Chapter 768
The two watched intently.

The statue is more than three hundred feet high, it is certainly an unheard of wonder among ordinary people; but in the eyes of cultivators, it is not considered first-rate in terms of scale.

But after watching this phenomenon for a long time, a wise person will suddenly have a kind of enlightenment.It seems that the reason why this world is shown as real is that the foundation of its creation is in this statue.Being able to determine the beginning of a world, such a miracle of good fortune, is no small matter.

If the person who comprehends at this time is a later visitor, and if he understands this mystery, he will definitely feel awe.

About three quarters of an hour later, Gui Wujiu's bright eyes lit up, he turned around and said calmly, "I've got it."

After more than twenty breaths, Jiang Minyi also opened his eyes, his expression was half joyful, half complicated, and said in a low voice: "I got it too."

Jing Huan thinks that both Gui and Jiang can realize the same thing at the same time.Now the two pass the level very smoothly, even faster than Jing Huan expected.

Gui Wugui smiled lightly and said: "Whatever you get, it's better to refer to each other."

Jiang Minyi didn't tell me directly, but said quietly: "You really shouldn't give me this opportunity. Even if this pioneer is a heretic cultivator, so what? It may look shameless, but the real martial arts The domain is in decline, and people in martial arts can do nothing by themselves, so it is no wonder that others are doing it for them."

Gui Wugui's heart moved.

Jiang Minyi is not a hypocritical person.Now that the old saying was brought up again, it was obvious that she had just realized it, and it was of great help to her.So I consciously took my chance, and felt a little sorry.

Gui Wujiu shook his head, half-jokingly said: "It's okay to be straightforward. I want to see if what you have realized is really worthy of my attention?"

Jiang Minyi's eyelids twitched, and she really told the truth about what she had realized.

In the previous meetings between reality and illusion, although there must be a person who dominates the whole world in the end.But because this world is not real, it is actually "the emperor takes turns to do it and come to my house next year". Once the cards are reshuffled, the previous winner's gains will naturally disappear.

But today there is no blame for legislative suppression, this world has changed from fiction to reality, and everything is frozen.Jiang Minyi has the luck of the twelve continents, but she will never be taken away by others again.In other words, if Jiang Minyi has been the lord of this world for a long time, it will not be easy forever.If it is cultivated for a long time, she will actually be the master of this domain.

As the origin of a new field of martial arts, this world will be filled and expanded by young heroes of martial arts in the future.

The real cultivator of the present; not the phantom of the former sages.

People who grow up in this world, if they have any strange ideas, good methods and magical skills, as long as they can cause changes in the celestial phenomena, Jiang Minyi will naturally absorb this method and meaning; In the process of martial arts, strengthen one's own martial arts foundation.

If this world is prosperous and prosperous, if Jiang Minyi and others can gather the intelligence of a world for their own use.

Gui Wugui heard the whole story, looked up to the sky and smiled and said: "Although this method is good, it is useless to me. This further proves my previous judgment. The opportunity in this area should be accepted by two people. One drink and one peck. Certainly."

Such a magical effect is indeed extraordinary.

But this method is only based on martial arts, and it can be cultivated all the time, so that it can sense psychics.So handing it over to Gui Wujiu is not to say that it is a bright pearl cast in the shadows, but at least it is a double bed.

Because of returning to no blame, the Taoist foundation has been established first, seeking all dharmas, returning to the void and thinking about the sword.

Although the intelligence of Yijie is great, it is not as strong as the "Spirit Sword Evolution Diagram" transformed by Quanzhu.

Jiang Minyi felt a little relieved when she heard that impunity has been established.He also asked what is the method of self-improvement and enlightenment.

Gui Wugui naturally has nothing to hide, and confesses frankly.

Returning to the enlightenment without blame is a method of retreating from Tibet.

Gui Wugui is in Ziwei's big world, no matter how far or near, his mind and spirit can communicate with this statue of himself in the real and imaginary world.As long as you draw your mind, no matter where you are, you can come to this world immediately.Not only that, but you can also use the power of the god statue to find the source and send you back to any place where traces have been left in the past twelve hours.

If this method is used skillfully, its value in combat will be unimaginably high.

But it is a pity that there is no blame now, only the power of escaping, but not the power of returning; so the efficacy of this thing is greatly reduced.

The two ways of coming and going depend on different fundamental principles.

It is like attracting blameless, relying on the power of "compatibility and compatibility", which is similar to the most brilliant space method.Let alone imputation, even the most delicate baby will not feel any discomfort after traveling through the sky.

But the power of backtracking and escaping contains an extremely powerful power to break through boundaries, and only those who are powerful in the Dao realm can bear it without hindrance; even if it is Tianxuan Shangzhen, I'm afraid it can't bear it easily.The Nascent Soul cultivator tried rashly, but the result would only be the death of his mind and soul.

If it is only used for half a step, although this method has an extra protective hole card, it is not in the battle for the help of Gui Wugui.

Just imagine, if you use this method in a battle, you will have to borrow the Dao Martial Domain first, and then rely on the teleportation arrays of various earth veins to escape back the same way.If the battlefield is in a remote place, once you retreat, you may not be able to return to the same place for a year or so, and if you completely withdraw from the battle.

Furthermore, when it comes to defensive trump cards, Gui Wugui has many treasures such as "Swallowing the Twin Beads" in hand, even if he meets an enemy at the true level of Tianxuan, it is difficult to do nothing to him.This method of traveling around the two worlds is not much more than him, and there is a lot less of him.

The real use of this method is not to defend and save one's life, but to have a reliable way to escape calmly when one is trapped in a place where there is no return.

Gui Wujiu thought about it, and immediately thought of the two uses of this method, which are very crucial.

At this time, the two of them finally had a clear understanding of everything in this world, and they were harmonious and flawless.As Jing Huan said, it was time to return.

But the law of how to leave the boundary has not been reflected in the heart as promised.

Jiang Minyi looked at it with a little doubt, to see if there was any key point that she had overlooked.

Looking around, I saw that this world, after being baptized by thunderstorms, there is a great vitality hidden in the deepest part of the ground, which gradually radiates out.For Wuxiu who embarked on the second road, it must be a very suitable place for cultivation, which is equivalent to the top paradise in the fairy gate.

But other than that, there are no other abnormalities.

At this moment, the three stone tablets not far from the statue suddenly emitted golden lights and shot at the bullfighting bull.

The two hurriedly approached to observe it, the words on it seemed to float up from the stele, trembling endlessly, as if turning into a living thing.

Gui Wujiu was startled for a moment, then smiled and said: "It's good to be a hands-off shopkeeper. I'll trouble you, Minyi, for the next thing."

Jiang Minyi smiled lightly and said, "Even if I'm blunt, why should I be afraid if you, the righteous master, explain it here?"

Both of them understood the wonderful meaning of this world.

The new establishment of orthodoxy in martial arts is of course a key turning point in determining the ups and downs of its luck.But this doesn't mean that all the junior cultivators in the martial arts must switch to this way.People have different talents and endowments. It is one of those who are suitable for following the ancient martial art of internal seeking and self-seeking, and who are suitable for following the newly established external-contradictory approach.

This area, after being baptized by the electric rain, not to mention the burst of vitality, and I don't know how many treasures suitable for cultivating the true treasure of life, it can be called an endless treasure.However, it will take time for this environment to grow and accumulate. If too many people flood in at once, it may exceed its carrying limit.This second.

Considering this, the "solution" left by this world--Jiang Minyi, the master of this world, after reading the text of the true law on the three stone tablets, relied on his own understanding to turn it into a "Second Turn" The text.

Then pass on the "Two Turns" to the Realm of Martial Arts, as a threshold for testing.

Those with aptitude and disposition who are in harmony with this method will naturally be able to understand its principles, and then they can enter the realm of practice.

The relationship between the text of the stone stele and the "Er Zhuan Zhi Wen" can be compared to the main body of Yue Hengzong's "Psychic Manifestation of True Form" and the true biography of the thirteen inner sects.

Jiang Minyi's eyes drooped, and she muttered something.

About a quarter of an hour later, Jiang Minyi knew what was happening, and finally said, "It's done."

It went smoothly before and after, and I didn't encounter a single problem, so it's no fault to ask for help.

The three steles seem to have spirituality.Jiang Minyi's formula was completed, and the ancient text on the tablet was immediately hidden, and transformed into another ancient text that was complicated and difficult to decipher. If it is a bird's claw or insect, it is hard to know its meaning.

Immediately, a stream of clear air suddenly appeared between the heaven and the earth, supported the two of them, and slowly floated away.


Martial Dao Yuan Domain.

Jindianzhou, Hanping City.

Jindianzhou is the first continent of Zhu Xiang's family; and Hanping City is the first city of Jindianzhou.

At this time, in the center of the city, there is a square platform thirty-six feet above the city wall, named Zhangtai, which is five hundred feet in length and width, and four star dials are used to stabilize the four corners.

Under each star dial, there are twelve people forming an array to manage it.It seems that these four sundials are used as four-sided mirrors, condensed into four beams of light, and they are connected to something on the sky.

In the middle of the Zhangtai, there are six people each holding an oil-paper umbrella, looking into the void.

The clothes and colors of these six people are different, but they are all very simple; their faces are even more muddy and difficult to distinguish.A mysterious meaning that is timeless and new, how can it be concealed by an oil-paper umbrella?

Although these six people have extremely long life spans, but the expressions on their faces are very difficult to control, almost unable to hold back.

At this moment, behind the high platform, a person suddenly jumped up.

This person is only a "stellar realm" cultivation base, and his lifespan does not exceed five hundred.Wearing a toga with blue and white stripes, he is full of vitality and very active.

Among the six people, the other four did not move.Only the second and third people on the left turned around one after another.

The man in Zhufu on the left said in surprise, "Nephew Shancheng."

The middle-aged man next to him was silent for a while, his voice was hoarse: "Why are you here?"

All the Zhens in the Martial Domain had already prepared for the worst.Fortunately, there is no danger in the end. In this life, there is finally a martial arts hero who lives up to everyone's expectations and succeeds in one fell swoop.It's just that the person who accomplished this was not Xi Lerong from the Lazy Family, as expected by everyone, but a female cultivator who was in charge of Yuan Kang's Wai Talisman.

People in martial arts always act directly.Since each family has lost in the direct competition.No matter how high your status is and how famous you are, if you can teach the head of the six clans to bow down to greet you in person, they will not come to congratulate you in person.

But the direct descendant of Feng Lun in front of him just did so.

Hiroshi Yamashiro looked calm and confident, cupped his hands neither humble nor overbearing, and said, "Although Hiroshi Yamashiro did not succeed, thanks to the help of that fellow Taoist, he also got a great opportunity. So I want to thank you in person today."

The middle-aged man nodded and said flatly, "I see."

At this moment, under the star dial in the northeast corner, a person shouted: "Report to Lord Wujun, I found it!"

Among the six people, one immediately shouted loudly: "Quickly use the pulling method."

After this order, the four mirror lights flickered for a while, and they locked their positions in an instant.

After more than ten breaths, it was clearly discernible that a mass of white awns, wrapped in two figures, approached the top of the Zhangtai far away.

(End of this chapter)

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