Chapter 776
Not long after, there was one more person in this environment.

Although this person is only at the Nascent Soul Realm, standing here, the young man and Pu Fangyu's master and apprentice all looked at each other seriously, as if they valued him very much.

Xuanyuan Huai.

He is only of average stature, and the clothing on his body is unknown whether it is made of silk, cloth or paper.

This suit is made of white, with vertical and horizontal black stripes all over, woven into squares of the same size as a brick wall, dense and dense.This robe is indeed not any magic weapon; but the cultivators who are under the close path can't help but feel that the dense squares are constantly zooming in and out, evolving endlessly... thus giving birth to a sense of dizziness, and even passing out.

Looking at his face, this man's hair is tied in a bun with an ordinary blue silk ribbon; the most striking thing on his face is the two short eyebrows that seem to have been thickened with thick ink.Such a face with thick eyebrows and big eyes, full and round muscles and bones, almost looks like a simple, thick, quiet and dull country boy; except for slightly longer arms and earlobes, he is really no different from ordinary people.

With such a good looks, I have to say that it is not the "Xuanyuan Huai" imagined by the other eight sects.

It is said that this face, in any case, has nothing to do with being handsome and straight.But if you look at it for a long time, you will feel more and more "reasonable".

As it should be, there is no dissonance.

This kind of concept is not based on the distinction between beauty and ugliness, nor is the mind subdued so that the judgment is inaccurate, but it is derived from an indescribable and wonderful feeling.

Pu Fangyu said: "How is it? Is the change of Chengdao Zaidejun Tianjian because of that person's breakthrough?"

Xuanyuan Huai didn't say a word, but raised his head slightly, watching the changes of the sword carefully.

Pu Fangyu would not think that he lost face, or that Xuanyuan Huai was too arrogant; on the contrary, he felt that everything was taken for granted.

Because Xuanyuan Huai took it very seriously.

After a long while, Xuanyuan Huai suddenly chuckled, and said: "Of course not. The foundation of his practice starts from Yue Hengzong's psychic manifestation, which is a fait accompli, and it is not easy. Now that he has embarked on this path There is no way to become a Dao without going through the Xuanhun Glazed Heaven. I still can't, let alone others?"

"Furthermore, even if he achieves a shortcut, the change of the sword's fixed score is only six inches; how can it reach two feet?"

"Unless, it is to achieve the realm of dividing heaven and man."

Strange to say.

When Xuanyuan Huai is standing still, anyone who sees him face to face will feel that he is very kind and real, very different from the imaginary high-flying illusion and relying on the sky, just like relatives and friends; but at this moment he seems to be An extremely sincere smile, but instead heightens the sense of distance, as if they are people from two worlds.

As soon as Xuanyuanhuai said this, the young man was thoughtful, but Pu Fangyu's expression changed slightly.

Even if you achieve a shortcut, there is only six inches of merit.This shows that the sudden change in the swordsmanship in the world is much more serious than he imagined.Could it be that just like the story of the nine sects coming to this world thirty-six years ago, there is another Taoist legend with superb Taoism coming to this world?
But if it is such a big event, why didn't the two supreme beings in the sect notice the change with the magic of the heart sword?This is a bit bizarre.

After hesitating for a while, Pu Fangyu turned around and said, "I think this disciple should report to the sword master to find this unnamed change?"

The young man fell silent.

In fact, he thought in his heart that although the master of swordsmanship was more advanced than his qualifications, the biography he revised was of the lineage of "Heart Sword".Since he didn't feel any shocking changes in this world, even if he reported to the sword master, he probably wouldn't get any more results.

Xuanyuan Huai stretched out his hand suddenly, and stroked a few inches away from the Juntian Sword; his figure suddenly blurred, like a reflection in water; then quickly solidified.

Xuanyuan Huai smiled and said, "Yes."

"Actually, the change of this sword is not as drastic as imagined."

"Look at the truth—this is the truth."

At the same time as he spoke, Xuanyuan Huai stretched out his right index finger and flicked lightly on the "blood groove" of the broad sword, which seemed to trigger a blood bead to leap upward.

Then, the blood line seemed to have broken through a difficulty, and suddenly jumped up.

Pu Fangyu took a closer look, and the scale of the blood gauge on the Chengdao Zaide sword suddenly returned to the previous position of [-] feet [-] inches, as if everything he experienced just now was a dream.

But after another glance, Pu Fangyu immediately knew something was wrong.

If you look closely, you will find that the blood groove suddenly "breaks" at the position where the sword is six feet six inches from bottom to top, close to the scale just now.As a result, the newly restored two-foot scale hangs in the air, becoming a sourceless water and a castle in the air.

The boy calmly asked: "I guess you already know the cause and effect."

His disciple Pu Fangyu doesn't know the mystery, but the young man's heart is like a mirror.Whenever Xuanyuan Huaizhi's body experienced a very short-term change from reality to reality, it seemed that he could connect with inexplicable powers to determine right from wrong.

If this method can be used at will, even if it is better than his "Heart Sword" kendo, which is a powerful Daoist, so it must not be like this; I have never been disappointed.The real trigger conditions, from the sword master down, have never been asked by others.

Xuanyuan Huai said slowly and methodically: "Exactly."

"The manifestation of the Juntian Sword has always been untrue in the door. The so-called 'monopolizing the Eight Dou', although it can inspire people's hearts, is actually unreasonable."

"It's not just about the length; it's about the score first, and then the growth; it's short and long."

"A world of swordsmanship, if it has not entered the true flow, it will not be included in the Juntian sword. Therefore, if the eight-veined sword of our school is the only avenue in this world, then how can the rest of the low-level swordsmanship of the miscellaneous flow be able to do so?" Occupy an inch and a half of the land? If so, the manifestation of the scale of the Great Heavenly Sword should be a [-]% perfect image."

Pu Fangyu murmured: "In this way, the scale is not [-]%, which means that there are swordsmanship supernatural powers in the world that can rival our sect; and I account for eighty-nine points, and the rest is only one-twelfth, which actually shows that I The master swordsmanship has long been completed, and although the other method can keep pace with me, it has not matured at this time—so it has always been like this?"

Xuanyuan Huai smiled sincerely: "Exactly."

The young man said quietly: "First determine the score, and then talk about growth... In this way, there is indeed another path of swordsmanship and supernatural powers that can be cultivated to the highest level... It's just that there are sprouts under the eyes, which are still extremely weak That's all."

Pu Fangyu's heart skipped a beat when he heard the words, and he thought about it again.It turned out that the gap on the Juntian Sword happened to appear at the position of one third of the sword body from top to bottom.

Xuanyuan Huai took a few breaths in ecstasy, and suddenly said: "Please trouble your lord to prepare a "front and back picture". I will travel to a foreign land soon."

As soon as the words fell, Pu Fangyu turned around abruptly.

There was also a flash of sharpness in the boy's eyes, which seemed quite unexpected.

For the descendants of the various clans, it is the most common thing to go out for a long-distance travel, or even to seek opportunities for heart seals, and it is not worth making a fuss about.

But for Xuanyuan Huai, it was another matter.

As early as fifty years ago, Xuanyuan Huai's cultivation in the Nascent Soul Realm reached the perfection of the fourth level, and the ultimate enlightenment.If the Xuanhun Liulitian was opened that day, he would be able to retreat and break through immediately.From then on, Xuanyuan Huai lived in peace and quiet in the gate, waiting for the opportunity, and seemed to have no time to look around.

At that time, there were a few people in the sect practicing the truth, so it was like waiting in vain for competitors from other sects to catch up.Whether to do something to further widen the gap between the two sides.

Regarding this matter, the sword master said that there is no need to worry too much.Xuanyuanhuai has his own profound art of good fortune in his meditation. Although the realm of Taoism stops before breaking the realm, the invisible progress is rapid.On the day when Xuanhun Liulitian opens, the gap between the two sides will only widen to an unbelievable level.

All the truths in the door, now I feel relieved.

Today, Xuanyuan Huai gave up the mysterious and unpredictable "Qingxiu" and traveled far away, which is actually an unprecedented reversal.

Pu Fangyu changed his mind and said, "Are you looking for the opportunity for a new student to practice swordsmanship?"

Xuanyuan Huai's eyes flashed, and he said quietly: "Forget it."

Pu Fangyu nodded slowly.

Xuanyuan Huai glanced at Pu Fangyu, and seemed to feel that it would be okay to tell the truth.Then he said with a smile: "To put it bluntly, it's to find nothing to learn from the scriptures."

Pu Fangyu was stunned for a moment, feeling slightly confused.

Didn't you just say that the extraordinary sign of the Juntian Sword is the emergence of a new law, not a breakthrough in Taoism without blame?Or is it——this another swordsmanship is also from the hand of Gui Wugui?

Xuanyuan Huai still had a deep smile on his face, and said unhurriedly: "His own family tradition has not come to an end, so naturally he won't and can't take a different path."

"The Dao is high and far, and it is difficult for ordinary people to know. But if you want to open up a new path, how can you be able to do it if you have high aptitude?"

"One side can have two, two sides can have three; three sides can have everything. If you have never seen the true flow and are trapped in a cave, then no matter how high your aptitude is, you will never break through the limit of heaven and man. "

Pu Fangyu heard the words, thoughtfully said: "You mean, the person who pioneered a new method must have a glimpse of the mystery of the way of the sword..."

Xuanyuan Huai said: "Exactly. In this world, there are only two sects in the extreme state of swordsmanship. Any disciple of my Chenyang Sword Mountain who obtains the law must enter the sword heart wheel platform in person to see the truth. There is no way to reveal it." Reason. Therefore, it must be his swordsmanship, which was revealed to others, and that seed was condensed just now."

"So the legislator is either his Taoist companion or his successor."

"The aptitude surpasses the past and the present, and he can see the true teaching of the righteous dharma; he can master thousands of Taoist arts, and... the unique method of heart seal verification. The above four reasons are indispensable."

The young man glanced at Xuanyuan Huai, and said, "You still regard him as an opponent after all."

Xuanyuan Huai said indifferently: "The heart of invincibility in the world... is just a heroic speech that cheers you up; it is only beneficial to the cultivation of the public's mind, so it is regarded as a standard. In fact, this statement is blind, and there is no real flow. There is something like it, but there is a right; If you are right, you must do the opposite. Since there is me, Xuanyuan Huai, in this world, there will naturally be Xuanyuan Huai's opponent."

"The so-called unique beauty is not a frog at the bottom of the well, but a flash in the pan; only a thousand sails racing, a hundred boats competing for the flow, is the way of the road."

When Pu Fangyu heard this, he was secretly surprised.

Even the cultivators of Chenyang Sword Mountain know that Xuanyuan Huai's Eight Paths converge, and there is no one and nothing outside his heart, and he is destined to be the only one in the world, and the order will be eternal.But what he just said is very different from it.

But if it is said that what Xuanyuan Huai said just now was against his will, it seems to have taken him lightly.

After pondering over and over again, even he, who is a great expert in the short-cut way, can't understand it.

The young man counted breaths silently, and said: "Your line...take out the thing in the door and carry it with you, so as to be safe?"

Xuanyuan Huai shook his head and said, "No need."

"At the beginning, I gave the "Viewing Fa Tu" to fight for the first mover. Now after this change, the first mover has become the second mover instead."

"It's just 'learning from the scriptures'."

(End of this chapter)

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