Chapter 878
Gui Wujiu squinted his eyes, and said calmly to himself: "Whether it is life or death, it depends on the background and fortune of your clan."

After finishing the words, the five elements condensed and turned into one, turning into five continuous long and short "sharp cones", the essence boiled and flowed endlessly, and suddenly pierced Lu Xianlong's body!
If this blow is carried out, Lu Xianlong will definitely die, there is no possibility of accident.

At this moment, Lu Xianlong's body is still paralyzed, absolutely powerless to resist.

Sure enough, at the moment when the shot fell, something jumped out of his cuff, like a keel, protecting Lu Xianlong; then it became clearer, and it was out of the control of Xuanji Furnace.

Gui Wugui was not in a hurry to pursue it.

At this moment, he has fully used the power of the array in the Xuanji Dinghua Furnace.

The treasure of body protection is obviously not because of extra proficiency in the method of breaking the formation, but because it hides the powerful handwriting of the Taoist realm. Once it is used, it will naturally coincide with the gist of "returning to the origin and returning to the truth" and return to the preset designated position.In other words, these kinds of formulas should not be used unless you are really in danger and are finally retreating.

Sure enough, after counting breaths, Gui Wugui sensed it with his heart.

Lu Xianlong is no longer in this world.

In the current world, in the Profound Sky Realm, those who can take advantage of the loopholes in the method of self-protection like returning to no blame, I am afraid that there is no one else who can do it except for the virtuous and the true.However, if there are no corresponding tactics and magic weapons to match these methods, even if they can be supported by Taoism, it is extremely difficult to realize them.

It turns out that Gui Wujiu's move of changing direction and counterattacking from behind; and the move of breaking into Xuanji's Dinghua Furnace to establish the victory are completely different from the one just now.

The gist of it seems to be surging, its real power is boundless, as if it wants to kill the opponent in one fell swoop; but its real damage is quite limited.The intention is to refuse; the essence of it is nothing more than the word "ma".

This is a unique way to bypass the treasure of body protection and defeat the enemy.If the Tao has not reached the pure and subtle state, it is absolutely impossible to explore or even imagine.

Gui Wugui dares to say that with the success of his move today, the methods of protecting the body of the descendants, demon kings, and Shangzhen who will carry out important missions in the future may have to be increased or reduced.

Step out of bounds.

Lin Yue took a deep look at Gui Wujiu, and said, "Good method."

Lu Xianlong escaped from the boundary, he saw it with his own eyes.In this way, the outcome of this battle is self-evident.

However, getting rid of the thoughts of victory and defeat, as if removing a very heavy shackle, Lin Yue seemed to be much more relaxed. At this moment, facing Gui Wujiu's face, he was never anxious or timid.

Gui Wugui said quietly: "You go by yourself, or do you want me to do it?"

There is only one person, and Gui Wugui is able to fight against him, even if he wants to use the method that harms others and does not benefit himself, he can't do it at all.

Lin Yuewu was in a daze for a while, and said: "It seems that to deal with you, you still need someone of the same level in the same generation to take action. With the advantage of age and cultivation base, it will be useless after all."

After speaking, he shook his head, took a talisman from his sleeve, protected his figure, and fled to the outside world.

Gui Wujiu smiled lightly, together with his magic power, he gradually collected the clean energy in this world and returned it to his original position.

If this step is done by another Tianxuan Shangzhen, it may take about a quarter of an hour; but under the condition of eliminating interference, it took more than a hundred breaths to achieve this.

The clear air was originally light in color, but after gathering all of it in Wugui's hand, although it was only a lump about the size of a foot, it showed a strange blue color, as if looking up at the starry sky on a cloudless moonlit night.

Gui Wugui feels more and more similar the more you look at it, as if what you hold in your palm is the embryonic form of the universe's evolution.

For a while, there is a kind of pleasure of "in charge of the world".


After Zong Li Dao Zun and Lu Jinglong gave the order, Meng Lun and other Shangzheng felt at ease.

If we say that the most unacceptable defeat in this battle between the pure and turbid Xuanxiang is that Lin Yue and Lu Xianlong are obviously capable of fighting, but they don't know the general situation outside, and they are blamed for delaying the draw.If they are defeated in such a dramatic process, the blow to the morale of the Holy Cult will be indescribable.

Now Zongli Taoist sacrificed Lu Jinglong's pawn in time, betting on this possible omission.Fighting based on real strength, our hope of winning is actually not small!
When all the true thoughts were moving, there was a sudden surge of fresh air in the main world, and a person "vomited" out, and fled towards the pavilion of the holy religion.

Not Lu Xianlong, but who?

Meng Lun, Heng Hua, Tai Yue and other Shangzhengs all looked ashen, and at the same time, their hearts were full of spirits, mixed with a hundred thousand points of inconceivability!

Count on your fingers.

After ordering Lu Jinglong to inform the two of them that they must go all out... at most, it will not be more than a hundred breaths!
This battle is over?
Zhu Zhen didn't need to see whether Gui Wujiu went out of the border to judge the outcome of this battle - because the scene in front of him was clearly identifiable, it was not Lu Xianlong who went out of the country on his own initiative.

Its body is crooked, wrapped in a nine-color auspicious light, and a strange bone-shaped magic weapon is gently rotating on its arm.Obviously after losing, he was protected and escaped by the secret treasure of the dragon clan's body protection.

In the outer hall.

Except for Yu Ion's calm face, it's hard to express sorrow and joy; the rest of Lin Yue, Mr. Li, and even Xi Lerong and Yu Gucheng all have an unspeakable loneliness on their faces.

Especially Yugucheng.

His final defeat in the battle with Qin Menglin was as if he drank tens of catties of extremely strong alcohol.Although he didn't feel that much at the time, there was even a feeling of "it's finally here, that's all it is"; even Qin Menglin was surprised by his ease and indifference after the defeat.

But after going out of the world, I discovered that the depression in my heart is not nothing, but gradually depressed with the passage of time; although the Taoist mind seems to be unaffected, the shadows persist, as if dark clouds cover the sun.

Li Yunlong didn't look good either.

Although the fight in the near-dao realm has nothing to do with the method of changing luck.But this defeat is the first defeat of the dragon clan, and it has a lot to do with it.This means that the plan of the Dragon Clan to take advantage of this battle to gain the right to speak to dominate the general situation has encountered setbacks.

After Lu Xianlong entered the palace, another person came out, also facing the direction of the holy religion, no doubt it was Lin Yue.

Different from Lu Xianlong, he used the escape method to go out on his own, as if he hadn't suffered too much damage.

But Gui Wugui still hasn't come out.

This means that the theoretical possibility of winning by the Holy Cult has finally been shattered.

After more than a hundred breaths, there was a rumbling sound. This piece of majestic image, which seemed to be in the boundary or outside the boundary, was superimposed with the mysterious image, and suddenly it was pulled up into the sky, rising thousands of feet, like a flower budding, It is a sign that each of the essences returns to its place, and the mysterious image has its master!

This part of the Yinzong, the descendants of you, naturally cheered and celebrated without mentioning it.

However, those who went to congratulate him were surrounded by Kong Xuan, Xie Miao, Shen Tuhong and others.

As for the blameless victory, firstly, he has not gone out of bounds; secondly, in the eyes of everyone, it is a matter of course for him to win this round.The result now is just a matter of course.It's not that you underestimate it, it's precisely because you have absolute confidence in impunity.

Because Xie Miao's foundation is still young, and he did not win the battle, facing the congratulations of the descendants, it is quite "sincere and fearful"; but Kong Xuan is calm and accepting.

After the dust settled in the first round of the dispute between the turbid and pure elephants, the great masters of the sects calculated the utility of this thing and distributed the gains and losses.

But this time it was much earlier in the morning, and the amount of harvest for each family had already been agreed.

The remains of the two clear and turbid mysterious elephants are still owned by the Peacock Clan.Not only is it arranged like this this time, but if there is a third time for the clear and turbid mystical phenomenon to appear, it should also be arranged like this.Because only the Peacock Clan is able to gather a complete set of foundations of the Nine Palaces Breaking Boundary in this final tribulation, and the rest of the Clans are still far behind.

As for the most precious image formed by the two clear and turbid mystical images, it was originally planned that one should belong to the Chimei clan and the other should belong to the Tianma clan.

However, after forming an alliance with the Haechi clan, the Haechi clan is very fond of the evolution of one of the treasures.On the balance of the two, all clans agreed that entrusting it to the Xiezhi clan would have a more significant effect on the growth of the overall strength than entrusting it to the Tianma clan.

Of course, as a new member of the alliance, such a treasure is not easily available.If you want everyone to be convinced, you must pay a high price.

It just so happens that the Xiezhi clan hides a very important secret treasure, which can strengthen the Tianma clan's southern sky barrier to an unimaginable level. From then on, they can sit back and relax and completely eliminate the potential threat of the yin and yang cave beyond half the wall.This miraculous effect is not much inferior to the clear and turbid Xuan Xiang.Using this treasure as a bargaining chip, the Xiezhi clan and the Tianma clan took what they needed and reached a happy deal.

The top of the tower.

Daoist Yi watched carefully the changes in the qi mechanism of the clear and turbid mysterious image, and finally smiled.

The direction of his attention is different from that of the junior disciples.

There is no suspense for Yinzong to win another victory.Gui Wugui's luck is in full swing, defeat is rare, Yi Daozun has absolute confidence.It's just that Yi Daozun deduced and discerned the changes in the qi mechanism of the twin clear and turbid mysteries, in order to thoroughly understand whether the battle of the main world without blame will be won directly; Excellence wins.

Now seeing the rapidity of the clear and turbid mystical image, it is obvious that there are advantages and disadvantages.It is blameless.

There is a difference here.

If the cumulative percentage points are used to measure the second battle of the clear and turbid Xuanxiang.

If there are two draws in the main world, then the gap between the two sides is actually very small.It's just a ratio of fifty-two-three for Yinzong and forty-seven-eight for holy religion.To give the impression of people who are vacillating from the outside world, the two sides are fighting each other, and it is difficult to judge whether it is superior or inferior.Maybe there are people with strong intentions who, with the intention of burning cold stoves, switch to the side of the holy religion.

But if the main world wins this game, it will be completely different.In terms of points, there is a difference of sixty to seventy, thirty to forty, and the Yinzong side already has a considerable advantage.

This is the general trend, the outcome is irreversible.It has incredible benefits for Yinzongfang's next operation.

The moment when the clear and turbid mysterious image rose from the ground, it was about to jump away.

Gui Wugui's figure leaped out of the main realm and went straight to the Yinzong formation, walking briskly.

Although already famous all over the world.

But at this moment, this figure in a white robe and with two swords on his back still constitutes an unforgettable picture scroll in the minds of the true disciples of the holy religion.

(End of this chapter)

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