Chapter 837
Say goodbye to Mu Yunli, seven days later.

At this time, Gui Wujiu sat on the stone platform, closed his eyes and adjusted his breath.

It's just that his place of retreat today is not in the cave, but on the ridge on the other side of the huge peak that looks like Panlu Peak. As far as the eye can see, it is about six or seven miles away from his cave.

Surrounding the body for more than a hundred feet, the formation restriction can be seen faintly.

Beside Gui Wugui, a crystal clear crystal ball was looming, with three thousand stars spinning endlessly.

In a short while, more than two hundred stars suddenly turned from virtual to real, with faint white lights shining, demarcating the territory.As a result, there are as many as eleven areas in the "crystal ball" that present this appearance; among them, the area that has just been formed is the largest.

What is remarkable is that the number of stars in this "area" that has just been achieved is not two hundred and fourteen; it is two hundred and sixteen.

The formula is collected.

Gui Wujiu slowly opened his eyes and smiled slightly.

After realizing something in his heart, he made a decisive decision and practiced closed-door practice.Finally, without accident, it succeeded smoothly.

The two hundred and fourteen stars that "other than me and others" rely on are all methods that have not been used among the three thousand stars of Gui Wu Yu, which is naturally a great coincidence and a romantic relationship.But this does not mean that the law of imputation should be copied intact.

Or in other words, among the original two hundred and fourteen stars, each one is related to each other and its role is irreplaceable.It would be a pity if one or two of them were missing.

But you can't do subtraction, but you may not be able to do addition.

Mu Yunli's achievement of this method is indeed a skill of thousands of tempers, and it is naturally the essence of Taoism.But wherever possible, must have been perfect.

The problem lies in the words "within one's ability".

It should be known that the number of small supernatural powers that Mu Yunli has mastered is [-], not [-].If among the seventy-eight kinds she has not obtained, there is someone who is very suitable for this supernatural power, but she is powerless.

Try to figure it out for seven days and seven nights.

Sure enough, Gui Wugui found two out of the remaining seventy-eight kinds of supernatural powers, which can be merged into "Others and Me".In this way, this magical power has truly become the strongest one among the thousands of "eighteen magical powers" of the Yue Heng Sect.Gui Wujiu even had a premonition that the [-] correct answers will be revealed in the future, and this supernatural power is very likely to be on the list.

Comparing each other, you can see the difference.

Originally, Mu Yunli's supernatural power of "beyond others and me" has already made Gui Wujiu amazed and thought it was invulnerable.However, compared with the "other than others" I have achieved today, there is a gap in the use of external images, and it seems that I have not been able to mix them into one body to maximize its power.

In other words, the part of this supernatural power that is used to absorb the opponent's supernatural breath machine, and the part that calls to grasp the natural phenomenon, the connection is not tight enough.

If it is another method, if the operation is not harmonious, it can be refined and simplified.But this kind of supernatural power is conceived as a great sect, and it hides the purpose of mixing and returning to one, but it is not suitable for self-demotion.

For Mu Yunli, it was a pity to find that the method that she had painstakingly honed had not really reached its peak.



Gui Wugui smiled lightly.

The number of days is yours, and you can't escape if you want to.

I saw him wave his big sleeves, a golden fish in front of him suddenly came out from the storage ring, wrapped around Gui Wujiu's arm, sometimes it was on the left, sometimes it was on the right.

After a little thought, Gui Wugui took out another jade slip.After leaving the book divinely, he made a backhand throw.

The goldfish leapt forward and swallowed it in one gulp.

Then the fish followed Gui Wugui's guidance, turned into a golden light, and took a step away.

Esophageal spirit fish.

This thing is predestined to return to Wugui, and also has a predestined relationship with Mu Yunli.

After being re-sacrificed by the yin and yang Taoist master, the esophagus spirit fish can be regarded as a valuable treasure in battle.But Gui Wujiu has never found the perfect match between this treasure and his own magical system, so he has never used it.

Xun Shen's divine channel technique is famous for its infinite magic.Gui Wujiu had demonstrated this thing in front of him, and Yan Dao lent it to others.

The second battle of the clear and turbid Xuanxiang may increase the combat power by three points.

It's just that firstly, this thing has a lot of origin after all, and its weight is too heavy; secondly, Xun Shen's Taoism repeatedly balances between subtlety and uniqueness.The way we go is slightly different from the past.So Xun Shen actually declined Gui Wugui's kindness.

Until today, this treasure has been put to good use.

After Gui Wugui learned the [-]-star version of the supernatural power of "Besides others and me", this treasure is no longer needed for the time being.

But if the spirit fish of the esophagus is entrusted to Mu Yunli, the part of manipulating appearance in the supernatural power of "other than myself" can be perfectly replaced by this treasure; while Mu Yunli's supernatural power is focused on the opponent's supernatural power and mana of absorbing.

The combination of magical powers and magical powers is like its [-]-star "other than me", and it has achieved almost the same effect as my own [-]-star perfect supernatural power.

It should be known that Mu Yunli waited and watched the path of "correct solution" seven days ago, and gained a lot.But that was a long-term effort, and it didn't have an obvious effect on improving the immediate combat power.But today, the essence of the [-]-star "other than me" and the rare treasure of the esophagus spirit fish have immediate results.

The meaning is very profound.

This means that Mu Yunli's current combat power has climbed to the peak among the last six sons, and has reached a level that is no different from Wei Qingqi's.If he meets an opponent at Xi Lerong's level in the battle between the clear and turbid Xuanxiang, he can also deal with him.

Of course, it was inevitable that Mu Yunli felt sorry, and went to the book without blame, saying "borrowing", not "gifting".

Just a few breaths after the Esophagus Spirit Fish escaped, he suddenly saw a ray of light, light and misty, slowly falling in front of his own cave, standing quietly.

Gui Wugui looked slightly surprised.

With a wave of his sleeve, he unlocked the gate.The big strides rushed to the front, and said with a smile: "Junior Sister Du."

It was Du Niansha who came.

Gui Wugui opened the door of the cave and invited Du Niansha to enter.

After sitting down, he made another pot of hot tea, Gui Wugui smiled and said: "Junior Sister Du will live in the small world, and Gui will visit soon. I don't think Junior Sister will come to the door."

Du Niansha shook her head, and said with a smile that was not a smile: "After the mansion was settled, the junior sister also heard about it. Brother Gui will meet one by one within ten days. It's just that Senior Brother Wen is on the first day, and Wood is on the second day. Junior sister; after that, there was no news for seven consecutive days. Junior sister, I am impatient, so I took the initiative to find the door."

Gui Wujiu nodded, and said with a smile: "Junior Sister Du seems to be very active in the Dao discussion meeting hosted by Junior Sister Wei these days. I have discussed and discussed with the descendants here. ? Has anyone ever left an impression on my junior sister?"

Du Niansha said without hesitation: "I am afraid that more than half of the world's heroes have gathered here. Any one of them is an outstanding person who has left a deep impression on the hearts of junior sisters. But if we say which one is the most outstanding? Admired, that is naturally the brother's Taoist companion, fellow Taoist Qin Menglin.

Gui Wujiu's heart moved, but he didn't expect Du Niansha to say Qin Menglin's name.

Du Niansha said again: "If the intention is pure, it will inevitably float on the surface; if it stands deep in the world, it is rare to be pure. Hesitating at both ends, it will be difficult in the end. Only by experiencing it will you know the joys and sorrows. Qin Daoyou's heart is like a true heart in the fire. Jin, up and down is unobstructed, beyond my reach. It gives me the feeling... It seems that the stories she has experienced are no less than Senior Brother Gui's."

I was astonished to hear this, I didn't expect Du Niansha to have such a feeling.

After pondering for a while, Gui Wujiu nodded with a smile and said, "It seems that Junior Sister Du has undergone a lot of mental training to be able to express this opinion."

Du Niansha shook her head slightly to show humility.He said again: "Fellow Daoist Qin Menglin... Is it just another outstanding person who should have appeared in the Yueheng Sect that the senior brother asked me about?"

Gui Wujiu's gaze moved slightly, and he was even more surprised by Du Niansha's keenness, so he simply nodded and admitted.

Du Niansha's eyes lit up, she seemed to be proud of what she had expected, but also seemed to be looking back at the past, she actually pondered for a long time.

After three rounds of tea, Du Niansha finally said seriously: "This time I took the initiative to pay a visit to tell Senior Brother Gui something."

Gui Wugui calmly said: "Junior Sister, please speak frankly."

Du Niansha sighed softly, and said: "In the past few decades, although the Yueheng Sect has been very strict, my Zangxiang Sect and the rest of the sects have generally known that Brother Gui is in the wilderness. Not only has he not been silent, but he has had a great opportunity, and his cultivation has grown rapidly. However, it is difficult for each family to accurately judge which step the senior brother has reached."

"There are two resident Tianzun sitting in Chenyang Sword Mountain, and it is possible to find out the details; but of course they will not tell others."

"But... after I met my senior brother today, all the true kings of our sect will naturally know about it in detail."

Gui Wugui nodded slightly.

This has nothing to do with whether Du Niansha took the initiative to tell her.Even if she was willing to keep it a secret, it was completely useless.As long as she has a direct connection with Gui Wujiu, relying on the method of Zang Xiangzong's "Tianyanshu", it is enough to roughly deduce Gui Wujiu's current cultivation level.

Du Niansha smiled relievedly, and said: "Nowadays it is quite a matter of history, how can I not see through the mystery, junior sister?"

"I intend to break through the shackles, follow my heart, and help my senior brother. Of course, my heart is not hindered; but in terms of actual results, it has added difficulties to my senior brother. But no matter what the sect's position is, I will always On the side of senior brother. Please rest assured, senior brother.”

Gui Wujiu nodded slightly, and said seriously: "Junior Sister Du's heart, Gui Wujiu has written it down."

If you are a naive person, you might think so.Guiding no blame has now become a big climate, and Zang Xiangzong can't help but regret it when he sees it.Maybe they will take the initiative to resolve the grievances and try to get back together.

But in the eyes of those who are clear-minded and determined, the so-called broken mirror is hard to fix, which is obviously just a bad idea.

How can a big man who can cultivate to the near-dao state not see through this important relationship of interests?
If there is no blame and the road is cut off, it goes without saying that the future will naturally be annihilated in the memory of the Nine Sects, as if there is no him in the long river.

Ruogui Wugui barely grew up, but did not reach today's height.Assuming that Gongxing is comparable to You Caixin, Han Taikang and others, it is no higher than Du Niansha and Ning Suchen; although they look very good, they are not so important that they cannot be replaced.Then between him and Tibetan Xiangzong, there is room for reconciliation.

Later on, the higher the level Gui Wu Jiu reached, the more he would drift away from Zangxiang School and it would be difficult to reconcile it.

In reality, Gui Wugui now has indeed become Xuanyuan Huai's main opponent.

The Tibetan Elephant Sect... I'm afraid it will completely stand on the other side.If Chenyang Jianshan understands the mystery and throws out an olive branch at the right time.

Du Niansha had some troubles in her heart.But at this moment, when he suddenly raised his head, seeing Gui Wugui had a clear insight into the pros and cons, but he didn't care about it, and he felt relieved for no reason.

(End of this chapter)

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