Chapter 856
Supernatural powers are intertwined and colorful.

Four of the so-called "five colors", blue, red, yellow and green, float in the sky like a painting.

But the other "color" is attached to the human body and is constantly changing.

The former four colors are naturally Lin Yi's method of "four colors".

The rest of the color was Wei Qingqi's body, a layer of halo emerged, thick and mellow, pure white as washing.

It is not uncommon for one's own brilliance to appear radiant. As far as the elders are concerned, everyone has to pass this hurdle for monks of the Nine Schools to advance to the spirit form.But these so-called luster added to the body are all a thin layer, just like pale gold tinfoil; but at this time, Wei Qingqi's body outline is more than an inch thick, with a blazing radiance floating, and even her face is blurred. up.

But this image didn't last long; every once in a while, the brilliance dissipated, revealing a human form, as if washing away the lead.

Considering the battle situation, it is clear that Lin Yi is taking the initiative, while Wei Qingqi is still on the defensive even though she has used a mysterious and unpredictable supernatural power, and even feels overwhelmed.

Lin Yi's face was calm, people and animals were harmless, but he didn't seem complacent.

For him, the battle situation in front of him seemed to be a matter of course.

Dozens of years ago he fought against Gui Wujiu, he joined forces with his two or three close friends, as well as the family's confidants and elders to do careful research and research, and gained a lot.

After the "four hues" are mixed up, in terms of purely one's own foundation, it is not under blame; to be precise, it seems to be above blame.

Lin Yi boasted that he also knew the nature of Gui Wujiu's real ultimate move "Kongyun Nianjian".The moment this method is cast, the power is closely related to the strength of the enemy and the enemy.Hitting down from high is evenly matched, but hitting up from below has completely different effects.

Gui Wujiu's attitude when he wielded this sword at the beginning was clearly that his foundation was thick, and he was slightly superior to the opponent.

The reason why he lost in the end was that he relied too much on the "auspicious spirit" in the divine channel technique, so that this idea was used without blame.

Therefore, even though he was defeated in this battle, Lin Yi's position on himself did not waver, on the contrary, it became clearer.At least in the early stage of the fight with Gui Wujiu, the fists were punched to the flesh, showing their sharpness without losing the wind, which already constituted a clear yardstick.

What about the seventh scroll?
Different from the three primary and secondary volumes seen by Gui Wujiu, the divination scrolls of the Peacock Clan are arranged in sixty-six or sixty-six.

Whether it is the seventh place or the eleventh place, they are all in the second rank.

Except for the most brilliant ones, Lin Yi didn't think there was anyone who could surpass him.

In the sky, the "four-color appearance" was pervasive and aggressive; but when Wei Qingqi's body transformed from a clean and refined image into a bright and beautiful figure, Lin Yi waved her hand!
The phases of the four colors suddenly reversed by three points, forming a watertight trend.

Then above the body, the auspicious light rose, dispelling an inexplicable strange force.

After this step is completed, the "four hues" immediately rise again, just like the ebb and flow of the tide, eroding the direction, and it is slightly stronger than before the regression.It is the way of "retreating one and advancing two".

Everything is in order, orderly.

Wei Qingqi frowned slightly.

Could it be that the difference in the thickness of the "foundation" is really insurmountable?
For more than a hundred years, she has made great progress in Taoism and supernatural powers.Gui Wujiu himself said that Xu Zhi could compete with Xi Lerong, and Wei Qingqi herself also thought so.

Since Gui Wugui has a deep friendship with her, the dispute between the pure and the turbid Xuanxiang is of great importance, so I will not just talk about it.

Or maybe Gui Wujiu is in the middle of the game, his foundation is slightly better than his own, and he doesn't realize how tricky it is after the "four hues" method has a significant advantage?
Before choosing this opponent, Wei Qingqi already knew it well.In terms of supernatural powers, realm, and consciousness, Lin Yi seems to be slightly inferior to the top few people; but when it comes to the depth of his foundation, this person seems to be only below Yu Ion, and he is also among the top six people Even Xiu might not be able to beat him.

Although Wei Qingqi attached great importance to this matter, she didn't find it too difficult.

It's nothing more than substituting deep for broad, and winning broad with precision.

But once you fight, it's not the same thing at all.This method of "four hues" is thick and broad, round and round without any gaps; in terms of the field of suppression of the upper hand on the lower hand, it is almost like the top of the sky, and the oppressive force on people is almost beyond the blameless Kongyun Nianjian. Down.

Once fighting, Lin Yi raised his hands and feet, and struck with all his strength, quite like a martial artist, and put Wei Qingqi under great pressure.

Wei Qingqi couldn't use all kinds of exquisite and extraordinary magical channeling techniques at all, so she had to deal with it with the "existence and non-existence" method of the fundamental method of the Misty Sect "Chengxiang Di'er Linlang Book".

Fight at this time.

When Wei Qingqi's body is pure and refined, it is when the function of turning existence into "nothing" and "returning existence to nothing" in this sutra appears; and when Wei Qingqi's body turns into the appearance of a jade person, it is " Create something out of nothing", the time to fight back.

Seeing that Wei Qingqi seemed to have a worried look on his face, Lin Yi finally felt a gleam of joy in his heart.

It seems that the opponent can't hold on anymore.

Although it was a matter of course to win, but the eleventh won the seventh, after all, it is a matter of joy and congratulations.

But after thinking about it, the perception given to him by the person in front of him seems not to be so superficial.So the mind converges, and once again pushes forward in a mighty way.

The same is true.

Among the nine sects of nuns, Wei Qingqi and Ning Suchen looked alike, and there was a sense of "high nature and closeness to others" between their words and smiles.

But in terms of their fundamentals, the two are completely opposite.

Ning Suchen's nature is pure and outstanding, elegant and self-respecting, tempering his appearance with words and laughing at others, which indeed has the meaning of deliberately reconciling and correcting.But Wei Qingqi has only one eye, and she can see the truth through her senses.After a wise heart sees things deeply to the bone, under the loneliness of the ages, the natural warmth is alone.After careful consideration, there seems to be a demeanor of "smiling with flowers" after a great enlightenment.As a matter of fact, the latter realm is actually higher.

At this time, Wei Qingqi seemed to be frowning and worrying, but in fact it was just a natural expression of "not restraining the seven emotions"; More calm than anyone.

The real dilemma is——

Although the counterattack power of "creating something out of nothing" is only [-] to [-]% of the incoming force, it is a kind of intangible power that mixes all natures, and it is extremely difficult to get rid of it; but Lin Yi has the auspicious aura of the Qilin family , but it is able to suppress it.

Therefore, the part that belongs to the "counterattack" has never been able to form a climate.

Therefore, the invasion of the "four hues" became more and more unscrupulous, advancing steadily.

And Lin Yi's demeanor is no small matter, according to what Gui Wujiu said, at the beginning, this person's disadvantages were laid layer upon layer, and with the help of "Tanyuan torture energy", he fought hard, and it was extremely dangerous.If it weren't for Gui Wugui's ingenious supernatural powers to detect the clues, if it were someone else, they would fall into the trap in all likelihood.This person is quite important among the opponents since Gui Wugui entered the Tao.

If Lin Yi still wants to fight with Wei Qingqi today, Wei Qingqi will naturally accompany her.

But after he gained the advantage, he became extremely stable, as if he had changed his style, giving people a feeling that he couldn't say anything.

Is it really just because of Qilin Ruiqi's restraint?

Not quite.

Wei Qingqi weighed and calculated in her heart, even if her vaguely prepared counterattack could be effective, the oppression of the "Four Hues" still cannot be avoided.In this way, if the two sides attack and defend independently, it is like a horse race.

Such a competition, the final winner is...

With silent luck, Wei Qingqi immediately understood the chess game.

Even without the auspicious energy of the Qilin clan to restrain him, his means are still not enough to win.

My thoughts are flying.

If Gui Wugui failed to know himself and the enemy, and didn't know Lin Yi's methods, he might have misjudged the two as rivals.However, he and himself and Lin Yi had a deep battle, and when he was facing the enemy, he willingly agreed to Lin Yi's challenge to him, so naturally he would not be blinded easily.

Wei Qingqi believed that her vision must be in subtle and unpredictable places.

What's more, as the head of the Dongfang sect, I have always acted wisely and decisively, and I am extremely confident in Wei Qingqi.But this time in the battle between the clear and turbid Xuan Xiang, she hinted that she should choose an opponent at a perfect level, so don't aim too high.There seems to be a lot of deep meaning in it, and it cannot be explained by blindly being cautious and self-sufficient.

Wei Qingqi was startled suddenly as her mind changed.

Is it—

This "big pass", the time has come?

According to the practice steps of my mind, it seems that after sixty years, it will be a matter of course, and it can be the first time to try the secret.But after thinking about it, if you come to have a test today, although your heart is empty, you don't have much confidence, and you lack the confidence that you can grasp the wisdom pearl, but... you don't have any obvious "wrong" thoughts.

If it is really discordant, there must be a warning sign of cramping in the mind.

But at this moment, my state of mind remains motionless, as if I am about to eat and drink, which is very normal.

There was a clear light in Wei Qingqi's eyes, and she suddenly realized.

Roughly the accumulation has been completed, and if we refine it carefully and wait for faults, it will actually get twice the result with half the effort and fall behind.In such a season, an appropriate "occasion" and "timing" are undoubtedly much more important than that little bit of time.

This step should be formed naturally in the real fighting method, not in the "acting method".

It's now.

Lin Yi's spirit lifted.

He has already discovered the laws of Wei Qingqi's Taoism.When his body is clear and accessible, it actually hides the main means of "transformation"; while when his body is overflowing with jade, it is the main means of counterattack. In Lin Yi's mind, it can be said to be extremely sensitive, no less than the principle of the rotation of the sun, the moon, and the day and night.

Lin Yi's counterattack method also follows this principle, criticizing hyperactivity and making false statements.

But now, the time has come, but Wei Qingqi's appearance has not changed from "the appearance of persistence" to "the appearance of counterattack".

This shows that the opponent is exhausted, giving up the counterattack and focusing on defense.

If so, the defeat will be faster.

Suddenly, Lin Yi's face froze.

Just when he thought he was sure of winning, an irresistible majestic force suddenly joined him without the slightest warning!

(End of this chapter)

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