Chapter 849

Gui Wugui's eyes turned around on Huang Xiyin.

Immediately, the air movement moves, and the distance is clearly discerned.

The first thought was whether Huang Xiyin got a strange opportunity and made great progress.

Such opportunities are very common for people who are only in the second and third ranks.If the body is immersed in the golden elixir state, it is not uncommon for the Nascent Soul to break through the state in the morning when the time comes.Not to mention far away, among the disciples of the Banshi Sect, there have been two or three such figures in the past hundred years.

But for those who have reached the peak of their meritorious deeds, such opportunities are minimal.Tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years, may not be able to produce one person.What's more, Huang Xiyin's aptitude is special, and he has the restriction of the method of returning thirty-six corners to one, which makes it even more uncertain.

Taking a closer look, it turns out that the work is as usual.Today's Huang Xiyin's level of Taoism is about the same as when he was interpreting Taoism back then.There is nothing wrong with the previous arrangement.

This idea was ruled out, Gui Wujiu immediately considered whether there was a secret helping hand and approached secretly.

It was only today that he suddenly appeared in front of the stage, intending to give himself a surprise.

After all, Gui Wujiu has not forgotten that now Huang Xiyin has another identity as the "True Biography of Dingshi" in the way of magic.

However, under the sense of divine intent, the surrounding area was empty, except for Que Yinzong and his party, there was no one else hiding by the side.

Gui Wugui thought it over again and rejected the idea.

After all, the two people Jie Dao Zun are sitting here, if there is really any change, I am afraid that Yi Dao Zun has already mentioned something secretly.No matter how mysterious and unpredictable the methods of the magic way are, they cannot escape the eyes and ears of the powerful Dao realm.

Both possibilities were rejected, Gui Wugui pondered for a while, and said, "Do you have a helping hand you want?"

In fact, this possibility is also very small.

Du Niansha and Ning Suchen, relying on the very secret method, established the method of joint battle.If it is an ordinary team up, even if it is as strong as Xun Shen, Kong Xuan, or Yamashiro Hiroshi as Huang Xiyin's support, with three enemies and one, it will definitely be difficult to win favor with someone at Yu Ion's level.

Sure enough, Huang Xiyin shook her head lightly, and said disapprovingly, "Xiyin has already told her. The disciple is the top six; this jade ion from the Phoenix clan is also the top six. Naturally, it is one-on-one."

Gui Wugui said indifferently: "It is absolutely unreasonable for you to be an enemy of her."

With an attitude of indifference, Huang Xiyin lightly stroked a silver ring on the jade wrist, and said, "If you lose, you lose, so what?"

Hearing this, Gui Wugui's heart moved.

The reason why it is said that this "both sides have no regrets" is the most solemn way of fighting, and it eliminates the possibility of all strategic ingenuity.That's because the meaning is very heavy, the momentum is very heavy, and the road is very divided.

The people on both sides are the elites of the clan, who will bear the heavy responsibility of the clan in the future.The future potential, at a low level, is also a leader in the near-dao realm; at a high level, the road to the dao realm is still unfinished.Such a person, getting involved in a contest of "no regrets", is waiting to bet on his own future.

Whether it is the hidden sect or the holy religion, they are all in the middle.The identity of Huitong Youmeng does not dominate everything.It is neither qualified nor possible to use future key figures of a certain family as sacrifice chips.

After "Satisfactory" appeared, even the last gap was blocked.

Gui Wujiu's sword heart was condensed, he took a careful look at Huang Xiyin, and couldn't help being secretly surprised.

He saw some clues.

Whether it is the fairy sect, the demon clan, or the martial arts, witchcraft, and yin and yang, they are all serious about the principles of changing trends.

So...everyone who enters the battle cannot afford to lose!

With Huang Xiyin's wisdom, she naturally wouldn't use her way of life as a prank.

Roughly speaking, only the magic way is empty and not empty, and it is always extraordinary, can we escape from the constraints of "potential changes", see victory and defeat clearly, play with the world of mortals, and embark on another mysterious way.

Huang Xiyin's two light and fluffy words just now, there is nothing obvious on the surface, but the subtext seems to coincide with this way.

Only in this way can she have the confidence to treat victory or defeat as nothing.

Gui Wugui's heart shuddered.

Although he has mastered the four classics of magic, he still firmly focuses on Taoism.The magic way is just to help it penetrate the wings up and down.

But Huang Xiyin dabbled in the Four Classics, but only for a few dozen years.But between the host and the guest, it has been quietly reversed.In addition to the unique and transcendent kendo supernatural powers, the thousands of kung fu methods he practiced, after being refined and dissolved, are hidden like flesh and blood, filling into the "skeleton" constructed by the four classics of magic.

In other words, for Huang Xiyin, the way of magic has become the "main path" of his path.

In this process, the "Phase Demon Pearl" bestowed by the Great Demon Venerable Miao Guan Zhi, which has become his natal treasure, is very likely to play an inestimable role.

The thought of returning no blame suddenly changed.

With the keenness of one's own Dao heart, it is not possible to be unaware of everything.

This is a process of ebb and flow.

It is very likely that in recent days, or even "today", Huang Xiyin's skills have initially completed the transformation of subject and object, using the four classics of magic as the keynote.

Thinking of this, Gui Wugui remained calm and said with a smile: "Even so, there are still two hurdles to pass."

A confident smile appeared on Huang Xiyin's face, and she immediately said, "Master, please don't worry."

Gui Wugui nodded slightly, Shenyi discussed with Du Niansha and others.

Gu Xingxue and the other four were somewhat unwilling.But still without hesitation, he followed the order of returning to no blame, and fled back.

Ning Suchen's slender feet moved slightly, like a flash of light, and immediately stood side by side with Du Niansha.

After she stood still, the brilliance on both sides of the "keel" shrank, and she immediately stabilized, showing a unique balance.

Du Niansha and Ning Suchen looked at each other, showing tacit surprise.

The combat power of the two of them is already firmly superior to Mu Yunli and even Wei Qingqi, even if Mu Yunli uses the "spiritual fish of the esophagus" and improves the supernatural power of "beyond others and me", it will not work!Gui Wugui's divine will and sound transmission arrangement made the two of them reconcile.Du and Ning originally thought that their opponents would also have to make adjustments.

Or change the lineup; or add a "top" or two to help.

I didn't want the monster monk opposite to him to be so determined and fearless.This "satisfaction" is also manageable.

With such strength, even in the face of Gui Wugui, he can be called a formidable opponent.

A faint shadow floated, and Huang Xiyin had already occupied Ning Suchen's position without a trace.

There was a lot of noise.

But three or five interest times.The succession of the holy teachings went from calm to uproar, and the world was spinning.The eyes are chaotic and constantly moving, but they are generally in the vicinity of Huang Xiyin, Zongli Daozun, and Li Yunlong. Even Master Li and Xi Zhenzideng are not immune to the vulgarity.

The so-called determination and self-sustainability have already been thrown out of the blue.

What she challenged was Yu ion!
Huang Xiyin's details are already known to the disciples of the Holy Cult.However, although she is ranked first, it can be easily discerned that this person seems to have broken through the Nascent Soul not long ago, and her Taoism is obviously far behind her peers.

Is it because the treasure of "Satisfaction" is not completely effective, or is there a deviation in the judgment of the person in front of him?
The merits and deeds are obviously different from the other two, standing at the two ends of the wishful thinking.

Balanced and harmonious, even more than the previous array match, almost as good as Yugucheng and Qin Menglin who entered the battle first.

Yu Ion himself did not show his sharpness, his eyes were slightly closed, and he seemed to be thinking about something.

Gui Wugui smiled slightly.

He just said that there are still two hurdles.The first test is the balance of mind, which can stand the test of the treasure in front of you; the second is that even if you lose, you must at least gain something from the battle, and there is no hindrance to escape.Now Huang Xiyin has at least given the first answer.

As for the second point, we have to wait and see.

The most eye-catching number formation formed, outlining the general pattern.

The rest of the matches also came naturally within half an hour.It's just that in the latter half of the confrontation situation, the trend of joining forces against the enemy has obviously increased.

Only three days later, when the hour arrives, the pure and turbid mysterious image will descend into the world, and a vicious battle will begin.


At the same time, the North.

Above the sky, there is a giant who is very eye-catching. Its height is more than three thousand feet.Surrounded by open flames, shoot at the bullfighting bull.

But the figure of this giant seemed to keep shrinking.

The sky also quickly dimmed.

It turned out that it was midnight at this time, which should have been the time when the moon was shining brightly and the stars were shining brightly.It is this "giant" with magnificent eyes that reflects thousands of miles away like daylight.At this time, as his body gradually shrunk, the real appearance of midnight was revealed.

Half an hour later, the flames around this "giant" faded away, revealing its real figure, which was actually only about two feet tall. Although it was slightly taller than ordinary people, it was far from shocking. .

The face of this person looks to be about thirty years old, with blue eyebrows, fair skin, and clear bone lines.

Elegant and simple, not like ordinary people, not like cultivators.

The feeling given to people is also very contradictory.

At first glance, it looks imposing and imposing, and it seems unconventional; but when you look closely, it looks like a hollow pottery figurine, in name only.Although the face is glamorous, there is no slightest mana fluctuation.However, I feel again and again, just because there is this person standing in the void, the mountains, rivers and land seem to be uncertain because of this, and it feels a little overwhelmed for no reason.

Coupled with the fact that thousands of miles away, dozens of outstanding monster clan powers stood and bowed down, paying homage to him with extreme respect, which made this person even more extraordinary.

This person is far-sighted, and the sky, earth and stars in his eyes can't stop turning and changing, moving and changing shapes, alluding to reality and reality.

No matter how strong a mortal's eyesight is, he can only see tens of miles away.

A person who cultivates the Tao has superb Taoism, and at a glance, hundreds of miles, thousands of miles, or even thousands of miles, can be seen clearly, and the details are not bad.

And what this person sees has already surpassed the category of "far and near".

What he saw was [-] to [-] percent.Twelve lines draw twenty-five "domains".It looks like twenty-five square silver coins, shining brightly.

Of the twenty-five "fields", twenty-three pieces are intact, but only two pieces in the southwest direction are faintly soaked into copper yellow, which hurts its true color.One of them was more than half damaged; the other was slightly better, with one third damaged.

Because of these two damages, the twenty-five "domains" can no longer be regarded as a harmonious whole.

A sigh.

The inheritance of a family must have something to rely on.And the things that the best "rely on" have already been preempted by others.

In terms of prosperous blood, dense branches and leaves, and rich background, the Red Meizu has already surpassed almost all races in the world; Inferior.

If the Red Meizu want to come later, they can only make a fuss about "setting the scale".

This foundation was established by him.If there is trouble today, he will naturally eliminate it in his hands.

Lift your backhand.

An inconspicuous cloud of smoke rose from the palm, at first glance it looked like the steam from a cup of hot tea.But the mysterious meaning in it bursts out at any time, and people dare not look at it just by glancing at it.

But this overturning of the palm is a great cause and effect.It is about the life and death of countless living beings, the rise and fall of countless blood descendants, the withering and prosperity of countless vegetation, and the endless changes of personnel.

After a little thought, this person has already made a decision.

"Wait a minute."

At this moment, a deep voice sounded, and two figures appeared in the south.

(End of this chapter)

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