Chapter 862
At this time, Yu Jiaolong, at a glance, is "not in agreement".

What is disagreement?

Looking at the subtle expression on her face, there was clearly a hint of hesitation and struggle, as if she was about to make some major decision; but her movements were not slow at all.With a backhand shake and a flip, he already held a silver ring in his palm.

This ring seems to be made of two slender "silver threads" that are like silk threads intertwined and entangled repeatedly. Looking at its appearance, it is quite clear and simple; but the center of the ring is dark and gloomy, as if An unfathomable ancient well; with the flick of Yujiaolong's jade wrist, a strong suction suddenly came out of it.

The image of turbid air that had almost entered Mu Yunli's palm, as well as the boulder that wrapped it, suddenly escaped from control, and rushed towards the "Silver Ring" swiftly and inexorably!
Mu Yunli was in a trance, and suddenly came up with a thought——

This suction seems to be a little "small".

In fact, this attraction is quite strong. Mu Yunli's profound mana, combined with his superhuman ability to control external phenomena, has been absorbed by him at one go, how can it be called "small"?But Mu Yunli faintly felt that if this method was used to deal with the supernatural phenomena that invaded close people, then the absorbing power would be thousands of times stronger.

Mu Yunli even had a feeling that even with the power of his "star falling into the universe seal", when he was about to succeed in one fell swoop, his opponent would not take out such means to protect himself.

Using this method to deal with this real thing actually reduced its power to one thousandth, but it was just a matter of necessity, so it was a last resort.

However, at this time, Mu Yunli is similar to Yu Jiaolong just now——

Although the mind was full of imagination, there was no hesitation in the movements of the hands.

With a backhand throw, a five-way strange stone appeared in the world, mixed with five colors.

Surround this object, move rhythmically, walk sideways and go straight out, exert force from the heart.

This object is called "Five Lives Crystal Stone", and it is a treasure left by the third ancestor of Yue Heng. Now the sect has passed it on to her as a protective object at critical moments.

The five-life spar is activated, and in a straight line, a huge force is immediately transmitted by the method of "reverse push"; the phenomenon of turbid air is also pulled back tens of feet.

Unfortunately, the good times don't last long.

In terms of momentary domineering, the ring in the center of Yu Jiaolong's palm seems to be inferior to Mu Yunli's "five-life spar"; but in terms of long-lasting power and endless stamina, the treasure of Yu Jiaolong is obviously better.What's more, Yujiaolong's silver ring magic weapon clearly uses the power of absorption as the magic weapon; while Mu Yunli's "five life spar" is good at reconciling with the force of repulsion. Here, it is actually an idea, and it is suspected of being a smug crown.

In no time, the "image of turbid air" has been taken into the silver ring by Yu Jiaolong.

Mu Yunli shook her head slightly, but she didn't expect that it seemed to succeed, but in the end it fell short.

If it were someone else, at this moment Yu Jiaolong only took the image of the turbid air, but did not put it in the designated position, and I am afraid that there would be some entanglement.But Mu Yunli knew that if it was delayed for a while, it could not be delayed for a lifetime.Especially when the opponent has a relative advantage in strength, it is not difficult to create a confrontational situation and force oneself to avoid the edge for the time being.

Having made up her mind, Mu Yunli decided to withdraw.

Unexpectedly, she didn't move, but Yu Jiaolong gave her a look of resentment, her jade face was full of dissatisfaction, and then she resolutely let go and escaped out of the boundary!

Mu Yunli couldn't help being surprised.

Immediately, his thoughts turned, looking back at the strange appearance of the silver ring, he guessed two or three.

It turns out that this treasure is the treasure of Yujiaolong's body protection.If there is an unbearable oppression of great power, you can use this method to absorb all of it, just like a glutton.

It's a pity that within the silver ring, it's not like Qiankun's sleeves, where you give and take as you please.

The management of the receiving space refers to the method of maintaining and positioning the secret art of breaking the boundaries of the dragon clan and the Ziwei Great World. After three turns, it is finally thrown into the extraterritorial void beyond the two realms.

In other words, the "image of turbid air" in this auxiliary world has escaped into the turbulent flow of the starry sky and is unobtainable.


The graceful fighting skills are only surpassed by Li Yunlong in the battle between Yu Jiaolong and Mu Yunli.

Du Niansha and Ning Suchen, both of them have firm and decisive faces, and their aura is like frost.Although the guessed situation was indeed "unfortunately true", the fighting spirit of the two did not waver in the slightest.

Looking at the battle situation, at this moment, the two prime ministers in the sky have already appeared "evenly divided".

From thirty-seven, to four or six, and then to fifty-five, Li Yunlong's magic power and intention jumped twice.

But at this moment, Li Yunlong was slightly surprised when he moved around while casting spells.

The third jump, why is it so late?

And considering the increment of the previous two rounds, it is clear that Li Kunlong and Li Qinglong won.However, Yujiaolong's game, which was the most sure, could not be delayed.

Even Li Yunlong himself didn't know about this secret beforehand; after the Battle of Ulan River that year, he personally asked several big figures behind the Dragon Clan to start this step.

The dragon clan's "divine transformation" technique is enough to make the backbone elites of the clan eliminate their weaknesses, and their combat power will increase.But for the top level, it is actually inferior to the methods of the Wind Clan who use the power of the Monster Clan to the maximum.At least, the nine-day blow from Yu Ion and Feng Wu is enough to make Xuanyuan Huai avoid the sharp edge for a while.

Later, Li Yunlong realized that the method of "divine transformation" also has both yin and yang.If the timing is right, the "powerful victory" of the elites of the same clan can be gathered in one person to form the unique advantage of that leader.If the increase of "Superior" reaches three times, his own way will rise, which is enough to compete with Xuanyuan Huai.

It's just that all the good things in the world cannot be taken by you alone.

To be precise, the "dark side" of the method of divine transformation is not a specific Taoism, but a first-line opportunity for the elites of the dragon clan to strive for perfection and win after hard work.Different from the "Divine Transformation" method that everyone can practice, this method is equivalent to a "back door". From the day when the "Divine Transformation" method is accomplished, only one person can walk on this path.

When one is exhausted, there is nothing left.

Li Yunlong undoubtedly has this qualification.

It is precisely because of the heavy responsibilities, so this road must be perfect, with victories and no defeats!

In this sense, what Li Yunlong is worried about at this time is the "delay in the third increase" itself; rather than the stalemate in the immediate battle.

He is very familiar with Yu Jiaolong's fighting style.

When you split up and get together at once, you can take one thing at a time.Under the pressure of all-out attack, no defense, and all-pervasive oppression, it is extremely difficult for anyone to persist for a moment.

Perhaps there is only one way to deal with it a little bit, and that is to be like Lin Yi, with the original strength concentrated and majestic, and stick to it.Relying on the superiority of the strength over Yujiaolong, it may be possible to draw in a draw for quite a long time.

But Yu Jiaolong's chosen opponent is Mu Yunli.Obviously not on this list.

Although he didn't want to admit it in his heart, Li Yunlong was already prepared in his heart - it was very likely that Yu Jiaolong had been defeated by the opponent's unprecedented strange means; The flaw in the technique of closing one.

They fought like this for another half an hour.

Li Yunlong no longer hesitated.

While manipulating supernatural powers, a drop-shaped emerald green jade in his sleeve has been quietly crushed by him!


In the wilderness, the two were thousands of feet apart, each standing with their hands behind their hands.

The surrounding vegetation is broken, the earth and rocks are destroyed, and the ground is sometimes far and sometimes near, and there are hidden pits with a depth of more than a hundred feet, or steep and gloomy, or rugged, chaotic, or torn apart, with different shapes.

Obviously, there has just been a fierce fight here.

What's even more strange is that when I calm down and listen at this moment, it seems that the lights and shadows are moving tens of miles away, and the images of mana and true energy are dancing vertically and horizontally, and it is obvious that someone else is killing them.

Xun Shen.

My lord.

In this scene, when the formation of "Satisfaction" was formed, a small episode happened.

After Mr. Li learned about the Thirty-Six Zitu, his mind changed for a while, and he wanted to fight Du Niansha, Ning Suchen and others.But when it came to the moment of the final battle, his mind was clear, and he still thought that Xun Shen's background, identity, and cultivation level made him the most suitable opponent.

Of course, this is also because Du Niansha and Ning Suchen have already formed a formation ahead of time, and they are facing Li Yunlong; but Mr. Li firmly believes that even if there is no such change, he still has such a choice in his heart.

With the identities and positions of Master Yili and Xun Shen, they are alone for a while, and no one has anything to say.

However, just as Master Li took the lead to leave the battle and signaled to Xun Shen from a distance, Zong Li Dao Zun passed down the order.

Shi Zizi, the third heir of the Phoenix family.Lin Tong, the second heir of the Qilin family, ended up together, forming a formation of three!

On Xun Shen's side, apart from Xun Shen himself who ended decisively, Shen Tuhong from the Chimei clan and Zhenshi from the Lifu clan also served as his wings and fought together.

Master Li can also guess a thing or two about the considerations of Zong Li Dao Zun.

Even if Master Li and Xun Shen were the only ones joining the battle, Master Li firmly believed that based on the mutual understanding between him and Xun Shen, this "Satisfactory Wish" would definitely stand firm.

It is because of factors outside the market.

After knowing the wider range, the existence of the thirty-six submaps cannot be kept secret after all; it is inevitable to spread.

In the eyes of outsiders, Tali ranked [-]th, while Xun Shen was [-]th behind; the two regarded each other as rivals, and they loved each other; it seemed that the prestige of the holy religion was slightly damaged.It must be known that in the battle between Wei Qingqi and Lin Yi, due to the superiority of the monster clan's original strength, they were only three people; while Li and Xun are both human cultivators, there is a difference of ten places, which is a bit shocking.

If Mr. Li unfortunately loses, then people will feel that these thirteen people are not worthy of their names.

In fact, Master Li can judge that, looking at the thirty-six sub-pictures, except the first six are obviously higher than seven to twelve; seven to twelve are obviously higher than twelve.The rest of the people, strictly speaking, have slight flaws in the true perfection of Taoism.In other words, they are at the same level.

Then it is not impossible for the ranking to rely on the latter's fighting skills to come from behind.

In fact, Xun Shen is one of the best.

With the wisdom of Zong Li Dao Zun, how could he not know this level of truth?It's just meaningless to argue about the right and wrong; everything that exists is karma, which constitutes the actual pros and cons of cause and effect.The so-called "people's words can be feared", the reason is also here.In his position, he naturally makes a pragmatic choice.

Fortunately, after entering the battle, Shi Zizi, Lin Tong, Shen Tuhong, and Zhen Shi are quite interesting.

Those four people did not come to meddle, they opened up a battlefield hundreds of miles away, two against two, the battle was fierce.

Of course, this is "tacit understanding" not "pedantic".If Mr. Li beat Xun Shen slightly, but Yu Li won less; then Shen Tuhong and Zhen Shi beat Shi Zizi.Then to decide the victory or defeat of the clear and turbid Xuanxiang, the other party will not tolerate it, and must fight with each other; if they are in a different place, the choice of the Holy Cult will definitely be the same.

But, before that, there was an extra chance to fight alone!

(End of this chapter)

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