Chapter 851
Yu Jing's eyes were cold and sharp, like a falcon.

At this point he has come back to his senses.

It stands to reason that he and Lu Chengwen both have some connections with the peacock clan.But there seems to be no direct conflict between the two.One of the two belongs to the Yuan crocodile monster clan, and the other is from the Yin Yuanzong of Yinzong, separated from the north and the south, and has no communication.Although they have different positions in the general direction and become rivals, they have no personal grudges.

But when Zong Li Dao Zun revealed the "Thirty-Six Sub-pictures" in sixty-six rows to the public, everything was completely different.

He immediately recalled that for a period of time, his heart was not at peace, his anger was not settled, his luck was not going well, and he encountered obstacles all the time.At that time, I didn't know why, but now my heart has proved itself, and I know that it is very likely that the "thirty-six sons" really ordered the order.

The person who took his position was the person in front of him.

"If this is defeated, there may not be no possibility of turning the situation around..."

Yu Jing thought.

Although the person in front of him was listed on the scroll, he squeezed himself out.But in a head-on confrontation, he still has a good chance of winning.Because the rankings of the two sides are extremely close, and as a monster race, his superiority cannot be underestimated.He picked himself as an enemy, which was exactly what he wanted!
Lu Chengwen made a move.

Compared with Yu Jing's vigilance and sharpness like hunting tigers and leopards, Lu Chengwen is calm and plain, with a bit of free and easy hidden in his gentleness and integrity, more like a country scholar studying hard in a cold window.

Lu Chengwen backhanded, rolling and pushing.

Hundreds of thick and stagnant golden lights immediately scattered from his sleeves.

Yu Jing's heart shuddered.

The descendants of the Yinzong side, except for the new force who came from the mysterious place, all the other familiar faces and methods are under the control of the holy religion, and they are all familiar.

He naturally recognizes the supernatural power in front of him, this is the method of "Golden Pillar on the Top of the Cloud".

Baoguang jade pen, congealed in the air.Flow with the trend, get rid of traces.

In today's world, everyone has different ways of supernatural powers.There are no fixed rules for various Taoist arts such as Xun Shen's or Xi Zhenzi's talisman, and it is common sense to change the severity at will.But such as Lu Chengwen's Yunding Jinzhu and Li Daren's Danyuan Jiuzheng; it has become a big one, and it can be called the fundamental Taoism for a person to settle down.

Even if he learns other sublime methods later, it will not shake the status of the established method.

As soon as Lu Chengwen made a move, Yu Jing knew that the opponent had used fundamental means.

Yu Jing stepped on a foot, and immediately produced a fire bead, about the size of a chi.It's just that the fire seems to be raging, but when you calm down and take a look, it is actually very dark in all four dimensions and heavens, and you don't feel the obvious light shining.

This blazing and obscure conflict, but also meaningful and unusual.

As long as the "Golden Pillar on the Top of the Cloud" is broken, it will be the time for his supernatural power to make great achievements.At that time, no matter how ingenious Lu Chengwen's defense methods are, he will be caught off guard.

Lu Chengwen and Xi Zhenzi had a fight in the first battle between the turbid and pure elephants.Therefore, regarding the truth and reality of this method, the holy religion does not say that it has a glimpse of the mystery, but at least knows everything about it.

This supernatural power is divided into four realms, known as "perfect and regular", "spiritual and vivid", "seamless clothes", and "between heaven and man".

The key point is not after the formation is formed; it is when the formation is unfolded.

In the process of spreading out the formation, if you can see the number of ways clearly, you may be able to crack it when facing the enemy, at least you can do it with ease.

Yu Jing made a clear strategy and responded calmly.

But... Yu Jing immediately felt that something was wrong.

too fast!
The afterimage of the six pillars has not yet dissipated, and it is already at the thirty-six pillars; the position of the thirty-six pillars has not yet been solidified, and the separation of the shadows has changed, and one hundred and eight pillars and three hundred and sixty pillars have already appeared.

It is almost just a matter of breathing. This magnificent and powerful secret art has already surpassed the three realms of "perfect and regular", "smart rhyme" and "seamless clothes", and reached the last supreme realm - between heaven and man.

More than that... This "Between Heaven and Man" supernatural power seems to be a little different?

Yu Jing looked intently, and there seemed to be hazy phantoms in front of him.

There are not three hundred and sixty "golden pillars" in front of me, but seven hundred and twenty!
To be precise, there seems to be an extra replica with the exact same appearance about three or five feet away from each of the golden pillars.

But looking carefully, the three hundred and sixty gold pillars seem to be there, as if the thought just now was just an illusion.

This feeling is very strange.

According to common sense, when encountering this scene suddenly, the first judgment should be—whether this is a false or real illusion; or whether the upper limit of this "Golden Pillar on the Cloud" has broken through again, from three hundred and sixty pillars, It jumped to seven hundred and twenty.

But Yu Jing never thought about it at all.The most intuitive thought presented to him in front of him was Lu Chengwen's use of the magical power of the "Golden Pillar on the Top of the Cloud" twice! ?

Stacking beds to build a house is not too cumbersome, but it has its own magical effect.

Yu Jing's complexion changed, and he suddenly noticed.Under the double trap, where the formation was established, there is no other place to stand.

Everywhere is a dead end.

There is no "solution" at all, so how can we talk about "cracking"?
This greatly violates the fundamental principles of Taoism and supernatural powers, and it seems that it is beyond the reach of Lu Chengwen.

It's not just Lu Chengwen, even if Gui Wujiu, Yu Ion and others practice this kind of Taoism, they may not be able to reach such a state.

The formation was running extremely fast, and Yu Jing was not given a chance to breathe and think at all. The various phenomena were already condensed into one.

A warning sign suddenly rose in Yu Jing's heart.

This thought for a lifetime means that the outcome has been decided.

Yu Jing hesitated for a moment, thinking secretly.

There is no doubt that he has fallen into an absolute disadvantage.But he still has six or seven sealed secret scriptures on him, all of which have the power of approaching the Dao realm.

This is Yu Jing's defense card, even if he encounters a formidable enemy in the near-dao realm, he can still deal with it.Do you want to use such means to break the situation?
Naturally, Lu Chengwen also has similar methods in his hands, and he can't do anything to win the other party by doing so.What he is asking for is to break the "Golden Pillar on the Top of the Cloud" in front of him, and if he forcibly regrets a move, start over again.


Starting over, I still don't have the means to decipher this [-]-pillar "Golden Pillar on the Top of the Cloud".That's a gamble, a bet that Lu Chengwen's supernatural power can only be used once.

Yu Jing is not an indecisive person, he made up his mind with just a second thought——


But in the next moment, Yu Jing's face turned pale, and immediately became very ugly!

It turned out that not only was the size of the Cloud Top Golden Pillar doubled, but its speed of spreading was also doubled.Just at this mere thought, Yu Jing's magic power suddenly became disordered, and he was already unable to move.

Just when the ten thousand-zhang golden light bound Yu Jing tightly like layers of silkworm cocoons, three feet above Yu Jing's head suddenly appeared a phantom shadow of a crocodile about ten feet long and short. Yu Jing swallowed it in one gulp, and was never seen again.

This is the unique method of protecting and escaping from the Yuancrocodile family.

Count on your fingers, fifteen breaths.

Lu Chengwen sighed lightly.

Probably no one thought that in just [-] breaths, the second [-] battles between the clear and turbid mysterious elephants had already determined the winner of the first round.

And it is the pair of Lu Chengwen and Yu Jing who seem to be relatively balanced in strength.

Lu Chengwen didn't rush to search for the "symbol of turbid air", but sat cross-legged, adjusting his breath and concentrating, as if quietly waiting for something.

Sure enough, after about half an hour, Lu Chengwen only felt refreshed, and his spirit was very light and joyful.At the same time, the state of mind is surprisingly stable, so energetic, but still dominated by me, thick and self-sustaining, and extremely wonderful.Even though he claims to have deeply pondered on the way of cultivating the mind, he has never experienced such an experience.

This is the extra benefit of this battle.

Yu Jing's opponent is very special.

After this battle, all hidden dangers were eliminated.Lu Chengwen knew in his heart that if he met again next time, he would be able to rely on his own strength to win the battle.

In the order of the thirty-six sons, even though he was at the end of the pack, he was no longer coveted by others.

Just means, there is no mystery.It was not even notified beforehand.Because everything is just the inference of Kong Wu, the patriarch of the Peacock clan, and the two elders, and there is no certainty.Lu Chengwen also has an attitude of being happy in success and gratifying in defeat.

No surprises, it finally happened.

When entering the battle, no one ever noticed a thing.

There are actually only eight entrances to the auxiliary realm of twin clear and turbid mystic images, which are divided into two exits with the body of the clear and turbid mystic image, one exhaling and one inhaling, one yin and one yang.Time-sharing entry, escape into two different spaces.

But Lu Chengwen and Kong Xuan entered the "lotus seed" in the southwest; it's just that Lu Chengwen entered from the yang time, and Kong Xuan entered from the yin time.

At the moment when the formation turned from yang to yin, Kong Xuan seemed impatient, and immediately entered in one step.The opponent she had chosen to stand opposite "Satisfaction"—the monster monk named "Li Qinglong" was obviously a little surprised, and was slightly taken aback.

But he didn't notice anything, and followed Kong Xuan into the world.

It was just now that Yu Jing's perception was correct.

It's not an illusion, and it's not another breakthrough of the "Golden Pillar on the Top of the Cloud" method; it's just that this technique has been performed twice like a bed on top of a house.

It's just that the person who performed it was not Lu Chengwen, but Kong Xuan!

They each have different inheritances. What Kong Xuan used was not the complete "Golden Pillar on the Cloud Top" supernatural power, but another companion supernatural power formed by adding and deleting the secret method of the two people's double cultivation.

Not only that, the place where Kong Xuan was standing just now was in another space, which actually completely overlapped with Lu Chengwen's position.

The "Golden Pillars on the Top of the Clouds" is a large sect of formations, cultivated to the extreme, and naturally rooted in the principles of "time" and "emptiness".Especially in the different spaces where layers coexist, using this technique at the same time can echo each other from a distance, and its power can be enhanced to an inconceivable level.

If the two of them find their orientation at the same time in the two overlapping spaces, it is really equivalent to a "array" in the sense of a parallel force.

However, different spaces are actually no different from the real "two worlds". It is a difficult problem to anchor the orientation without any difference.

However, Lu Chengwen and Kong Xuan's double cultivation of the secret art of ebb and flow, with a tacit understanding, can make up for this link.

But in advance, these principles seem to be rigorous, and they are just speculations; this double voicing and turbidity has never appeared, and there is no experience to speak of. Whether it is as expected and presents such a situation is anyone's guess.

When things come to an end, seeing is believing.

(End of this chapter)

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