Chapter 920
Having successfully completed the task of laying the foundation for the future, Gui Wujiu planned to return to his native world.

Calculating the time, it seems that the plan of the Yaozu to covet the Nine Sects is already in the process of being implemented.

But although this matter is big, it seems to have nothing to do with him.

Even if the foundation of "Wuyu Reincarnation" is counted, Gui Wugui is only close to the combat power of Dao Realm.And in this battle, if you want to end the battle in person, you can't intervene in the near-dao realm, and only the four heavenly lords can enter the game in person.

As for the power of the true monarch, relying on the seal of the sect to use his background, it is naturally not Gui Wugui's turn to do it.

At present, for Gui Wujiu, after the second clear and turbid Xuanxiang, the most urgent thing is to make up for the accumulated merits.The preparations for the Taoist yin and yang have been completed, and it is time to put on the agenda to escape into the Changying star and complete the biggest shortcoming since entering the Tao.

Once this matter is done, Gui Wugui is truly unrestrained, can advance and retreat freely, and will no longer be bound by "involuntary oneself".

But when he came to the exit of Sansheng Yinyang Cave, Gui Wujiu suddenly had a thought in his heart.

It seems that the Nine Sects in the Southeast are about to face the world's ups and downs, and they have their own strengths.

Thinking of this, he immediately turned his escape light, drove Qingdou Beast back to Ruyi Gate, and then returned to Yueheng.

He didn't try to hide from his tracks, and with the seal of the Hall Master of Wuling Hall on his body, he received a call from the two True Monarchs shortly after returning to the sect.

In the Nine Turns Spiritual Light Hall.

In the palace where I met Ning Zhenjun back then, the head of Nangong and Liang Zhenjun sat on the left and right.

It's no fault to greet him.

Nangong Zhenjun said: "I don't know how to visit the three sects, what's the result?"

Gui Wugui calmly said: "It's already done."

Zhenjun Nangong and Zhenjun Liang were shocked when they heard the words.

Liang Zhenjun looked at Gui Wujiu carefully, and said, "In terms of actual results, what step can we achieve?"

Gui Wugui thought for a while, and gave a fairly definite answer: "In every sect, those whose Taoism realm is slightly lower than the top level, at least two or three people, as many as six or seven people, can all make progress. It is conservatively estimated that every enlightened person consumes about one hundred and eightyth of Liulitian's old method of energy. In the future, if he is proficient in the method, it may be even less."

The head of Nangong sighed softly.

No matter how much he overestimated Gui Wujiu, he only thought that Gui Wujiu had found a reliable way or clue, and it had met his expectations.

In other words, if there is a sufficient "reason" to persuade the other eight cases to establish another family based on the contract, it will be considered a success.Never expected that Gui Wugui would give such an answer.

There are as few as two or three people in each case, and as many as six or seven people, which doesn't seem to be too many.

Even if we count six or seven people, it is only fifty or sixty people.

But don't forget, this is a generation of Nascent Soul Realm monks with suitable conditions.The upper and lower age limits are within a thousand years.

However, the lifespan of the real monarch realm has [-] years.

Accumulating over time, six or seven people from generation to generation, the final number will be an astonishing number. After tens of thousands of years, the realm of the Nine Sects of Short Ways will expand to ten times or even dozens of times.

Although the meritorious deeds are slightly inferior to those who directly break the boundary, they should not be underestimated.

The head of Nangong asked again: "Why did you return to the sect today?"

The last time the two met, it was no fault, although I didn't say it clearly.But the meaning behind the words is not difficult to understand, Gui Wujiu will not stay in the sect for too long.After leaving, I am afraid that I will return to my homeland again.If one is unlucky, there may not be a few chances to return to the sect before the [-]-year meeting.

But it didn't take long to come back.

Gui Wugui pondered for a while, and asked, "Has there been any major events in the Nine Schools recently?"

Nangong Zhenjun smiled slightly and said, "The thing you predicted has already happened."

Gui Wugui frowned, and said, "Where is it?"

Liang Zhenjun interjected, "The original Lu Zong."

"Four Daoist masters have already gathered in the original Luzong. In addition, each of the other eight sects has a true emperor to go to the original Luzong to observe the battle situation. I, Senior Brother Ning, went to the Yuehengzong."

Gui Wugui's heart moved slightly.

Unexpectedly, the battle came so quickly.

Since the sects have the confidence to face it, they can barely resist it.Now that the four Heavenly Venerates are here, they must be safe.

But Gui Wujiu thought about it carefully, and said: "What is the depth of this school's foundation, Gui Wujiu doesn't know the general idea. Can the head of Nangong teach the secret method of the sect so that the disciples can see the truth?"

Nangong Zhenjun was startled, and said: "This is not a coincidence."

"The Nine Sects approached the enemy, and the Youhuan Sect also got definite news beforehand. The Nine Sects met for a while, and finally decided to join forces to fight the enemy. The background of each sect is to help each other when they are facing the enemy, and to make up for it afterwards. Now all the details of our sect are carried by Zhenjun Ning, and gathered at the original Luzong."

"The four Heavenly Venerates practiced the secret technique in person, which is of great benefit to their performance. Therefore, the intention of uniting against the enemy is driven by these few."

Gui Wujiu was surprised and said: "Nowadays, in the sect, there is no means of defense?"

Liang Zhenjun said with a smile: "The most fundamental method of a sect is naturally not included."

Gui Wugui said: "What is the fundamental method?"

The head of Nangong said indifferently: "The methods of various sects are divided into three classes."

"One of the first class is the opportunity for the heavenly venerables to ascend. They have a sense of the upper and lower, engraved the things entrusted in advance, and enlightened them at the moment of ascension. Now they are sealed in the real treasure of Hunyuan. Although its effect is great, but After all, it is simple and pure, and only contains the principles of offense, defense, and transformation."

"There are always at least a few pieces of such details in each case."

"The higher level is the most superior Tianzun power with profound Taoism and opportunistic wisdom among the nine schools. He may have contributed to the completion of Taoism, or he has found a new way in Taoism. Although the principle of achieving the law is the same as the previous one, but The resulting technique is refined and transformed, and it really has incredible uses."

"These details range from one or two to as many as two or three for each sect. Apart from Chenyang Sword Mountain, there is absolutely no other family that may harbor more than three."

"As for the last class, each sect has truly established the foundation of the sect's indestructibility. They are all left by the first ancestors of each sect. Each sect can only get one piece, and there is no other."

Gui Wugui nodded slowly.

The head of Nangong said again: "This kind of method is impossible to use easily unless it is really a last resort."

Gui Wugui thought about it carefully, and said: "This is natural. I think this is the basis for the nine sects to check and balance each other, and the nine parties to be independent. If they lose, they will definitely feel guilty in the internal competition and games of the nine sects. Even Become a vassal of another family."

Liang Zhenjun said: "This is only one of the reasons. The other reason is that most of the nine sects have both advantages and disadvantages. Not to mention the long-term game in the future, even if it is only in the present, there will be no small damage and price."

"In the final details of the Nine Schools, only the Chenyang Jianshan School, the Zhentan School, and the Misty School are the three schools that can be used flexibly, with advantages and no disadvantages; the other six schools are the ones that have to pay a heavy price."

The head of Nangong said: "I only know five or six details of the sects. However, I know the ultimate method of the original Lu sect. Once that thing manifests, it will achieve a two-world seal method. His painting Figures and those who are enemies will be trapped in the Yang world forever, without seeing the sun; and the original Lu Zong's own sect will also be trapped in the Yin world."

Gui Wugui said: "Trapped in the underworld, what should I do?"

The head of Nangong said: "If there is no one to take care of it, you will naturally get out of trouble after more than [-] years. If there is a Daoist who manages the sect, it can be shortened to [-] years."

Gui Wugui immediately shook his head.

No need to think too much, the meeting of [-] years is imminent, and being trapped for [-] years is impossible to accept anyway.

Gui Wugui asked again: "I don't know the fundamental background of this sect, what is it?"

The head of Nangong and Liang Zhenjun looked at each other.

After a while, Zhenjun Nangong took out a jade slip from his sleeve and said, "Look for yourself."

No blame for watching.

The finale method of the Yueheng Sect is sealed in a rare treasure "Nine Pearls" that imitates the "Psychic Manifestation True Shape Diagram".

Among the fundamental methods of various sects, there are only two secret treasures that can be used many times.

The number of times it has been used has reached an astonishing nine times.

Moreover, its effectiveness is completely different from Yuehengzong's graceful, changeable, tortuous and light magic tricks, and it is extremely overbearing.

Once it is used, it will immediately seal a region as wide as four continents and six seas, and the opponents placed by the spirit and soul in it will have no escape and will be completely crushed.

Just now Liang Zhenjun said that only the Chenyang Jianshan, Zhentan and Piaomiao clans' methods of suppressing the sects are not hindered; the other six sects all have future troubles.

The effect of this treasure of Yue Heng Sect is so amazing, it is no exception.

The disadvantages of this thing are closely related to its magical effect.

Regardless of the use of supernatural powers and formulas, or the accumulation of secret treasures, it is all from point to surface, from small to large, from near to far.

But Yue Hengzong's method is not the case.Once this method is activated, it will form a huge enchantment with the person who holds this treasure as the core according to your plan.It becomes large in an instant, and then gradually shrinks to a point.

This shrinking process is the process of annihilation and smelting.

Within the boundary of this object, any aura that reaches the near-dao state or above cannot escape the fate of annihilation.

Because of its unique way of "from big to small", no opponent can escape in time.

Dharma doors such as space passages will also be completely blocked.

The disadvantages it brings are also clear——

Those who use this method cannot escape completely.

If the person who activates this technique is a powerful Taoist, he can still hide himself deep in the depths of the space rift, and after being trapped for hundreds of years, he may be able to escape.

If the person who uses this technique is the true emperor level, it will be activated with the great seal of the sect.That would be unreasonable.

Not only will the great seal of the Yueheng sect hurt the spirituality, but at least it will be preserved for thousands of years.He also lost the life of a person who was close to the Dao Realm.

So although this treasure can be used nine times, it seems that there is no chance to use it nine times.

Gui Wugui thought for a while, and said: "A person who practices the law really can't get it? Dao realm is powerful, and the mastery of time and space has reached an inconceivable level. Can't we cleverly set up traps to make it escape?"

The head of Nangong glanced at Gui Wujiu, and said: "If the eight great masters of the Dao Realm form a joint force, the strength of the space channel formed may be able to drag out the practitioner."

Gui Wugui calmly said: "Can the power of empathy and compatibility in the big world make people escape?"

(End of this chapter)

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