Nothing is to blame

Chapter 891 Reciprocity

Chapter 891 Reciprocity
The head of Nangong's eyes lit up, and he said with a smile: "Of course there have been."

"Actually, the earliest 'Erhezong' did not adopt the second of the nine sects of Taoism; it was one of the nine sects of Taoism and one of the local Taoism, and the purpose of its fusion and change was observed. But it was soon discovered that this road is not very effective. Go through. Because the gap between the local Taoism and the nine Taoism is too large. If you follow the old method, you may not be able to fully grasp the fourth level of the Jindan and the fourth level of the Nascent Soul. In the future, it will be compatible with the Tai The attunement of the Qi of Quality is naturally water without a source."

"To be honest, I was surprised when I first heard that among the thirty-six sub-pictures, the local human civilization can occupy three or four places."

Gui Wugui nodded slowly, then fell silent in thought.

The head of Nangong glanced over and was surprised.

Because Gui Wugui's complexion was not frowning and thinking hard, hesitating, but rather immersed in his mind, as if he was thinking about some specific links and making up his mind.

The head of Nangong can roughly infer that Gui Wujiu's desire to open up and broaden the road, although it can't be said to be motivated, but at least it is definitely not a well-thought-out plan.I thought it would be enough to support it in the sect.The reason why the origins of the Erhezong, Sanhezong, and Jiuhezong are explained is only premeditated.

But it seems that there is really a way different from the three methods?
If so, this matter cannot be ignored.

At the beginning, the sages of the Nine Schools already had a contract.It is clearly stated that it is divided into two ways: exit and entry.

The so-called way of "going out" is to agree on the people and sects who are willing to open up a new way. To attract talents from the nine sects, they must be those who have no hope of meeting in five hundred years.The reason for this move is obvious. This attempt to "broaden" cannot damage the competitiveness of the core inheritance of the Nine Schools.

However, if a suitable person within the nine sects intends to try a new path, each sect will not be able to stop him.If Gui Wugui can really establish another one, this one is the most important support for Gui Wujiu.

The so-called "entry" way.If there really is a day when the great success is accomplished and a shortcut path is opened——

After successful completion, either return to the original sects of Taoism that each practiced, or continue to regard themselves as members of the new sects, everything is up to the person voluntarily.

For example, Erhezong practiced Yuehengzong and Zangxiangzong's physical exercises together, and finally opened up a shortcut to achievement.Then the person who has achieved the near-dao realm can return to Yueheng Sect, Zangxiang Sect, or continue to regard himself as a disciple of Erhe Sect.

In fact, if the nine sects are a close cooperative relationship, then this treaty is actually mutually beneficial.

Because a talented person, in the old sequence of the Nine Sects, as long as he loses in the Five Hundred Years Meeting, then his upper limit is only the fourth level of Xingjun or Yuanying.With such a cultivation level, for a giant sect, one more person is not much, and one less person is a lot, and the effect is almost negligible.It's better to let it out and find another way, maybe there is still hope.

Even more than [-] years ago, those who lost their halberds in [-] years, if they had outstanding aptitude, could still leave the Erhe, Sanhe, and Jiuhe sects.But then the three schools of Taoism gradually became a system. Although they originated from the nine schools of Taoism, they also formed their own system in the connection and dialectics.If you want to walk his way, you have to follow his way from the beginning.At the same time, the fourth sect has not been born for a long time, so this way of "leaving" has been completely cut off.

Except for the winners of the previous five-hundred-year meetings, who experienced a "afterglow" twists and turns, and met their people.In the minds of the disciples of the other nine sects, these three schools do not seem to exist anymore.

Compared with the local sects, the Nine Sects are characterized by being small and refined, and the difference is in scale.If the tenth sect can succeed, it will greatly lower the threshold of the near-dao realm, and it will completely make up for the shortcomings of the nine sects.

It's a pity that Jiu Zong's current situation is in dire straits.The positions of forces other than the Nine Schools who are trying to become enlightened are very important.

Even if the disciples who are not qualified to participate in the five hundred years meeting are of little value, it is not impossible to set up obstacles based on the attitude of preferring to waste rather than benevolent to the enemy.

Therefore, whether there is really a prototype of the "fourth way" in imputation is very important.

If it really exists, it can rely on the endorsement of the contract of the sages to recruit talents.

There is naturally no blame, and it is very clear.

It was the four advantages that he had already figured out when he was in the wild sea.

Not just two, three, nine.Instead, it mixes all the avenues, magic, yin and yang, and martial arts in the Ziwei Great World, so that the principles of the various schools of humanism absorbed by the evolution map of Nianjian, and all methods gather together to finally open this gate.

Even the name of the sect comes to mind:


Of course, at this moment, blameless will naturally not be announced.

After careful consideration, Gui Wujiu said slowly: "I've made up my mind. I will meet some old people tomorrow, and I will go to Chenyang Jianshan the next day. After this, I will go to Erhezong, Sanhezong, Jiuhezong, etc. Hezong visited one by one to see if he could find something to learn from."

The head of Nangong's eyes moved slightly, and said: "So anxious?"

Immediately smiled and said: "I'm afraid it will be difficult to teach you to fulfill your wish."

Gui Wujiu was slightly surprised, and said: "What is the arrangement of the sect master Zhenjun?"

The head of Nangong smiled and said: "Your trip back to the sect was originally just to go to the Jianxinluntai of Chenyang Jianshan; the return to the Yueheng sect was just a way to report the news of strangers from outside the sky, and to lay the foundation of the Dao. .Is it true or not? It’s just that you are looking for me for something; if the Zongmen sees you, it may not be nothing.”

Gui Wugui's heart moved.

He really had the idea of ​​going out as soon as he got the news.He didn't expect that the Zongmen had "something" to do with him.

He said: "The head of the sect, but please tell me."

The head of Nangong sighed: "Now your cultivation level is already number one in the Nascent Soul Realm of our sect. With such a cultivation level, you have no position. Isn't your name and reality upside down, and your moral status is inconsistent?"

After speaking, Zhenjun Nangong patted lightly on the pillar beside him.

The mountain stone wall, which seemed to be floating soil mixed with water mist, immediately cracked a gap.

Walking into a person head-on, the outline of his face is still unclear, and he already feels the sword's aura soaring into the sky, and the sharpness is indistinguishable.There is no need to look closely, Gui Wujiu already knows that this is his old acquaintance - the master of Wuling Hall, Yue Xuanying.

Yue Xuanying came close, took a deep look at Gui Wujiu, and said, "It's only been two hundred years since we've been apart, and it's really inconceivable that you have reached such a state."

However, although he said "unbelievable", his tone was still calm, even a little indifferent.

But this does not mean that the word "incredible" is a false reputation against one's will.

Gui Wugui said: "The Lord of the Five Tombs is well."

Yue Xuanying bowed to Nangong Zhenjun, turned around and said slowly: "A hundred years ago, Yue had the idea of ​​going to the Qing Dynasty, and even went to travel far away. It's just that there is no suitable successor in the sect. So It has been delayed until today. Since the suitable candidate has arrived today, Yue Xuanying hereby submits to Zhenjun to resign from the position of Lord of the Five Tombs."

Gui Wugui was taken aback, allowing himself to take over as the Lord of the Five Tombs?
The general framework of the Yueheng sect is based on the six halls; under the six halls, there are twenty-four pavilions.

But among the six halls, the Five Tombs Hall is the first.It has always been held by the person who is under the power of the true emperor and has the most outstanding combat power.

In the situation where the short-handed and powerful dragon sees the head but does not see the tail, the master of the Wuling Palace is the number one person in the sect that everyone remembers.

The head of Nangong took a closer look at Gui Wujiu, but he showed a rare smile, and said slowly: "Thinking about it carefully, it is really you who are in charge of the Wuling Palace."

"First, the Hall of the Five Tombs is the head of the six halls, and the owner of the Hall of the Five Tombs is the first person below the true emperor. If you bear it, it is worthy of the name and reality."

"Secondly, the Hall of Five Tombs is a pure and noble office, and it doesn't care about ordinary things. All the daily rewards and punishments in the sect have nothing to do with you. As long as there is a deputy resident, even if you have been the main hall master for decades , If you haven't been in the Yueheng Sect for hundreds of years, it won't have the slightest influence."

"The third and the most important point. Don't forget the division of Wuling Hall - the research and examination of the "Psychic Manifestation True Shape Diagram" to practice the wonderful purpose, the success and failure of the method. It's up to you, Huitong San Wouldn’t it be a match made in heaven for someone who has thousands of methods and laid the foundation of the sect’s perfection?”

Hearing no blame, he was speechless.That being said, there is some truth to it.

Yue Xuanying turned around and said: "Decades ago, Mu Yunli was about to become the vice-master of the Chongluan Hall. That was because I thought that you might have to wait until the meeting of five hundred years before you could return to the sect. So I persuaded her Don't accept the position of the master of the Chongluan Hall, choose someone else, and become the master of the Wuling Hall. But she refused firmly. When asked why, she just laughed and didn't answer."

"It seems that she has already predicted that before the five hundredth meeting, you must return to the sect once."

"From today onwards, before the next Five Hundred Years Meeting, the position of the Lord of the Five Tombs will be yours."

Gui Wugui followed good practices, then nodded and said: "So, that's okay."

Yue Xuanying took out a jade seal the size of a fist from her sleeve, showing the head of Nangong.

Unexpectedly, the head of Nangong took a look, but put it in his sleeve.

Blame nothing for it.

The head of Nangong laughed out loud, and said: "How can the position of the master of the first hall be given and accepted privately? Naturally, the whole clan must hold a big Dharma meeting; all cultivators gather together, and the three rituals are prepared."

I saw the head of Nangong stand up, and said with a lot of meaning: "The name of this sect is blameless, and it is more than just a thunderbolt among the young disciples. Everyone knows that this sect has produced an ancient and unparalleled He is a talented person, in terms of talent and foundation, he can keep pace with Chenyang Jianshan Xuanyuanhuai; he achieved three thousand methods in one fell swoop, which laid the foundation for my Yueheng sect to complete the Tao."

"But this 'Senior Brother Gui Wujiu' is a godly dragon who never sees its end. It is a huge sect, except for a few true disciples of your generation, no one knows it anymore. It seems that it is not appropriate. "

Gui Wujiu's heart moved, his identity as a disciple of the Yueheng Sect was really a bit erratic.

Thinking back to yesterday, I still felt a little "rootless"; but in the blink of an eye, today, not only is the path for me to lay a foundation very smooth, but the Yueheng sect has also taken action.

Time moves and the situation changes, with the flick of a finger.

From the standpoint of the head of Nangong, his intentions are completely understood.

(End of this chapter)

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