Chapter 928
Palace Master Xuanbing survived the catastrophe, and was pleasantly surprised.

Faced with the condition proposed by Gui Wujiu and Qin Menglin to be a servant for eighty-one days, it is naturally extremely difficult to refuse.

In her heart, huge waves had already been set off.I thought it was two early stage monks who had not been born for three thousand years, and they reappeared in the world of cultivation.

Going back to [-] years, except for the "Taiyan True Demon" who was exterminated three thousand years ago because of his own blood descendants, suddenly appeared, beheaded more than [-] Nascent Soul monks, and wiped out four cultivating sects. I have never heard of rumors of monks who have transformed into gods to walk in the world of monasticism.

After all, for cultivators at this level, it is extremely important to ascend to the upper realm and continue their own path of cultivation.

I found a valley without blame.

First come to the lower realm, and then turn to enter the Changying star, it is not a sudden and sudden thing.At least one has to stay in the lower realm for a period of time to completely assimilate one's own aura with this realm. After ascension, people will not notice the difference, or produce various abnormalities.

Under normal circumstances, this process would take at least two hundred years.

However, the Yin-Yang Daoist inherits the secret method of the two people, and they can complete this process by concentrating on practicing for a quarter of an hour every day, and accumulating to eighty-one times.

In the valley, the two cut firewood to build houses, erected fences, opened up vegetable fields, and dug wells.

More than [-] pieces of solid furniture were built in succession.

Then, seeds are purchased from the market, and poultry such as chickens and ducks are raised.

During the whole process, both of them didn't use magic power, they just practiced it personally.

The "maid" of Palace Master Xuanbing vaguely guessed the intention of the two of them. It seemed that the two masters sealed their cultivation and experienced ordinary life.The natural color is pleasant, and it does not use mana.

It's just that Gui Wujiu and Qin Menglin's Taoism is subtle and thorough.

Even if the magic power is completely blocked, the physical strength of this body is still far better than any martial arts master in the world.Even though he is very busy, he is still full of energy and quick in action.Heavy work such as felling wood to build a house and digging foundations can be done by one person for ten people without any fatigue.

However, Palace Master Xuanbing's practice of the lower realm cannot compare with the two.

She also didn't dare to use magic power, she practiced it purely with her body.But in this way, within an hour, he was dripping with sweat and his limbs were weak.

On this day, at dusk, the family business arrangement has been decided.

In the evening, the three of them ate two roast chickens, and went to bed separately.

Palace Master Xuanbing installed a simple bedroom in the west wing of the small courtyard.She was extremely exhausted, and she didn't dare to disperse her mana to restore her spirits without the permission of Gui Wugui and others.At this time, he was really like a mortal, and fell into a deep sleep as soon as he fell his head.

Gui Wujiu and Qin Menglin are lying on the couch, but they still have to wait for the child's time to come and complete the only exercise in a day.

After chatting in a low voice for a while, Gui Wujiu suddenly put his arms around him and dragged Qin Menglin into his arms.

The body is tight.

Qin Menglin's face was calm, but he couldn't see any changes, he just said: "What are you doing?"

Gui Wugui smiled and said: "Everyone in the world, we do what we do after dark."

Qin Menglin smiled lightly, and savored in a low voice: "Everyone..."

But she didn't resist.

The two soon became entangled.The movements are neat and free, vigorous and enthusiastic, which is different from the past.

I don't know how long it has passed, after they are both comfortable and comfortable, both of them can feel that the trip to the lower realm after just eighty-one days is another refinement and sublimation for the two of them.

After Gui Wujiu and Qin Menglin formed a Taoist couple, although they had a "confidant" fate, the number of times of yin and yang blending and the combination of double cultivation is not too many.

Perhaps it is because of a sense of ritual; this matter is always combined with the law of sentient beings, melting the heart, tempering the mind, strengthening the mind of the Tao, and humbly joining the Tao, etc.

As his own status and situation gradually improved during his cultivation, Gui Wujiu often had seven words in his mind:

The light boat has passed the tens of thousands of mountains.

But this kind of artistic conception is like watching a mountain and racing a horse.It seems to have arrived; in fact, there is still a distance.Or when you peel off a painting, it seems that the layers are peeled off, and the traces of the painting are dim;

Until recently, it was the end.

At this moment.

Not for the dual cultivation of sentient beings;
Nor is it for the disadvantages of overcoming dryness;
Nor is it for spiritual healing and recovery.

It's caused by love, and it's natural.

There is no intention of attaching anything.

If you want to do it, you do it.

Being so carefree and happy, living in seclusion in the mountains, is an unprecedented comfort since entering the Tao for hundreds of years.

On the contrary, Palace Master Xuanbing felt a little sad.

She thought to herself that she was very beautiful, and she secretly thought that it was no fault to make herself a maid for eighty-one days, so she might not have other thoughts in her heart.When tossing and turning alone, apart from fear, there was also a hint of anticipation hidden in my heart.

After all, only the cultivation of the gods can refine the legendary "Zhiyang True Water", which can prolong the lifespan of monks in the Nascent Soul Realm by five to seven hundred years.

But thinking of his power and status in the Arctic Palace, he felt very reluctant.

The balance of the two phases is actually very contradictory.

Later, seeing that Gui Wujiu and the two of them really treated themselves as maidservants, they had no extra intentions, Palace Master Xuanbing felt a little bit sad again.

In a blink of an eye, seventy-two days passed.

Gui Wugui chopped firewood in the courtyard.

Qin Menglin watered a few magnolias at the foot of the wall.

After Gui Wujiu split the last piece of tree root, he just held the ax like this, dazed.

After a long time, a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

Qin Menglin smiled and said, "Did you feel it?"

Gui Wugui nodded and said, "I feel it."

"Fortunately, it was an unexpected harvest, not a bad thing."

Every day, after the two of them activate the exercises, when practicing, there is always a hazy feeling of blameless.It seems that there is a thought that has been drawn, and there is something in this small world that has formed a connection with myself.

If I don't blame myself, I am naturally willing to give up everything, no worries, no scheming in this short period of [-] days, and enjoy this period of open-mindedness and joy with Qin Menglin.

But for people at the level of Gui and Qin, there is no reason to "fall through the cracks" in their life trajectories.

Between walking and walking, there are always steps, opportunities, willingness, and gains that are closely related to one's own destiny.

Therefore, the two of them knew it well.

It is absolutely impossible to do nothing in this trip to the lower realm, it is just a matter of big and small things.

Now that eighty-one days have passed, the feelings are gradually becoming clearer.

It's a good thing.

Gui Wujiu puffed up his spirit and said loudly: "You Lan, come in."

Ye Youlan is the name of the Xuanbing Palace Master.

Palace Master Xuanbing heard the call from outside the fence, and immediately rushed in in small steps, with a submissive look.

After standing still for a moment, he said, "What is Mr. Gui's order?"

"Mr. Gui" is an order that Gui Wugui agreed upon.

Gui Wujiu smiled slightly, and said: "A few tens of years ago, you and five people teamed up to fight against the God of the Six Paths. Gui could vaguely hear the call, and it seems that the five of you took the initiative to join forces to find trouble for the God of the Six Paths."

Ye Youlan frowned slightly, and admitted frankly, "Exactly."

Gui Wujiu said seriously: "I think that the God of the Six Paths is an arrogant and domineering person. It seems that the name of the Six Paths is a coincidence of his own six methods. Such a character should have emerged from many battles. The supernatural powers and means are all on the bright side, and it seems that they don't bother to hide their secrets."

"So... the five of you can be regarded as old Jianghu, no matter how you look at it, you shouldn't make such a mistake of mispredicting the enemy. What's the reason for this?"

Ye Youlan hesitated for a moment, but said truthfully: "Because the seal of Taixuan Mountain will be opened soon. Liu Dao knows many secrets about this treasure than we do. Therefore, the possibility of his success is much higher than that of the others. Let me wait. If you teach him how to control the 'Ming Cheng Yin', there will be no one in the world who can match him if someone like Senior comes out. So when the situation is urgent, we have to act hastily."

Gui Wujiu was thoughtful: "Taixuan Mountain, Ming Chengyin... Tell me in detail."

Ye Youlan explained the whole story in detail.

The Great Chu Empire was originally an extraordinary empire, and it had always been the strongest force in the Immortal Dao.

But more than [-] years ago, in the Great Chu Empire, the power was gradually controlled by the "true protector of the country".

The Daoist Protector of the Nation is a hereditary replacement, concurrently held by the Sovereign of the Quanyi Sect.

If the power is tilted from the royal family to the hands of a sect.

At that time, the Great Chu Emperor Ming Cheng was unwilling; but his own merits were slightly inferior to that of the real protector of the country and the Suzerain of Quanyi at that time.So Emperor Mingcheng secretly mobilized the power of a country, trying to refine it into a treasure and bring back the situation.

Regarding this matter, the Quanyi School at that time didn't pay attention at all.

Because the reason why the Quanyi Sect grew stronger was that it secretly obtained a "First Grade Treasure" and drew strength from it, which made the great achievements of the Quanyi Sect Masters of all dynasties.

As for the acquired treasures, no matter how many heavenly and earthly treasures you accumulate, at the moment when the finished product is finished, it will be at the second-rank level at most.It takes at least ten thousand years of cultivation to gradually climb to the first-rank realm.

So Suzerain Quanyi just watched with cold eyes. If Emperor Ming Cheng had a different intention, then this treasure would be a marriage for someone else.

After the treasure was refined, Emperor Ming Cheng really activated it.

When they fought, the Quanyi Sovereign took out the refined treasure "Mingcheng Seal", intending to use it to win.

But things didn't seem to be as expected by Quanyi Sect Master. Although Ming Chengyin was strong, it was still inferior to Quanyi Sect's hidden first-grade treasure.

Seeing that Emperor Ming Cheng was about to perish, the royal family of Great Chu would also change hands.

But at the moment of crisis, this Ming Chengyin suddenly burst out with incredible combat power, turning the world around in one breath--with a photo of the auspicious light, he killed more than ten Nascent Soul cultivators including Sect Master Quanyi.

Emperor Cheng of the Ming Dynasty was overjoyed and wanted to enshrine this seal as the treasure of the town.

But something weird happened.

Although this treasure seal was refined by Emperor Ming Cheng, its power seems to be uncontrollable, more like a willful child with self-sufficient spiritual wisdom.From time to time, it burst out with amazing power, damaging countless characters.

At the beginning, Emperor Cheng of Ming Dynasty could bear it; but when the seal destroyed half of the main hall of the Great Chu Palace and killed half of the masters, he could only make a painful decision.

Taking advantage of the rare "quiet period" of this seal, seal it in Taixuan Mountain.

 Special thanks to the leader of book friend 622 for the reward.

  I was in a very irritable mood yesterday, but suddenly I saw a piece of good news.


(End of this chapter)

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