Chapter 822
Now that the news has been delivered, the conversation between the two will come to an end.

The body of Zongli Daoist Venerable turned dim invisibly, and gradually disappeared.

Xuanyuan Huai stood in the cave for a long while, then turned around and went to the entrance of Donghua Jietian in the north.

Thousands of miles away, not far from the entrance of the Yin-Yang Cave, a person stood hidden in a cloud of indistinct dryness.

This person's face is very handsome, his skin is like copper, the robe on his body looks monotonous, but in fact it reveals an unusual brightness.This person's demeanor is probably clear and concise.But the ends of the hair are a few inches long and short, but they are full of mixed colors, which looks very strange.

Judging from his cultivation base, he is only among Dan Ying.

Not long after, water shadows floated around him, and suddenly there was another person beside him.It's not someone else, but Zong Li Dao Zun who just had a conversation with Xuanyuan Huai.

Daoist Zong Li stopped, smiled and saluted, "Fellow Daoist Zhan Heng."

This "Friend Zhan Heng" waved his hands, stretched his sleeves, and unfolded a picture as clear as a mirror.

What is shown in the picture scroll is exactly what Xuanyuan Huai did after meeting Zongli Daozun.

Seeing that Xuanyuan Huai's actions did not change, "Zhanheng Taoist friend" seemed very satisfied, and said loudly: "After all, it is only the Yuanying realm. Why are you and I so cautious in our cultivation?"

Zong Li Dao Zun did not refute, just shook his head with a smile.

With the powerful supernatural means of Dao Realm, it is actually very easy to find Xuanyuan Huai for a while.

The reason why the place where he was intercepted was set up in the Yin-Yang Cave, was for the convenience of spying on Xuanyuan Huai's every move.

Yin and Yang holes.Not only does it eliminate hundreds of millions of miles away.What's even better is that if you go through the cave, as if you have experienced a very heavy baptism, it will be even more difficult for people to detect if you use the method of spying with divine intent from afar.

If it was changed to a hundred years ago, dealing with a Nascent Soul cultivator, no matter who exaggerated him, it would not be like teaching a Taoist master to use his heart.However, according to the information from Yu Gucheng and others, Xuanyuan Huai's abilities are all in the way of swordsmanship; Zong Li and others have also heard the saying of "true swordsmanship".

I heard that what was not obtained in the Dao realm was actually obtained by a monk of Yuanying.That's why when Zong Li was doing things, he did so with his heart.

Looking at Xuanyuan Huai's leaving direction, Daoist Zong Li suddenly said: "At least so far, it's good news."

"Friend Zhan Heng" nodded slightly.

If Xuanyuan Huai remained indifferent after listening to the persuasion of Zong Li Dao Zun, and ignored the so-called "holy ancestor descended into the world" at all, and went straight to find the blame, then the matter would be difficult; The prediction was wrong, and the plans of several companies were really shaken.

But now Xuanyuan Huai is obviously very interested in this matter.

Moreover, when the Zong Li Dao Zun said and the holy ancestor came to the world, he seemed slightly surprised.In the eyes of the two, this is very good news.

After looking up for a while, "Fellow Zhan Heng" suddenly said, "Can you really get through this changing situation with your own strength?"

"Someone also heard the conversation between fellow Taoist and Xuanyuan Huai just now. You two, Xiandao and Yingyuan, have outstanding achievements. But after all, they can't be called invincible in the vertical and horizontal world. Facing those people, After all, it’s still going to be less.”

Daoist Zongli's expression remained unchanged, and he just shook his head slightly and said, "I'm sorry to bother you. Your three major forces have joined forces, so you have a deep foundation. But if my holy religion can't pass this test independently, I'm afraid we will need more favor accounts in the future. Entanglements. So it’s better to be independent.”

"Fellow Daoist Zhan Heng" didn't expect Zong Li Dao Zun to speak so directly, but he was slightly taken aback.

That's what he had originally thought.

The two clans have been looking forward to the southeast, but they have been attracted for thousands of years.The Ascension Demon Ancestors of the two clans also prepared to descend to the realm at any time more than a thousand years ago.

As long as the holy religion lets go, it can do two things and do one thing at the same time.By the way, this threat was solved for the Holy Cult, and it also made a good start for Xingfa.In this way, if one side of the holy religion owes favors to the great people, it will also be a head shorter in the alliance, and it will be coerced by the two races in the future.

Unexpectedly, the ancestral court of the Holy Church has full confidence in being able to deal with the descending of the ancestor of the Red Mei clan.

While thinking about it, Daoist Zongli suddenly looked serious and said, "Look."

"Friend Zhan Heng" eagerly looked up.

It turned out that after Xuanyuan Huai crossed the exit of the Yin-Yang cave, he traveled for dozens of miles.Suddenly, he stretched out his sleeves to attract a "sword tower" five or six feet high and sharp.Then his body fled inward, and even with the abilities of the two Daoist priests, they couldn't feel the slightest trace of his existence.

Xuanyuan Huai's face at this moment was unexpectedly serious.

Looking up and looking around, the space he is standing in is only twenty or thirty feet in radius, which is not too big.

Chenyang Jianshan's eight great kendos are divided into twos, and three questions are dialectical, so as to distinguish the way.

Although Xuanyuan Huai is a fellow practitioner of the Eight Meridians, he merged into the True Stream.However, in his swordsmanship, there is also hidden a kind of pros and cons dialectical micro-mysterious skill, which can distinguish between good and bad, good and bad.

Like the art of sword heart induction, the art of dao fate induction, although mysterious and incomparable, it may not be impossible to cover up and deceive with more sophisticated means.And Xuanyuan Huai's strange method, although it is not as specific as the deduction of the secret technique of knowing beforehand, but it is better than the clear and difficult way, Zhu Zi is very clear, as if it is a matter of days.

Zong Li Dao Zun looked forward to the suggestion of Feisheng's powerful demeanor, Xuanyuan Huai weighed it with his heart, good and bad are as usual, it is not a hidden conspiracy, or a way to kill people with a knife and bring disaster to the east.It seemed that he was really just out of kindness, and taught Xuanyuan Huai to take a look at what the highest peak of local Taoism was.

But... this is just not good news.

Eliminating the possibility of this kind of mistake, the seemingly illusory and mysterious intention of the visitor was immediately clear——

Throwing stones for directions.

Take a look at how you react to the Ascension Demon Ancestor Linfan.

At this time, Xuanyuan Huai had the appearance of wearing a black and white chaotic pattern robe; but his eyes were abnormally deep, more similar to the imaginary demeanor of a sword.

Standing behind Ziwei Great World, Nine Sects showed an attitude of indifference after taking a brief look at the atmosphere of Taoism in it.

This is not arrogance, or underestimation of the enemy.

Because all the great supernatural beings who came to the world in the first generation have already been found out.The Immortal Dao civilization in the local Taoism cannot withstand the power of one era and one change.Forgive him for hundreds of thousands of years of achievements, how far can he grow?For example, vegetation, which grows in spring and withers in autumn, naturally cannot grow into a hundred-year-old tree.

The means of Yin-Yang Dao and Wu Dao can certainly withstand the power of the Era.But it doesn't mean that the representative's Taoism is so good that he can keep pace with the Nine Schools; it's that he has exchanged the merits of escapism in exchange for an endless inheritance.

As for the most powerful person in the monster clan, of course, the background cannot be ignored.But the progress of his Taoism is very slow after all.If you want to catch up with the Nine Cases, you will only go further and further away.

When seeing Yu Ion, Yu Gucheng, and Li Yunlong, Xuanyuan Huai once felt the hostility of the three towards him.

At that time Xuanyuan Huai had already thought that the existence of the Nine Sects was no longer a secret to them.Perhaps it is a powerful force with a deep foundation, intending to wrestle with Jiu Zong and wrestle with each other.

However, as a great power in the Taoist realm, Congzongli Daozun moved so fast, and he was able to put down his body and act in person.It can be seen that his appetite for waiting seems to be much greater than what he imagined in advance.

In today's world, not only is the Nine Schools of Glazed Heaven undergoing changes, but the entire Ziwei Great World seems to be different from the past in every way.

After about a hundred breaths, something unfolded in front of Xuanyuan Huai.

A blank scroll—the front and back of the Great Realm.

But Xuanyuan Huai tapped his index finger lightly, tracing the handwriting.

At a rough glance, it seems to be ten large characters:
The Demon Ancestor descends again;
The Northern Rong invaded the southeast.

These ten characters turned into a small sword, as if sinking into the bottom of the water, it gradually sank from the "Pros and Cons of the Great Realm".

A quarter of an hour later, the sword tower dissipated.

Xuanyuan Huai escaped in one step and walked leisurely alone.

Across the world of Yin and Yang, Daoist Zongli and that "Friend Zhanheng" were relieved to see that Xuanyuanhuai had not lost contact.


After escaping from the last yin and yang cave, Xuanyuan Huai finally came to the edge of Tianbei in Donghua Realm after hiding with secret techniques for seven days and nights.

Here and now, it really has become different from usual things.

Looking up at the sky, the sun at this time seems to be slightly bigger than usual, and it will be three points brighter, shining on the ground, and it will be twice as hot.Roughly sensing the temperature, it seems that the eggs are cooked under the hot sun.

After a little inquiry, such a description has lasted for more than ten years.

But what is strange is that such a scorching sun did not cause the ground to crack and the wind and sand to blow up everywhere.On the contrary, there are flat lakes and rivers everywhere, which can be seen from time to time; the land with abundant vegetation is dizzying.In particular, the genus of aquatic plants that are extremely water-loving grows more and more luxuriantly.

Tens of thousands of miles away, I saw a tower standing in the middle of the sky, which was very eye-catching.

It is said to be a "pagoda", but in fact Xuanyuan Huai's subtle vision has seen its true shape from afar.In fact, roughly looking at its appearance, this thing is like a "needle", standing upright.

Surrounding this pagoda, there are at least sixteen gloomy auras, each of which is not under the Tianxuan Shangzhen who secretly acts as a guardian in the Yinyang Cave.

Obviously, this place is very likely to be the place where the ancestors of the Red Meizu came into the world.

Xuanyuan Huaifang wanted to go, but he paused, but stopped suddenly; there was a slight surprise between his brows.

Ordinary cultivators, in fact, often try to seek luck and discover treasures.But with Xuanyuan Huai's eyesight, there are very few things in the world that can enter his eyes.

But at this moment, he feels that there is something nearby that hides the power of "Virtual Image Resurrection".If this object is exchanged for another equally outstanding person in the same industry, although the value is high, it will not be so high that it must be taken; but in the hands of Xuanyuan Huai, this object is more than ten times more effective, and it can almost turn decay into magic .

Even more coincidentally...

Xuanyuan Huai didn't hesitate any more, he turned into a body, and Hong Guang fled towards the opposite direction of the lonely tower.

Half an hour later, a person appeared in the field of vision.

A young woman faced Xuanyuan Huai's direction and met his eyes.

Dressed in a purple shirt, he is vigorous, but also upright and elegant.Compared with Yu Ion's graceful and domineering, it seems that the atmosphere is slightly clearer; but there is a unique open-mindedness and transparency.

Ten feet beside him, under a dead tree, there was another black tiger taking a nap with its eyes closed, and An Xian felt at ease.

(End of this chapter)

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