Chapter 802
In the blue sky, a lone cloud stood upright.

Except for this lonely cloud, the rest are far and near, all clear and clear, without any dust; outside the eyes, there is nothing.If people who don't understand it, they may appraise it as a clear beauty comparable to the deep space of the universe; but those who are skilled in Taoism can easily feel that in this seemingly clean and transparent scene, Hidden is the great desolation and great extinction that kills all vitality.

Among the clouds, Gui Wujiu slowly opened his eyes.

The appearance of chaos finally subsided.At this time, Shentu Longshu and Mo Tianqing "ignited" the demon body and burst, two hours later.

This only piece of "cloud" is the only remaining vitality among hundreds of thousands of miles away.After Gui Wugui used several self-defense secret techniques, he finally kept it, and it was like his own palace at this time.

"Wuyu Reincarnation Heaven" has already been put away.

The moment Shentu and Longshu performed the method, Gui Wujiu immediately made a decision.Relying on his own background, it is enough to withstand this blow; there is no need to use the real illusion to escape in advance.

But there is also a misguided path hidden in this.Fortunately, Gui Wugui made an appropriate decision on the fly, and what he sees is far away.If it were someone with a careless heart, he would have ruined all of his big cards at this moment.If so, Shentu Longshu's final decision to fortify the wall and clear the field unexpectedly made a miraculous achievement unintentionally.

The reason why Gui Wugui continued to use the magical powers of body protection hidden in the great seal of "Yun Zhong Zheng Er" was not because of his lack of close combat power.

In fact, relying on the peak combat power of the "Wuyu Reincarnation Heaven", even though the last explosion was huge, it couldn't help it.The reason for acting like this is that Gui Wugui has already seen through——

The two demon bodies self-destructed on a very large scale, and it is very likely to break the barrier of this side.

If this step is reached, "Wuyu Samsara Heaven" will be activated from the state of stagnation maintenance.If this turbulent power does not dissipate for a long time, then this treasure will be wasted here for a long time.

With this foresight, Gui Wugui used Indian and Chinese supernatural powers to protect the Dharma in advance.

But even so, the supernatural powers hidden in "Yunzhong Zhenger" Yinzhong are slightly inferior to the combat power endowed by "Wuyu Samsaratian".During the quarter of an hour when the power of self-explosion was at its peak, Gui Wu Jiu did not withdraw the power of shortcuts for the sake of caution.When the power of the explosion appears to be slightly weakened, then the magical power of body protection will take over.

So today's battle, in fact, the previous day and night's battle of attrition only consumed more than a hundred breaths of time from the "Wuyu Reincarnation Heaven"; but just now it was actually used to protect the body, but it actually consumed a quarter of an hour.

Another half hour passed.

Gui Wujiu thought that he was safe, got up immediately, summoned the Qingdou Beast, and roamed freely within a radius of millions of miles.

Qingdou Beast also seems to be very dissatisfied with the thin atmosphere between heaven and earth.After shaking his head and shaking his head for a while, he stomped on all fours before running wildly.

Looking at the weather, Gui Wugui couldn't help shaking his head secretly.

It turned out that he himself was in the trapped small world, and the impact he suffered was only the power of the self-destruction of the demon body.It seems to be at the center of self-explosion, but in fact, the pressure is not the greatest.

What is really weird and venomous is the positive and negative cleansing force formed by the shattering of this small world.

This heavy power is like an extremely dense and huge sieve, repeated several times, sifting the vitality in this huge space back and forth several times.At this time, the azure blue splendor between the heaven and the earth is gradually dissipating, and all directions are combined, and there are scars everywhere; the image of desolation and decay can be seen at a glance, and even the glamorous camouflage on the surface is completely torn off.

After wandering aimlessly for half an hour, Gui Wujiu had already made a judgment in his heart.

With the destructive power just now, even if there is any small "small world" here, it should be completely shattered.

Originally Gui Wugui still had a little expectation, this so-called "Three Generation Wood Spiritual Consciousness Seed" is after all a rare treasure.If he hides in a void in the sky, he may not be affected by the force of the self-destruction just now.Looking at it now, it might be possible to not be affected by the power of self-destruction; but the hope of avoiding the positive and negative cleansing power after the barrier is broken is very slim.

At this time, the little blacksmith was still in a deep sleep; if he was woken up and heard the news, he would be disappointed.

At this moment, Gui Wujiu's eyes narrowed slightly, his eyebrows raised, and there was a flash of surprise.

In this vast and clean realm, there seems to be a real image hanging in the air, emitting energy.

Although this induction is very weak, and it is quite far away from being blameless.But because the surroundings are too empty, this exact thought was finally caught by Yu Yugui.

After thinking for a while, he immediately communicated with Qingdou Beast with spirit and mind, and fled with all four hooves.

Since the direction is correct, the image in Gui Wujiu's mind becomes clearer.

The speed of this beast's escape is extremely miraculous, but within a hundred breaths or so, it rushed to the place where Gui Wugui's thoughts were held.

If there is one thing, floating in the sky.

To be precise, it is a dozen scattered objects, a fractal array.But the atmosphere formed in it is clear and cohesive.

Twelve heads of strange beasts, neither dragon nor snake, neither bear nor tiger.All of them have strange appearances, but hideous faces, exposed fangs and long beards, and continuously spit out blue smoke from their mouths; like gate gods guarding them, they form a strange "force field" enclosing them, locking the inexplicable "atmosphere" in the center.

Surrounded by the heads of twelve strange beasts, they are ethereal and invisible, but they do exist.It cannot be said to be "things", but only "weather".With Gui Wugui's brilliant eyesight, it seems to be able to roughly determine that it is a kind of space secret technique.However, compared with his own space secret treasures such as "reversely swallowing the twin beads", it is faintly visible, and from time to time reveals a sense of fragmentation that is superior to the world, and it is strange and breathless.

Somehow, as soon as Gui Wugui thought about it, he remembered what he saw in the Yin Yang Cave that day, the scene that manifested when the Holy Cult destroyed the Teng Snake clan.

Although the scale is very different, Taoism has its own connection.

At this moment, the "atmosphere" suddenly turned from emptiness to reality, turning into a purple enchantment.Then, as if giving birth, he swelled and vomited, and a person was vomited out.

This person looks to be twenty-six or seven years old, with blue pupils, bright red lips, and delicate features.On the left and right sides of the eyebrows, dot two black dots about the size of soybeans.What she wears on her body is a thick robe trimmed with hemp leaves, which makes it extremely spacious.There is another piccolo stuck in the waist, one end is dark green and the other is red black.

Just looking at this person's appearance, although he is very extraordinary.But it is too delicate and enchanting to look small; but paired with this rough clothes, it is three points calm, just like the finishing touch.

Gui Wugui was secretly surprised.

What surprised me was naturally not the person's appearance or clothing.

After Lin Yi, Shentu Longshu, and Mo Tianqing, this is another person on the list.

The man glanced at Gui Wujiu, and said with a smile, "You Daoist Gui, you're being polite."

Without waiting for Gui Wugui to say something, the man said again: "The secret method is determined. What Gui Daoist is asking for today should encounter a slight obstacle; therefore, I came here to help."

Gui Wugui frowned slightly.

Seeing Gui Wugui's expression, the man waved his hand, and said with a smile: "Guess Gui's karma is superb, and his aptitude is superb. Success or failure is beyond anyone's guess. To be precise, it is the secret method that has determined this clean-up. The third rare treasure of the Zhuoxuan Elephant was supposed to have a catastrophe when it was born. It just so happened that a certain person learned through some channels that the Red Mei Clan gave this rare treasure to fellow Taoists and the other three."

"Such a treasure is bound to be taken by oneself. The two are combined, so the cause and effect can be deduced."

Gui Wujiu thought to himself, it is quite extraordinary to be able to deduce that the things produced by the clear and turbid Xuanxiang will be born in the world and have a kalpa.Even if it is a Taoist priest who robs people, if he does not deliberately calculate it himself, it may be difficult to easily see the changes.

The man smiled and continued: "When I came here, I also thought about which one of Daoist Gui, Fellow Daoist Qin, and Fellow Daoist Wei I would like to give today's favor. I don't think so, but it was Fellow Daoist Gui who came here in person. Once, this trip was worthwhile."

Gui Wujiu glanced at the visitor, and said in surprise: "According to Your Excellency, the Wood Spiritual Consciousness Seed of the third generation has been collected by Your Excellency in advance?"

The man seemed slightly surprised, and said, "So the third rare treasure produced by the clear and turbid Xuanxiang is called the 'Three World Wood Spirit Consciousness Seed'?"

"There is no charge."

"In fact, it seems more sincere to collect it, treasure it, and then donate it to fellow Taoists. It's just that the first two treasures have been initially refined by the Red Meizu, and there is a connection between the five treasures. If so The Red Meizu found out that this treasure was not obtained by fellow Taoists, but misunderstood someone as someone who came to steal the treasure. It is deeply tainted with cause and effect. If it is passed on as a gift, this heavy cause and effect must be removed. It would be an extra layer of trouble for nothing."

Gui Wugui was even more surprised when he heard the words.

This time, Wu Jiu had to come and pick it up in person, not because the Chi Mei Clan took the treasure and gave it to the door as a gift.It is because of the birth of the real treasure, the first owner is the master, and the fate will not change.And the person in front of him obviously knows this verse, but he said "remove cause and effect" and so on, lightly.

The man said enthusiastically: "Because there is no clear and turbid mysterious image left behind, a certain inherited method borrowed the method of the 'Twelve Dragon Gate Sacrifice' to correct the lack. The method of cutting the world is comparable. This technique was established within [-] years. The methods of these two magic sons are so amazing, if it is not for this technique to lock the [-]-mile space and firmly cover the birth of the real treasure Even if a certain person wants to help, he is powerless to return to heaven. It can be seen that the opportunity to return to a fellow Taoist is not something that ordinary people can easily take away."

Looking at his demeanor, this person seems to be a generous and noble person; but when he speaks, he is approachable and familiar.If it weren't for the innocent and innocent face of these words, it would be suspected of asking for credit.

Gui Wugui took a closer look at the person who came, and thoughtfully said: "Your Excellency... seems to be from the witch way?"

The man was obviously surprised, and said in surprise: "That's natural... Why, fellow Daoist Gui, haven't you seen the origin of this? You should know that this style of my witchcraft is borrowed from the Yin-Yang Dao. To Gui How can you not imagine the wonderful relationship between fellow daoist and fellow daoist Qin?"

Gui Wugui made a move.

He looked at the appearance of the characters in the thirty-six sub-pictures, and the one who ranked twenty-fifth among them was very similar to the character of witchcraft; seeing it today, it is as expected.

But the one ranked twenty-eight seems to be a figure in the Yin-Yang Dao.

But Danggui Wugui asked Qin Menglin, even Qin Menglin didn't know the origin of that person.

Later, Qin Menglin had time to go back to the secret realm of the Yin-Yang Dao to ask the Lord of the Yin-Yang Dao.The master of Yin-Yang Dao said, this one is the "living child" of Yin-Yang Dao in the world, and he has been practicing meditation in a certain place.If there is no accident, there is no intersection with Qin Menglin in this life, and he is not in the mainstream of the Yin Yang Cave, so there is no need to know about it.Since Qin Menglin asked, the Yin-Yang Taoist let it be and told him that his name was "Xia Zongsan".

Since it is said to be "reference", this person in front of him should be the corresponding figure of Xia Zongsan in witchcraft.

(End of this chapter)

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