Nothing is to blame

Chapter 912 Convergence of Thoughts 2 and 1

Chapter 912
It has been a long time since I have been closed for no blame.

In the secluded place of Jiuhezong, time flies, and my thoughts are like a waterfall, passing through my own experience after embarking on the road, chasing down its subtleties.

Regarding the traction of the omens of the mind, blameless in many directions, it is like a wild horse that has run free.

At this time, his mind was single-minded, and as far as he could think, he had reached a very deep state.

This is not only because of his unique foundation of Taoism.It is also because of the relationship between magic and martial arts that even though he is a Nascent Soul cultivator, his comprehension in the great way is no less than that of the real short-cut realm.

Among them are several points that have been repeatedly dialectically blamed.

One of them is the evolution of ancient and modern times.

It is a clue to glimpse the ancient times through the evolution diagram of the Kongyun Nianjian, especially the similarities and differences between the past and the present in the small world of Yin-Yang Cave and Heaven, and weather changes.

The second of them is the turn of the era.

Whether it is the rise and fall of the local immortal way at any time, or the shamanism and the yin and yang way, which retreat to advance and remain forever in a half-hidden way, the reason is that there is no blame, whether it is similar to the nine schools of Taoism, which can be used for reference .

The catastrophe of the fixed product among the monster clan is also within the scope of consideration.

The third of them is the similarities and differences of various Taoism formulas.In particular, in the Yin-Yang Dao, once one enters the short-cut path, there is no retreat, whether it is another manifestation of the lack of heaven and earth...

But after chasing far and gaining insight, he still has no accurate clue.

On this day, Gui Wujiu's heart suddenly moved.

A thought suddenly dawned on him, and he immediately smiled.

Shaking his head secretly.

I am too self-deprecating.

Gui Wugui figured out one thing -

With his superb daoism, if he really had the reason to complete the nine sects of daoism and solve the "three disorders" in his own experience, how could he have been deliberating for a long time without getting a clue?I'm afraid that after a little thought, I can find the right direction.

The reason why I have been thinking for a long time is that the "true cause" has not been discovered.I am just seeing, experiencing, and implicitly bypassing it, which constitutes a relatively secondary connection, and cannot give direct proof.

Only by gathering many hidden thoughts in one place and pushing one or the other can the outline of the truth be traced.

Following this line of thought, Gui Wujiu sorted out the movements of his mind in recent years, but there are actually three that are the most eye-catching.

One of them is the "intentional movement" of returning to the barren sea and laying a foundation.

Secondly, it is the echo of the woman in white "becoming number one in the world of Ziwei".

Finally, after entering Jiuhezong, after a final survey, I found that finding the way was easier than imagined; it was just the separation of Taoism, utility and Taoism, which made it a little tricky to blame.This is the last wave.

Gathering all the thoughts in one place and pondering carefully, the heart was shocked for no reason.

He seemed to understand something.

One's own goals can actually be divided into far and near ends.

The long-term goal is to completely achieve the Dao of oneself through the method of "the root of heaven and man standing on the ground" and the process of "sword of emptiness".Broadening the path for the nine sects of Taoism can really be called an extension of this ambition.This purpose can be described as the foundation of the "Dao", not just paving the way for the realm of "Dao Realm".

And the closer goal is to lay a foundation, and people, land, and law will converge into one. For one's own road to Taoism, the general trend of the big world will be gathered; This is the "utility" in the previous mind.

The two seem to be separated, but in fact they are not divided.

Only when the goal of the first stage is completed, people, land, law, and completeness, and finally achieve the Taoist realm, and even become "the number one in the Ziwei Great World", can the next step be truly "closed".

It must be so.

It stands to reason that if you think of this step, you can leave the level without blame.

You might as well take the attitude of taking one step at a time, start with "strength" and set up a family with peace of mind; it will not be too late to make deduction after the Taoist realm.

But when the state of mind is suddenly enlightened and the mood is changing rapidly, if you don't blame it, you will simply make a little deliberation.

The only way to complete the steps is to become the "No.

The number one in the world here is not just a literal meaning, it is probably a metaphor for mastering absolute power.

Follow this line of thought and let your imagination run wild.

Especially the word "order" in "Three Disorders" has attracted Gui Wugui's attention.

After a long time, Zhenzhen taught Gui Wugui to give birth to an "idea".

This is just an "idea", or "imagination".It is impossible to prove its authenticity with the current state of Taoism and practice.But Gui Wugui seemed to have a voice in his heart telling him that this "hypothesis" was the truth.

The nine sects of Taoism cannot be shaken even by the changes of the era. It can be seen that they are truly at the peak and difficult to surpass.It seems that it has reached the point where it is not attached to the land or the world.Between the steps, it actually deviates from the principle of life and evolution between realms.

It should be noted that the inheritance of other schools, whether it is the monster clan or the demonic way of Yin and Yang, although they can survive through the ages, they are all achieved through certain conditions and compromises. Because of his superb skills, he was able to openly break the calamity of the era.

and so……

Three Disorders——

It is not so much the resurgence of Taoism as it is too brilliant, it is better to say that it is the rejection reaction of the Taoism system and the guest world.In terms of imagery, it looks like a foreign object enters the throat, no matter who it is, it will inevitably sneeze three times.

The road conceived by Qu Minqi of Jiuhezong can be said to be the right way.

The crux of the matter now is that, apart from the heaven-defying means such as the secret method of knowing before and the avenue of Tianyan, the timing and direction of the three disorders seem to be impossible to calculate through normal means.

This is also unreasonable.

The nine sects of Taoism, compatible with any realm, can never be integrated into the principles of its ups and downs.Two people who seem to have no blood relationship can never be called a real family.

But it can't be intimate, but it doesn't necessarily mean that it can't be closely related.

For example, even if there is no blood relationship between two people, they may not be unable to become friends. They know each other and build a relatively close and harmonious relationship.

From the point of view of no blame, if Taizhi Qi is really closely integrated with Ziwei Great World, even if it cannot be completely harmonious, it may not be impossible to deduce it.

It is very likely that the separation between the two resulted in a lack of materials.

Positioning in the right order, clarifying the origin, knowing the beginning of cause and effect, is the most fundamental merit for deduction.

In time and space, the order of matter flows, which is extremely complicated.

The movement of vitality in Ziwei Great World is nothing like this.

After one qi and one realm are united, these qi mechanisms will naturally expand and contract at any time, stretch and change.

Such "big transformations" are intimate and intimate, and must be able to provide sufficient support for deducing the timing and direction of the disorder of one breath.

The current situation is that the "Xuanhun Liulitian" has been firmly fixed and cultivated by absorbing the power of the earth, waiting to cut off the connection with the Ziwei Great World.At every moment, the order of the Qi movement is invisible.Therefore, searching by the method of deduction is naturally laborious and futile.

Because the ordinary deduction method is based on the order of the world.

Therefore, when Jiuhezong calculates to the last third "disorder", due to the lack of natural materials, mistakes will inevitably occur.

Only the avenue of realism, rationality, and natural evolution, which also transcends one realm and is known as the "true flow", can calculate the root and fruit.

The solution is also obvious.

In fact, there is no need to do anything, wait until the Taizhi Qi grows strong, and then break the mysterious glazed sky, let it naturally disperse into the Ziwei Great World, and run around.At that time, all kinds of deduction methods must be able to calculate the exact timing and direction of the "Three Disorders".

However, such a method is obviously not what is needed for impunity.

There is another way.

That is to regard the entire Xuanhun Liulitian as a whole.First take a trace of Taizhi Qi, wander in the sky, and observe its walking trajectory.Then make the Xuanhun Liulitian follow the example, freely rotate in the Ziwei Great World, and rise and fall at any time.

As time goes by, there must be a close connection between it and the entire Ziwei Great World, and the mathematics and science are unified.

To do so requires relatively harsh conditions.

The five-hundred-year meeting and the inconvenience of the meeting are trivial matters, nothing more than connecting the world.What Daoist Daoist Yingyuan of the Holy Teaching can do may not be impossible for those with great power later on.

It seems that it is also a difficult point to make this mysterious glazed sky wander and absorb the power of heaven and earth; but Gui Wujiu can feel that this is not insurmountable.

The most important thing is that the flow of qi has no order.You may run into the area under the jurisdiction of which power.

Therefore, those who perform this method must have sufficient authority.

Dominate a world, follow the law as you speak, and do it.

The so-called number one in the world is here.

With a smooth thought, Gui Wugui felt very comfortable.

It is also very rare in his cultivation career not to accumulate meritorious deeds, but to deduce a thought for a long time.

Break open the door, see the real sky, but find that there are already three people waiting for the exit.

One of them was Lu Bingwen.

There are two people standing beside Lu Bing's tattoo, one of them has a green face and a long face, wearing a half coir raincoat.The coir raincoat only reaches the chest and abdomen, but underneath is a long oilcloth robe.Another person, wearing a half mask, covered half of the face above the tip of the nose.

The Taoism of these two people is also stronger than that of Xingjun, but far inferior to that of Lu Bingwen.

With a glance, Gui Wugui saw that the two were not Jiuhezong monks.Thinking about it, I have already guessed the origin of the two.

After seeing Gui Wugui and leaving the level, the three of them won together.

The person wearing the half-face mask seemed to be in a hurry, and said, "Listen to fellow Daoist Lu. It seems that you have succeeded? But since you have succeeded, why do you need to retreat for so long?"

Gui Wugui said indifferently: "I already had a cheap method before; I retreated and meditated in order to get a long-term solution."

All three were shocked.

Seeing Gui Wugui's expression, the three of them seemed to have guessed something, but couldn't believe it.

The voice of the man wearing a half coir raincoat trembled slightly: "A long-term solution..."

Gui Wujiu smiled slightly, and said: "As expected, it's not bad, it's a success."

(End of this chapter)

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