Nothing is to blame

Chapter 902 The hidden meaning of the special challenge

Chapter 902 The hidden meaning of the special challenge
In a blink of an eye, Shu Yubai almost thought that the situation of the Nine Sects had changed suddenly, and that Chenyang Jianshan and Yueheng Sect had already formed an alliance, and suddenly felt a dilemma in his heart.But after thinking about it, he looked at the appearance of the two people in front of him, and categorically rejected this judgment.

The appearance of the two people in front of them is independent of each other, although they are close, they may not be close.It seems that there may be cooperation, but alliances may not.

And the reason for forming a cooperative relationship must be because Gui Wujiu's meritorious deeds are very high, and he is the only one in the world.

Shu Yubai is also considered to be intelligent and quick-witted, and he guessed the truth to a close degree in an instant.

But in this way, there is another problem in front of him.

The purpose of his trip to Chenyang Sword Mountain was to see the truth of no blame, and to have a good fight.Even if you lose, you still need to see if the gap is as big as calculated by "Tian Shu".

But right now, there is no need to fight, in fact, the answer can already be obtained seventy-eight out of ten.

In the eyes of the Tibetan Xiangzong, and even the vast majority of the Nine Sects, Xuanyuan Huai deserved to be number one in the last Liuli Heaven Contest before Xinqi.Although Gui Wujiu has found a different path and has amazing potential, it is still a bit behind Xuanyuanhuai.


It took a long time to disassemble the sword technique just now and try to trace the source of supernatural powers.At this time, Shu Yubai counted with his fingers, Nan Ke Yimeng, three months flowed through his fingers.

In such a long period of time, with oneself as the medium, the [-]th battle.It can be seen that Xuanyuan Huai and Gui Wujiu must be relative to each other, and there is absolutely no saying that one has higher merit and the other is lower.

Even though Xuanyuan has a secret trump card, the actual combat power may be superior; but in terms of the scale of Taoism, there is no doubt that the two are indistinguishable from each other.

That being the case, is this competition still necessary?
In fact, Shu Yubai also knew in his heart that the safest strategy is to induce but not to speak out. When he has free time in the future, he can seek Xuanyuanhuai's advice once and then he will know the truth.

But Shu Yubai has an inexplicable thought surging in his chest at this moment, he always feels that he should fight with Gui Wugui.

So, he took a deep breath, stepped forward and said, "It's nothing to blame. In this Chenyang guest place, you and I have a fight, how about it?"

Gui Wugui narrowed his eyes slightly.

Although it was the first time they met, the nine sects of Taoist styles are already very familiar to him in his heart.No matter which sect or faction, you can know the root of it at a glance.

This person was born in Tibetan Elephant, with perfect cultivation, he was obviously the one who competed with him for the sacred object of the Tibetan Elephant Sect.

Shu Yubai said again: "Your morality is higher than mine for the time being. Shu knows this well. But fighting against someone will not humiliate Your Excellency."

Gui Wujiu observed Shuyu's white qi machine carefully, was slightly surprised in his heart, and said lightly: "Yes."

As for Xuanyuan Huai, he knew Shu Yubai's intention early on, and when the two were talking, he ignored the others and went straight to a void mirror at the back of the hall.

The eight people also dispersed after hearing the words.

It is obvious that an open space in the mountain was vacated as a battlefield for Gui and Shu.

Pu Fangyu frowned slightly, and exchanged a glance with Wen Mingxuan Shangzhen, they both turned around and whispered to Chen Zuo.

As people who have been in charge of sect affairs for a long time, the two of them have some concerns in their hearts.

At this moment, Chenyang Jiuzhen has already admired Gui Wugui's Taoism with admiration.If you don't mention Xuanyuan Huai's unique ultimate hole card, the realm of returning to no blame, you are no longer under Xuanyuan Huai.With such a cultivation base, against Shangshu Yubai, he will never show a situation where he is too superior to win, and he can't hold back—this is Zhuzhen's estimate of the original strength of blameless.

Easy victory is inevitable.

But now the relationship between Chenyang Sword Mountain and Zangxiang Sect is slow, if it is at the gate of Chenyang Mountain, it would be unsightly for Shu Yu to be wounded here.Even if it doesn't hurt, it's not beautiful to waste a piece of body protection.

Tianzun Zhu Yongchen heard the report of Erzhen, but his expression remained unchanged, and he said indifferently: "It's okay. It's up to you to blame yourself."

On the top of the mountain, Gui Wujiu and Shu Yubai occupied the position originally surrounded by the eight people, one south and one north.

There are no redundant steps, nothing to blame!

The three big characters "Return to No Blame" flashed across the body, and then turned into little golden lights and dispersed!
Kong Yun reads the sword.

No reservations.

Zhu Yongchen Shangzhen raised his brows slightly, obviously he didn't expect that Gui Wujiu would use his strongest killing move as soon as he came up.

As long as there is a gap between the two sides, this style is inevitable.

Either he was seriously injured, or he offset a secret treasure of protection.

Could it be that what I expected was wrong?
After a moment, his complexion eased, and he said in a deep voice: "So that's how it is."

at the same time.

Shu Yubai felt his whole body suffocate and tense!
The seven methods of Zangxiang, which have been cultivated to the purest and infinite, are not working well, and it is difficult to resist.

Shu Yubai's face turned pale and became very ugly.

Although the two parties did not agree on a specific method of fighting, in his opinion, each other had a tacit understanding that they would always use their own fighting methods to attack and defend, and connect dozens or hundreds of moves.He can also take the opportunity to measure the depth of the opponent's Taoism.

But Gui Wugui seems to be very unskilled, the first move is the strongest killer move that is said to be cultivated with the way of "Heaven and man establish roots in the ground".

what for?

Is it out of hostility towards oneself?Or is it for the false name of winning with one sword?
In any case, take this trick.

But Rao Shu Yubai's mana had been boosted to the limit, but he was shocked to find that——

Can't stop!
To be precise, as long as his own realm is stronger; or Gui Wujiu is weaker, he can catch this move. Although his vitality will inevitably be damaged, he must be able to catch it; A supernatural power of swordsmanship similar to cursing and killing, but it seems to have drawn an insurmountable chasm!

Shu Yubai's mood faded.

But inadvertently looking down, Shu Yubai was very surprised.

Because the twelve jewelry chain hanging on the wrist of his left hand is still the same color as before, without any change.

Sure enough, as soon as the sword energy fell, Shu Yu remained unscathed.

Not only is it unscathed; it even has a feeling of being relaxed and seeing the clouds and moonlight; it seems that many burdens and fetters on this body have been cut off at once!
Gui Wugui nodded slightly, obviously very satisfied with this sword.

Although Kongyun Nianjian claims to cut everything, but in the past, there was not much to do with abstract objects that were invisible, inaudible, formless and formless.

The exception is Gui Wugui's own body - Yu Gui Wugui used ingenuity to use the abnormality of the "world" in the eyes of the real body to create a self-slashing sword that can break the law of one sword.But for others, there is nothing that can be done.

However, they passed through Chenyang Jianshan and his party.

Gui Wugui's Kongyun Nian sword, from the general "Xu" sword, is finally finely divided, and has a glimpse of the entire origin.It starts from killing the sword, and finally flows through the eight veins, eclectic, and the degree of precision is no longer comparable to the past.Therefore, the Void Slashing ability of this sword leaped up to a big level immediately.

All the negative states in the body and mind of others, once observed, can be cut off with this sword.

Shu Yubai stood still for a long while, then suddenly said: "Everyone got his place?"

Gui Wugui smiled lightly.

Shu Yubai's knot in his heart has indeed been untied.

Shu Yubai has a heart knot.

The root cause lies in the choice of Zang Xiangzong.

Although the strategy of Zangxiang Sect has been decided now, there always seems to be an undercurrent surging in the truth, both openly and secretly.It seems to be arguing whether the choice between Gui Wujiu and Shu Yubai was correct.As Gui Wugui has not been obliterated in the local civilization, but has rapidly risen to become a decisive force, this contradiction has intensified.

Shu Yubai couldn't accept that the person who got the opportunity would end up being blameless, the person who lost the opportunity and was almost on the verge of desperation.

Among them, the change is the so-called "solid heart", which has nothing to do with the high or low xinxing.

As long as the situation of Tibetan Xiangzong is like this, as long as Shu Yubai is a disciple of Tibetan Xiangzong, this cannot be avoided.

Just like Gui Wujiu was tricked by Du Minglun back then, it is impossible to laugh at Yan Yan and treat him like nothing.

But in the end, Yugui's detached state of mind stemmed from his knowing more.

Gui Wugui knew from the Peacock Sage Patriarch that the only way to achieve success is to face the "Jade Cauldron Misstep" head-on; the so-called method of supplementing aptitude is just the former's last resort choice.Knowing this, the state of mind of no blame will suddenly become clear, and there will be no more regrets.

Now, this message has been conveyed clearly in Shu Yubai's heart.

After more than ten breaths, Gui Wujiu made another strike.

This sword, scattered into rhymes, has many changes and changes, it is not a sword of empty memory with no beginning and no end, condensed and true oneness.

Shu Yubai lifted his spirits, thinking that Gui Wujiu was finally going to fight him head-on.

Concentrated, ready to take the move.

But his prediction was still wrong. This sword, like a mirror in water and moon in water, seems to be just to show some kind of weather and change, and it has no ability to hurt the enemy in the slightest.

On closer inspection, this sword seems to have a lot to do with the magical powers of the Tibetan Elephant Sect, and the path of evolution in it all coincides with the path of the Tibetan Elephant Sect to deduce the Tao...

How is this a means of attacking the enemy, it is clearly a big gift at the door?

The negative state in the mind is eliminated;

Blameless, the inspiring magic sword;
The insight gained just now as the hub of Gui Wujiu, Xuanyuan Huai, and the eight sword formations;

Shu Yubai suddenly felt that he had gained a lot this time, and his mind immediately "lived".Ever since entering the state of consummation, the stagnant aura suddenly rejuvenated. Given time, especially if he can undertake the important task of completing the Dao of Zang Xiangzong, it seems that there is no blame. Xuanyuan Huai's current state is not unattainable... …

Gui Wujiu said indifferently: "This is what I obtained after discussing with Junior Sister Du about the evolution of the noble sect's Taoism. I performed it once in front of Junior Sister Du; in front of Your Excellency, there is no need to hide anything."

Shu Yubai's heart suddenly brightened, and he said very vigilantly: "You mean... I am not qualified to be your opponent now, so I must first strengthen the enemy and help the enemy, and when I grow to the strongest state, I will fight against you." I beat it in one fell swoop?"

Gui Wugui shook his head and said, "Gui doesn't have that kind of interest."

Shu Yubai asked in surprise, "What does that mean?"

Gui Wugui smiled and said, "You guess."

Then he turned around, saluted Zhu Yongchen Tianzun from a distance, and said: "This time I am a guest at Chenyang, how much I get will be clear in the future. After a long delay, I will definitely say goodbye. I will return the reward to someone. Yue Hengzong is."

As soon as the voice fell, he immediately turned around and fled.

Only Pu Fangyu and other nine Shangzhen and Shu Yubai were left, each with surprised expressions.

(End of this chapter)

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