Chapter 910
Since Chenyang Jianshan and Yuan Luzong expressed their views, the matter was quickly settled.

If these two families or the Misty Sect have any objections, it may be necessary to ask the great masters of the Dao Realm in the sect; since the three sects have the same attitude, the rest of the sects and the true kings of the meeting are all people who can truly call the shots in the sect.

Nine sects of true monarchs, after all, are of extraordinary intelligence.

At the beginning, it was also because the matter was too big, so I didn't think it through very thoroughly; when the matter was a little slower, you immediately analyzed the subtleties in it.

Because when it comes to the background of the sects, the landlord in front of him actually has a method, which is easy for everyone to guess.

The Youhuan sect has one water and two images, alluding to things.Although it is said that it "moves at any time", but in extraordinary seasons, is it possible to activate a certain foundation in the door and temporarily shift its location?

Just now, Xue Jianchi confidently said that the means of overcoming calamity and averting calamity may not be inferior to the original Lu Zong's, and naturally it was not aimless.

This guess is very likely to be true.

If this is the case, when the time comes to face the enemy, the other eight sects will use their sects as the foundation to meet the enemy and cannot escape; while the Youhuan Sect can live at ease.It is expected that the possibility that the enemy will go to the extreme west to chase and kill You Huanzong regardless of the overall situation is really very slim.

If this is the case, "not necessarily losing to the original Lu Zong" is too modest; You Huan Zong, I am afraid that he is the most secure sect in the Nine Sects.

That being the case, it would be good for him to stand on the sidelines alone; or to spread the news to all the sects, which would be regarded as the most benevolent and righteous.And why mobilize the crowd?Wouldn't it be beautiful if it touched one's nose?

Two other details are worth noting.

First, the Youhuan Sect received the news from the local demon clan before March, not immediately; second, although the Youhuan Sect Duanmulin was known to be arrogant and unruly, Xue Jianchi was a master after all. He is also far more powerful than him, so it is absolutely unnecessary to come up and sneer at him.

After such deliberation, the subtle details are self-explanatory.

Du Minglun saw it a little earlier, Fu Xiaoshan and Luqiu Yan observed it later.However, after comprehending this level of subtlety, naturally there will be no objections.

In fact, if it is not for the interests of the sect, it is only in terms of your personal interests, in fact, they would like to have a few great masters of the Dao Realm take over.

Because even with the great seal of the sect as proof, using short-hand cultivation as a way to control their respective background means is still using the small to control the big, which will inevitably damage the vitality.

Xue Jianchi was slightly surprised.

Indeed, he had already gotten angry with Chenyang Jianshan and Yuan Lu Zong.

It's just that the Celestial Venerables didn't want to leave people with a reason to force the sects' secret methods, so after a secret discussion, it was agreed that the Youhuan Sect would take the lead.

Originally, Xue Jianchi had prepared a set of rhetoric and methods, but it was obvious that you were all alert people, and they had penetrated the mystery in the dark.That being the case, it couldn't be better.

Just about to strike while the iron is hot, a contract was signed.

On the surface of the water, a vortex suddenly formed for no reason.

Its momentum is fast and urgent, from the size of a finger to a radius of hundreds of feet, it is only a matter of breath.

Xue Jianchi said in surprise, "Another guest has arrived."

The rest of the great masters looked at each other.

The so-called "guests" are naturally fellow travelers.I don't know which family is the guest of Youhuan?It's just that the eight people are observing each other's appearance, but they all seem to be unaware of it.

Xue Jianchi waved his hand.

The water image turned from concave to convex, and a gushing spring rose from the vortex, and a figure emerged from it.

This person is not tall, with a square face.Dressed in a green robe, his face in his thirties and forties seemed to be slightly hunchbacked.

Duanmulin was surprised and said, "Senior Brother Xin."

This person is Xin Ya'an, one of the original Lu Zong's nine true monarchs.Among the original Lu Zong's nine true monarchs, his age ranks second, and his meritorious deeds are also in the forefront.

Xin Ya'an first met Xue Jianchi and the other seven true monarchs, and then went straight to Duanmu Lin, and the two seemed to communicate with each other.

Duanmu Lin's expression changed.

After pondering for a while, Duanmulin suddenly smiled and said: "Since all the Taoist friends of the sect are here, why not invite them to have a look together and broaden their horizons. There is nothing wrong with that."

Xin Ya'an hesitated for a moment, then finally nodded and said, "That's fine."

From Xue Jianchi onwards, all the true monarchs were amazed, and they didn't want to see a wave of unrest, and another wave of resurgence.

I don't know what new programs are there in the original Lu Zong's office?
Xue Jianchi made a decisive decision and said, "Since that's the case, all of you come with me."


After half an hour.

Inside the Nine Sects, there is a teleportation array connecting them, so it is convenient to come and go.

It's just that being a guest this time is not within the original Lu Sect, but has experienced another turning point.

Just like the Yueheng Sect has the "Ruyi Gate" teleportation array, which connects the inside and the outside.The original Lu Zong naturally had similar methods, and they were connected under the rule of this Zong and outside the barrier.

But with the size of the teleportation array, it would take a lot of planning to teleport many shortcuts at once.

Duanmulin, Xue Jianchi, Du Minglun, Ning Zhongliu and other nine people stood in the cloud.

The place where they stand at this moment is the "original Lu Zongwai" in the true sense.

The land in front of me is Pingsha Momo.

It's not a desolate place with no vitality. Looking from a distance, you can see lakes of all sizes from time to time; there are oases in the sand every ten miles or eight miles.

But all the True Monarchs are all paying attention to two things by coincidence.

One of them is a "reptile" about the same length and thickness as a little finger, hanging on the ground and hundreds of miles high in the sky ten feet away.

The whole body of this insect is pure black, like a centipede but without legs, like a dragon snake but too young.Just hanging in the sky like this, it can be seen that it can swim up, down, left, and right within a one-foot range, and also change its direction.There doesn't seem to be any mana fluctuations.

The strange thing is that this thing is obviously real, but it gives people an illusion that it doesn't exist for no reason.

Du Minglun frowned slightly.

Of all the true monarchs present, he and Ningzhong Liu Daoxing are the highest.

Although most of the rest of the people had thoughts of emptiness and disillusionment in their hearts, they were not very sure; but Du Minglun was very confident in the induction in his heart.But when he flipped his hand over, the palm immediately turned into a strange milky white color, and countless fine airflows rolled around, making chi-chi sounds.

Then as soon as I stretch out my hand, I want to catch that "chong".

You guys really see clearly.Du Minglun clearly used his superior blocking power.But under this catch, it seems to pass through without touching the "reptile" at all.

not only that.

Ordinary means similar to righteousness, whether it is a mirror image or a mirage.Of course you can't catch him; but with the supernatural power everywhere, the phantom will naturally dissipate temporarily, as if melting into the water waves and air currents.But it was not the case at this time. Although Du Minglun's hand was empty, but when his palm seemed to be close to the "reptile", the "black worm" seemed to become more and more shiny and smooth, like ink congealed, making the People suspect that there is a provocative taste.

In addition, the strange thing is more than ten miles away.

Southwest orientation.

There seems to be a huge water curtain in the sky. Through the back of the curtain, the mountains, rivers, plants and trees can be seen faintly, and their shapes are distorted, like a folded mirror.

At this time, the water curtain was moving towards the southwest at a speed of three feet per breath.

Compared with the mysterious "reptile", everyone can recognize the root of this thing-this is clearly the enchantment circle that the original Lu Zong demarcated the lower realm!
But under normal circumstances, this thing should not be visible, and it will never appear in the form of a curtain.

For example, the barren sea outside Yue Hengzong's rule.

Under the rule of Xingyuemen and the Chamber of Commerce, this place is very densely populated, and there are a lot of cultivators, and there is some climate.

But if there is any Nascent Soul cultivator with excellent mana background, he has a sudden whim and wants to find the Far West Realm.Then he crossed the sea and landed, no matter how he walked, he would never see the edge of this "curtain" barrier, let alone break into the four continents and six seas.

Although according to the location, the four continents and six seas should be the west neighbor of the barren sea.

In the end, this person either returned to Rongzhou in the north, or belonged to the islands under the jurisdiction of Xingyuemen.

If you want to enter the Four Continents and Six Seas, you have to go through the Ruyi Gate teleportation array.

There is obviously something abnormal in the scene in front of him; the area under the jurisdiction of the original Lu Zong enchantment is also constantly shrinking.

Yuan Luzong naturally didn't care about the shrinking of the enchantment.Because this enchantment is much larger than the four continents and six seas of Yue Hengzong, at this slow speed of three feet, even if it is given tens of thousands of years, it will not be exhausted.

What matters is the cause and effect.

After carefully feeling it for a long time, Zhuzhen has some vague understanding.

It seems that it is precisely because of the existence of this "reptile" in the air that subtle changes have taken place in the weight of the space; eventually, the original Lu Zong's enchantment manifests its true form, and the enchantment retreats.

If this is a human method other than the Nine Sects, it is really respectable and terrifying.

When the true kings were hesitating, they suddenly changed again.The mountains, rivers, sand, stones, and the aura of vegetation in front of me glowed with vitality in an instant, and then only remained in shape, detached from my own feelings.It seems that this vast desert has suddenly become the background in the painting, invisible, intangible, and completely irrelevant to me.

Zhu Zhen took a closer look, only to realize that there were four more people in front of him.

They are several feet apart and arranged in a line.

The one on the far left has a youthful face, elegant white clothes, and red lips, but there are two wrinkles on the cheeks, which are three points more old-fashioned.

The one on his right is a middle-aged man with short hair.But regardless of appearance, appearance, and expression, they are all empty and distant, and it is difficult to describe them in words.

The third middle-aged man was dressed in a green robe, but it was not a pure color—dark blue and light blue were vertically spaced into lines, and there was a kind of grass and tree vitality emerging for no reason.With a square scarf on her head, two short beards, and soft eyes.There are two gourds hanging on the waist and back.

The one on the waist is a green-skinned gourd, the size of a palm; the one on the back is a yellow-skinned gourd, which is twice as big.

The one on the far right is a woman, dressed in a bright red robe, very tall, with a golden crown on her head and eyebrows like water smoke.

The three people on her left, although they look different on the surface, but in the big picture, they all have a cutting-edge sharpness; but with her here, they have formed a balance that bridges everything.

Zhu Yongchen.

Ji Cangsheng.

Jiang Chenglu.

Evening sunshine in the east.

All the above are sincerely awe-inspiring, and they all come forward to salute.

Pu Fangyu, Duanmulin and Shi Fengnan also stepped forward to send messages.

Jiang Chenglu smiled slightly, and said: "Since it's agreed, it's very good. Everyone, please retreat for now. If you are interested, you can come to my original Luzong as a guest. Jiang will talk to you about the beginning and end of the cooking."

All of you really know that this is not a small matter, so you follow Duanmu Lin to escape one by one.

Dongfang Wanqing took a careful look at the "reptile" and said, "Native Immortal Sect, Ying Yuan Daoist's method."

(End of this chapter)

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