Chapter 885
The news of the victory and defeat of the second clear and turbid Xuanxiang fermented much faster than expected.

On the side of the holy religion, it is natural to suppress it with all its strength.The grand scene of the two battle books and the opening of the Yin and Yang caves, attracting thousands of spectators, has disappeared.In order to curb the spread of news, all major yin and yang caves in the holy religion system, except for the closely related allies, have temporarily interrupted external contact.

However, Yinzong's side was changing, but it replaced it in one leap.

The Earth Vein Teleportation Array was done by the Red Charm Ancestor, not just to make up for a certain hidden danger.Because its reliability has been greatly improved, the Yinzong side was able to push it out for the use of other large and small forces.No matter whether it is hidden or not, it is convenient for everyone.

Near the Earth Vessel Teleportation Formation, not far from the gates of the major sects, there are "Zhaoying Walls" cut out of huge stones, constantly repeating the scene of winning the battlefields, and the remnants of the clear and turbid mysterious elephants finally flying away screen.In particular, the plot where the holy religion takes the initiative to use the magic weapon "satisfactory" and the two sides rely on their hearts to fight is highlighted.

Willing to bet and admit defeat, there is no excuse.

Some races are located in very remote areas, even if they are far away from the entrance of the hidden sect's teleportation array.

In order to cope with this situation, the Peacock Clan's "Four Doors" method is showing its talents, and the secondary transmission network extended by this method is being quickly supplemented around each Yinzong Mountain Gate.Wherever the tentacles reach, it penetrates everywhere.

The battle between the big camps is one that ebbs and flows.

It is not because the Holy Cult and the dragon and phoenix clans are very likely to concentrate their forces and launch an attack on the southeast in advance, so they will not be eager to respond passively.On the contrary, if you use your troops there, I will quickly expand the enemy's secondary direction, so that the east corner may not be lost, and Sangyu has already won it first.

In the small world, Gui Wujiu stood tall on the island, kneading his fingers into sword formulas, as if he was practicing alone.

Not far from him, there is a picture scroll floating in the air, up and down, dancing and rippling.

A few miles away, Qin Menglin stood in awe, watching intently.

During this period of time, apart from instructing fellow practitioners, Gui Wu Jiu spent the rest of his time in this journey of cultivation.

At the very beginning, these two things went very smoothly, after the direct inheritance of the various sects, after Gui Wujiu's advice, there was a faint sign of revival of vitality.Especially Du Niansha, she was very convinced of Gui Wugui at first, and there was a fate of being closely united and waiting for the Hongyun Xiaohui for a while, so she did not believe what Gui Wugui said. Do research with an attitude of doubt and digging.

If this level of advancement remains unchanged, Gui Wugui believes that after ten years of companionship, most of the negative effects of losing the second battle of the clear and turbid Xuanxiang will be eliminated.

As for the other matter, although it seemed to be quite smooth, there was still a gap between Gui Wu Jiu's expectations.

Fortunately, Gui Wujiu and Qin Menglin used the alchemy method in time, and captured the battle between Qin Menglin and Yu Gucheng as if they were in person.Huitong's true sword intent, the matter in front of him, has been improved to a satisfactory level.

On that picture scroll, there is a bright and translucent circle in the middle, which can be called pure white; but it is surrounded by spots, as if ink was accidentally spilled on it; and it simply looks like freckles on the face of an ugly woman.

Gui Wugui used his finger as a sword, and made moves one by one.

It goes without saying that these sword intents are exquisite and exquisite, but what is even more surprising is that the sword intent of each sword is completely different, which is very different from the wonderful taste of "Luchen Sword" and "Kongyun Nian Sword".

The speed of Gui Wugui's sword can vary from slow to fast.Sometimes he handed out more than ten swords in a row; sometimes he frowned and thought for a while before handing out one sword.

But there is one obvious rule, but it is beyond doubt——

Every time Gui Wujiu handed out a sword, the "spot" in the scroll disappeared.

I don't know how long it has passed, one or two hours or half a day, the spots on the scroll have gradually reduced to a handful.

three slices...

two slices...

When Gui Wugui handed out his sword and the last spot in the scroll disappeared, a sudden change occurred.

A faint green light radiated from the entire scroll.Then a trance seemed to disappear from the spot.When the object was captured again, the picture scroll seemed to be covered with a layer of morning fog, hazy and not very clear.

Qin Menglin Zongdunguang approached, took a look, and said, "It's done?"

Gui Wujiu nodded indifferently, and said, "It's done."

Qin Menglin thought for a while and said, "When will we leave?"

Gui Wujiu smiled slightly, and said: "Of course it's recently. However, before going out, I have to visit the head of Dongfang. This time the summons is a big matter, and the head of Dongfang will definitely come back to the sect."

After thinking for a while, Gui Wugui said again: "I don't know why. In my heart, I do not want to directly use this volume to go to this mountain gate."

The brilliance in Qin Menglin's eyes flickered slightly, and he said: "The heart is connected, is there any danger?"

Gui Wujiu shook his head and said: "That's not the case. There are three flowers that are transformed from the real and the illusion. They seem to be relying on themselves. If they fail, they will retreat. But there is a faint thought in my heart, it seems that I will go through the Yin and Yang Cave of the Three Lives and return to the barren sea. Wait and see the old place, it will not be too late to go here."

Upon hearing this, Qin Menglin nodded slightly.

Gui Wujiu was about to leave when suddenly his eyelids twitched, as if a gust of cool wind swept over his body.

Qin Menglin asked in surprise, "What's wrong?"

Gui Wugui pondered for a while, then said, "It's not a problem."


A bluestone disc with a radius of ten feet and a height of one person floated in the air.

Outside the disc, there is a person standing.

This person is tall, handsome and handsome, and has an extraordinary appearance. Shi Shiran stands with his hands behind his back.She was wearing a light-colored white gauze robe.

I have to say that this costume is a bit "wronged" for this person; because this person's appearance is quite elegant and luxurious, as if he is wearing a golden dragon robe and five ceremonies. be considered a match.

"Martial Nephew Shu. Concentrate your spirit and don't let it go outside."

A voice came from afar.

It can be seen from the sound that this person is actually sitting on the empty disc.And its weather is wonderful, like swallowing like floating, it is impressively a great power of shortcuts.

The demeanor of the short-cut power to turn the guest into the master and dominate the elephants is extremely strong, like a candle in the dark night.But this bluestone disc seems to be a bit strange, when combined with its aura, it subtly covers up a powerful aura that is close to the path.

And on the disk, there is more than one short-cut power.In the opposite direction to the person who spoke, there is another person sitting cross-legged.

Nephew Shu frowned slightly, and said hesitantly, "Uncle Jian, Uncle Shen. Are you sure?"

The shorthand man who spoke just now frowned slightly and did not answer.

But the one sitting opposite him said in a harmonious voice: "The deduction is correct. In recent days, Martial Nephew Du has been in close contact with him. The 'materials' obtained must be usable."

Martial Nephew Shu responded softly and stopped talking.

The two short-cut powers stopped talking, closed their eyes, trembled their fingertips slightly, and muttered words at the same time.

A quarter of an hour later, under the sky and above the disc, white clouds flowed endlessly, twisted and spliced ​​together indiscriminately, and unexpectedly formed two figures.

One of them is exactly the nephew Shu under the disc.

The other person, wearing a black robe and carrying two swords, turned out to be innocent.

The two immediately exchanged hands.

I saw that "Nephew Shu" made the first move.Pushing his hand to the void, it condensed into a piece of strange Qi Qi, like a group of extremely dense bee colonies.Then its light, heavy, virtual and solid hues changed seven times in a row, and finally turned into a ball the size of glutinous rice balls, rolling on the fingertips.

This image of supernatural powers seems a bit funny; but it can't hide the image of fullness and fullness, oddness and harmony.

The supernatural powers let go and shot out.

"Return to no blame" his eyes suddenly turned cold, and his fingers pointed to the void.

The seemingly neat and flawless round bead supernatural power, and the cloud incarnation of this "Nephew Shu", were instantly shattered like Tang Woxue.

Nephew Shu's complexion changed.

After more than ten breaths, he frowned and said: "It must be that the deduction is wrong."

Jian Zhenjun squinted his eyes, and said: "It's probably because this person has the means to resist the power of calculation, so there is a difference. It seems that the current efforts are in vain."

He was about to jump off the disc when he heard Shen Zhenjun sitting opposite him say: "Wait a minute."

Shen Zhenjun said seriously: "I also thought it was a fault in the calculation. But it is not difficult to calculate whether it is true or not."

Jian Zhenjun was startled, and said: "It makes sense."

Then he shook his robe and sat down again.

Strictly speaking, the word "calculation is poor" is an inaccurate term for the true description technique in the "Book of Calculations".

In fact, in order to limit the effectiveness of this calculation method, so that people can know whether it is reliable or not, the portraits it simulates will eventually be attributed to two.

One of them is that the estimate of its ability is completely accurate and true.

The other item is that the ability of virtual images simulated reaches infinity and infinity.

The two must be one of them, so there will be no situations where the deduced image is slightly higher or slightly smaller.Which is the case is also very easy to verify.

The two true kings practice together.

After a few breaths, the broken image of "Nephew Shu" reappeared; but instead of one person, two identical "Nephew Shu" emerged at the same time.

If "Return to Wugui" can still easily kill two "Senior Nephew Shu" at the same time, then it is certain that the conditions for the deduction are not met.Not to mention nephew Shu, even the two real kings manifested and incarnated to fight, it would not be easy.

If the outcome is reversed, it is another matter.

A surprising thing happened.

The two "Nephew Shu" simultaneously used the magic power of seven phenomena to attack.

"Return to no blame" seems to still be greeted with a sword.

One hit collision.

With one against two, it happened to be a tie.The Qi machine collapsed, not more, not less.

Jian Zhenjun, Shen Zhenjun, and this "Nephew Shu" were all absent-minded for a moment.

The world is so big and the talents are abundant, no matter what, it seems that he is only half a step ahead of the person under the disc.

Jian Zhenjun's heart skipped a beat.

Is it really wrong?

(End of this chapter)

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