Nothing is to blame

Chapter 813 Miao You She She Shen Transformation 1 Strike

Chapter 813

Xuanyuan Huai's sword did not slash against Xi Lerong's fist, but turned around and slashed towards himself!

As soon as the sword light fell, Xuanyuan Huai's body collapsed abruptly, and then a figure emerged; but the appearance of this shadow was outline and empty, not concrete, which was completely different from the current description of Xuanyuan Huai.It can even be said that it is completely another person.

It took another breath, and even this phantom disappeared completely, and the bright light in the sky dispersed, and the place where the person stood turned into three large characters:
Xuanyuan Huai.

Yugucheng and Yuzi, who were watching the battle, had a quick thought: This is the secret technique of escaping the void.

Run the secret method to hide your body in the void barrier, just like the method of "regression and balance" by "Ruan Wenqin" during the battle between Yin and Yang.

Xi Lerong smiled proudly.

He also carefully researched the shadow stone of the battle between Yin and Yang, and deeply understood the truth and reality of the battle between Gui and Qin.

A blow from the "Tian Yue", as one's own means of suppressing the bottom of the box, how could it be blocked by such a method?
The offense and defense of this move alone are actually similar to Gui Wugui's "Mo Luo Power Realm" and Ruan Wenqin's "Regressive Balance". If the "Regressive Equilibrium" is to be effective, one must escape in advance before the "Moluo Power Realm" is launched.If the "Moluo Power Realm" has already been activated, and the offensive and defensive situation is clear, then it will be futile to use the "regression and balance" method again.

The same is true for "Tian Yue".

After being locked in this style, it is like a gangrene attached to the bone, life and death are inseparable.Unless it is a means of escaping in space near the Taoist realm, there is absolutely no way to escape.

But there is another link worth noting-

Once the method of martial arts dragon talisman is used, all the supernatural powers of the immortal sect will be sealed.

Therefore, to guard against Xi Lerong's move, one must be on guard at the moment before he uses the Martial Dao Dragon Talisman.

Yu ion secretly said: "It seems that you have to make a complete breakthrough in the way of 'swordsmanship only' in order to be able to compete in today's world. Your 'one sword breaks ten thousand dharmas', 'Shangquan', 'three-point conversion' How similar is Xi Lerong's technique to Yiyu's? But his three methods are originally of the same style; while your three methods are mixed and developed simultaneously."

Yu Gucheng was silent when he heard the words.

One sword breaks ten thousand spells, and it is sealed in the magical law of "Martial Dao Yuanyu";
Shangquan, for Tianyue;
Three points of refuge and one corner are used to hang on the breath and preserve the divine law.

Thinking about it carefully, the way the two fight is surprisingly similar.

In all fairness, compared with Xi Lerong, his Yugucheng has a richer grasp of heretical techniques, and he can't take advantage of the core techniques alone.Among other things, Xi Lerong's three methods belong to the pure martial arts sequence, which is what I am not as good as.

If you can't break the mystery of "swordsmanship only mind", you will go to a higher level.So in today's world of great controversy, not only is he lagging behind Gui Wujiu, Qin Menglin, and this mysterious guest named Xuanyuan Huai in front of him, he may not even be better than Xi Lerong.

Always stay with me.

The boundless fist intent was poured into the three big characters "Xuanyuan Huai"!
In Yu Gucheng's pupils, a brilliance flashed.

The situation where the fist intention breaks through the void and searches for Xuanyuan Huai's real body hidden deep in the void did not appear.

Fist intent and sword intent formed a direct contact and collision, clean and neat.


It seems to be different from what I imagined.

Yu Gucheng, Yu Zi, Li Yunlong, and Xi Lerong were all confident. The power of the "Tian Yue" cannot be blocked by manpower.

Xuanyuan Huai seemed to be unable to resist; the sword intent retreated steadily.

However, the three big characters "Xuanyuan Huai" floating in the air neither collapsed nor wavered, but... kept getting smaller? !
Regardless of the human body or the magic weapon, if the force received exceeds the limit that it can bear, then there is naturally only one end——

Ashes vanished, no bones left.

But the scene in front of them subverted the existing cognition of the four people. The power of "Tianyue" really surpassed the limit that Xuanyuan Huai could bear; but Xuanyuan Huai didn't seem to be a body of flesh and blood, but an abstract "existence".

This "existence" transcends the world.You can override it, transcend it; but you cannot let it go from "being" to "not being".

The power of Miaoyou cannot be returned to nothingness, nor can its nature be changed.

As the power of the "Tian Yue" hit reached its peak. The three big characters "Xuan", "Yuan" and "Huai" have become the size of rice grains, floating in the air.


until exhausted.

Xi Lerong's blood surged; his complexion darkened.

Yu Gucheng's heart skipped a beat.

He had a clear feeling, if the "Tianyue" method was used by him, he would have died by bursting blood essence by this time.

But within Xi Lerong's body, there was a sudden chill, which completely froze his vitality.It is conceivable that this is the means of shelter after overdrafting combat power: the method of suspending the breath and preserving the gods.

However, the future troubles are exempted.However, it is obvious that for quite a long time, Xi Lerong relied on the "suspended breathing method" to maintain his vitality.The remaining combat power is only one-two-tenth.

Now, it depends on the size of Xuanyuan Huai's injury.

If Xuanyuan Huai suffered more damage than Xi Lerong, then this battle can be said to be Xi Lerong's victory.

If it was the opposite, then Xuanyuan Huai had won.

In fact, Yu Gucheng, Yu Ion, and Li Yunlong knew it well—the possibility of the former is not high; judging from the peculiar sense of "existence" of the three characters Dangkongxufu, Xuanyuanhuai's damage is very likely to be negligible a little bit.

But the three of them also breathed a sigh of relief.As long as Xuanyuan Huai is no longer consummated, the possibility of further challenging the three of them will naturally be lost.

Just as he was thinking about it, the word "Xuanyuan Huai" suddenly magnified!

In an instant, it has returned to its original size.

Then, the three characters disappeared, and Xuanyuan Huai's figure reappeared as promised.Looking at his energy and spirit, he is as good as new.


Yu Gucheng saw it silently.

Even though others can turn a blind eye to the result of this battle, Yu Gucheng cannot!

Because Xi Lerong's fighting method is like a reprint of his fighting method in the Yin-Yang Cave-Heaven Battle back then, it is done in one go, calm and unstoppable, even better than his own.

And Xuanyuanhuai's response and solution are obviously more relaxed than Gui Wugui's back then, with ease.

In other words, if the two people on the Yinzong side have no great benefits, the "Xuanyuan Huai" in front of him is the undisputed number one in the world!

Everyone has the same realm and the same bottom strength; but this person's understanding of supernatural powers is perfect, he is omnipotent, and has reached an incredible state.

Xi Lerong took a deep look forward, feeling dazed for a while.


Xuanyuan Huai seemed to have just done a trivial thing, and said indifferently: "The next one, it's Your Excellency's turn."

Yu Gucheng and Yu ion turned around and took a look.

Although Xuanyuan Huai didn't make any unnecessary movements when he spoke.But all four of them knew that the person he was talking to was Li Yunlong.

Li Yunlong seemed to be slightly surprised, he smiled to himself, shook his head and said: "The natural limit is here, if you want to do it, it's not very convenient."

What he was referring to was the strange layer of air bubbles on his body, like a barrier between two worlds.

Xuanyuan Huai said indifferently: "Your Excellency is clearly eager to try, why are you insincere?"

The voice will fall, pointing.

The gigantic sword that was holding Mr. Li's body suddenly withdrew from his body, and then covered his head, enveloping Xuanyuan Huai himself, and Li Yunlong together!
Li Yunlong's mind changed, he only felt that in this sword world, the difference between realms was completely wiped out; but his supernatural powers did not lose the slightest bit.

With a solemn face, Li Yunlong's demeanor changed from sloppy to calm.

It is different from Yugucheng.

Even after seeing the amazing cultivation of Xuanyuan Huai and Xi Lerong in the battle, Li Yunlong did not admit defeat in his heart.

In this battle, Xi Lerong used two methods to meet the enemy.

The first is the magical power that is in the process of evolution, Weiming Fist; the second is the ultimate move that overdraws the limit of combat power and gains instant glory, Tianyue.

However, although these two supernatural powers are miraculous, they are not honest and righteous.

If you want to take the edge of the sword and find a chance to win, it is possible to give the opponent a way to break it.

And this "Xuanyuan Huai" was obviously from the family of the dragon and phoenix clans that had been in his heart for a long time and had the strongest inheritance of Taoism.

Ziwei Great World, southeast.

The strong attack missed, leaving a loophole, and the ending is self-evident.

All the knowledgeable cultivators in the world understand one thing: the monster race has an advantage in strength that cannot be ignored before people cultivate.

But not many people know-

The Dragon Clan, which ranks first among the Monster Clan and is the most mysterious, has actually lost its advantage of "principal strength".

As early as hundreds of thousands of years ago, this hero of original strength had been refined elsewhere by the great power of the dragon clan.

Yu Ion once had a relationship with Lin Yi, the heir of the Kirin family.It is said that his means combine the power of the monster race with the supernatural powers of a body to form the "four colors".

But who knows, the Dragon Clan's method is more thorough.Thoroughly transform the superiority of the Yaozu's original strength into the spirit, spirit, movement and stillness, rising and falling, raising hands and feet.Be sure to make your own fighting methods, keep improving, make up for all flaws, and correct all mistakes.

This operation is called "divine change".

Also known as "Dragon Change".

This is the philosophy of the first demon clan.

When you are already firmly in the first place, then there is no need to seek any way to adventure.If so, it will be taken advantage of by others.As long as you are pure and unparalleled, and your clothes are flawless, you will naturally be invincible!
Li Yunlong made a move!

Since Xuanyuan Huai broke his mind, he has no reason to retreat.

The palm is like a jade, dragging the subtle and deep spatial fluctuations, and greets it forward!
This blow.

There are thousands of clouds in the sky, and the sun and the moon shine together.

The majesty of the foundation and the simplicity of the rhyme are no less than martial arts;
The tyranny of the weather and the mystery of the aura are no less than witchcraft;
The subtlety of supernatural powers and the bizarre changes are no less than that of Xianmen;

The auspicious aura is peaceful, full and lively, enveloping the general trend, and it is even more mighty and hard to resist.

Although it doesn't rely on the advantage of the monster clan's original strength, it is vigorous and vigorous, crisp and sophisticated, but it is fully displayed.

He did not deliberately pursue the ultimate combat power, but achieved the most perfect blow.

Xi Lerong felt emotional in his heart.

Although the dragon clan is only one of the thousands of monster clans, the martial arts inheritance is one of the major families in the Ziwei Great World, and it is said to be equivalent to the entire immortal sect inheritance.But judging from the supernatural powers of the two families alone, it is obviously the method of the dragon clan, which is more generous and confident.

Based on this alone, we can be sure that the dragon clan is stronger and has a deeper foundation than martial arts!

Li Yunlong always played against Yu Gucheng and Xi Lerong, and Li Yunlong always tried his best and refused to show his real skills.Today, facing a strong enemy, he finally showed his glory.

If it doesn't make a sound, it's a blockbuster.

This is almost an unbeatable tactic.

Get rid of the heart of winning and losing, Xi Lerong only has curiosity in his heart——

Facing Li Yunlong with such means, he really didn't believe that someone in the world could win against him!
(End of this chapter)

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