the island.

Gui Wugui went around the peak and carefully identified it.Not long after, I found a narrow gate standing on the cliff.

This portal is extremely narrow, as tall as a person, and more than two feet wide.If you look at it suddenly from hundreds of feet away, it looks more like a coffin inlaid on a mountain.

Gui Wugui escaped and jumped into the portal.

After several days of sparring with Jiang Minyi, Jiang Minyi will pass on the experience of breaking through the world without hesitation, and pass it on carefully.However, since Gui Wujiu understood the key to the "boundary", he has reached the macro level, and after that, Jiang Minyi's income is not much.

Only one thing matters—

There is a rare treasure in Shangxuan Palace, named "Small Five Elements Tianxu", which is one of the four great treasures of our sect.Escape into it, be good at imitating the things of Zhou Tian, ​​and nothing escapes.The greatest beauty of resorting to practicality is nothing more than teaching people to go through the process of breaking through the realm of Sun Yaowujun once more.

A preview of the breaking point.

The body of this object is in the shape of a pot, embedded in the giant mountain, it is the place Gui Wu Jiu is escaping into right now.

The "True and Illusory Room" was originally an illusion, and this treasure is an illusion within an illusion, which can be called a wonder.

In fact, finding the best path with the magic of this treasure is enough to lower the threshold of breaking the realm of the Riyao Martial Lord by more than [-]%.

Just because there is a regret, breaking through the realm and advancing to the realm, one has to take the twelve great medicines.Although this "Little Five Elements Tianxu" is strange, it does not need to take enough medicine.But every time this treasure is used, one-third of the secret medicine used to break through the realm is needed as a guide.This alone limits the effectiveness of this treasure.

The twelve major medicines are not easy to store and cultivate.The number of secret medicines that Shangxuan Palace encountered right now was less than two full servings.

All the formalities have been completed, Gui Wugui escaped into the mountain wall, refined the power of the medicine, and practiced the profound arts silently.

Running with time, the surrounding world immediately dimmed.

However, this so-called "darkness" is not a pitch-black midnight.In the gloom, there is a little light again, like the dawn of the morning.

Gui Wujiu was in samadhi, he seemed to feel that the entire essence of heaven and earth had turned into a living thing and absorbed his body, with an endless supply.

It takes at least three years to truly break through the barrier of accumulation and take medicine.But in the illusion of "Little Five Elements Tianxu", it was compressed into thirty-six days.

Suddenly, twelve days and nights passed.

Feeling the mood of breaking the ground and returning no blame, I was slightly lost at first, and then gradually tasted it, but felt more and more wonderful and endless.

The reason for being "slightly lost" is because the state of the short road is the great pass on the road.Gui Wugui experienced the changes today, which naturally contained great expectations.At the beginning, the Golden Elixir and Nascent Soul of Breaking the Realm, the changes in this body can hardly be described in words.

Gui Wujiu originally thought that breaking through the realm would be a shortcut to the Dao realm, and the drastic changes in Zhongzang, where the heavens and the earth turned upside down and the stars shifted, are obviously ten times better than the Jindan and Yuanying realms.

But the fact is unexpected.

In the process of breaking through the simulacra, although the vision of the world and the earth is very grand, and the power of infinite essence is poured into the body, but once entering the "sedation", it feels as if this body is not oneself. True strength, energy, and body all changed slightly.

It seems that this process of supernatural body training is just an illusion, and I have really become an outsider.

It wasn't until about three days later that Gui Wujiu realized the subtlety.

My body actually changes; but this change does not lie in the shape, not in the breath, but in a "taste".

It is like a small grass, born on the top of the Cangyan, in the gap.No matter how much you praise it for its vitality and hard work, it is still just a grass after all.Compared with this land of mountains and rivers, the prosperity of spring and summer, the decline of autumn and winter, and the cycle of life and death are just a matter of time.

Before taking a shortcut, no matter how great your talent and energy are, you are nothing more than a weed on a cliff.

As for the impunity in breaking the situation, I can feel keenly——

This body does not seem to have changed at all, but in fact there is an additional "ancient feeling", as if he is not a young man who was born two hundred years old, but has gone through a long time and survived forever.

I am no longer a grass between the cliffs, but a part of the mountains and rivers...

Between host and guest, quietly reversed.

(End of this chapter)

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