Chapter 895
After Gui Wugui changed, the nine Shangzhen between the deep walls seemed relieved.

There is one reason for this.

The so-called Jianxin Luntai and Jianxin Three Questions, those who enter the Tao with this method can go out of infinite changes; and finally belong to one of the eight veins of swordsmanship. Although the number is eight in name, even if it is the same vein of swordsmanship, according to the different endowments of the cultivators. , with different experiences, will also form a completely different way of swordsmanship.

For example, among the nine people in front of me, Chi Nanyun and Wen Mingxuan are both Shangzhen, they all belong to the lineage of "Juejian"; but their respective supernatural powers and meanings are completely different.

The number of its goals is ultimately infinite.

In fact, the so-called "Three Questions" method is a means of sorting out the principles of swordsmanship with the help of the Tao of Evolution as a medium.

It is Chenyang Jianshan's unique swordsmanship purpose to use the method of only reality and reason as the sharp edge, and to seek the true meaning of the sword that is only consciousness and only heart.

Xuanyuan Huai not only carries the Dao of Tianyan, but also embraces the truth of swordsmanship, and also cultivates two kinds of true skills, which is where he came from!

There are details to be said for this heavy road number.

Under the three questions, it is true that the deduction of sword intent is endless; but although it is endless, it cannot be said that it contains all the principles of swordsmanship in the world, without any leakage.There are still many ways of swordsmanship, which are obtained directly by the true nature of the Miaoxin, which cannot be found by using the three-question method.The so-called rational method cannot be deduced from the unreasonable swordsmanship.

No matter Gui Wugui's Kongyun Nianjian, Huang Xiyin's Xinxin God Statue, or Yugucheng's "Second Sword", they all belong to this category.Even the rest of the swordsmanship that is not in the "true style" may not necessarily be able to be deduced.At least, the disciples of Chenyang Sword Mountain have not yet figured out a sword technique that is similar to "One Sword Breaks Ten Thousand Laws" or the wooden sword fairy Jiang Chenglu.

But in turn, it is another reason.

The three questions cannot be deduced exhaustively; but any kind of swordsmanship in the world, no matter whether it is true or not, if it is taken back and tested in the sword heart wheel, it can definitely be classified as one of the eight veins, without exception.So this cannot reach that, but that can be attributed to this.

Therefore, Dang Gui stepped on the cloth without blame, covered the yin and yang, and was always under the "first question" without attribution. The shock in the heart of the nine people can be imagined.

If so...

This means that this cannot reach that, and that may not necessarily belong to this.

The three questions of Luntai cannot deduce all the swordsmanship in the world; nor can all the swordsmanship in the world be attributed to the eight meridians.

Both are incomplete.

Seeing the relief of the nine people sitting down, the young man above the golden lotus, Zhu Yongchen, a powerful Daoist, closed his eyes slightly.

He can naturally see that it is not the swordsmanship that can be attributed to one of the eight meridians.If he wanted to, this stalemate could last for a long time; but he gave up on his own initiative.

In another palace.

"Of course he can do it; if he can't, it's a miracle."

Xuanyuan Huai moved the piece on the chessboard that was close to his side, and said calmly.

It is a bit reluctant to say that it is a palace here; because it is only supported by four beams and pillars, and it is hollow on all sides.Just a dome over his head.This architectural format should be said to be a gazebo.But with a scale of fifty feet in length and thirty feet in width, there is no such huge pavilion in the world.

At this time Xuanyuan Huai had the appearance of a country boy with thick eyebrows and big eyes.

The person playing chess with him, looking at the age of thirty, looks very ordinary in appearance, appearance, and clothing, which are absolutely indescribable; only the hair accessories are a bit unconventional, and the black hair is not too tall, like a mundane The state presented by not taking care of her hair for a month after cutting her hair.

But if he wears an ordinary hair accessory, it seems that this person will never be found in the world.

The chess played by the two is also very strange, not black and white.

On the nine vertical and nine horizontal chessboard, dozens of chess pieces are intertwined.It's just that these chess pieces are all portrayed as lifelike three-dimensional portraits, with graceful movements and postures, and obviously their effects and moves are completely different.

This is Chenyang Jianshan's unique "Swordsman's Chess"; it seems to have similarities with "Xiangxi" and other types of chess.

It stands to reason that for this type of chess, due to the smaller board, the total number of changes is far less than that of Yiqi.But the truth is otherwise.

In "Swordsman Chess", the initial nine types of chess pieces can be upgraded once the opponent's chess pieces are captured, changing the rules of play.Depending on the size and quantity of the eaters, a total of nine upgrades can be made.And if you pay a certain price, the dead child can be resurrected, and the enemy can be captured by the eaten child. After calculating the corresponding discount, it will help me.

Therefore, the battle situation is often a wave of unrest and another wave. After a game of chess, the total number of chess pieces that are gained and lost, and lost and regained may reach more than hundreds.In addition to the upgrade changes, the total number of changes is more than that of Yiqi.

The middle-aged man with short hair said: "Even so, it is an important step to implement a long-standing guess."

In fact, "Forward deduction cannot be exhausted, reverse deduction must be attributable" is the old saying of Chenyang Jianshan, which was already formed in the pre-ancient era before it settled in the Ziwei Great World.This statement is not uncontroversial, it is only the examples of swordsmanship supernatural powers encountered, and there are no accidents, which makes this statement deeply rooted in the hearts of the people without doubt.

If you have cultivated to the realm of Taoism and deduced it carefully, there are many people who are skeptical about this statement.

Xuanyuan Huai came out at the right time, not just his own creation.It is also a great opportunity for Ji Cangsheng, the contemporary sword master of Chenyang Sword Mountain, to watch Xuanyuan Huai come to the world and become Taoist.

After watching Xuanyuan Huai's Eight Swords, Ji Cangsheng firmly believed in his heart that the old theory of inheritance was wrong.

Chenyang Jianshan Jianxinluntai asked three times, it is impossible to exhaust all swordsmanship in the forward direction, and it is impossible to attribute all swordsmanship to the eight meridians.

Saying this way seems to belittle the "character" of Chenyang Jianshan's supernatural power; but a person who seeks the Tao is what he is, and there is no need to do deception.

Just one regret--

Haven't seen any real evidence yet.

Until today, it has been fulfilled.

After the short-haired middle-aged man moved a "third-class swordsman", he sighed: "Perhaps, he is really your strong enemy."

Xuanyuan Huai said with a smile: "It would be strange if he couldn't do this step."

The scene after Xuanyuan Huai came to the world and entered the Taoism, and entered the Jianxin Luntai, is unimaginable for ordinary people without witnessing it personally.

He is two.

It became two Xuanyuan Huai.

It is the image of an ethereal and clear "line man" shown by his personal experience of the local civilization this time; the image of a simple and honest boy in black and white robes just like before his eyes.

Therefore, every question in Jianxin's Three Questions is that the ethereal and clear Xuanyuan Huai walks back to the sun; the simple and honest boy Xuanyuan Huai walks back to the yin.

The three questions each account for yin and yang, and only then can the feat of the eight meridian practitioners be achieved.

Xuanyuan Huai fought Gui Wujiu once, and found out that although this person's martial arts steps are slightly slower than his own, but in terms of Taoism, he is indeed able to stand up to himself.If he is biased towards one of the eight meridians, he will definitely not be able to do this step.

Therefore, in Xuanyuan Huai's view, he has both the eight meridians, and Gui Wugui naturally jumps out of the eight meridians.

This is "reason".

The middle-aged man with short hair shook his head and said, "That's not the case."

Xuanyuan Huai whispered: "Oh?"

The middle-aged man with short hair said again: "I have already expected to find the first proof of not being in the eight veins. But if that's the case, he can only say that he is equal to you in terms of realm and has the qualifications to fight you. But when it comes to winning or losing, because of your unique strengths, he is still not your opponent."

Xuanyuan Huai pondered: "Where is the difference?"

The short-haired middle-aged man said slowly: "The sword step shines on the shape, and the autumn is evenly divided. I expected this. If he wants to, it is fine to play in the sword heart wheel for three to five years. If he is not willing to continue , changing at any time, will naturally be repelled by Jianxin Luntai. This is the situation I imagined."

"It's just that he gave up the essence of swordsmanship and played at will, but he still maintained a balanced situation, and he really reached an 'answer'..."

Xuanyuan Huai frowned.

The short-haired middle-aged man looked slightly complicated, and said: "After three questions, the person who is dealing with the Sword Heart Wheel, when the mind is in a state of sincerity and purity, and shows its potential to the outside. It stands to reason that it does not exist." Play as you please. If you have this thought, you should be immediately repelled by Jianxin Luntai."

"Your mind is naturally in a perfect state, you don't need to deliberately maintain it, even if you want to be flawless, you can't do it. So naturally you can't feel this difference."

Xuanyuan Huai blinked his eyes, and pondered: "Hmm... Heaven and man merge, stand on the ground, stand tall and close to people, can they be in perfect harmony with each other? Then I really can't do it. The unique strengths of characters who have grown up gradually."

Xuanyuan Huai obviously didn't care about this, and said again: "Don't have advantages, there is nothing wrong with it."

The middle-aged man with short hair nodded secretly.

Although Xuanyuan Huai is so far across the sky, he can't get involved in some ways in person, but his understanding is the same.

Within the Jianxin wheel platform.

Gui Wugui went through the Three Swords Trials, but he was still unsatisfied.

Sort out this resume.

It is said that it is a great honor for the people of the past to bestow the "Viewing Fa Tu" through Chenyang Sword Mountain.As soon as he escaped into the sword heart wheel platform, the experience just now is what he got.

Being able to combine the gains from his own kendo with the eight-meridian sword theory of Chenyang Jianshan, under the "torture" of the three swords, it is finally attributed to one of the eight-meridian kendo.At this time, the understanding of swordsmanship will definitely experience a great increase.The harvest is as great as the experience of experiencing the true transmission of my own martial arts—for example, the reference to the psychic manifestation of no blame.

But for Gui Wujiu, although this induction method is powerful, it may not be much stronger than the "Nianjian Evolution Diagram" transformed by Quanzhu.Such a harvest is not enough.

Thoughts moved slightly, Gui Wugui suddenly came up with an idea.

But he saw that he was pointing in parallel, the sword was shining brightly, and a sword energy pierced out, and he took the initiative to strike at the black and white sword!
Not only that, the smile on Gui Wugui's face at this time seemed a little too free and lively, not like his own temperament.The dialectic of the two phases is a bit frivolous; it can only be tasted after careful identification. If this face appears on a young girl, it will appear harmonious.

Gui Wujiu still used his own Taoism of reciting the sword, but imitated Huang Xiyin's expression.

Moving back and forth with hundreds of swords, walking lightly, yin and yang are really different...

(End of this chapter)

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