Chapter 853
This great battle is called "Clear and Turbid Mysterious Image"; and the scene in front of him is indeed divided into clear and turbid, which is extremely eye-catching.

Although it was a one-on-one fight at the beginning, it is now a one-on-two fight; at the beginning it was two points up and down, but now it is a confrontation between east and west; in terms of appearance, it was swords and flowers chaotic rain at the beginning, but today it is a butterfly flapping its wings against a trickle of water Gurgling, just looking at the surface, it seems completely different.But if anyone has really seen the photographic graphics of the battle on the Ulan River, it will be immediately clear——

The format of the fight in front of us follows the old idea.

The "subtle calculation" battle between Xuanyuan Huai and Li Yunlong.

The phantom is light, Du Niansha and Ning Suchen stand side by side, the distance is less than ten feet.Ning Suchen's right palm and Du Niansha's left palm are far away from each other. Between the palms, one is yin and one is yang, one is empty and the other is real. The two "hinges" are tightly intertwined, condensing the two people who were originally fighting independently into one. A seamless whole.

The other palms of the two are ready to move forward.

Du Niansha's body is full of seven colors; the palm overflows, like butterflies flying; while Ning Suchen's aura is outstanding, white and clean, with supernatural powers, but thousands of flowers are luxuriant, colorful and charming.The combination of the two is a wonderful combination of "butterflies wearing flowers".

For a great supernatural power, it is good to look good; if it is not based on it, as long as it is practical, it is the best supernatural power.

Du and Ning's methods are obviously both internal and external, not embroidered pillows.

This one can be seen from the trajectory of the butterfly.If it is not included in the thirty-six sub-pictures, except for a few outstanding figures, the rest count as one, as long as the eyes are fixed on two or three butterflies, the movements change without interest, and I am afraid that I will faint.

The battle situation in front of us is obviously the trend of "the east wind prevails over the west wind".Although Li Yunlong's water image Zhou Liu is mysterious, it only accounts for three points of the general trend at most.

That's right.

It is not difficult for Du Niansha and Ning Suchen to join forces to beat Mu Yunli and even Wei Qingqi.However, with the way of Wei and Mu, in the hands of a few people with the highest merit, it is enough to last for a long time.If the two are offset, it is natural that there is a victory but no defeat.

If it is purely based on the theory of victory or defeat, there is still something to say.

For example, Master Shengjiaoli ranks thirteenth, and he is still one place higher than Du and Ning. The test is to determine the outcome. If he uses the fundamental Taoism of "Danyuan Jiuzheng" to fight against Xi Lerong and Li Yunlong Quite close to the scene, not embarrassing.

But this does not mean that if two or three Li adults join forces, they will be able to compete with Yu Gucheng, Li Yunlong and others.Regarding this point, even Master Li himself has a clear understanding.

One plus one does not necessarily equal two.Those with stronger combat power always firmly grasp the initiative.The use of such means as "Tian Yue" and "One Sword Breaks Ten Thousand Laws" can easily disintegrate your joint momentum, so as to criticize the vain and defeat each other.

However, Du and Ning avoided this key point, and the secret method they held operated as if they were the same person.In fact, the constraints have been resolved in terms of scale.

Therefore, on top of "satisfaction", although the two of them were amazed by Li Yunlong's self-confidence and calmness, they also deduced that this person must have enough reliance to rely on.But this battle still has a great chance of winning.

The current situation is roughly the same as the speculation.

At this moment, the situation suddenly changed.

Li Yunlong's palms danced wildly, and the chaotic water phenomenon manifested was originally dense and tough, but it was at a disadvantage in the end; at this time, its momentum suddenly increased a bit, and the original three-to-seven situation was suddenly pulled closer, close to four-six , even slightly exceeding .

As for his appearance, he is still calm and composed, without sadness or joy.In the past, I was never a bit anxious because I was at a disadvantage, and I have never felt a little complacent about recovering the situation at this moment.

Du Niansha secretly sent a voice transmission: "Senior Sister Ning, this person seems to have the strength just now?"

Even though she asked the question like this, Du Niansha had an intuition that... it would not be so simple.

It should be known that what the two are fighting is the way of "change", not just a test of brute force like a tug-of-war.On the way of calculation, if you take one step back, you will wait for ten thousand steps. One mistake will lead to a huge loss. If you want to get it back, you will have to pay a huge price.She didn't believe that the opponent would take such a risk.

Facing opponents at this level, no matter how confident you are, it would be frivolous to take risks easily.

Ning Suchen squinted his eyes, from the face down to the neck, it seemed that a bright white and light green brilliance flashed away.

Dizzy like a dream, Ning Suchen showed surprise.

The Taoism she cultivates uses the seven emotions and five natures as a bridge to understand the inside and outside, which is the method passed down by the fourth ancestor of Yueheng.

The four patriarchs of Yue Heng walked this path because of the talent of Linglong Heart, the falling leaves hurt the feelings, and the rise and fall seem to be in harmony with the festival.But she didn't want this method to be limited by her aptitude, so she deliberately refined it and turned it into a Taoism.It's just that although this technique has great potential, the antecedent steps required should not be underestimated. It was not until Ning Suchen was born that he could be regarded as the first real "disciple" of this technique.

Ning Suchen responded via voice transmission: "I'm afraid...some trouble."

Du Niansha's heart trembled, and she responded, "How should I say it?"

Ning Suchen has always been clear and self-promising, and he is quite clean and honest, otherwise he smells like dust.Although he seems to be unhindered and popular, but there is a unique reservedness in his bones.To bluntly say "some troubles" is also unexpected by Du Niansha.

Ning Suchen said: "It's an external cause."

She uses the seven emotions and five natures to distinguish between the inside and the outside, and she immediately makes a judgment.It's not that Li Yunlong is hiding his clumsiness.It is true that Li Yunlong went all out before; it is also true that he had a slight upper hand.The situation was reversed just now because...

Something happened.

beyond the battlefield.

Du Niansha's heart sank.No matter how drastic changes cause the increase or decrease of Qi luck, it should moisten things silently and not be so intuitive.

In all fairness, Du Niansha hoped that the other party was hiding his clumsiness.Because even if there are reservations, it will not be too much; at this moment, I still have the upper hand, and the current situation is the real strength comparison between the two sides.If it is an external cause, then no one can guarantee that this will only happen once!

In this realm, the clouds are calm and the wind is light, there is no trace of fighting skills at all. Among the eighteen realms, it seems to be "big voice and rare sound".

It was the realm where Huang Xiyin and Yu ion entered.

At this moment, Yu ion was standing with her hands behind her back, as if she was contemplating something, and at the same time, she was moving lightly, seemingly fast and slow.

But Huang Xiyin, like a dragonfly on the water, was thirty feet away, looking back from time to time.

The scene in front of me, if the traces of Taoism and supernatural powers were ignored, it would be like a lively and impatient little girl leading the way, and a quiet and restrained elder sister, going on a spring outing together.

Yu Ion's smile was not a smile, but his thoughts were floating.

There is a very obvious gap between the two sides, and there is no need to deny it.Therefore, the word of victory or defeat is not in Yuion's consideration.

All the previous thoughts were also thrown away.

For the opponent to be able to fight one-on-one with him, he must have broken through the "mind" and "luck" barriers, and he is confident enough to escape.

Huo looked as if he didn't have the slightest supernatural power, but in fact the two in front of him were already fighting.

There was a glint of light in Yu Ion's eyes, as if a "curtain of fire" passed through, washing away everything, and the spirit and spirit in him, from which he died for a lifetime, radiated a thriving vitality.

Yu Ion has long since escaped from the regret of never being able to fight Gui Wujiu, and at this time she is quite happy.

This Huang Xiyin actually focuses on swordsmanship, and has even cultivated to a very high level. In terms of depth, regardless of thickness, it is even better than Yugucheng.

Yu Ion's heart is extraordinary, although she has her own unique supernatural powers, she originally intended to use the technique of "one sword breaks ten thousand spells" as a foreshadowing method for her phoenix dance strike.But since this technique has the potential to break through the shackles, she naturally won't refuse to accept everything.

It's just that in the stage of "one sword breaks all dharmas", she and Yugu Cheng share the same gains, and there is no difference; but after seeing the truth in one fell swoop, they gradually show differences.

Yuzi knew it well, if he hadn't found another way to start comprehending, he might be one step behind.

From this standpoint, Huang Xiyin in front of him can be said to be a ready-made opportunity.

So during the leisurely stroll, Yu Ion had received Huang Xiyin's twelve swords.

The mystery of Huang Xiyin's sword sect, and the ability to change people's hearts and minds, are also fully demonstrated.

Fortunately, the direction of their efforts has not been scattered, and they are all concentrated on one thing - the "correction" of Huang Xiyin's own image.If you hit this sword and don't realize it, it won't be long before you will regard Huang Xiyin as a "close friend" who is rare in the sky and none on earth, and will obey his words without hesitation.

Yuzi also felt a little funny in his heart, in fact, it is not difficult to guess that such sophisticated and mellow methods of changing minds are exactly the methods conceived by his teacher as the "imaginary enemy".

But Huang Xiyingui is the top six in the thirty-six sub-pictures, alongside himself and Gui Wujiu, how can he not take good care of him when he finds such a good talent?If this is the case, isn't Huang Xiyin's way of thinking water without a source?
Could it be that Gui Wujiu, one of Qin Menglin, was very harsh to this little boy?

In fact, for others, such an attitude is a bit exaggerated.

It's not just supporting the big ones; it's almost playing with fire and setting itself on fire.

Even if there is a lot of lead in Taoism, it is only a difference in skill.In terms of swordsmanship alone, Huang Xiyin cannot be ignored.So born with its mysterious and unpredictable swordsmanship, if one is not paying attention, the possibility of capsizing the gutter is extremely high.

However, Yu-ion has cultivated the Phoenix Clan's "Fundamental Nirvana Sutra" to the highest level.Although "Physical Nirvana" and "Spiritual Nirvana" are the only ones to choose, Huang Xiyin's swordsmanship seems to follow the pure "ideal" way.After fully comprehending the sword of will, Yu ion used the method of the "Fundamental Nirvana Sutra" to rejuvenate his spirit and soul to prevent future troubles.

If the mana power of the two is equal, even the "Fundamental Nirvana Sutra" may not be enough to rely on.

Yu Ion was startled suddenly.

Immediately, Liu Mei raised her eyebrows, her phoenix eyes were darkened, and she shouted: "Crazy girl, how courageous!"

Green flames bloomed, and there was a clear moan.

The nine-colored phoenix soars into the sky!

It turned out to be the strongest move that can shake Xuanyuan's arms without losing the wind, the phoenix dances for nine days.

Given the disparity in their performances, Yu Ion's use of this style is quite suspected of killing a chicken with a bull's knife.What's more, Huang Xiyin must rely on the secret technique of escape bestowed by the Daoist Realm.If you don't use this style, you can definitely win; if you use this style, you can't hurt her.

But the jade ion just used it.

Because this style is incomparably domineering and combined with the essence of one sword breaking ten thousand spells, it has the magical effect of stagnating time and space, and can seal and prevent the magical powers of the treasure master from voluntarily launching.

At the same time, using this pose as the basis, in fact, Yu Ion held it up high, put it down lightly, and rolled his backhand, and Huang Xiyin would be rewarded with a slap in the face.

It's just a slap in the face and a lesson.

Because if there is a murderous intention, Huang Xiyin's self-protection method that can be activated in case of death and does not need to be activated by himself will definitely be able to sense the crisis and be the savior in the face of danger.

Huang Xiyin's face turned pale.

In the blink of an eye, I understood Yu Ion's intention.

But she never imagined that there is such a small "loophole" between the active and passive means of self-protection.

At this "crisis moment", a sword flower emerged from the center of Huang Xiyin's eyebrows, cutting out a ray of relief in the daunting quagmire of "Phoenix Dance Nine Heavens".

Huang Xiyin didn't know what to do, and immediately triggered a secret method of body protection bestowed by the head of Dongfang.When a lotus leaf covered him, Youzi was still in shock.It was only now that he stubbornly resorted to a trick. If this woman slaps her in the face, she will be depressed for a long time.

After escaping from the sky, he stuck out his tongue, smiled "giggle", and said triumphantly: "This is a parting sword, do you think that fellow Daoist Yu Ion will not be willing to erase it easily?"

Although the blow was useless, the jade ion turned and fell to the ground, with a calm and composed expression.Only at the base of the ear, there was a faint tinge of red.

A little careless.

Relying on the "Fundamental Nirvana Sutra", in order to fully explore the essence of Huang Xiyin's swordsmanship, Yu Ion simply immersed himself in it, adopting an attitude of not rejecting anyone who comes, observing the situation without any resistance, and waiting for it to be in the state of completely "hitting the sword".

Anyway, the contents of the previous swords are similar, they are nothing more than "correcting" Huang Xiyin's image in his mind.Because of this, Yu ion relaxed his vigilance a bit.

Unexpectedly, Huang Xiyin played tricks suddenly, and the content of the last sword suddenly changed.

(End of this chapter)

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