Chapter 865
The flames bloomed and revived, but it looked more and more brilliant.

Master Li pushed his sleeves, and there was already a dense and delicate force, forming a barrier, resisting all possible evolutions of the flame of the heart seedling.

After the flame took shape, it also jumped and burst out suddenly.

Then the floating scene disappeared, and there was a brand new flame.

So again and again, and again and again, repeated changes seven times.

But it would be wrong to say that this is just a nesting doll-like trick.Master Yinli has extremely keen perception in his heart, and every time he "reborns", the flames have a particularly intimidating flavor, and it seems that the oppressive force on people is getting stronger and stronger, forcing you to deal with it with all your strength.

After the eighth flame was "born", the situation changed drastically.

It's like throwing a stone into a calm lake, and it immediately ripples in disorder, and all the scenes in front of me become blurred in an instant; the five senses can't be sure.


But Mr. Li is not in a mess.

His method of stopping with silence had already anticipated all possible means by Xun Shen.Illusion magic is a major subject, so it is naturally included in Mr. Li's record.

I saw the thumb of his right index finger circled around his lips, close to his lips.

Then he inhaled and exhaled suddenly, and a stream of pure smoke was spit out from his mouth, passing through the circle of two fingers, completely blocking the erosion of illusion.

Being able to be chosen by Master Li, resisting the supernatural powers and secret methods of the side is naturally no small matter; under the mist and mist, everything you see in your eyes immediately returns to stability.

But at this critical moment, there are new changes.

The change comes from the previous "props" that seemed "useless", Yin Ming Wuzhang.

Mr. Li could clearly see in the eyes of several Yinming mist floating in the air at this moment, each of which burst out a flame, which is the method of "Five Fire Heart Seedlings".

Sure enough, there is a backhand.

Master Li's eyes turned cold.

Fortunately, he has other means to prepare.With a slight lift of the left arm, a strange air mechanism that is both like a curtain and a screen floats up, and it is about to catch this magical power.

But the next moment...

He just felt empty.

Master Li knows it's wrong.

The magical power of this curtain, neutralizing all phenomena, will form the shape of willow catkins, falling down one after another; now that the two magical powers are connected, why is there no response at all?
Looking up and looking again, the "Yinming Fog Marsh" is still standing in the air in good condition, as if there has not been the slightest change from the beginning to the end. Where is there any sign of mobilizing the "Five Fire Heart Seedlings"?

My supernatural power clearly hit the empty space!
This is illusion.

It turned out that he had already fallen into an illusion.

The two people's skills are similar, and they are intact, why can't they resist?

But these thoughts had to be put behind him at this time.

Because, Xun Shen's figure was quietly no longer visible.

Master Li's thoughts are quickened, and he is fully on guard.

But by now it was too late.

There was only a slight "chi" sound, and then a slight stabbing pain in his chest.

Xun Shen's best skill at attacking the weak has already been hit!

At the same time, Xun Shen fled away with a blow, and he was already miles away.

Master Li's complexion changed slightly, and after a little weighing, he finally used the technique of "Dan Yuan Vibrating the Root" before Xun Shenru bowed and returned.

Seeing that Lord Li really took this step, Xun Shen no longer hesitated.

Guanshan, Nine Links.

one two three four……

Potential like a broken bamboo.

All changes have been terminated, without any suspense.

Guanshan Jiulian, Jiuyi Jiuzheng, just like one-to-one correspondence.

Although "Jiu Yi" had to save the last chance, and could not use it lightly; but Mr. Li was able to use the illusion of self-destruction to overcome it.Therefore, the fight between the two happened to be able to completely resist Xun Shen's strongest method.But at this moment, the method of strengthening the essence of the alchemy was accidentally wasted once, so the outcome of this battle is no longer known.

Master Li's energy declined for the last time, but it really didn't recover.

At the moment when Guan Shan's ninth blow reached his body, Mr. Li couldn't resist it.

A plain talisman about the size of a chi appeared floatingly, supported Lord Li's body, and moved ten miles away in the void, avoiding this impenetrable blow.

Except for the previous tentative fights, the moment to really decide the outcome was very short.However, in just over ten days, the battle of the turbid and turbid Xuanxiang auxiliary realm, one of the most watched contests, has already been decided.

Xun Shen took a deep breath, but he didn't show much joy.

His "Five Fire Heart Seedlings" is of course an extremely brilliant illusion technique.

The essence of it is that Guigui Wugui and Yugucheng gained a lot from Yin and Yang caves in those years.Seriously speaking, Yu Gucheng's three-in-one fighting method has a lot to learn from him.

However, in the final analysis, methods such as "Three Parts Return to One Corner" and "Hanging Breath to Preserve God" that support a person beyond the limit of endurance are rare after all; within the Yinzong, it is not easy to find alternative methods.Furthermore, Xun Shen's own Taoism has not reached the state of no time.Therefore, although this "five-fire heart seedling" supernatural power is extremely explosive, it can only be used in an understatement to almost full mana.

Going forward, there is Lei Chi.

As far as Xun Shen's family is concerned, this supernatural power is as abundant and perfect as "Guanshan"'s brilliant work, which should not be underestimated by anyone; but if you say "beyond the limit", it cannot be done.

In other words, although this technique is strong, if Master Li fully utilizes the potential of his whole body, he should be able to resist it.

There are two reasons why the endings are very different, and the victory and defeat are divided.

One of them is naturally Xun Shen's "knowing".

Xun Shen had a deeper understanding of the significance of this battle than Master Li had.

It is precisely because we have recognized all the burdens behind it that we can truly go all out with our body and mind.

It's not that Mr. Li has reservations.Asking himself, he naturally thought that he had done his best, and he didn't underestimate Xun Shen's opponent in the slightest.But this kind of mind blessing is added layer by layer, and there is no end to it. It is certainly better than nothing.

Even if you think you have used your full strength of [-] points, but the opponent has extra motivation to support, it is possible to reach [-] points.

Measured by the opponent's higher standard, this naturally becomes "not doing our best" in another sense.

But that alone is not enough.

If there was only this one factor, then Xun Shen would at most play more confidently and calmly, or even have a vague advantage.If they win in one fell swoop, they are still half a step away.

Another factor is the "foggy swamp of reason".

In fact, Xun Shen didn't set up any means for this thing, it was really just a pure "prop".But Master Li didn't dare to see it that way, he didn't dare to say that this thing is "useless" until the end of this battle.Therefore, from the beginning to the end, Master Li must devote a little energy to pay attention to the changes in the "fog of reason".

This little bit of distraction is not a problem if it is used for a long time.But at this moment, the coincidence with the first factor has become the last straw that breaks the camel's back.

Invisibly, Master Li's "tolerance limit" was lowered to below the "five flames".

This method seems to be just a blindfold.

In fact, where is it so simple?
Just imagine, if it is not Xun Shen who is fighting here, but other people use similar methods, who would be so concerned about this "fog of reason"?Even if you suspect you are hiding some kind of trick at first, but seeing that you haven't made a move, and then using mana to test it, you will naturally put it in a relatively secondary position; how can you be so engraved and unforgettable?

The reason why this strategy was able to succeed and restrain the enemy's energy invisibly is precisely because of the great reputation of the "Soldier Immortal".

Situation, background, foundation, and luck are all part of one's own strength; previous reputation can naturally be counted as part of one's "foundation".

Xun Shen commented on the path of Taoism, the first stage of maturity is unpredictable, full of oddities, and finally a great achievement; while the second stage, accomplished on the day of the nine-series achievement of Guanshan, is ingenious changes hidden in subtleties, Taoism The same collection of techniques; today is just the third stage.Although the style of ingenuity hidden in the upright remains unchanged, he does not reject, and is even willing to use all factors in his own favor—including various trivial and complicated methods that seem to have been abandoned.

Soldiers are impermanent, and water is impermanent.

Today, this horoscope has the true taste.

Xun Shen thought about it in retrospect, if he had realized this step in the second battle between the pure and the turbid, he would have made more detours instead of rushing to unify.Then that day's battle, he may not have a chance to win.

Mr. Li was in a daze for a long time, finally turned around, stepped forward to greet him, and said calmly: "Congratulations, Fellow Daoist Lu."

Although his complexion is not good at this time, it is more because his body is not in the best condition, and he cannot use the method of strengthening the core of the core, but there is no sign of depression.

In fact, at the last moment, even though the outcome was not decided, Mr. Li still had a faint feeling.

Although the method of alchemy is good, in the face of an opponent like Xun Shen, it is impossible to stick to it for a long time.

After thinking for a while, Lord Li said again: "It is undeniable. This battle has a lot to do with it. But the outcome of this battle will not be the final song."

Xun Shen nodded slightly, and said calmly, "I'll wait."

Master Li stopped talking, took out a talisman from his sleeve, and immediately wrapped it around his body. After being aroused, he escaped out of the boundary in one fell swoop!
Xun Shen adjusted his breath for a while.

Identifying the direction, he jumped to the south and rushed over.

After more than a hundred breaths, I could already see that the four of them were fighting fiercely.

The four people's meritorious deeds are evenly matched, but they are also a pair of good opponents.

The supernatural channel technique and the fierce fighting methods of the monster race are intertwined with each other, which also messed up the surrounding area for several miles.

In fact, don't look at the lively fight between the four, in fact, whether it's Lin Tong, Shi Zizi, or Shen Tuhong and Zhen Shi, they are all a little distracted at the moment.

Just now a ray of light went out of the boundary, and the four of them vaguely saw it.It's just that the battlefields of the two sides are far apart, and it's hard to tell which one is Li and Xun Shen.It's just that each of their hearts sank, knowing that the winner has already been determined.

As long as it is not a tragic victory with the last breath hanging, then the person who wins at one end will directly determine the outcome of the battle for the auxiliary world of the pure and turbid black elephant.

Because of the tight fight, the four of them also used the contact secret treasure hidden in their bodies flawlessly.This is also meaningless, it is expected that the victor will be found soon.

The four of them fought for more than three hundred moves in this trance and anxiety.

At this time, once Xun Shen showed up, Shi Zizi and Lin Tong's expressions darkened; while Shen Tuhong and Zhen Shi showed their joy unabashedly.

Another round was won.

(End of this chapter)

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