Chapter 829

During ten days, Qin Menglin returned.

Gui Wugui greeted him from the gate of Xiaojie.

But unexpectedly, Qin Menglin didn't take out the treasure in time, but nodded slightly, turned around and escaped into the small world, and went to the clear pond where the two of them were cultivating.

Gui Wugui's heart moved, and he walked with it.

Now the two have a tacit understanding, and the steps to be taken have already been clearly understood.

Sure enough, after a quarter of an hour, the two closed the door, opened the restriction, and activated the method of "convergence of virtual cores" in the clear pool.In this way, what Qin Menglin experienced this time seems to have been done by himself without blame.

After an unknown amount of time, the two opened their eyes.

Xuanyuan Huai has arrived, and he has already fought against Qin Menglin; even before fighting against Qin Menglin, he has most likely tried methods with Yu Gucheng, Xi Lerong and others.It has to be said that this is very surprising news.

Every detail of this battle has also been substituted into the perspective of blameless, and repeatedly weighed and figured out.

This method is applied to the exchange of fighting experience, but Gui and Qin have never thought of it.It's not that the two are mentally weak, but that they have experienced opponents in the past, and neither of them is qualified to do so.And the battle with Yu Gu Cheng and Yu Ion that year happened to be the common experience of the two of them.

After knowing the whole story, Gui Wugui looked up.

Qin Menglin smiled lightly, and said: "Everything between you and me is unspoken. If you say it, you will be inferior."

Gui Wugui sighed, and shook his head lightly.

This is also the first time the two have met since Qin Menglin practiced in the Yin-Yang Dao.

Across the world, not weaker than others, is of course a very high level; but after all, it is not as independent as the trendy leader, thriving.

Compared with shamanism, Yin-Yang Dao is a major sect and has a long history.But in terms of the integrity and rigor of inheritance, it is obviously better than one.For example, the accumulation of luck in the Xixian God Embroidery Pillar is not found in shamanism.This important event was only understood by Qin Menglin after he started to practice, and it was only today that Gui Wugui learned about it.

If there is nothing to blame, Qin Menglin must use it to strengthen himself and go to the next level.But now they are judging the situation and choosing a relatively conservative path.

Although the overall strategy is mutually beneficial, it is also a kind of sacrifice.

In addition, although the way of sentient law is good at breaking the heart, the wisdom heart goes straight.But you have to bear the corresponding price.

Since ancient times, many monks with extraordinary qualifications, knowing that this method is sublime, but still choose the road of leisure and solitude, is of course because a good partner is rare; but there may not be another consideration in it.Walking this way, it is not easy to be carefree, carefree, burdenless, and to roam freely.

Now it is due to Wugui's means of relying on the image of himself in the real and illusion, and it can be said that there is no hindrance to advance or retreat.And Qin Menglin's method of refining this "destiny body", at least in the confrontation among his peers, can be said to be more than enough to guard against loss.Even if one is against two or three, it can be maintained for a long time.

But for the help, not for the burden.This choice also hides this intention.

As for the appearance of Xuanyuan Huai, Gui Wugui took it lightly, neither loose nor tight.

There is no doubt that whether it is Qin Menglin, Yu Gucheng, Yu Ion, etc., they are all new names that Xuanyuan Huai has heard after entering the native world.The original purpose of his trip was undoubtedly himself.Now that the rest of the opponents have traversed, it seems that finding the door is just around the corner.

Don't forget that Banshizong is almost the hub of half of the big world.

But this time, Gui Wujiu missed his expectations.

Three months passed and there was no news from Xuanyuan Huai.Just like the day when I heard that Yu Gucheng was going to challenge under the false name at the Dao Interpretation Conference, what I was sure of was lost by accident.

Apart from Gui Wugui's training, every few days, he should also discuss combined attack tactics with Yang Yaowang in the apartment.

More than a month later, the imperial edict arrived, and the four lords invited each other.

Gui Wugui didn't delay, and immediately rushed to the Ten Thousand Mirror Pool in the Kaiyuan Realm.

After escaping into the small world, identify the direction.Taking a closer look, the so-called "four superiors" are different from Gui Wujiu's imagination.

Mi Daozun of Jianglizong and Qiongshimen Yi Daozun are all sitting here.However, Lu Daozun, Taisu Menzun, and Wuhu Daozun at Qingliang Mountain did not appear in front of him.

Dongfang Wanqing, head of Misty Sect, occupies the main seat.

As for the other person, he was a stranger.Looking quite old, he was dressed in a black robe, faintly pale.But he looks inconspicuous, but he is confused with the other three auras, there is no dissonance, but it clearly shows his realm of Taoism.

This person vaguely gave Gui Wugui an illusion, as if his practice was not perfect.

But even so, the calmness and harmony of his aura is second only to Dongfang Wanqing, obviously surpassing Mi Daozun and Yi Daozun.Of course, it is a special and arbitrary way to deduce the mystery of the upper realm, and blame it for nothing.Whether it is authentic or reliable may be debatable.

Gui Wugui only felt that the visitor seemed a little familiar to him.Thinking about it carefully, an old event from that year suddenly recalled in my mind, and I couldn't help but feel a move.

The old man didn't say anything polite, he just stared at Gui Wujiu twice and nodded repeatedly.

Although he didn't say any words of praise, his descriptive attitude has been revealed without a doubt.

Immediately he said lightly: "The old man is just a bystander. Feel free, everyone."

Mi Daozun nodded.

Yi Daozun said: "In the second battle of the clear and turbid mysterious image, both sides tried their best, which is very different from the first three-point trial in the first battle of the clear and turbid mysterious image. A considerable proportion of it is all done by you alone, which is a great achievement."

Mi Daozun said: "Xitumu Gaoyuan, after fighting with you, the road has advanced almost by leaps and bounds. Now Zonglu Chengwen is fighting against him, and it is difficult to take him down in a short time without real means. What's more Not to mention Jiang Minyi and Yamashiro Hiroshi. Even compared with several direct successors, they are not inferior, and even worse."

Gui Wujiu's heart moved, Daozun Yi said that "a considerable proportion" of the new recruits came from him, not all of them.

Could it be that besides the two groups of Xitu and Wudao, there is still strong support from our side?

Daoist Yi observed the words and expressions, and naturally knew what Gui Wugui was thinking.Then he said with a smile: "The secret contact has been made for a long time, and it was not settled until today. So you don't know. The Xiezhi clan, the Rongtian clan, and even the Yunzhang clan, which is closely related to the Chimei clan, have entered our phalanx We're in the middle."

"The Yu Rong family also produced two outstanding figures who have been hidden for a long time in Qingxiu."

Gui Wugui heard it, just nodded slightly, and said, "That's what the Tathagata is like."

The Xiezhi clan has eight digits and is as famous as the Peacock clan; the Rongtian clan is one of the twelve ranks; as for the Yunzhang clan, although they have not entered the first rank, they are not far behind the twelve ranks.

But Gui Wujiu had a relationship with Xie Miao, Yun Junhao and others.It is known that there is no one who can be selected into the thirty-six sub-pictures within his family.

In terms of the background of a big force, the joining of the Xiezhi clan is certainly a major event that greatly increases our strength, and it is inevitable that we will pay a personal visit to the patriarch and demon king of the clan in the future.But for now, the influence of these forces on the war situation is limited after all.

Mi Daozun said seriously: "In the [-]th Realm, if there are at most three players in each battle, there must be at least fifty-four people preparing for the battle. Although there may not be so many candidates for the actual battle, there must always be It is only necessary to prepare this number. The direct descendants of these families can be said to be quite outstanding."

The mystery of this, although Mi Daozun did not say it clearly, but Gui Wujiu has roughly grasped its pulse.Those who can take over Xun Shen and Lu Chengwen without losing a few hands are eligible to join the battle.Qing Weizong Leng Hua and others who had gone out to battle before were naturally also on the list of candidates.Judging by this standard, Xie Miao, Yun Junhao and others should not be underestimated.

Yi Daozun suddenly said: "Teng Jing can also count as a part of the newly added combat power that did not participate in the battle last time."

After speaking, he turned around and glanced at the old man in black robe.

The old man shook his head slightly, and simply said: "He's still a little behind."

In fact, the Teng Snake clan has long since disappeared. With Teng Jing's cultivation level alone, Daoist Yi should not be able to bring him up alone.The reason for doing this is naturally related to the people around you.

In this way, in Gui Wujiu's mind, the old man's identity, which was only [-]% suspected, was confirmed beyond doubt.

In this way, all the wealth of the family has been shaken out, but it can be said that "the soldiers are strong and the horses are strong".

Speaking of this, Mi Daozun said with a smile: "There is no blame. In your opinion, can the second contest of clear and turbid Xuanxiang be called a sure victory?"

Gui Wugui frowned.

The newly gathered combat power just now is certainly remarkable.But in terms of a real decisive victory, one's own camp is still more confident in the main world battle.

If the battle for the main realm can determine the winner, then it can indeed be said that "the winner is sure."

But compared to the last time, the aura of the main world has changed, and the battle is only "easier" to decide the winner.Ruo is still so short of breath that even though our side is superior in strength, it has failed to bear fruit.Although the battle was won, but what was deserved was not obtained, so the number of winners and losers is still in suspense.

After all, the lineup of the Holy Cult in the battle of the auxiliary world is much stronger than before.

At this moment, Dongfang Wanqing, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke:

"Where there is a trunk, there must be branches. Where there is a master, there must be followers. It is said that there are as many as four top figures on the other side who are similar to Yugu Cheng. If this is the case, how can there be less help from the second and third ranks? If the master It is not easy to tell the winner in the battle of the world, and in the battle of the eighteen auxiliary worlds, our chances of winning may not exceed [-]%."

This judgment can be described as quite conservative.

Dongfang Wanqing glanced at Gui Wujiu, and said leisurely, "Sixty to eighty years. I have been here for quite a long time."

Gui Wugui raised his head immediately.

From the [-]s to the [-]s, the discussion turned, which is the time when the Yin and Yang Caves of the Three Lives were opened.

Sure enough, although Dongfang Wanqing's voice was gentle, it was clearer and more powerful: "This battle is about the luck of the two families, and there is no room for loss. If you and Qingqi can participate in the battle, so can others. No blame, speaking of it, you are in Yueheng Although the sect's time is short, most of the outstanding figures in this generation in the sect are your old acquaintances."

Dongfang Wanqing suddenly smiled, and said: "Back then you were only about twenty years old, and you were about to enter the Tao. You snapped your fingers for two or three hundred years, do you ever miss your old friend?"

(End of this chapter)

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