Nothing is to blame

Chapter 809 Evaluation of Sword Discussion under the Loquat Tree

Chapter 809 Evaluation of Sword Discussion under the Loquat Tree
Under the loquat tree.

Six or seven children are gathering together to play the house-like game.

I don't know where they brought a lot of soil, poured well water, stirred it evenly, and built it into the shape of a thatched house, covering it with thatch, but it looks like it.

Although none of these children were clean, their robes, arms, and trouser waists were all covered with yellow mud.When I met my parents after returning home at sunset, it must have been a lot of scolding.But at this moment, waiting is exhilarating.

At this moment, without warning, a leaf fell.

In front of the "house", the straight "trunk" was skewed by the fallen leaves and completely collapsed.

A leaf the size of half a palm is of course not worth much; but this "trunk" is even more delicate, only slightly thicker than a toothpick, so how can it bear it?

Then there was a roar.

Among the children, there was one with a delicate figure, fair skin, and looked very smart, his eyes immediately turned red.

It is not difficult to build this hut; after half an hour of tossing, it will be done.But this "trunk" was made after "painful management" by him. After rubbing and breaking sixteen or seventeen trunks, it was the most difficult.

It suddenly darkened in front of my eyes.

The boys immediately turned around to look, only to see one more person behind them.

This person's appearance is quite ordinary, but he is wearing a strange-shaped costume made of black and white stripes, forming large and small squares, and he seems to feel slightly dizzy at first glance; but after a few breaths, everything is as usual, and nothing unusual happened.

Beside the clever boy, there was a slightly stronger boy, his eyes rolled, and he shouted loudly: "You, pay for my brother Ren's flagpole!"

All the boys were startled.

The clever boy frowned, and immediately corrected him: "It's a tree trunk!"

Then he hurriedly said, "Don't do his business."

The boy with a stronger stature said loudly: "Why don't you do other things? If it wasn't because of him coming here, how could the leaves of this loquat tree fall?"

This remark is very rude and unreasonable.

This little boy is also winky, and he can read the dishes.At this time, he saw that the visitor was honest and honest, so he started to make a mistake.

Unexpectedly, the visitor was a bit loyal, and he was neither angry nor angry when he heard the words, and said with a smile: "You are right. This fallen leaf fell because of me."

When the little boy heard this, he was half happy and half surprised.

It's normal for people who come here not to mess around with him and play a few candies.But it seemed a bit weird for him to admit that the leaves fell because of him.

The person who came looked up at the sky and said leisurely: "The third leaf is on the left, and the fourth leaf is on the right. It is slightly different from what I expected earlier. Where should we go first?"

All the boys were confused for a while, not knowing what he said agreed.

The seemingly clever boy looked up inadvertently, and finally found out.Looking around for several feet, apart from the one leaf that happened to fall on the "trunk", there were also a few scattered leaves elsewhere.Roughly speaking, there are indeed three leaves that are on the left side, while the four leaves, including the one in front of you, are closer to the right side.

The person suddenly stretched out his hand.On the loquat tree, six or seven fruits fell into the palm of the hand.

But seeing him flicking his hand, he said with a smile: "If you break your flagpole, take this as a reward, and it's over."

All the boys stretched their necks for a look, then turned to glance at the loquat tree, they couldn't help being stunned.

It turned out that it was only the beginning of spring at this time.The loquats on the tree are all small green-skinned fruits, which are far from being edible.But in the palm of the person in front of him, there is a bright yellow golden pill, bright and delightful, making people salivate.

Immediately, all the boys swarmed up, one by one, divided and took, and never cared about the destruction of the flagpole.

As for the young man, he had already gone away without a trace.

Gutan Daozong.


An old man sits cross-legged here, with a scroll of scriptures open on his left hand; a guqin is placed on his right hand.

Gutan Daozong is in charge, and the teacher believes in the truth.

The leader of the Eighth Dao Sect is actually far away from the core area of ​​the Holy Cult, and is very leisurely.And his desire to go further on the road is inherently difficult.Since you have a long life, you can enjoy the landscape and live happily.

However, Shi Xin Shangzhen, the master of Gutan Taoist sect, is a strange person.

Since he stepped into the short-cut mark, he has been studying the eight classics of this sect day by day; not for the purpose of improving his cultivation, but for his hobby and pleasure.

At this moment, Master Xin Shangzhen saw the proud place in the scriptures, and couldn't help but smile.




On the stairs, there was a rhythmic sound suddenly.

Immediately, a person walked up the steps and appeared on the top floor of the scripture storage pavilion.

This person's face is clearly very clear; but it is hard to describe in words.It seems that it is composed of lines beyond the concrete, free from emptiness.The only distinguishable thing is his exuberant vitality, which shows that this is a very young person.

After the young man came to the top floor, he turned a blind eye to the secrets of the "Sizheng Cave", as if following the guidance of the dark to search for it alone, and finally took out something in the hidden box on the stone wall.

The teacher's letter was really a little startled.

It turned out to be this thing.

For more than a hundred years, Xuanzong and above have all treasured this stone and forged ahead.Not to mention Gutan Daozong, one of the Eight Daozongs.

At this moment, the young man lit up the shadow stone with concise and skillful movements.

In the cave of yin and yang, the scene of Gui Wujiu fighting "Ruan Wenqin", Lu Chenjian facing Shang Qingyi Mingxin, suddenly unfolded.

Although this picture has been scrutinized many times in the teacher's letter.But seeing you again this time, I cherish the meaning of appreciation in my heart, and I still can't help myself.Then he said loudly: "To be able to create such a method in the Nascent Soul Realm, it can be said to be unique in ancient and modern times, surpassing the sages."

Hearing the words, the young man suddenly shook his head and said, "It's not a big deal."

Master Xin was really surprised, and didn't want to ask why the person came so loudly, and immediately retorted: "Compared with the supernatural powers of the first generation of the great sects and clans, it is certainly not enough; but don't forget, this is the second generation. A self-created method in the realm of the Nascent Soul. Isn’t it admirable and terrifying to be able to refine it to such a realm?”

The young man said with a smile: "For example, in the kitchen. Although the materials are varied, they are always inseparable from the five flavors. If you haven't exceeded the rules, what's the point?"

At the same time as he spoke, he gently twirled his right index finger, and three inches away from the fingertip, a sword intent condensed suddenly appeared.They form six sword flowers in a row, with different styles.

Although these six sword flowers are not large enough to be called.However, its unfathomable depth, unreachable height, and indescribable ingenuity, compared with "Luchen Sword" and "Clear Mind and Clear Mind", seem to be far superior.

When I read the teacher's letter, I really felt a burst of chaos in my mind.

When he saw Qin Menglin use the "Spiritual Eye", the young man suddenly praised: "Three tastes of Taoism, this is the end."

"It's a pity that this technique is limited to the rudimentary form of supernatural powers, and it has not been able to get through the inside and outside. Otherwise, it will be my strong enemy."

In the teacher's letter, there was a sudden disagreement between the two.

The technique of "heart formation and spirit eyes" is of course extremely clever.But compared with Kongyun Nianjian and the fundamental method of Yin-Yang Dao, it is weaker after all.Why did he get the evaluation of "Three flavors of Taoism, so far"?

Just now when the young man commented on Luchen Sword and Qingyi Mingxin, his tone was very strong.Originally, he was supposed to be a person whose eyes were higher than the top, but he did not expect him to make an evaluation far beyond his expectations for the method of "Heart Formation and Spiritual Eyes".

The combination of the two, one light and the other heavy, is the real cognitive limit in the challenger's teacher letter.

But the young man obviously had no intention of explaining it.

The light and shadow flowed, and after a while, there was a picture of Gui Wugui cracking the "Regressive Balance" with the Kongyun Nianjian.

This time, the young man's eyes seemed to light up, and he seemed slightly surprised; but he didn't comment.

After a while, in the photo-shadowing stone, came the scene of Yu Gucheng and Yu Ion's incarnation, fighting together with Gui Wujiu and Qin Menglin.

Yu Gucheng performed the second paragraph of "Kongyun Sanshen", the method of "one sword breaks all dharmas".

Seeing this verse, the young man praised: "Such swordsmanship has reached the pinnacle of perfection. I can't imagine that the local fairy sect can also deduce the supernatural power of swordsmanship to such a state. It's a pity that the ultimate principle of 'swordsmanship only knowledge' has not been understood. Appearance, after all, did not enter the true stream."

I was really surprised by the teacher's letter.

The impact of this paragraph of evaluation is more than a hundred times greater than the previous two paragraphs of comments.

Did not enter the real stream.

In the battle between Yin and Yang, the reappearance of the technique of "breaking ten thousand spells with one sword" is a grand event.After this battle, it is true that Gui Wugui and Qin Menglin gained the limelight; but Yugu Chengpin also established an indelible demeanor by virtue of this method.

As far as Shixin Shangzhen knows, only the ancestral gate of the holy sect is led by a certain Taoist, and there are at least a dozen Tianxuan Shangzhen who study carefully, hoping to find out some clues from this battle and restore this situation. There is a lot of swordsmanship in the door.

In the teacher's letter, I couldn't help but refuted: "This Taoism is very likely to be the legacy of Ascension's power. Isn't it too derogatory to call it 'not entering the true stream'?"

The young man seemed to be very self-cultivated, smiled slightly, and said: "There is no conflict between not entering the true stream, and cultivating to the Dao state, breaking the boundary and ascending."

The teacher's letter was really dumb when he heard the words, and he didn't know how to answer.

The young man suddenly said: "The two people in the paper seem to have a lot of connection with your sect. I heard someone talking about it in a roadside wine shop, and it seems that there are four heroes who live in your sect as guests. Is that true?"

The letter from the teacher was really speechless for a while.

This matter is very confidential, he and Ben Jiao Heng Huashangzhen are old friends for many years, and just heard about it by chance more than a month ago; how can it be reduced to a roadside wine shop to talk about?
But Master Xin Shangzhen still replied: "Exactly. Fellow Daoist Yugucheng of the Wu Dao; Fellow Daoist of the Phoenix Clan Jade Ion; Fellow Daoist of Wu Dao Xi Lerong; Fellow Daoist Li Yunlong of the dragon clan outside the territory. These four are all born in the world. Everyone is not under Gui and Qin. Now they are cultivating by the Wulan River, making up for each other's strengths and refining their Taoism."

The young man said casually: "How to go to Wulan River?"

Teacher Xin Shangzhen replied: "Start from the Jifang Cave of our school, and then cross the Baishi Cave of Feiye Daozong. After arriving at the other end, we will go west for three thousand miles. If you travel faster, you can arrive in ten months. "

The young man smiled and said, "Thank you."

Then he turned around indifferently and walked downstairs slowly.

I don't know how long it has passed, but I really feel in a trance when I read the teacher's letter.

Who is this man just now?Where did it come from?Why did I talk to him for a long time without feeling any difference?
Outside of Gutan Daozong.

The young man's face changed, and he had changed back to his thick-skinned appearance, dressed in black and white square pattern clothes, and walked with his sword shining.

(End of this chapter)

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