Chapter 804
In front of a dragon-patterned jade disc, a young man sat cross-legged.

This person's complexion was slightly flushed, and his long hair was half green and half white, and at the same time slightly disheveled.Dressed in a light and beautiful jade leaf suit, with a jade pendant and a tiger charm hanging from the left and right waists, the appearance looks like a prince and grandson.But from his clear eyes, one can see a sense of untimely vicissitudes.

This person sat quietly and practiced kung fu for an unknown amount of time, when the dragon-patterned jade bi, which was two feet high in front of him, suddenly became clear and radiated a soft brilliance.The distance is several feet away, and there is a little warmth for no reason.

The young man was slightly taken aback.

Then, he stood up, facing the warm luster, stepping into the dragon-patterned jade disc.

This mirror-like jade treasure, compared with the heart, one can tell at a glance that it has its own magical function, but in addition to its own cost, it also has the function of teleporting the magic circle, which is amazing.

The situation in front of me changed.

What I saw in front of me at this time was a half-height mountain foothill, with a sunken and flat land in it, where two peach blossoms were in full bloom.

Under the peach blossom tree, there is a round table and a wooden chair, on which sits a man in a black robe with a dim appearance who seems to be able to hold the heaven and the earth.

The young man saluted respectfully, and said, "My respects, Master."

The man in black seemed to glance at it intentionally or unintentionally, and his voice could not hear any emotion: "Zongsan excuse me."

These two people are one of the few giants in the world, the Lord of Yin-Yang Dao; Xia Zongsan, the "living son" of Yin-Yang Dao who has never met with his other disciple, who even Qin Menglin has never met.

At this moment, a ripple appeared in Xia Zongsan's heart.

In fact, the peach blossoms, tables and chairs at the foot of the mountain here are not real.

The place where the master of Yin-Yang Dao practiced is a mysterious place in the Yin-Yang Cave.Just as the name of the Lord of Yin and Yang changes at any time, there is no fixed number.The same is true of his place of practice, which has always been manifested as an illusion.

Because of being able to get the ear and face of such people, Xia Zongsan's eyesight is also very incomparable.With his insight, he deeply understands the principle of "where the law goes, it turns against others".In the past, there are not too many trivial rules and boundaries between master and apprentice.

But there is one-

The places where karma is taught and preached are often manifested in the form of a platform of stars, solemn and grand.

This is the "middle way" in Xiu's heart.Between master and apprentice, it is important to have no gap in mind and break the shackles of form; but if it is unrestrained and does not distinguish between each other, it will be too pretentious and nondescript.

Drink alone among the flowers.

Such a scene appeared only once in Xia Zongsan's memory.

Moreover, that time was actually not a very good memory for him.

That was nearly two hundred years ago.Master went on a trip, and after returning, he held a baby in his arms, congratulated him, and mysteriously evolved such a scene, toasted and drank alone.

Then, from that day on—

Xia Zongsan then moved from the Yinyang cave to the Chongqiao secret place among the four secret places.


The yin and yang Taoist master did not play charades with him.He just said calmly: "Zongsan. From today onwards, you are no longer my disciple of Yin-Yang Dao."

Xia Zongsan raised his head suddenly.

The Yin-Yang Daoist took out a jade talisman from his sleeve, and continued: "This thing is the closed passage leading to the Arctic sky. The method of shamanism, seven out of ten, is connected with my Yin-Yang Dao. If you can pick up the method, learn from dialectics , may not be able to blaze a trail of its own.”

Xia Zongsan immediately calmed down after being confused for a moment, and said thoughtfully: "Master's intention... is to let the younger generation pretend to take refuge in the shamanism and pass on confidential information?"

The Yin-Yang Taoist shook his head slightly, and said with a smile: "There are people like the Eight Sacrificial Witches, how can such a trick work?"

Xia Zongsan frowned slightly, thought for a while, and said tentatively: "Under the general trend, the outcome is unpredictable, so divide the bets on both sides?"

The Yin-Yang Daoist smiled slightly, and said: "I have already touched some boundaries. It's just superficial after all, specious and not true."

Sighing slightly, Taoist Yin Yang said softly, "Look carefully."

Xia Zongsan took a closer look.

The place where the Taoist Yin Yang's big sleeve was pointing was the wooden table in front of him.

At this time, on the wooden table, there are two small wine glasses, the white is yellowish, but the bottom is slightly brown.I don't know if it is made of wood, brass or other different metals.

With Xia Zongsan's extremely sharp eyesight, it can be easily concluded——

These two cups are like twin brothers, there is no slight difference in size and shape.

It's just that among the two wine glasses, one is full of fine wine, while the other is empty.

The Yin-Yang Taoist raised the full glass.

However, he didn't drink it directly; instead, he swiped his fingertips, tilted the cup, and poured it slowly.Pour the wine in this cup into that cup.

Something wonderful happened.

When the empty cup on the table was gradually filled until there was no more to add, the Taoist Yin Yang turned his hand and lit the bottom of the cup in his palm——

Among them, [-]% of the drinks were not clean.

Xia Zongsan was stunned, thoughtful.

With the Heaven-reaching cultivation of the Yin-Yang Daoist, naturally he wouldn't be so bored as to secretly perform any tricks, just for fun.Then the image in front of you is quite worth pondering.

The Yin-Yang Daoist paused for a moment, and finally poured down the rest of the cup in one breath.

Just when the last drop of wine settled down, the overflowing glass underneath shattered and turned into fine dust.

The Yin-Yang Daoist said lightly: "The transmutation fractal is like a snake sloughing. No family can avoid this."

He also said: "For example, when two countries are fighting, the winning side will also have people who died in the battle; the losing side will also have people who can survive. Let your own intelligence still have a lot to do. Don't let the shackles fall in your heart."

Xia Zongsan's eyes seemed much clearer.

Suddenly he turned around and stepped forward, saluted and said solemnly: "After leaving this gate, I would like to ask Master to enlighten me on the way forward."

The Yin-Yang Taoist nodded slowly, and said: "There is no distinction between superior and inferior in the road ahead. Let's call it left and right."

"Your road may have three paths: left, middle, and right."

"One of them. Avoid the world and live in seclusion. As a guest, you don't care about world affairs. Learn from shamanism and other methods, and spread them to future generations. You have nothing to do with the ups and downs, victories and balances in Ziwei's great world. .”

"The second way. Enemies and friends, either out or in. Although the name is there, he intends to reconcile the two sides, and he is good at dancing. Although it is a cliff with empty left and right, it may not be impossible to deal with it calmly."

"As for the third way..."

Xia Zongsan raised his head and said with a sense of urgency: "What's the reason for the third way?"

There seemed to be something unfathomable in the face of the Yin-Yang Dao Master: "That is to completely join the side of the Wu Dao, to be an enemy of the Yin-Yang Dao, and to be an enemy of the future Yin-Yang Dao Master."

Xia Zongsan was stunned, shook his head again and again and said, "This disciple will definitely not choose this path."

After thinking for a moment, Xia Zongsan said in a deep voice, "This disciple has decided to take the first path."

Taoist Yin Yang glanced at Xia Zongsan, pondered for a long time, and said, "No way. As a teacher, I suggest you take the third path."

Xia Zongsan's neck moved slightly, he was inexplicably surprised.

The Yin-Yang Daoist suddenly said, "Zongsan. In the past two or three hundred years, have you practiced the Dao, do you feel that it is going well?"

Xia Zongsan was startled, not knowing why Master changed the topic, so he asked this question.Immediately replied: "I would like to report to Master. I feel that I am diligent in my practice, and I have not slacked off."

Taoist Yin Yang shook his head and said: "There is no slack... This is true."

"But... you have the intention to rob yourself, but you haven't done it all in the end."

"Two hundred years ago, I was a teacher who observed and discerned weather conditions. If you achieve perfection every step of the way, you should be ranked among the top ten among the heroes of the future; After the name. This is not counting those people who break the boundaries and guard themselves, who don't know the truth."

Xia Zongsan's eyes dimmed slightly.

The voice of the Lord of Yin and Yang was calm and deep: "Your mind is calamity, as a teacher, you know it well. This is not because of your lack of character; it is more because of the limitations of my Yin and Yang Dao. So... If you choose the third path, it is Your chance to break free."

Xia Zongsan was in a trance for a while, and the light in his eyes flowed and changed repeatedly.After a long time, he resolutely nodded and said, "Disciple, I understand."

For other cultivators, being able to reach the state of near-dao is no small achievement.

But for the Yin-Yang Dao, stopping in the short-cut realm means a tragic ending.

However, due to the hidden constraints, only the masters of the Yin-Yang Dao in the past dynasties have no worries when they become enlightened.The chance of the "second person" hiding in the dark to obtain the Fa is less than one in ten.

Originally, Xia Zongsan's aptitude was considered unrivaled, which is rare in the world.

Among the former yin and yang Taoist masters, his aptitude can be regarded as the average.

Originally, he thought that the successor of Yin-Yang Dao lineage was none other than him.

Until two hundred years ago, which baby was brought back by the Lord of Yin and Yang.

To Qin Menglin, Xia Zongsan was someone he had never met; but in Xia Zongsan's hands, he had already hidden the shadow stone of the battle between Yin and Yang.

This is Xia Zongsan's knot in his heart.

However, there is one trick that must be mentioned.

When an ordinary person encounters an opponent, he will naturally forge ahead and challenge him until he wins the battle.However, due to the custom that Yin and Yang do not meet each other, Xia Zongsan could not walk through this road.

The basis of the ruling is the judgment of the master of Yin and Yang.

Qin Menglin and Xia Zongsan.

Qin Menglin is the one with greater potential.

The yin and yang Taoist master is responsible for the power of perfect creation, Xia Zongsan naturally believes in the judgment of the master.


There is no opportunity to discuss the superiority and the truth, to determine the truth——

It's hard to understand.

This is what the Lord of Yin and Yang said.Although Xia Zongsan had a heart calamity, it was not entirely due to his own lack of xinxing cultivation.In such a situation, if you put yourself in your shoes and think about it, in the vast world, those who can calmly resolve it are really rare.

Today, if Xia Zongsan chooses the third path, it means an opportunity.

A chance to make up for regrets and fight Qin Menglin head-on.

The Yin-Yang Daoist said calmly: "It is not a child's game to break the path. If there is a day when you will confront your junior sister with a sword, as a teacher, I will never teach him to be merciful. The means of life-saving, you need Well-planned and well-planned. Whether you can survive in her hands, break through and then stand up, depends entirely on your own good fortune."

Xia Zongsan said in a low voice: "It's natural."

"The master has worked hard and hard, and the disciple will never forget it."

After speaking, after a salute, Xia Zongsan turned around gracefully.


(End of this chapter)

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