Chapter 765
It's nothing to blame.

A round bead full of charm has been floating in the air, turning slowly, dragging up colorful lights, and water patterns swaying around.

Qin Qin opened his eyes and took a look.At first glance, it seems that this object is much thinner than the Yundong Great Seal, and its appearance is not as majestic and majestic, so I instinctively reject it.But when he read his mind, he couldn't help being stunned when he came into contact with the pure, ancient, flawless and unsullied appearance of this thing.

Jing Huan glanced at it, nodded and said: "It's no wonder that the method came from your hand... It turns out that you have the origin of the immortal door, and you have already embarked on a similar practice method."

"So it is, so it is."

"It's just that if you want Li Daitao to be stiff, that's fantastic. Refining a treasure, making it reach the ultimate state of returning to all beings and reflecting the truth, even if it is the cultivation base of the peak of the near-dao, it will take at least a thousand years of hard work. Your real cultivation is quite far from the near-dao state, how can you refine the real treasure to such a state..."


Fantastic was originally eloquent and free to comment.Suddenly his face changed.

But seeing Gui Wujiu focus on the reflection, the brilliance of the green dragon image on his back appeared, and then it turned into a phantom swimming around, practiced on the orb in the palm of his hand, and then returned immediately.

This washing, there is no suffocation, and it is easy to do.

After this walk, the temperament of the round bead suddenly changed.Immortal Dao is ethereal, Martial Dao is straight, and they merged into one. It seems that there is no threshold gap in the truth; it opens up the inside and outside in one breath, travels between the universe, and is independent of the world.

To blame the voice, Wen Runzhong has a kind of self-confidence: "Try it."

Qin Qin scratched his head without much hesitation.Immediately turned into a light, and drilled into this round bead!
Jing Huan's lips were tightly closed, and he watched intently.

After one breath, the entire "real illusion" world was illuminated by a dazzling brilliance!
One pearl illuminates one world.

Point to a mountain and river.

Mountains, rivers and land, rivers and rivers, water and the moon, nothing is missing, every detail is fully visible.

When the object was just taken out, although the base of the bead was high, there was a feeling of being used above and below, as if a piece of raw jade had not yet become a real treasure, and lacked acquired skills.But now, after Qin and Qin merged with each other, it seems that there is a distinction between pure and turbid, and the appearance of being born out of nothing is derived from the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty; at the beginning.

It's not a small secret place like the "Kaiyuan Realm" of the Yinzong, but a real "one world" rebirth!
Gui Wujiu held this bead empty in his palm, his demeanor calmed down.Shining brightly, under the radiance of the pearl, it looks like a statue of bright jade, and also like a giant who has just demonstrated the power of opening the sky.

Not long after, there was another buzzing noise between the heaven and the earth, like a fire like a tide, flowing endlessly.It seems that there is no rhythm, but it is not difficult to distinguish when you listen carefully: every sound coincides with the rhythm of heaven and earth, as if swallowing and breathing on behalf of heaven and earth, standing like the sound of good fortune.

After a few more breaths, this "truth and illusion" space seemed to float suddenly; all the characters and images seemed to be centered on Gui Wugui, and they were circling around.

Jiang Minyi closed her eyes and was drunk.

Although this sudden and huge momentum has surpassed any scene of the birth of a true treasure of Hunyuan.But Jiang Minyi was pleasantly surprised; not necessarily terrified.

Because she has absolute confidence in impunity.

Since Blaming No Blame said that it could be done with certainty, it would definitely succeed—no matter how difficult it was in Jing Huan's mouth.

What Jiang Minyi is really excited about is the secrets of martial arts revealed on the three inscriptions, and the relationship between reality and fantasy.

This is the mystery behind the "Tao Realm".

The avenue is endless.

Ziwei Great World - the so-called "ancestral domain" of martial arts, although the methods of practice are different, but in the end they all pay attention to strengthening the essence of human essence, dividing heaven and man into a tripartite stand.But the steps after this stage, among the great powers beyond the sky, have formed differences.

What is the essence of practice after the Dao Realm is not detailed in the inscription, it seems that the truth is beyond the knowledge of the lower realm.

I only know that according to the different ways, they can be roughly divided into two factions.

One of them takes the path of pure self-strengthening, pure and even refinement.

This school believes that since the foundation of practice before the Dao realm is to carry forward the spiritual essence of sentient beings, and even regard it as a "small universe", which is equal to heaven and earth.Then the same is true for the following practice methods-everything that can be evolved by the world and objects outside of me, I can do it; all the wonders of nature outside of me can be conceived, and I can emulate it .The only person who respects the human element will eventually be able to cage everything, break all differences, and master the Taoism Youxuan.

But the other faction thinks otherwise.

This school believes that although my body and mind are like the evolution of the universe, it seems to be three-pointed with the heaven and the earth;One person's single-minded effort is not really able to connect everything and take all the charm of good fortune.

One's own strength has no limit after all.

If there is a middle, there must be an outside, and if there is an upper, there must be a lower; outside of the ethereal, there should be a substance; outside of the self, there must be "non-self".Be in the middle of the distinction, clarify its boundaries, and choose one from the other.My mind, body, mind, and spirit are the foundation, but outside of me, there should be a core of "foreign things" that can be relied upon for enlightenment.

Use this "external object" to simulate the past and present of the universe, and refine a "external image essence", which is opposite to my body, and finally becomes one with each other, and the opposite complements each other, achieving the highest and most mysterious state.

There is no doubt that these two paths have the possibility of enlightenment; the difficulty of obtaining the law is also roughly the same.

The previous path is a path of survival against the sky.The requirements for the chance of enlightenment of practitioners are so high that it is almost unimaginable.Waiting for several epochs and searching all the worlds of the Zhou Dynasty may not be able to produce such a hero.

The latter path, which seems to be more specific and practical, seems to be easier to walk; but it is not.

The so-called "non-self mind, the essence of appearance" as opposed to "my body" is also an extremely empty concept.Exactly how to practice the method is originally an antelope with horns, no trace to be found, and each person is different and independent of each other, the previous methods are not enough to prove.Those who have embarked on this road have searched for thousands of years and traversed thousands of worlds, which is also a poor spirit.

In fact, it is not difficult to guess--

The so-called "Martial Dao" is empty and self-centered, so it is naturally the first path to take; while the ways of immortals and demons, without such attachments, are naturally the latter path.

The two go hand in hand.

It's just that God's will is unpredictable. In the past few epochs, the situation has changed suddenly.

Immortal Gate Sequence, a strange lineage suddenly emerged.

The cultivators of that line have paid attention to refining it into a treasure since childhood, and it was born with the transformation of Danying, known as the "Dharma Treasure of Life".

It should be known that in the other ways besides martial arts, although there are quite a few people who create magic weapons with foreign things in mind; "the magic weapon of life" is not an unfamiliar term.

However, in the past, among the immortal sects, only a treasure with the deepest heart, the deepest accumulation, or the entrustment of the heart was called the "talisman of life"; An independent phenomenon, a vehicle for carrying Tao.

Nowadays, the meaning of the term "natal magic weapon" has changed greatly, and it is with the rise of this lineage that it has just spread to the world.

This so-called "Natal Magic Treasure" has been cultivated since the golden core state. Once it successfully enters the shortcut realm with the master, its quality will be much better than ordinary treasures; The quality has reached a very high level, and there is an incredible magical effect——

As the sustenance of "the essence of appearance".

Although there are still very few who meet the conditions; but compared with the original stringent requirements, I don't know how much looser they are.

In just three epochs, this lineage has created six or seven characters who are above the Dao realm and stepping between the profound and mysterious.

Faced with such a situation, the rest of the immortals and demons who have taken the second path can be enlightened at any time, turning the heavy treasure held by the disciples into a path similar to the "magic weapon of life".Although due to the poor foundation and a little lack of cultivation, it is still inferior to that lineage of Xianmen; but in the final analysis, there is not much difference.

But the Martial Dao lineage was greatly impacted by this.The myriad dharma realms rooted in the world are gradually declining due to the reduction of luck.Especially the ancestral domain, which has almost declined.

This is also a helpless thing, because one step is taken on the road, and there is no turning back.

Because he has become a giant in the Dao realm in martial arts, everyone has no regrets.Heart prints are like swords, with no direction forward.If it is changed, it will inevitably lead to the collapse of Dao Xin, and the road of practice will end here.Only those who have not yet achieved Tao, within the orthodoxy of martial arts, in the low-level practice that is still in its infancy, can independently open up the "second road" belonging to martial arts, which can solve this dilemma.

It is also unfeasible to expect the masters in the upper realm of martial arts to teach the secret method to the lower, this self-deception is also unfeasible.

Only in the lower realm of martial arts, one can gestate and transform himself, and a seed will sprout; in the upper realm of martial arts, one may be able to use a little means to help it develop.

This fact is very difficult.

Because the introductory steps of martial arts focus on refining the whole body, there is no difference; there is no transformation of the alchemy in the immortal sect.If you want to give birth to the concept of "the magic weapon of life", it is almost a dream; perhaps the only thing that can be relied on is the image of the martial soul.In martial arts, the six veins of martial souls are all-encompassing, and their effects and properties are different. If they are not mixed together, this is another great difficulty.

"Between Reality and Illusion" connects the boundless lower domain of martial arts, intending to combine the power of heroes from all realms to break this situation.

The twelve realms and the twelve true spirits are actually the prototypes of the twelve "spirits of appearance" created by the great power of Lijing.

Therefore, it is hoped that the meritorious deeds have reached a very deep level and can awaken the true spirit.In the struggle between each other, they will gradually explore the path of "if you want to combine the inside and the outside, you must pretend to be things".

The completely different ways of fighting between Riyao Martial Lord and True Spirit is precisely because of this.

One is the most primitive "one's own way" in martial arts; the other is the "outer way" that uses methods to imitate foreign objects, which is more similar to the methods of the immortal family.

In fact, this matter is really difficult.

Even with the talent of returning to no blame, if he is a pure martial arts monk and has not directly borrowed the knowledge of refining the "natural magic weapon" from the fairy gate, then his sparring with Qin Qin can only be explored at best. It's just a vague concept of "harmonizing inside and outside".The thinking jumps to the way of proving the Dao through accumulating treasures, I am afraid that it will be difficult to do it anyway.

But the superpowers in martial arts can stop here at most, but they can't give any more hints.

If someone later cultivates the "Dharma Treasure of Life" to a very high level, so that it can become the container for the prototype of the twelve "Essences of Appearance", they will have the qualifications to defeat the envoy of Jing Huan; to defeat this person, Then a barrier will be broken in the dark, ushering in a new era for martial arts.

As far as common sense is concerned, the transition from "legislation" to "success" obviously cannot be accomplished in one generation.Therefore, in Jinghuan's mouth, there is a saying that "the predecessors plant trees, and the descendants enjoy the shade".

After a quarter of an hour.Gui Wugui's aura gathers together, the brilliance dissipates, and all kinds of visions also dissipate at the same time.

After putting Quanzhu into the body, it seems that everything has returned to the past; however, there is an additional charm similar to fantasy.

Gui Wugui said with a smile, "It seems that I'm lucky."

(End of this chapter)

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