Chapter 908
The place of tranquility that Jiuhezong found for Gui Wujiu is unique.It is the deepest part of the valley fissure.

However, there is not a single bit of darkness here, on the contrary, the sky is bright and bright, and the sky is bright, and there is an aura of warblers and grass growing as far as the eye can see.It was actually a beautiful place created by manpower.As for the imitation of the image of the sun and the moon in the sky, it is not known whether it is innocent or not.

Gui Wugui swam around with his mind, chasing clues that were vaguely there.

If it is someone else, no matter how high the aptitude and morality are, it is easy to accept the explanation of the "three disorders" in the old saying of the sages.

Because of the local Taoism, the demon clan and even the magic way, after the Nascent Soul and before the shortcut, there are several small realms that slowly improve, so it is very easy for people to have a fixed thinking, that is, this quick achievement method, It is unique to the nine sects of Taoism.

But it's not the case.

In addition to Taoism, Yaozu, Demon Dao, and Nine Sects, he also dabbled in martial arts and Yin-Yang Dao.

Among them, the martial arts method, the so-called six realms of the stars and the moon, is the same as the local Taoism and other mainstream ones, and also has several small realms.

But Yin Yang Tao is different.

After his Nascent Soul attained great achievement, he stepped into the shortcut, which was a one-step achievement.

The Yin-Yang Dao has its own secret heart seal, which makes Qin Menglin feel the same; and Gui Wujiu and Qin Menglin have the fate of the Void Core, and they also have the experience of breaking through the realm.Although this feeling is not as deep as the experience of martial arts, it is still very profound.

From the perspective of Gui Wugui, the method of Yin-Yang Dao breaking the realm is perfect and integrated, without leaks from top to bottom, and it can be called an extremely high-level Taoism.Therefore, if it is said that the nine sects of Taoism seem to be completed but not yet completed, it is absolutely unacceptable that there is no blame.

As for the theory that God's will is flawed, it is also full of flaws when viewed from the perspective of the Taoist principle of returning no blame.

The number of days is too difficult to make one person specialize in beauty.I'm afraid it would be more appropriate to apply it to someone who has really reached the pinnacle.

For example, in the process of forming alchemy in the Nine Schools, if the practice reaches a state where the alchemy is perfect and the alchemy seeds are completely eliminated, the driving force will be weakened to the extreme, and there will be a risk of ruining and sinking into emptiness.Only when the natural talent and chance are really against the sky, and an incredible remedy is used to make up for it, can there be no trace of the mysterious species.

Today's so-called "lack of God's will" has nothing to do with people who are truly extremely talented, but it constitutes an obstacle to people who are slightly inferior, which seems to be unreasonable.

During the retreat without blame, it seems that a past experience is actually a vague clue; but after careful consideration, I can't remember it at all.

My mind was wandering, half a year had passed before I knew it...

at the same time.

In the cave where the demo mold was hidden, not only did Lu Bingwen not leave, but there were two more people beside him.

These two people are also higher than Xingjun, but compared with Lu Bingwen, they seem to be obviously inferior. It is about the addition of the two to be comparable.

One of them was an old man with a sallow complexion and a round nose.

The other is middle-aged, wearing a scarf, half-baring his right arm, with four bright yellow spots on his forehead and cheeks.

After being silent for a long time, the old man with a sallow complexion said: "One of the nine waters of the Youhuan Sect, manifesting the Qi mechanism is certainly very effective. But there is a difference between this statue and a real person. It can be done here. It may not be wrong to touch a living person."

The real man with his half-bared right arm couldn't stop nodding his head to express his agreement.

The biggest difference lies in the spirituality and mind.

The chaotic qi movement trajectory of this human imitation image is driven by array force.As long as the mechanism on the wall is activated, the air machine will run without hindrance.However, if the person who breaks through is disturbed by external forces during the process of breaking through, it may not be possible to guarantee that there will be no accidents.

Lu Bingwen sighed, and said: "You haven't seen him use his methods with your own eyes. As soon as his name and appearance are revealed, the emptiness moves. Although Lu's performance has not reached a very deep level, he can faintly feel that this kind of interference Strength is between existence and non-existence, and it is not comparable to ordinary magical arts. The success rate is at least [-]%."

The middle-aged man stopped talking, and reached out to take something from Lu Bingwen's hand.

The older one shook his head and sighed, and also took another object from Lu Bingwen's hand.

The two items have the same inscription and identification, which seems to be a kind of invitation letter.

Lu Bingwen thought about it for a long time, and made two letters of agreement, which were sent to Erhe and Sanhe sects.

It is said that Gui Wujiu's visit to Jiuhezong, and that he has completed the career of Taoism, Gui Wujiu seems to have made a decisive breakthrough.

Hundreds of thousands of years of dismal management seem to be accomplished overnight.

We also invite the most outstanding figures of the next generation of Erhe and Sanhe sects to come together and watch their meritorious deeds.

If the way is acceptable, Lu Bingwen put forward a proposal.

Let's take the three most respected disciples of the three contemporary sects as an example.

After Dang Gui Wu Jiu became Dao, if he could really help Feng Zhixi and the other three sects to pass on to Dao, then it would be better for the three sects to join forces and make Gui Wu Jiu the suzerain together.


A garden rich in herbs.

It is a bit of a stretch to say it is a garden.Because there are only two shallow walls in the east and west directions, but in the north and south directions, there are two small soil slopes spreading out, blending with a vast mountain.

There was a person squatting half-squatting, full of interest.

There are many monks in white robes.But this person's white robe is extremely pure, it is three points brighter than goat's milk.

The face is thin and fair, the eyes are clear and energetic, and the eyelashes are especially long, which is different from others.

As for the person he was interested in watching, it was a civet cat.

To be precise, two.

Because there is a larger one, indifferent, bent over and perched several feet away, its eyes seem to be open and sometimes closed.

What this person watched carefully was a palm-sized pure white civet cat, at most no more than a month old, which seemed to be the flesh and blood of that big cat.

At this time, the kitten seemed extremely sleepy, its eyes squinted into a line, and its body was crooked; but it didn't fall down, it just stood on all fours, as if dozing off.

Seeing the place of interest, the man stretched out his hand suddenly, and the civet cat naturally appeared in his palm without being disturbed at all.

At this moment, a phantom flashed in front of him.

There is one more person.

Wearing a yellow robe, standing in a circle.The original messy atmosphere was immediately suppressed, and the importance was reversed, and it was the main one.

The head of Youhuan Sect, Xue Jianchi.

Xue Jianchi stood still for a long while, and said: "The way of cultivation, don't be negligent. Whether you can catch up in just over two hundred years is still a matter of course. Don't let your mind wander, and let yourself be distracted."

This person didn't seem to care, shook his head and said: "Gui Wujiu's eighth-grade spiritual root, which has been grown for five hundred years, seems to be more than capable. Although I am not a person with good roots, compared with Gui Wujiu, I am still much stronger There are still more than two hundred years, and the Nascent Soul is consummated, so what is the difficulty?"

Speaking of blameless, a look of light flashed in his eyes, vaguely nostalgic.

This person's name is Shen Xiangqin, which sounds like a woman's name.

After the Hongyun Xiaohui back then, Gui Wujiu and Du Niansha went to the Nine Weeks Half Mountain. Among the disciples watching under the pavilion at that time, there was this Shen Xiangqin.

This person's aptitude is actually not trivial, but when he entered the Tao, he had the disadvantage of being dusty as a pearl, which can be regarded as a strange and special physique.Therefore, hiding in the Youhuan Sect, it doesn't look like it is in the pouch.The startled glimpse of Gui Wujiu that day seemed to have opened up Shen Xiangqin's gateway, and since then she has shined brilliantly and soared into the sky.

The six true monarchs of Youhuan Sect are very capable, and they are all delighted.

Only a few decades later, Shen Xiangqin replaced Xiao Tianshi and Zhang Hongbian, and became the unshakable first heir of the Youhuan Sect.It's just that it hasn't been announced yet.

It's not that You Huanzong wanted to lay an ambush.In fact, Shen Xiangqin's practice speed is very slow.If it fails to make it to the next five-hundred-year meeting, it will become a joke.

It is reasonable to say that it has been nearly four hundred years since Gui Wujiu's Hongyun Xiaohui, and if a top talent is to grow, it is enough anyway.

But Shen Xiangqin's so-called "flying into the sky" is reflected in the profound and profound comprehension of Taoism——

"Xuanyuan Root Great Precept Sutra" has reached the "extreme change" state above the nine changes in one fell swoop, which is the greatest confidence to establish the first succession of the Shenxiangqin Youhuan sect.

As for the speed of practice, it is still the same as it was when the aptitude was dusty.

Xue Jianchi said: "If you advance bravely and diligently first, so that you can make a leap in Taoism. Wouldn't it be good to leave room for it after you have gained full confidence?"

Shen Xiangqin stood up suddenly, and said: "Actually, whether or not I can catch up is determined by the sky. I can get it by deducing mysteries, and it doesn't depend on whether I work hard or not."

Xue Jianchi murmured, "What do you mean?"

Shen Xiangqin said calmly: "It is said that as the Yueheng and Misty sects entered the world deeper and deeper, Chenyang Jianshan, the original Lu sect, and the Zangxiang sect have deduced vague messages—heroes who seem to come out at the right time. , are all in the same list. Dare I ask the head of the sect, Zhenjun, if there is such a thing?"

Xue Jianchi glanced at Shen Xiangqin, and said calmly: "It is true."

Shen Xiangqin said with a smile: "Why don't you go and find out some definite news? On this so-called list, there is a picture of my name, Shen Xiangqin."

Xue Jian said slowly: "According to rumors, there are dozens of people on this list; since you have reached the state of extreme change, you must be on the list. It's just the ranking."

Shen Xiangqin said: "If it's on the list, it means that it's coming out of the world, and it must be able to catch up with the [-]-year meeting; if it can't catch up, no matter how talented it is, it may not be able to be on the list."

Xue Jianchi was surprised when he heard this.

This statement is quite new.

At this moment, a loud voice suddenly came from the air: "This statement is reasonable. But why bother to inquire about the news? I am ranked [-]nd below. I think this fellow Taoist is not far from a certain one. The ranking is high, so it can be seen. "

Xue Jianchi and Shen Xiangqin were all astonished.

Xue Jianchi immediately remembered something.

This place of Shen Xiangqin's practice is uniquely mysterious, which is enough to block the investigation of other sects' advanced methods.

But with such an arrangement, if you don't want to completely turn it into a "jedi" with no spiritual energy, you have to take the initiative to leave a back door.

The "back door" left here is precisely to use it as a channel to connect the sect with the local world.


After three breaths, there was a strange change of cloud waves in the air, and suddenly the door was unblocked, and a person stepped out, looked at Shen Xiangqin very curiously, and said: "At Xiayuanfang, fellow Taoist, you are being polite."

(End of this chapter)

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