Chapter 914
Outside the original Luzong territory.

The "reptile" that existed for more than a year suddenly grew in size on this day, and it was about ten feet thick, but the length seemed somewhat unfathomable.

After about a few breaths, four faintly bright spots of light suddenly appeared from the passage.

With a turn of energy, it turned into four figures.

Long Yun.



Wu Ming.

It was the four descended demon ancestors who came here.

The moment Long Yun's figure settled down, infinite black flames suddenly gushed out from all directions, far and near, inside and outside, in the originally warm and warm sky, in the seemingly undisturbed desert, and in the green oasis, and rushed towards him. one roll.

This is not a pure flame. In the sparks, you can see countless identical pictures——

A seed grows into a seedling, then thrives, and then the vegetation withers, and finally turns into a firewood without wind.

In every flame, there is such a picture; the fire stretches like a thousand ponds reflecting the moon.

If one gets a little bit of this fire, no matter how high the skill is, the short-cut existence will be wiped out in an instant.

But Long Yun just smiled and said: "It's a small trick."

With a backhand push, the black flames were extremely effective, and immediately scattered more than a hundred feet away.

But Long Yun was stunned and let out a soft "Huh".

At this moment, Feng Qing, Lin Lei, and Wu Ming also stood still at the same time.

Seeing Long Yun's push, the three of them were also slightly taken aback.

In fact, Long Yun was not surprised by the brilliance of the flames; on the contrary.He didn't use much mana for this push, and he didn't think the flames could hurt him—

To put it bluntly, in fact, I just thought it was an eyesore, so I just fiddled with it.

But the flame seemed surprisingly weak, and immediately retreated to a hundred feet away.

At the moment when it was called strange, a ray of blue brilliance shrouded, and then condensed into a beam, showing the figure of a person, standing still far away from Li Xu, and said with a smile: "The guests of the four monster clans are here. Jiang is polite."

Wu Ming blinked slightly.The four of them could naturally see clearly that what appeared in front of them was not a real person, but a phantom.

But this is after the upper and lower bounds, perceived through a special dimension.At this moment, he thought to himself, before he ascended, he might not be able to realize that there was a phantom in front of him.

But Long Yun's eyes lit up, and he said unhurriedly: "This way of repaying the other's body with the other's way is very good, but it is very difficult to dissolve."

Feng Qing continued: "However, even if there are hundreds of people and thousands of people of that class, it will not help. Although your sect's methods are clever, they are superfluous."

It turned out that the supernatural power of flames outside this space channel was precisely Jiang Chenglu's extraordinary handwriting.

It is not difficult to distinguish the four heavenly deities on one side of the nine sects.

Daoist Daoist Ying Yuan set up this empty sword passageway, and Daoist powers can pass through without any hindrance, and the level of Tianxuan Shangzhen and Demon Kings with more outstanding merits can also take the opportunity to pass through.

And the flame supernatural power left by Jiang Chenglu is hard to damage the great power of the Dao realm; but it is difficult to borrow the existence below the Dao realm.

Not only that, this divine way principle is similar to Yingyuan Taoist's space channel method.

This space channel uses the method of self-destruction and rebirth to avoid the invasion of external forces, making it difficult to be broken by external forces within fourteen months.

Jiang Chenglu's tactic is also "defense from weakness, and survive from self-defense." When encountering great powers in the Dao realm, you will avoid them when you see them, but it is extremely difficult to completely eradicate them.However, when the existence under the Dao Realm came, it reflected on him instantly.No matter how fast the escaping speed is, or using the method of space teleportation, the disaster cannot be avoided.

This is the reason why Long Yun said that he should use the other's way and return it to the other body.

Jiang Chenglu said with a smile: "Whether it's one action many times, only when the battle is over, will it be clear. The four of you are here, do you have anything to say?"

Linley snorted softly, and said, "Every race, every way, each guards its boundaries. Every region in the Zhou Dynasty has its own master. You are originally guests. If you want to avoid fighting, please come from which realm and return to which realm. That's fine. If not, then the only thing we can do is use our swords."

Jiang Chenglu shook his head and said: "[-] years ago, all ethnic groups had no objections. If there is any objection today, it is already too late. You have been lingering for a long time, just because you are sure that my nine sects have no means for the predecessors to come to the world, so you are very confident .In the final analysis, it is still a matter of whose fists are harder and whose weapons are more powerful."

Feng Qing said indifferently: "Survival of the fittest, the strong will be respected. It is the law of nature."

Wu Ming suddenly smiled, and said: "Fellow Daoist's cultivation, Wu is very admirable. Thinking about the skill of Fellow Daoist, it has already reached the point where he can ascend to the upper realm anytime and anywhere? I offer a Good strategy. If you try to break through the realm and ascend, you can temporarily stay in the world for a short time after finishing the method, and you may be able to repel us."

Linley's face was displeased, how could he make a move for his opponent when he was about to fight?

"If there is any means, just use it."

After saying this sentence, Jiang Chenglu's figure suddenly turned into a cloud of fresh air.

The original Luzong, ascended to Yuntai.

At this moment, not only the nine masters from the original Lu Sect gathered, but each of the other eight Sects also had a close-knit expert from each Sect come to watch the battle.

There is an unprecedented number of seventeen people in a group of true monarchs.

Among the eight people who came to watch the battle, except for Xue Jianchi, the head of the Youhuan Sect, Huang Xiuzhang was here instead, the other seven people were all the same as the last gathering of the Youhuan Sect.

But at this moment, it is rare for these true monarchs to be able to intervene, so they can only wait and see the four celestial beings use their methods.

A few months ago, after Ji Cangsheng, the sword master of Chenyang Sword Mountain, explained the mystery, all factions and all truths understood the reason why the enemy soldiers pointed directly at the original Luzong.

It turns out that in the vast territory secretly connected by the Nine Sects, even if Daoist Ying Yuan is very powerful, unless he first descends on the Nine Sects in person, it will be difficult to accurately control where the Yin-Yang Cave will fall.Just follow the trend, follow the fate.

However, Chenyang Jianshan and Yuan Luzong have both completed their Taoism, and their luck is better than the rest of the sects.Therefore, the entrance of this passage will randomly fall into one of the two cases.

In fact, there are many true monarchs in various sects who are powerful, and they may not have a thought in their hearts——

If it is Chenyang Jianshan who meets the enemy, it may be a better ending.

At the center of Shengyun Terrace, Ji Cangsheng, Zhu Yongchen, Jiang Chenglu, Dongfang Wanqing, each according to the direction, sit on a lotus platform.

Between the four of them, there were twenty or thirty foreign objects floating in the air.

There are beads, towers, furnaces, swords, scrolls, seals, and even seemingly uncarved stones, square bricks, strange objects, and so on.

But if you carefully identify it, it is not difficult to detect that each of them is a true treasure of Hunyuan.

Back then, the Youhuan Sect suggested that the way to meet the enemy with mutual assistance and maximize benefits was not just a matter of lip service.At this time, such a huge amount of real treasures is obviously not owned by the original Lu Zong family, but a gathering of nine sects, picking the most typical ones with the supernatural powers of the four qi, five elements, yin and yang, and collecting them in advance.

These true treasures of mixed essence are actually the foundation of carrying the Dharma.

As for the other secret treasures that are more valuable, they are all carried by the eight true kings who are visiting here.

At this moment, it was clearly visible on the jade disc in front of the Shengyun Terrace that Linley made a move.

The four of them had already jumped to a very high place in the sky, but they saw Lin Lei stretch out his hand and wash himself with water from the bronze tripod.At the same time, he had already caught something in his hand, which seemed to be a half-pointed arrow, and he threw it in the direction of the original Lu Zong's sect with his backhand!
The half of the arrow traveled through more than [-] miles in an instant, and then disappeared.

But Zhuzhen on Shengyuntai felt a palpitation in his heart at the same time.

The entire original Luzong——

It's not just the [-] "Qingyun Islands" in the original Lu Zongtian, as well as the characters, birds and beasts, pavilions, pavilions, and palace buildings.At this moment, within the entire original land sect domain, including the lower realm under its control, which is equivalent to within the enchantment several times larger than the entire four continents and six seas, within the complete world, it seems that there will be catastrophe.

Not only cultivators feel bad omens, even if there are psychics in the lower world, among chickens, dogs and animals, they are running around and barking at this time.

It's just that the true king is so powerful, and his thoughts and feelings are clear and accurate:
It seems that this world, with the original Lu Zongmen as the core, is not real mountains and rivers, but a paper illusion.When someone rubs it casually, it will completely collapse, collapse, wither, shrink, and finally collapse into a small spot, and return to silence in a trace of flame.

The Shangzhengs hastily raised their heads and looked at the four people in the high seat.

Zhentanzong Fu Xiaoshan was silent in his heart.

When you reach the level of the short-cut path, you have already held your mind and it is extremely difficult to be changed.But at this moment, he vaguely felt that the proposal of the nine sects to defend against the enemy together might be a correct choice.

Even though the True Monarchs are powerful, with their respective sect seals, they can also use that extraordinary means.But the magic power is mature, after all, it is a little short.Under the indescribably great pressure in front of him, if there is a slight difference in the priority of the attack, the consequences will be disastrous.It is still more reassuring to use it from the realm of Tianzun.

Jiang Chenglu's eyes seemed to be open but not closed, he pondered for a while, and said: "Three exercises of yang and fire, the bone strength is fixed and balanced. This heavy dao rhyme should be received by the Taoist friend Dongfang."

Although Ji Cang's longevity and Taoism rank first among the four.But this place is the original Lu Zong Mountain Gate, Jiang Chenglu is the landlord, and if he should make a decision, it is naturally up to him to make the decision.

Dongfang Wanqing nodded slightly, and did not give in, she just said "OK."

Immediately, he grabbed it with his backhand, and grabbed a lamp from among the twenty or thirty floating Hunyuan treasures in front of him.

Turn into stars and throw them thousands of miles away.

Observing the magic tricks and controlling the movement are all done lightly the moment the lamp touches the palm of your hand.

Luqiu Yan of the Four Royal Gates raised his eyebrows.

Unexpectedly, the first one used the foundation hidden by the four imperial gates.

This lamp was left by the second patriarch of the Four Imperial Gates.Although it is a lineage of Yanghuo Zhenqi, it is not a killing technique that burns everything and spreads endlessly, but it is a self-refining technique to achieve a balance of bone refinement.It can be called a very unique defense background.

Everyone clearly felt that the demon ancestor was not expelled despite the means, but the nature changed.

When the supernatural power swept over his heart, it was like being washed by cold water from a mountain spring, and the dust was wiped away, but it made him feel comfortable physically and mentally.


(End of this chapter)

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