Chapter 773
The journey between reality and fantasy, although it is said that there are thirty-three years, but that is based on past experience.

In fact, this time, due to the one-step termination of Gui Wugui and the establishment of the second way, when the success was completed, it was delayed by another century, to forty-five years.

A mere forty-five years is certainly nothing in the eyes of cultivators.But for the forces of the Yinzong lineage in the Ziwei Great World, there have been many changes and waves for no reason.

Half the first sect, the small world in the sky.

At this time, on a remote island in the world, there are dozens of attic thatched houses in a row;In this secret place of self-cultivation, at some point, there was an extra village.

In the middle of the village, in a large courtyard with blue tiles, apart from two or three maidservants shuttling back and forth in the alley, it can be seen that there are three people sitting in the main courtyard.

A middle-aged woman in a jingchai sarong, although she has aged a little, her appearance remains the same.

However, she was seen sitting on a wicker chair, with silver needles advancing and retreating between her hands, thread ends tangled, and she was weaving a short garment.

There was also a middle-aged man with a fair face and a half-length paper apron.But his body was half bent, leaning against a bluestone platform.He holds a wooden doll about to be formed in his left hand; a short knife in his right hand.

The base material that the man used to carve is not known what kind of different species of wood it is, but it is very solid.Although the short knife in his right hand is cold and bright, one can tell at a glance that it is the top grade of woodworking knives; but when it is carved on the puppet and pondered over and over again, there is only a slight trace of sawdust.

It took him a lot of time and effort to carve this huge doll to the point where it will finally take shape.

In addition to the two, there was another girl who looked about fourteen or fifteen years old and was wearing a yellow skirt and short jacket.She was sitting on a small blue stool, between the man and the woman, her fingers were nimble, and she kept threading needles.On the brocade handkerchief clamped by the bamboo bow in the palm, birds and butterflies are flying, lifelike, and it also shows extraordinary embroidery skills.

This girl is none other than Huang Xiyin, Gui Wugui's disciple who opened the door.

As for this middle-aged man and woman, they were naturally Huang Xiyin's parents, Huang Zhengping and the Han family.

If the initial plan had been followed, Huang Xiyin and Gui Wujiu would return to Yueheng at the [-]-year meeting.At that time, even though Huang Zhengping and the Han family had the means to prolong their lives, they were already in their old age.Fortunately, there is a Sansheng Yinyang Cave and Heaven that connects the realms and connects the two realms in advance.

After Wei Qingqi returned, she indeed invited her teacher, Dongfang Wanqing, to visit the tourist places and discuss the Dao with the four Taoist priests.

Apart from Dongfang Wanqing, Qin Menglin's younger brother, Qin Mengxiao, and Huang Xiyin's parents, Huang Zhengping and Han Shi, were also invited back.

Placed in the outside room, there are many people with mixed eyes, and I am afraid of unexpected mistakes; but living in a small world, I am afraid that the two of them will be bored.In view of this, Qin Menglin simply found some ordinary people who knew the basics and had reliable experience, gathered in this village, and accompanied Huang Zhengping and the other two.

In the usual season, Huang Xiyin and his parents were companions, doing some trivial chores together, tacitly sharing their hearts with each other, secretly enjoying the family happiness and quiet time.But today Huang Xiyin seemed to be unable to calm down.After two stitches of thick stitches, he turned his head to visit.

As far as he could see, it was the doll in Huang Zhengping's hand.

Finally, Huang Xiyin seemed to be unable to bear it any longer.But she saw that her willow eyebrows were curved, she shook her head slightly, and asked, "Daddy, are you alright?"

Huang Zhengping chuckled, and looked at Huang Xiyin carefully, his eyes were full of kindness: "Hurry up, hurry up."

Although the final reunion was much faster than expected; but when Huang Zhengping and his wife were picked up by Wei Qingqi, apart from joy in their hearts, there was still a third of regret.After decades of separation, my daughter from home should have already grown up.

Unexpectedly, Huang Xiyin's path is very different from that of ordinary people, and he was too young when he cultivated into a spirit form.At first sight, Huang Zhengping and his wife were surprised to find that their daughter was underage regardless of her looks and temperament. Apart from the surprise, they were also very pleasantly surprised.

This is no wonder.Let's not talk about appearance, just talk about heart.Although Huang Xiyin has read a lot of practice scriptures, her knowledge has greatly increased; but in terms of actual experience, the decades of daily meditation and exercise are almost negligible; .

The family gets along happily.

At the beginning, Qin Menglin was worried that Huang Xiyin was born far away from his parents, so he lacked heart.If you fulfill your wish at this time, will you indulge in family affection and delay your practice?

But after half a year or so, I did a little research.However, it was discovered that Huang Xiyin's merits had grown much faster than before.

She spends only one or two hours a day in her practice, and strives bravely; the rest of the time, she seems to be in the daily use of human relations, moistening things and silently completing the digestion and refinement of "returning three corners to one", which can be regarded as opening up a miracle of practice. road.

Although Huang Xiyin expected to progress slowly in practice.But after all, she is very different from Gui Wugui's lack of talent and insurmountable situation.Under the impetus of various opportunities, the growth rate naturally has a way to increase.

Since this method is beneficial to practice, Qin Menglin is relieved.

About half an hour later, Huang Zhengping chuckled and said, "It's done."

Huang Xiyin immediately dropped the needle and thread in her hand, jumped over with one step, and took the object in Huang Zhengping's hand to have a look.

This sculpture has delicate eyebrows and proficient skills, it is exactly a portrait of Huang Xiyin himself.

Huang Xiyin looked at it happily, rubbed it for a while, and then put it down again.Nodding his head, he ran into the side room with small steps, took out a small wooden box more than two feet high, and said urgently: "Father, is it time?" There was some impatience in the voice.

Huang Zhengping grabbed Huang Xiyin's long hair and let it fall in one strand, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, it's time, it's time."

At the same time, he stretched out his hand and took out a key from his sleeve.

It turns out that what Huang Xiyin never forgets is not the image carved in Huang Zhengping's palm, but something else.

Huang Zhengping and his wife brought this wooden box back from the Yueheng Sect together.

Han Shi once told Huang Xiyin that this was a gift prepared by her father for her.

Huang Xiyin was overjoyed, so naturally she wanted to ask for it immediately.But Huang Zhengping refused to give it to her; he said that he had to finish one thing by himself before handing over the contents of the box to her.

The thing that Huang Zhengping said needs to be done, of course, is this statue that has just been completed.

But Huang Zhengping has a calculation.He does it by himself, and with all his heart, it's best to be as true as possible; he doesn't want to bother the immortal master to do it again after this job is completed, and then retrain it with the secret method of the immortal sect.When Qin Menglin learned about it, he gave him a piece of "crane and sheep wood" from the Yin-Yang world.After the wood is finalized, it will be hard to decay after being baked in the fire for three years.It is also unusual to preserve thousands of years or tens of thousands of years.

It's just that this woodcut is not easy to carve, Huang Zhengping had to delay for a long time, until today it was finally completed.

Huang Zhengping thought for a while, handed the key to Huang Xiyin, and said in harmony, "Open it yourself."

Huang Xiyin took the key, quickly opened the wooden box, and lifted the lid.

What appeared in the box were twelve wooden statues.These twelve wooden statues are carved from the most common pine wood, each of which is a little smaller than the newly made one; but they are sealed with white wax, and none of them has deteriorated or decayed.The wooden statues describe their faces, and they are all young girls from five to fifteen years old, with perfect manners and superb thoughts.If you get it above the ordinary market, it is also a rare top grade.

Mrs. Han glanced at Huang Xiyin and said with a smile: "This is what your father did when he had nothing to do when he was in Shangzong. Some of them were just letting their imaginations run wild; some of them were dreaming about your appearance when you grow up, so they wrote it down. Sculpture."

"After making it, it was hidden in a box, and it has not been opened for decades; so that your father and I can't remember the image of the carving and painting. Your father often said that after seeing you , with the means of the fairy gate, there must be a picture of you when you were young. Then you can compare them and see how similar they are."

"But after we met, seeing that you haven't grown up yet, your father changed his mind. He wants to carve out your real image, and then take out the old things to compare the similarities and differences."

Huang Zhengping was clumsy with words, even though he was extremely happy in his heart, he couldn't say anything, he only laughed twice.

Huang Xiyin's heart was moved, and he took out the twelve wooden statues together, and watched carefully along with the newly formed statue of himself.

In all fairness, what Huang Zhengping has created in the past is not like the legends say, he has a tacit understanding, and he can be like each other even if he hasn't met.

Perhaps influenced by worldly concepts, Huang Xiyin in Huang Zhengping's imagination is obviously a little fatter, with a mild and peaceful climate, like a carefree girl next door.It doesn't quite match Huang Xiyin's real temperament.

But Huang Xiyin saw the depth at a glance, it might not be her——

Because, these two kinds of wooden statues contain the same business!
With this thought, Huang Xiyin suddenly felt a flash of thunder and purple lightning flashing across the spirit.

The air in the whole body sinks and floats, and the waves are infinite.

Although she had a smile on her face, when her mind was wandering, she seemed to be turned into a stone, frozen.

Huang Zhengping was startled, and said that his daughter was so happy that she was foolish.

However, Han has some insights, and she can see that the daughter seems to be inspired by the statue made by her husband, and step into the strange perception of Taoism practice.So he hastily tugged on Huang Zhengping's sleeve lightly, and winked at him.Then the two quietly exited the courtyard and closed the door.

Huang Xiyin seemed to feel that she had caught something.

On the day when she was blinded in her heart and decided to embark on the road, Gui Wugui's "Kongyun Nianjian" had been demonstrated once, and it was firmly engraved in her heart.

Regarding the path she was going to take, Gui Wugui didn't hide it from her - he should create another path besides Kongyun Nianjian, and use it as a reference.

Although Huang Xiyin's cultivation base is still shallow, her wisdom root is sufficient.

In her mind, her teacher's sword of emptiness is different from any method of attacking, destroying, impregnating, or cutting through any external force, but to understand its essence, feel its truth, be sincere, and understand its heart.The law of extinction, the law of annihilation, the law of disillusionment that penetrates the root of all things and then completely erases it from the world.In terms of great power and profound intentions, Huang Xiyin can't imagine any other path that can be compared with it.

However, Huang Xiyin looked down upon the principles of the sword scriptures that could not be included in Kongyun Nianjian for her to ponder and learn from. She only felt that they were all soft and shallow methods, which were disproportionately superior.

Once the meritorious deeds have reached the time when they are about to form alchemy, they must have an idea for their own supernatural power method, which is called "supernatural power seed".

Huang Xiyin's original wish entrusted her with the best first condensed supernatural power seed, which is her own fundamental method.

There is still no clue about this matter, but it has always been on Huang Xiyin's mind.

certainly.It is absolutely impossible to create a formed supreme supernatural power out of thin air with the superficial cultivation of the Jindan realm; however, at least there must be an idea and prototype, and a direction of evolution.

Now, Huang Xiyin suddenly felt——

Caught the inspiration myself.

(End of this chapter)

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