Chapter 750
The silver boat flew like a shuttle, heading straight to the Shangxuan Palace.

In the alchemy room on the boat, Gui Wugui sat cross-legged.

At the same time, he stretched out his palm, and the floating light and phantom in the palm of his hand changed into thousands, just reappearing the wonder scene hidden in the back mountain of Yundong School.

If it were someone else, even if the secrets of this situation were caught in their eyes and absorbed in their hearts, it would be difficult for them to have the idea of ​​"telling others"; It can also be easily carried outside; so naturally it will not be limited by this.

It is not for self-entertainment to reappear this scene without blame.

On the opposite side of Gui Wujiu, there is a little boy about one or two feet tall, colorful and colorful, with three soaring pigtails, holding his cheeks in both hands, staring at the picture created by Gui Wujiu.The child's eyes were shining, and the tender white flesh on his face was almost overflowing from his fingers. He blinked his eyes from time to time, revealing complex emotions that were completely unsuitable for his age.

At this time, Gui Wujiu's palm repeatedly presented the final scene of the "young man" joining hands with the strange phantom to fight against the mysterious blue-faced man.

With Gui Wujiu's current cultivation base, the speed of escaping light is like the passing of stars and moons, and the speed is far faster than any magic weapon of escaping; but after calling out the little guy in the big seal, using the treasure boat to travel, it can be distracted. use, so it saves time.

At this time, Gui Wugui smiled slightly, observing the boy opposite.

After a long time, the little boy said quietly: "You can recognize it; you can even tell others the secret memory of the previous generation. It's really strange."

Gui Wujiu said indifferently: "Although the appearance is different, the air is the same. Is it difficult to distinguish? It is not difficult."

The "phantom" who joined forces with the "young man" to fight against the enemy, and was invisible to the realm of the non-Riyao Martial Lord, although it was an adult's stature, his face was also chaotic; The keen insight, still discerns--

He is the mysterious boy whose host is the Great Seal of the Chenhai Sect—the current Great Seal of Yundong.

Gui Wugui smiled and said: "What's your name? Where is it? Could you tell me?"

The little boy looked at Gui Wujiu curiously, patted his head in confusion, and said, "My name is... Qin Qin. As for who I am and where I come from... All in all, it is closely related to the 'You' seal. But Fan' The land under the jurisdiction of You'yin is always very close to me. As for other things, I don't know."

Gui Wujiu's heart moved, somehow, he saw the two blue birds painted on the boy's bellyband, the color is exactly the purest blue.For no reason, he came up with a conjecture, as if the boy's real name was "Qingqing", but his memory was confused, so he tampered with "Qin Qin" without authorization.

But Gui Wujiu said: "Coincidentally, I have a close person whose surname is Qin. Your name is Qin Qin, so you and I have some predestined relationship."

The little boy clasped his arms together and asked doubtfully, "Really?"

Gui Wujiu smiled brightly, and said sincerely: "It seems that we need to unify the world and clear the dust, and we need to join hands."

Hearing this, Qin Qin shook his little head like a rattle, and said loudly: "No, no. I won't help you fight."

Gui Wujiu raised his eyebrows and said, "Why, am I not as good as him?"

Although the words were plain, it was difficult to hide a kind of firm self-confidence and domineering.

As for the "he" in Gui Wujiu's mouth, it goes without saying that it naturally refers to the young man who fought with Qin Qin in the previous generation.

Hearing this question, Qin Qin was noncommittal, put his finger in his mouth again, frowned, looked at Gui Wugui seriously, and kept silent for a long time, as if it was very difficult to decide.

After more than ten breaths, he suddenly moved.He actually used both hands and feet, crawling on Gui Wujiu's body, sniffing lightly with his nose, as if he was tasting the smell of Gui Wujiu's body.Then stretched out a pair of small hands, and fumbled on Gui Wujiu's body.

Gui Wugui's body is like clay sculpture and wood carving, let him do whatever he wants.

After a long time, Qin Qin used both hands and feet, and ran back to the opposite side of Wu Jiu, with a look of amazement on his face, he said: "You are stronger than Li... At the same level, there is probably no existence stronger than you in the world! "

"Li" was naturally the young man's surname.But looking at Qin Qin's half-understanding and half-confused appearance, it was obvious that he couldn't remember the full name of that person.

Received this praise, Gui Wugui remained calm and said: "Then you agree?"

Qin Qin quickly shook his head and said, "That won't work either."

"You can tell. After going through the battle of the last reincarnation, I lost a lot of vitality in the end. Of the twelve true spirits in this world, I am the only one who looks like a child, and my combat power is far inferior to the other eleven. So It's not that I don't want to help you, it's really helpless... I can only say that you are unlucky."

Blameless and silent.

Qin Qin's "bad luck" already confirmed his guess.

The young man who was the first to meet had the Great Seal of the Star Gate as his host, although the Great Seal had already been obtained without blame.But the man left as he said, and was not bound by himself.Obviously, only where the root is and where the seal belongs can such a wonderful "comrade-in-arms" relationship be established.

Therefore, as the head of the Yuntong Sect, Gui Wujiu's natural "partner" will only be Qin Qin, not others.

Gui Wujiu remained silent, but Qin Qin regained his spirits, and said a little aggressively: "Actually, even if I'm intact, I won't help you fight."

"If you fight, you can't win."

Seeing Gui Wujiu's unfriendly gaze, Qin Qin seemed a little guilty, and hurriedly said: "Don't get me wrong. I mean...the intention is powerless, the intention is powerless."

"The territory of twelve directions belongs to twelve seals; it contains twelve true spirits. It's just that the twelve numbers are not equal. They are six yin numbers and six yang numbers, which operate at any time. As generations go by, they take turns In the upper ranks, there is one person in each of the yin and yang, known as the 'principal wheel', and his Taoism is far superior to his peers."

"Li's generation in the previous life happened to be the 'standard wheel' of the 'you' seal, and it was my heyday. I will join hands with him, unless the 'mao' seal master who is also the 'standard wheel' awakens Only a true spirit can fight a match; otherwise, it will be invincible. What's more, in the previous generation, apart from Li, there was no second person who could awaken the true spirit. Therefore, he unified the whole world without any effort."

Although Qin Qin did not break away from his childish habits, he was very intelligent and well-regulated in his speech.As he spoke, there was a bit of an old-fashioned breath.

Gui Wugui pondered: "You mean..."

Qin Qin nodded eagerly, and said loudly: "There is a feeling between the true spirits. The 'standard wheels' of this life are the 'Ziyin' and the 'Wuyin'. The two seals of the true spirits Su Jiu and Ke Ke'er, You've already awakened! It can be seen that your luck is really not very good."

"And Mei Xiaobao, who was awakened by you, is hidden somewhere..."

"Think about it. A person who can awaken the true spirit of Yinzhong by his own ability alone, even if he is not as good as you, the difference will not be too big. But the gap between me and Su Jiu and Ke Ke'er is quite huge. Even if I don't Not injured, the gap with the 'primary wheel' should be more than [-]%."

"So, you should know. It's not that I don't want to help you. It's just that I can't help you."

After listening to Qin Qin's speech, Gui Wugui was silent for a while, then suddenly smiled and said, "You don't have to worry. One of the two masters of 'Ziyin' and 'Wuyin' is my friend. At that time, we only need you and me to share with them." If one joins forces and defeats the other, it will be considered a success."

Hearing this, Qin Qin's expression was extremely lively, first he was happy; then he turned to worry, shaking his head again and again.

But I heard him say in an old-fashioned way: "It's useless. Even if you can unify the world, the last step, whether it is you or your friend, will be nothing more than repeating Li Zhi's mistakes, and there is no chance of winning!"

Gui Wujiu's heart moved, and he immediately said: "In the final battle between you and Li back then, who was your opponent? What insights can you teach me?"

If you can find some combat experience here in Qin Qin, it will be very precious.

Qin Qin had a bitter face, and said sullenly: "What happened back then gave me such a headache, how can I have any insights... I seemed to know who the blue-faced man was, but I couldn't remember it later. ...but I vaguely remember a few words from Li, do you want to hear it?"

Gui Wugui sternly said: "But please be frank."

Qin Qindao: "Li said that the green-faced human being is roughly similar to him, but he has a strong power, so it is difficult to control. When he finally lost the battle, he regretted his way of governing the world, which was too gentle. , goes against the principles of martial arts... According to Li's conjecture, only by defeating the other eleven seal masters and the true spirits of India and China head-on, can the power of the whole world be truly unified; only in the final battle can there be victory. possible."

Gui Wugui thought for a moment.

He remembered that in the illusion, Li's final cry——

If there is another chance, strength should be the foundation, straightness should be the root, and victory should be the honor.

Now it matches what Qin Qin said.

There is always a gap between Li Daoxing's realm and Gui Wugui's, and it's extremely small.He has personal experience with the mysterious green-faced man, and it stands to reason that his judgment should be respected.

But thinking about it carefully, Gui Wujiu always felt that what Li Zhi thought was just a moment of anger, not the real "right way."

Defeat the other eleven Indian masters and their companions, the true spirits, to dominate the situation.It certainly sounds very heroic.But think about it, this generation has been called a world of great change.Among the twelve seal masters, only myself, Jiang Minyi, and Baili Kaiji can awaken the true spirit of seal.It is unrealistic to get together a dozen or so outstanding people.

And if the seal master hadn't opened the seal himself, even if others expelled the true spirit from the seal, the true spirit might not necessarily have to fight with you, and you can slip away.The Xingmen Great Seal and "Wei" Seal True Spirit Mei Xiaobao's attitude after seeing Gui Wugui is a lesson from the past.

Do you still need to come to teach and learn from each other, help colleagues improve their morality, and awaken the true spirit of India and China?
As for Qin Qin's refusal to help Gui Wujiu in the fight, Gui Wujiu was not worried.The rule of this world is to awaken the true spirit of India and China to work together with the master of India.There must be hidden extremely high and profound truths in martial arts.

Fate dictates that there is no way to avoid it.

(End of this chapter)

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