Chapter 869

On the top of the giant tower of the Boundary Breaking Needle, the demon kings of the Scarlet Meizu clan were whispering with solemn faces.

Since the birth of the ancestor of the clan, it was planned to resolve the dispute in one fell swoop with an irresistible force; but since the two people came here, time and space seemed to freeze suddenly; the pace also became slow.

Judging from the attitudes of the three of them, it seems that they are talking about something.

Those who can communicate with an incarnated holy ancestor on an equal footing are naturally not ordinary people; even though the two lived in seclusion and never showed up in front of others, the demon kings of the Chimei tribe could easily guess that these are the two principal figures of the holy religion, the Taoist venerable , Daoist Ying Yuan.

Gongliang Sheng Yaowang glanced at him, and was about to speak, but saw the corners of the lips of the head of the Red Mei clan move, his expression slightly raised.

Gong Liangsheng hurriedly raised his head to look into the distance, but he saw the ancestor of his clan took a step forward, while Xiandao and Ying Yuan retreated gracefully, keeping a distance from each other; All the powers of Taoism and mana have reached the state where they are sharp and sharp, just like a sword that has been wiped off.

If there is no accident, it will soon be over.

Xiandao and Yingyuan frowned slightly, and immediately returned to normal.

After hesitating for a few breaths, Daoist Ying Yuan said slowly, "Since we can't agree, the only way for the two of us to learn how to ascend to great power."

After seeing it with his own eyes, the ancestor of the Red Mei clan was also very surprised that the Daoist Jie, who had not ascended in the world, had achieved such a cultivation level.

Although, when he was in the upper realm, he was able to see the things in the lower realm; the trues of the Red Meizu also passed on the news of the lower realm through the method of offering sacrifices in the needle that broke the boundary, which can be described as quite detailed.The extraordinaryness of the two principals of the Holy Cult is actually something "known" by the ancestors of the Chimei Clan.

But there is a difference between seeing from a distance and seeing in person, seeing and hearing.

Seeing them face to face now, the high morality of these two people really moved the ancestors of the Red Mei Clan.

Therefore, this kind of "negotiation" that can be called heart-to-heart was made an exception.

Each other is false and true, each knows everything.

Of course, the ancestor of Chimei has already vaguely pointed out that the foundation of the Chimei clan is based on the power of the earth to form luck.This is the foundation of the family and cannot be tolerated.Now that the twenty-five domains have suffered two injuries, there is no other way but for the holy religion to retreat.

However, unexpectedly, the ancestral family of the Holy Church also embarked on a similar path.

Although Xian Dao and Ying Yuan did not speak in detail, the Patriarch Chi Mei knew what it meant—the establishment of the Divine Dao Realm was closely related to its rise and fall.

Daoist Xiandao responded silently.

Tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of years ago, when the Holy Cult started the road of expansion, it did not fully consider the link of "monster clan descending into the world".If today's incident happened at the beginning of the expansion of the Holy Cult's ancestral court, then it would not be a problem to allow the Red Mei tribe to delineate the border and keep the two from interfering with each other; reason?
Especially the Shinto world from thirty-six to thirty-seven is a crucial step.If it is reduced to thirty-five in one fell swoop, it will inevitably lead to the serious consequences of retreating more than [-] years in Shinto Taoism, which is absolutely unacceptable to Taoist Xiandao.

The Patriarch Chimei said indifferently: "Although you two have high morals, your magic power after ascension is a limit that cannot be reversed by any amazing intellectual talent. You two are not my opponents."

Daoist Ying Yuan didn't answer, he just turned his backhand lightly, and the trick was already used.

However, the manifestation of supernatural powers is not in the "hand".

A phantom suddenly appeared on Ying Yuan Daoist's chest, and he could vaguely see a powerful heart beating slowly and powerfully.

The dripping blood flows like a river, unrestrained like a vast ocean, with infinite essence.

Whether you look at it from the broad side or from the subtle side, you can feel the palpitating majestic power.

What's even more strange is the heart itself.

Seven orifices exquisite heart.

The so-called "exquisite heart with seven apertures" was originally meant to praise a person's wisdom and multi-sensitivity; but Daoist Ying Yuan's heart is exactly what it is called.

The rotation of reality and illusion is like colored glaze, which can be called "exquisite"; all the orifices are connected, and there are thousands of twists and turns, but there are more than "seven orifices".The strong name may be called "Hundred Apertures Linglong Heart" or "Thousand Apertures Linglong Heart".

Such a method is naturally more than just an extraordinary appearance.

The Red Charm Ancestor saw the subtleties at a glance.

The ten thousand orifices in the heart are connected, going round and round, not just the living in Daoist Ying Yuan's own body, it is clearly connected internally and externally, and has real meaning!
The collected images are clearly the "yin and yang cave" system on which the ancestral court of the holy religion established its great foundation.

With this secret method, refining and returning to the true.

If the Red Charm Patriarch made a direct attack, Xiandao and Daoist Yingyuan would not be easy to resist; but before Daozun Yingyuan survived, nine out of ten of the force he received could be channeled through the "Heart Through Myriad Realms" "The law connects all Yin and Yang caves and moves out.

In this way, all the exits at the other end of the Yin-Yang Cave will inevitably suffer.

Originally, this yin and yang cave was only used for the internal connection of the Holy Cult. If it was done in this way hundreds of years ago, it would have no other purpose except to destroy the huge foundation of the Holy Cult in one fell swoop; At the same time, it has the effect of hanging a sharp sword high, and has laid down many yin and yang caves in one fell swoop, connecting the hinterlands close to the various clans!
This means that if the Red Charm Patriarch makes another move, all the clans in the world will be enemies.

What's more, Daoist Yingyuan has found the "first meaning" of this secret method, and the location of his "original heart" is the purpose of the yin and yang cave.When he uses this secret method, any attempt to bypass Daoist Ying Yuan himself and directly attack the Yin-Yang Cave is completely ineffective; in the end, his mana surges, and he will go around a big circle like piercing through the fog. , came in front of Daoist Ying Yuan.

Since Daoist Yingyuan received no more than one-tenth of the mana at most, he must be able to persist for a long time, not to mention that Daoist Xiandao was there to slow him down.

In this way, before the moment when the Red Charm Patriarch killed Daoist Ying Yuan, the whole world would have already turned upside down.

After the final settlement, even if Daoist Ying Yuan's merits are damaged, it will be difficult for him to ascend to the upper realm for tens of thousands of years.Since it has been lingering in the world for hundreds of thousands of years, it is not afraid to prolong it for a little longer.

In Daoist Ying Yuan's eyes, a gloomy light floated, making it difficult to see his mind.

There is another mystery in this chess game.

In fact, at this moment, he is really praying for the Red Charm Patriarch to make a move; as long as he makes a move, he will be in the arms of Daoist Ying Yuan.

It's just that he never showed it on his face.

If the Red Charm Patriarch claimed to be a person who ascended to the upper realm and held an attitude of disdain for the monks in the lower realm, then there may be a huge opportunity hidden in the seemingly crisis today.

If the Red Charm Patriarch really made a move, although the mana flowing into the various Yin and Yang caves must be unimaginably strong, Daoist Ying Yuan thought that he could still slightly manipulate its strength and direction.

At this moment, the place where Daoist Hanzhen of the Ben religion sits is on the verge of the entrance of a cave of yin and yang.

Daoist Lingqu of this religion, and Zhan Hengzi, the resident Daoist of the Fenghuang clan, are sitting at the entrance of the Yinyang Cave, the hometown of the Thirty-seventh Realm Heaven and the Tengshe clan.

The gate of Yinzong Banshizong is close to the entrance of a yin and yang cave in Shengjiao.This place is where Gui Wugui's residence is located, and it seems to be the second core location of the Yinzong side.Even if Daoist Human Tribulation does not sit here for a long time, he is bound to be in a state of following his heart.

In recent years, there have been rumors that a prominent figure from the Nine Sects of the Southeast is in charge of the Yin Sect, and it is very likely that he will be in charge here.

Other hinterlands such as the Peacock Clan and Tianma Clan can also be used.

Once the Red Charm Patriarch makes a move, Daoist Ying Yuan will measure the strength and direct his mana to the corresponding direction.

At that time, several Daoist priests from the Ben religion, Zhan Hengzi from the Feng family, several Taoist priests from the Yinzong sect, and possibly the Daoist powers of the Nine Sects in the southeast, will encounter an unprecedented enemy attack in a hurry, and they must do their best to resist and fight back.Even the patriarchs of the Peacock and Tianma clans will immediately use their own treasures to advance to the Dao realm and defend them.

At that time, Daoist Ying Yuan can use the Yin-Yang Cave-to-Heaven Channel to "absorb back" everyone's mana!
In this way, if the ancestor of the Chimei Clan can resist more than half of the Dao realm powers in the Ziwei Great World with the power of one person.No matter how powerful its mana is, it is expected to be hard to beat.If one is not noticed, there is a great possibility of suffering losses.

Even if he doesn't fall just like that, as long as his Taoism is greatly damaged, the Red Meizu will lose their reliance.At that time, the Chimei clan will most likely repeat the same mistakes as the Soaring Snake clan.

For the sake of keeping secrets, Daoist Ying Yuan did not discuss this thought and method with anyone except Daoist Xiandao, and even the other members of the sect, Daoist Jie Jie, did not know about it.

The ancestor of Chimei stared at Daoist Ying Yuan, suddenly smiled, and said: "It is indeed a difficult method. Just to resolve this dispute, it may not necessarily require a fight with the two of you. It is not easy for the two of you , but he didn't spare his life. It's a pity."

"After all, the two of you have underestimated the means after the ascension."

After finishing speaking, the Red Charm Ancestor raised his backhand.

An inconspicuous misty cloud rose from the palm, like hot tea.

It was the re-use of the method that was about to be used when he came into the world, but was stopped by Xiandao and Yingyuan.

When the Holy Ancestor came to the world and robbed Dao Zun from the upper and lower realms, as long as the incident happened suddenly, even if there were many enemies with one enemy, he would be able to achieve the intended goal with ease.

It's just that the Chimei clan had never considered the birth of their ancestors before, so they didn't make much preparations, so many trivial steps were added.On the side of the holy religion, it took more than a hundred years to arrange it.At the same time, Xiandao and Yingyuan are indeed outstanding figures unprecedented in ancient and modern times.The two of them work together, although they will definitely not be able to win, but they may not be unable to create some muddy obstacles.

Seeing it now, Daoist Ying Yuan's ingenious methods are indeed difficult to deal with, which is beyond his expectation.

However, if there is a way to cut the weeds and root them out, why bother with the two of them endlessly?
It seems that he used the same means as at the beginning of the lower realm, but in fact, even Xiandao and Ying Yuan may not know the difference, right?
The palms are gathered together, and the heat is dense, as if there is a river, a sea, a domain, and a world.

Then, his palm slowly turned over.

At this very moment, in the world of Ziwei, under the sect of Shengjiao.But all monks who practice Xiandao and the immortal way and Shinto way inherited by Ying Yuan and Ying Yuan have a trace of ominous omen in their hearts for no reason!
(End of this chapter)

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